-Heat will not turn off (but fan can be changed from low speed to higher speeds) -AC will not turn on -Defroster will not work (Air won't come on)
I've tried to disconnect the battery overnight, and have also checked the fuse in the passenger compartment but have no way to check the fuse/s in the engine compartment (they are block fuses). Everything worked great until about one week ago, and I have no idea what's wrong. Can anyone help with a solution to this? Going to the dealership will probably be expensive.
This has been an effort in futility. The only suggestion was to take it in to the GM dealership and pay them to diagnose a problem that is a known issue. In 7 years, I've driven less than 25,000 miles. I practice regular and proper maintenance, and the vehicle is always in the garage, not on the street.
I requested that C/S offer some type of discount, at the very least, and was told that they have no control over dealer/service pricing. Seriously?! I bought this car new AND paid cash, yet the best C/S can offer with regard to a KNOWN ISSUE, is to refer me to the service center? Do they really need somebody on staff to tell people to take their car to the mechanic? End result... ABSOLUTELY USELESS!
I am very disappointed with the 2008 Saturn VUE. My 72 year old mother bought one with very low miles (19K) on it two years ago and purchased an extended warranty. She now has 34K miles on it and has not been able to get the key out of the ignition. She took it in to the dealer and they told her that it does not recognize that the car is in park. Having worked at a dealer for over 12 years, I was absolutely floored that even with the extended warranty, this was not covered and would cost her $800 to fix. To me, a basic safety issue, SUCH AS A CAR NOT KNOWING WHETHER OR NOT IT WAS IN PARK, would be covered under the powertrain warranty, let alone an extended service contract. Last night I was considering which vehicle I may be buying to replace my older vehicle, but after this experience, I may have to reconsider a couple of my choices. Unreal.
I just recieved my repair estimate from the GM dealer...$1100.00! There is a little solenoid up under the dash that is bad and needs to be replaced. The SAME thing is wrong with my Monte Carlo, and there are numerous posts around the web on GM having a problem with this switch.
I WILL NOT buy another GM product and am heading to our local BMW dealer after work to replace my Saturn VUE. I'll trade that junk in and get a real car this time. Thanks for NOTHING General Jerks!!!
I just recieved my repair estimate from the GM dealer for $1100.00! There is a problem where I can't turn the heat off and can't turn the air conditioning on. There is a little solenoid up under the dash that is bad and needs to be replaced. The SAME thing is wrong with my Monte Carlo, and there are numerous posts around the web on GM having a problem with this switch.
I WILL NOT buy another GM product and am heading to our local BMW dealer after work to replace my Saturn VUE. I'll trade that junk in and get a real car this time. Thanks for NOTHING General Jerks!!! I used to work for General Motors and should have known better than to purchase anything made by them. My fault, but it won't happen again...
autoguy57, We're sorry that your Vue needed these repairs and that you're thinking about trading it in. Is there anything we can look into for you at this time?
Why doesn't somebody at GM take these complaints and do a simple Pareto Chart on them? It seems like many of the issues on this Board are similar, and with a simple Pareto GM could classify them and find out why so many people are having similar problems. I worked for GM for over 5 years, my Father retired from GM, all I have bought are GM products for over 40 years...
Now it's time to look at another brand, maybe time to take a look at a foreign car maker who cares about the customer? Sad that GM is losing customers because they don't care.
GMC and the rest of domestic car manufacturers as well as other domestic companies are big on lip service and short on actually providing customer service, no need for me to name them, it obvious, companies are run by hypocrites, this would not be if merit was used to measure leadership skills, instead nepotism and crony-ism will ruin this country, enough said about how are country is being ruined from within by incompetence.
The day Saturn folded, GMC should have taken the responsibility and made us Saturn owners satisfied, we were their future customers, they blew it, instead it was lots lip service, spin, and promises promises, here is a $1000 credit buy GMC, get rid of your Saturn vehicle. They lost me as a customer long time ago, when I went to the dealer and all of a sudden I had $1500 worth of work to be done just few days after my warranty expired, not counting air condition issues,, yet I used the dealer for oil change every 3000 miles, every month, they failed to see any of these problems and fail to fix many things that were not working on the car even after I pointed them out, essential I was ignored since Saturn no longer existed...there were always hints to buy new vehicle, my dealer was pushing Nissan, and GMC.
