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2013 Civic/Accord Battery Drain
Could any 2013 Accord owner post how long your battery lasts without driving?
My brand new Accord lasts 5 days. I hope this is not "normal" as I would never have purchased such a vehicle.
My brand new Accord lasts 5 days. I hope this is not "normal" as I would never have purchased such a vehicle.
Um, I'm not sure it's a Honda problem inasmuch as it is a battery problem. Use a different manufacturer. Honda didn't make the battery. It is odd, though.
I have a 2012 Honda Civic and went 4 days without driving it. It started with no problem.
The software helps the car determine your driving habits and makes adjustments so the alternator continues to charge the battery.
The dealership had my car almost four days and was about to give it back to me saying nothing was wrong. I told them about this bulletin and the software. They told me there was no such software for my car. A few minutes later it was being installed and took less than a half hour. It's odd they had it there and readily available but for almost four days did nothing.
Another employee told me this service bulletin will probably be a future recall. I lost confidence in Honda and the dealership. I drove out and traded the car for a Toyota. Now I don't have to say a prayer hoping every time I turn the key the car will start.
I also called Honda Corp. and I was told to call the dealership's service department and TELL them how to fix my car, what to check, etc. If I had that type of knowledge, I could fix it myself. What a joke they turned out to be - no help.
I hope this information helps a lot of people. Don't give up.
A friend of mine researched the problem and found a service bulletin #12-041 that said in order to fix the problem, the car software would have to be upgraded with software program PGM-FI. I gave this information to the service dept. and they told me there was no such software for my car. A few minutes later, I was told the software was being installed and it took less than a half hour. A half hour job turned into not having my car for four days.
I can't believe Honda had no knowledge of this service bulletin that came out around Nov. 2012 and how to fix the problem. Apparently, the upgraded software lets the alternator give juice to the battery regardless of your driving habits.
I lost faith and confidence in Honda. I left the lot and drove to a Toyota dealer. I now own a Toyota.
I called Honda Corp. and they told me because I was the owner that it was my responsibility to call the service dept. and tell them exactly what I wanted them to check, how to check it, etc. If I had that knowledge, I could have fixed the car myself. They did not help. They weren't surprised when they heard what my complaint was about.
While I was at the dealership, another employee said this service bulletin will probably be a future recall.
I hope this helps everyone out there who are being told it's their driving habit because it isn't. It's Honda's responsibility and they are not stepping up to the plate; instead, they are blaming the consumer.
I bought a 2013 Honda Accord back in august and the first cold weather BELOW ZERO DAYS my battery died, took it to dealership and they said its fine. So brought it home and 3 days later the battery was dead again, so once again I took it back to the dealership spent 2 hours and they said it just needed charged the very next day it died again this time it finally it showed battery was dead. So battery was replaced. So now battery is dead again and weather here is -6 ° so I'm at a loss of what to do. So the weather is below zero again and my battery is dead again.
Similar problem as dawnsride on January 29. 2013 Accord EX would not start a week ago. Jumped by AAA and tech told me battery would not hold a charge. Car driven to dealer who checked out the problem and found no problem, but allegedly installed some software to prevent the non-existent problem. Service advisor mentioned an "eco" battery and suggested driving the vehicle regularly (at least every 2-3 days) to keep battery charged. If not driving that often, buying a trickle charger was suggested. A trickle charger?? Unbelievable. It's a 2013 model, not a 1913. Incredible. I paid 20K for a "dependable" Accord that was a Consumer Report top pick? Oh, by the way, one week and 100 miles later, my top rated Accord EX didn't start last night and it's going back to the dealer today. Stay tuned, Accord owners.
UPDATE: Dealer checked the car out again and this time replaced the battery claiming similar Accord issues were due to "a bad batch of batteries." By the way, there is a great article in 8/21/2012 issue of The Globe and Mail online newspaper re new cars and batteries. Nevertheless, the consumer needs to expect the manufacturer to provide a dependable battery regardless of the vehicle's bells and whistles.
Dawnsride hit this on the head. Purchased in summer and always slow to turn over. Come cold weather and started every few days it would act like it was dead but eventually start. But let it set 2 weeks or more and dead battery. Mine was delivered with a dead battery......salesman tried to tell me that "Honda delivers new cars from the factory with half-charged battery". Yes, sadly he is still selling cars. After being towed from a funeral, it has died 6 times total. Checked 3 times and told 'no dead cells' - no parasitic draw on the electrical system. Service manager was not going to replace just a few days ago, but I demanded he call Honda District manager. He declined. Dealership put new battery in at their cost. Sounds like Honda has a battery problem...........ARE YOU LISTENING HONDA?????????
I just bought a new Honda Accord EX on 6/4/2014. I didn't drive it for 2 weeks and the battery is not working. I had it jump start and drove it for 20 minutes on 6/18/2014. Then, the next day the battery is not working again. I gotta go back to the dealership this Saturday to check it out.
I am having the same problem as the previous guys. They updated the software, changed for the stronger battery. Has been in the shop four times about twenty five days. The third time they had to admit the problem because I caught my dead car right at the service when they called me to pick it up. Today I picked up the car after ten days and lied that it never lost the charge. They try to blame it on my after market auto starter but it happened three times before the installation and one time after they totally uninstalled it. I was told to drive it 30 miles every day. If it never died on them within ten days /the same miles in and out/ why would they suggest I should drive it every day? Total nonsense!