NOTE: How do parts on my Saturn Vue become bad right after the warranty expires and not one part but many parts (front arm bushings, serpentine belt, air condition unit, seat heater passenger side, manual transmission linkage, etc.), all which should have been replaced during the warranty period. Anyways that is my opinion.
Our 2009 VUE air conditioner would blow warm after driving for an hour or 2. Since the dealership we use (only certified Saturn repair shop since Saturn went under) is always busy, I asked the service writer if he would like us to replicate the problem and bring it in when it started acting up. He agreed and we were able to show up with the problem replicated and they could see what was happening. When the air conditioner would blow warm, there would be a connection behind the engine that would ice over (the longer it ran, the bigger the chunk of ice). If you follow the metal lines from the A/C compressor towards the back of the engine, you will see the connection. Within an hour, the service writer came back and told us it was the expansion valve. Our air conditioner has been working fine since. I suggest, if you can, replicate the problem and drive to the repair shop while the problem is happening. Don't even turn the car off until they can see it. I know there are shady mechanics out there, but, from what I've seen, most mechanics want to fix your car and it is frustrating for them when they can't duplicate your problem. I hope this helps.
I am seriously considering filing a Class Action Suit with regard to the "known" AC "issue." it took a while, but GM finally settled with the Saturn owners with faulty transmissions. Less than 30,000 miles on my 2005 Vue, well-maintained, and no AC. The best GM has offered is to charge me to diagnose. At the very least, the diagnosis should be free, since this is a known defect.
sybee, I'm right there with you. I also have a 2005 Vue, paid twice to have it "fixed," for a total of more than $2,000. The third time it broke we were also broke, and now we are starting our second summer of commuting 100 miles R/T daily in hot, sweltering central Florida.
let's get as many of the other members of this thread, and I've got some Class Action attorney's contact info. I am sure the recent GM loss, re: the transmission issue, will work in our favor. It shows a propensity on their part to ignore known issues until end of warranty, then repeatedly soak the car-owners for repair fees.
You count me in on it, I got soaked once, for AC a week after my warinty expired, and they got me for many other issues, manual transmission linkage failure, a-arm bushing failure, front wheel bearing failure, it just goes on and on.
My 2007 Saturn Vue,s hybrid HVAC (93,000MI) quit working 2 weeks ago. This weekend, I checked that the refrigerant is normal, I then checked if there is voltage going to the compressor when the control head is on, and is it present. I was already to replace the compressor when noticed that the HVAC clutch was missing. I then googled Saturn Vue HVAC problems and I noticed that there are a lot of blown clutch on Saturn Vues. My questions are: 1) Does GM know that there are a lot of defective HVAC clutch? 2). Does GM know what is the cause of Clutch blowing? 3) Is there a TS/Bulletin/service info to dealership about this? 4) What do GM do for the customer that have this problem?
I work for GM, This is part of the reason why I cannot sell any of my family members any GM product. All their vehicles last more that 5 year (100,000 MI) before a major repair (>$800.00). GM hides issues like these that makes dissatisfied customer.
I have 2008 Saturn Vue, just under 65,000 mile and still paying for it till the end of this year. A couple of weeks ago, the air conditioner stopped working, so I took to the mechanic and he said the compressor is not working. The replacement cost is $1100.00 for the new part, and used part is $700.00 including labor. I also have Pontiac Montana minivan made 2002, and running well with AC I have 190,000 mileage with this car. GM product seems like degrading recently. I also know a friend of mine who has Buick Encrave that the AC does not work, he just purchased that car a year ago.
Drove my 2010 Saturn Vue to Florida from Missouri for a Disney vacation and the air would stop blowing cold after 30 min. Turn the air off and roll down the windows for 10 min, turn it back on and it would work for another 30 min then repeat the process. Took it to the dealer in Marshfield MIssouri and was told it was out of warranty at 52,000 miles and it would cost $900 to fix the compressor. Seems like this is an ISSUE with Saturn's and there should be a recall or GM should make this right with customers. A car at 50,000 should not be having this many issues. Not to mention I am sending this back for a 3rd time for a leaking windshield that wasnt fixed. Had to find that out in Tropical Storm Andrea. Floor got soaked and smelled bad being rolled up in the Florida heat. I think GM should offer something for the issue of the air since there are several posts on here about that. :mad: :lemon:
I am very sorry to hear that you have experienced so many issues with your vehicle. If you need any assistance with this please feel free to send us your VIN, mileage, contact information and the dealership you are working with.
I have a 2004 four cylinder Saturn Vue. The air conditioning works fine at lower speeds but does not seem to be working or works very little when it is on the highway. Any suggestions of the problem would be appreciated.
I own a 2007 Saturn Vue. This week my air conditioning went out. I took it to a car shop they said the ac air compressor is bad AGAIN and they state it is 1600 to fix. This is the second air conditioning compressor that I have had go out on THE SAME CAR! The first went out at 30000 miles and now this at 95000 miles. I have friends with the same problem with their vue. There must be some manufacturing defect to have 2 air conditioning compressors go out in the same car. I would be interested in some class action suit.
I have a 2005 Vue with 23,000 miles on it and the same problem. We need to get a comprehensive list of affected Saturn Vue owners to file a class action suit.
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back on the board here. I am still very interested in filing a class action suit re: the AC issue. I need a good amount of people to get any serious response from class action attorneys. I have not given up on this.
Count me in as one that would be interested in joining a class action lawsuit. I have a 2007 Saturn VUE and my a/c only blows cold air when the vehicle RPM is above 2,000 RPM's. I am waiting for it to completely fail before I have to shell out big bucks to get it fixed.
Anyone on the board know what could cause it to only work when the RPM is above 2,000? The compressor itself doesn't appear to be leaking or losing freon. Sounds like an a/c clutch issue. Can this be repaired without replacing the whole compressor?
You can add me to your list. My 2004 Saturn Vue is in the garage as we speak getting the a/c looked at. When I'm doing 30mph and over, the a/c works fine. Any speed lower than that, my Saturn simply dies. I wouldn't waste a penny on getting it fixed, but unfortunately, when I turn on my defrost it does the same thing. I told the mechanic that if there's a way to bypass the a/c, go for it!
Well, My A/C works intermittantly. Meaning sometimes it works pretty well, especially when I'm on the freeway. Traveling the surface streets, not at all except occasionally, for some unexplainable reason kicks in and works. There is no rime or reason for it. But for the most part, I don't have A/C. Especially if it is a very hot day. My Saturn does not die.
I too like many of you have a 2007 and the A/C only works when the car is going over 30 mph. Took it to the dealer for them to tell me it would cost $2000.00 for a new compressor. Count me in on the suit!!!!
I have just bought a Vue and within 2 months of owning it, the A/C has just stopped working. It only has 62,000 kms on it! All was working fine up to yesterday, then started blowing hot! I've checked the system out and it has lots of gas in it. The compressor seems to have stopped working. I purchased the vehicle from a Chrysler dealer and the warranty with it doesn't include A/C. Surely the compressor can't be broken at such a low mileage?
Thanks for your help! We have a 2008 Saturn Vue just recently purchased with 94k miles. The A/C had been working fine .. ... then we went on a 2 day road trip from MI to CO in 90 degree temps and it cut out on us part way through the 1st day! We thought the A/c was totally shot so we were dealing with it. We stopped to get a really ice cold pop - which means we turned off the car - and poof it starts working again! We thought maybe since the RPM's go so high sometimes going up hills on the expressway, that might cause the AC to stop working.
Thank you soooo much for your help jojo2922!! we will try your solution as soon as we get back . take care
Several weeks ago the vents in my 2010 Vue stopped switching. Then it suddenly started working again one day, only to stop working a few days ago.
I also noticed today the temp control gauge isn't working either, so it only is blowing cold air.
I did some research over the last few weeks and it seems like this is a common problem GM should have done something about. My car is only a few yrs old and only has 41k on it.
I called a GM dealer today and it will cost me $100 just to run a diagnostic test, which is brutal, considering this seems to be a design flaw plaguing Vue owners. A mechanic I trust said his scanner won't work on the Vue, that they make you bring it in to the dealer, so I have to go to a dealer it seems.
Does anyone know if disconnecting the battery will re calibrate the BCM and fix this problem?
I know if I take it to a dealer they will turn it into a $1000+ repair.
I am sorry to learn that you are experiencing an issue with your Vue. We would like to look into this for you. You can reach us by email at socialmedia@gm.com or by phone at 800-762-2737.
I own a 2008 Saturn Vue <59,000 miles and AC is going out. I have owned cars much older with higher miles and never had this much trouble. Would be interested in joing class action lawsuit if one is started. I live in Houston Texas with 100+ temps. Not a good time for air to be out!
I am sorry you are experiencing an air conditioning issue with your vehicle, especially while living in Texas! I understand how this must be frustrating. I would like to further discuss this concern with you and explore our options for a resolution. If you contact us by Email at socialmedia(at)gm.com we are more than happy to assist.
You can count me in also I have a 2007 hybrid out of the blue it started to blow hot air just had it checked out the compressor has gone out and what make it worse is a barring issue so if don’t replace it I will most likely replacing a whole lot more only 77000 miles on Vue
I'm sorry to hear that you're currently facing these vehicle repairs. If there is anything we can do to assist with this issue, please let us know. We can be contacted by email.
I have only 63000 miles on my VUE Hybrid and the A/C compressor clutch came apart. It cost $1000 to repair. When I called GM for assistance I was told that it's out of the 36000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. WOW there seems to be a lot of us with the same problem and the only thing GM can say is its out of warranty.
Count me in on a lawsuit too. My 2006 Vue does not work at low RPM. Has to be above 30+mph to blow cold. Way too many complaints for this issue and GM KNOWS THEY HAVE A PROBLEM. Unfortunately, it seems, no one can tell you exactly what the problem is except to say, $1,000.00 or nore please to fix. Sad that GM does not step up to the plate and take responsibility for a well known problem. GM-----Look back into all these complaints! Notice a common problem here?
Well, well, well it's good to know I'm not the only one having this issue. I turned my heater on yesterday morning and all it did was blow cold air. It didn't matter what buttons I pushed, the heater would NOT blow hot air and it didn't seem to be blowing as forceful as usual. Today I get in my car and the heater works. WTF Saturn? I've had nothing but problems since I bought this car and honestly this is the first and last American car I will ever purchase. It took me over a year to get a faulty inside door handle replaced. Not to mention my CD player stopped working 6 days after my warranty expired. I'm around 40,433 miles.
Go to this website (it's a government website) to report these issues. I'm not sure if it's just safety issues or not since it reads like it's for both. Maybe this will make the government force GM to do a recall.
I'm sorry to hear that you've had trouble with the heat in your Saturn and that this has affected your overall vehicle experience. If there is anything we can do to help with this situation, please let us know.
I finally took my car in to a garage. They told me the A/C clutch has fallen off. The vehicle has not even done 42,000 miles!! They want $1500 to fix! Count me in for a law suit also....
My wife and I have TWO Saturn Vues a 2004 and 2006. The 2004 compressor went and now the 2006 is going out as WELL! We had the 2004 replaced and now works ok (almost $1000). We are shocked that we may have to have the second (2006) fixed as well?!
Same issues as listed previously. . . 30 MPH and higher ok, but less than 30 MPH blows warm Low side pressure reads to high (Indication of compressor blow by due to being worn out already?)
With 2 out of 2 Vue's, this is sure a BAD track record!! We love the Vue's, but HATE the Compressor!
count me in on this lawsuit--i just was told that my AC clutch fell off my 2007 saturn vue green line..and the repair will be $940 to replace it. my email is: wals1@msn.com
I have a 2006 2wd/4cyl I purchased used. It was kept in pristine condition and serviced since purchased new at a Cadillac dealership, only one owner. The place I purchased It from received it from auction in December, I purchased it Feb 2, 2013. About 2 months ago I noticed the A/C would only blow cold when going over a certain mph, and it was also making a shuttering sound. I took it to the place I purchased it at and they told me that Saturns were known for the shuttering sound. That I could deal with, except now It seems to be getting worse. The A/C, I was told my condenser and compressor were on the way to being complete crap, and the amount of pressure that everything was pushing when the air was on was a crazy amount, and could later lead to more problems. I still have no gotten it fixed since I just don't have the money. Recently it seems that maybe something else has popped up. Sometimes it makes a sound when I go from park to reverse, and sometimes like it doesn't want to go. I contacted GM and I am taking it in tomorrow and will speak to them about it but I also contacted them VIA chat on their website and through email and they say there is no recalls for my car. I find it OUTRAGEOUS that I keep reading the same issues and yet nothing is being done! I live in FL for candy sake and its HOT!!!
We would be more than happy to look up any recalls relating to your vehicle. If you would like for us to look into this please email us your VIN and mileage. We can be contacted at socialmedia@gm.com [attn Amber].
Interesting... My wife has a 2007 Saturn Vue Hybrid... Guess what!? She lost a part off of her AC unit too... Sounds familiar... Luckily it was only about $700 to fix... But, sounds like this has happened to a few people...
-Heat will not turn off (but fan can be changed from low speed to higher speeds)
-AC will not turn on
-Defroster will not work (Air won't come on)
I've tried to disconnect the battery overnight, and have also checked the fuse in the passenger compartment but have no way to check the fuse/s in the engine compartment (they are block fuses). Everything worked great until about one week ago, and I have no idea what's wrong. Can anyone help with a solution to this? Going to the dealership will probably be expensive.
I requested that C/S offer some type of discount, at the very least, and was told that they have no control over dealer/service pricing. Seriously?! I bought this car new AND paid cash, yet the best C/S can offer with regard to a KNOWN ISSUE, is to refer me to the service center? Do they really need somebody on staff to tell people to take their car to the mechanic? End result... ABSOLUTELY USELESS!
I just recieved my repair estimate from the GM dealer...$1100.00! There is a little solenoid up under the dash that is bad and needs to be replaced. The SAME thing is wrong with my Monte Carlo, and there are numerous posts around the web on GM having a problem with this switch.
I WILL NOT buy another GM product and am heading to our local BMW dealer after work to replace my Saturn VUE. I'll trade that junk in and get a real car this time. Thanks for NOTHING General Jerks!!!
I WILL NOT buy another GM product and am heading to our local BMW dealer after work to replace my Saturn VUE. I'll trade that junk in and get a real car this time. Thanks for NOTHING General Jerks!!! I used to work for General Motors and should have known better than to purchase anything made by them. My fault, but it won't happen again...
We're sorry to hear about the situation with your mother's Vue. Is everything working okay after the repair work? What service contract does she have?
Sarah, GM Customer Service
We're sorry that your Vue needed these repairs and that you're thinking about trading it in. Is there anything we can look into for you at this time?
Sarah, GM Customer Service
Now it's time to look at another brand, maybe time to take a look at a foreign car maker who cares about the customer? Sad that GM is losing customers because they don't care.
GM= :lemon: :lemon: :lemon: :lemon:
The day Saturn folded, GMC should have taken the responsibility and made us Saturn owners satisfied, we were their future customers, they blew it, instead it was lots lip service, spin, and promises promises, here is a $1000 credit buy GMC, get rid of your Saturn vehicle. They lost me as a customer long time ago, when I went to the dealer and all of a sudden I had $1500 worth of work to be done just few days after my warranty expired, not counting air condition issues,, yet I used the dealer for oil change every 3000 miles, every month, they failed to see any of these problems and fail to fix many things that were not working on the car even after I pointed them out, essential I was ignored since Saturn no longer existed...there were always hints to buy new vehicle, my dealer was pushing Nissan, and GMC.
NOTE: How do parts on my Saturn Vue become bad right after the warranty expires and not one part but many parts (front arm bushings, serpentine belt, air condition unit, seat heater passenger side, manual transmission linkage, etc.), all which should have been replaced during the warranty period. Anyways that is my opinion.
When the air conditioner would blow warm, there would be a connection behind the engine that would ice over (the longer it ran, the bigger the chunk of ice). If you follow the metal lines from the A/C compressor towards the back of the engine, you will see the connection.
Within an hour, the service writer came back and told us it was the expansion valve. Our air conditioner has been working fine since.
I suggest, if you can, replicate the problem and drive to the repair shop while the problem is happening. Don't even turn the car off until they can see it.
I know there are shady mechanics out there, but, from what I've seen, most mechanics want to fix your car and it is frustrating for them when they can't duplicate your problem. I hope this helps.
My questions are:
1) Does GM know that there are a lot of defective HVAC clutch?
2). Does GM know what is the cause of Clutch blowing?
3) Is there a TS/Bulletin/service info to dealership about this?
4) What do GM do for the customer that have this problem?
I work for GM, This is part of the reason why I cannot sell any of my family members any GM product. All their vehicles last more that 5 year (100,000 MI) before a major repair (>$800.00). GM hides issues like these that makes dissatisfied customer.
A couple of weeks ago, the air conditioner stopped working, so I took to the mechanic and he said the compressor is not working. The replacement cost is $1100.00 for the new part, and used part is $700.00 including labor. I also have Pontiac Montana minivan made 2002, and running well with AC I have 190,000 mileage with this car. GM product seems like degrading
recently. I also know a friend of mine who has Buick Encrave that the AC does not work, he just purchased that car a year ago.
I am very sorry to hear that you have experienced so many issues with your vehicle. If you need any assistance with this please feel free to send us your VIN, mileage, contact information and the dealership you are working with.
Amber N.
GM Customer Care
Anyone on the board know what could cause it to only work when the RPM is above 2,000? The compressor itself doesn't appear to be leaking or losing freon. Sounds like an a/c clutch issue. Can this be repaired without replacing the whole compressor?
We have a 2008 Saturn Vue just recently purchased with 94k miles. The A/C had been working fine .. ... then we went on a 2 day road trip from MI to CO in 90 degree temps and it cut out on us part way through the 1st day!
We thought the A/c was totally shot so we were dealing with it. We stopped to get a really ice cold pop - which means we turned off the car - and poof it starts working again!
We thought maybe since the RPM's go so high sometimes going up hills on the expressway, that might cause the AC to stop working.
Thank you soooo much for your help jojo2922!!
we will try your solution as soon as we get back .
take care
I also noticed today the temp control gauge isn't working either, so it only is blowing cold air.
I did some research over the last few weeks and it seems like this is a common problem GM should have done something about. My car is only a few yrs old and only has 41k on it.
I called a GM dealer today and it will cost me $100 just to run a diagnostic test, which is brutal, considering this seems to be a design flaw plaguing Vue owners. A mechanic I trust said his scanner won't work on the Vue, that they make you bring it in to the dealer, so I have to go to a dealer it seems.
Does anyone know if disconnecting the battery will re calibrate the BCM and fix this problem?
I know if I take it to a dealer they will turn it into a $1000+ repair.
I am sorry to learn that you are experiencing an issue with your Vue. We would like to look into this for you. You can reach us by email at socialmedia@gm.com or by phone at 800-762-2737.
Looking forward to assisting you,
Jennifer T. (Assisting Amber)
GM Customer Care
I am sorry you are experiencing an air conditioning issue with your vehicle, especially while living in Texas! I understand how this must be frustrating. I would like to further discuss this concern with you and explore our options for a resolution. If you contact us by Email at socialmedia(at)gm.com we are more than happy to assist.
Laura M.
GM Customer Care
I'm sorry to hear that you're currently facing these vehicle repairs. If there is anything we can do to assist with this issue, please let us know. We can be contacted by email.
Amber N.
GM Customer Care
I'm sorry to hear that you've had trouble with the heat in your Saturn and that this has affected your overall vehicle experience. If there is anything we can do to help with this situation, please let us know.
Amber N.
GM Customer Care
My wife and I have TWO Saturn Vues a 2004 and 2006.
The 2004 compressor went and now the 2006 is going out as WELL!
We had the 2004 replaced and now works ok (almost $1000).
We are shocked that we may have to have the second (2006) fixed as well?!
Same issues as listed previously. . .
30 MPH and higher ok, but less than 30 MPH blows warm
Low side pressure reads to high (Indication of compressor blow by due to being worn out already?)
With 2 out of 2 Vue's, this is sure a BAD track record!!
We love the Vue's, but HATE the Compressor!
We would be more than happy to look up any recalls relating to your vehicle. If you would like for us to look into this please email us your VIN and mileage. We can be contacted at socialmedia@gm.com [attn Amber].
Thank you
Amber N.
GM Customer Care