In my sixty years I have never been the car's slave. Take the trips to nowhere just to keep it charged? The most ridiculous suggestion ever!!! They claim that so much electronics require longer rides. Well, why don't you say to customers that the car is for long commuters when you are selling it? My daughter bought new Audi which is more loaded and drives only locally and has no such a problem. At this point they don't know what they are doing so just keep telling lies and I am thinking to call the car lemon. At this point I am saying a prayer every time I go to drive. Please contact me if you have any suggestions. Thank you
I forgot to mention that this is Honda Accord 2013 bought new and presently has 2750 miles.
As far as I've been told, there are no software updates for 2014 Accords, and I'm reluctant to just settle for a replacement battery (a more heavy-duty one, either at my own cost, or the dealer's) in case there is some sort of other underlying issue that I'd be masking.
Has anyone had this issue and been completely convinced of it being resolved 100%?
replaced. We shall see.
On top of that a rapid battery drain problem has come up. The car has 11,000 miles in mid-2016 and the 2.5 year-old battery lost all power when the car was parked and unused for a numbers of days. I replaced it with a new one and in a few days the new battery has been drained. This is another safety hazard considering I have a disabled family member who cannot afford to be left stranded. I have noticed that many owners of 2013 Accords and Civics have this problem. Honda needs to recall this vehicle but probably won't. It's my fourth Honda and definitely my very last!!! This car might as well have "made in China" on the sticker.
In all seriousness, I had to replace the original battery a few months back after my Ex bf totally screwed me (my car wasn't starting the first couple times so he just tried and tried until he killed my battery, like 7 or 8 attempts he said). I found out later he was driving other girls around in my car that night, so you could say it was karma.
Obvi we broke up, but somehow I ended up paying the price long term. I swear, ever since getting my new battery my cars been acting weird when I'm trying to start it. It stumbles like almost every time I start it this week. 3 times since then it didn't start the 1st time and took numerous other attempts before finally starting.
This dumb car is really embarrassing me now. Like my one work friend knows how much it bugs me, so he's been a jerk about it, like he made me drive everywhere this week and nicknamed my (beloved) car rickety stickedy the second time he was with me. I shouldn't have told him my car was stuttering a ton (the tach wiggles and the whole thing shakes when I'm trying it, it seemed rougher so I mistakenly mentioned it to him). I know he thinks it's hilarious, but I just turn beat red everytime it hiccups or stumbles when I'm trying to start it. I don't know why I let it, but its def in my head now. I spent the whole day at work Friday preoccupied wondering how bad I'd be when I left (ironically it started right up). I stopped volunteering to drive friends this week after they were all chiming in taking cheap shots at my car, I just walked off I was so annoyed
I think I'd rather have a defective battery than this stupid issue though! When my car stumbles, people always stare and it drives me nuts (I can only imagine it's bc it is surprising seeing and hearing a new-ish car struggling so freaking bad, especially a Honda)
So um, yeah... My car has like never been the same since he did that. But my hard starts are slightly diff now (but way more often). Like I don't see the green key flash (new fob batt), and I don't have to hold start down to make it keep trying. It gets way closer every time now than it ever did for ryan in that video. One of the only reasons I'll keep trying even though I know its not great for my car is bc it gets so freaking close every time it fails. My friend always tries to lecture me on it when it happens with her in the car. I guess when it's that close, Id feel stupid if I didn't try one more time. I'm just mad he kept trying when it really wasn't even close to starting that night (at least the last couple he recorded).
I would have stopped trying before I killed my baby, but I guess I'm kinda like just as bad. I was actually kinda freakin last month. It took 5 or 6 tries to start up. But after a few, it started trying a little slower, but still seemed really close to starting every time. I thought I was screwed hearing it slow down, but kept thinking, one more time. The very next time, after it tried like the whole 10s (slowly lol), it finally started. Battery has been OK ever since, but I've only had it act up a few times since my own scare, and I only had to try 3x before it started (sounds bad when I say it like that I guess). I feel like my car must have a bad starter or something. Most days its stuttering a lot when cranking, even when it starts the first time. It hiccups after a few secs of normal starting most times now, I hate that stupid sound it's pitiful. Last night i was feeling good after it started up the first time leaving target, even though it stuttered pretty bad 2x in 8 or 9 secs. Then the old guy next to me loading his trunk knocked on my window just to tell me how bad my car just sounded and I should never crank it that long. He tried to say when it shakes and stutters that badly I should quit trying. I didn't mention that was a win for me, I just told him it's push button start so yell at the car not me
Just for reference, mine when it struggles but starts its sounding kinda like this. It does this prob half the times I try starting my car now. Thank God for push button start cuz I'd let go of the key each time it faked me out. I really can't tell bc it stops the normal shaking when it's trying, so it really feels just like it started.
I'm just curious why it does this to me, it sucks. It's def been better lately, but last weekend my car wouldnt start again until the 4th time i tried (like wtf, i thought i was golden finally). unfortunately i'm out of warranty for the past year. Basically ever since it started doing this
When the car struggles to start, do you press on the gas pedal at all? Do you ever try pressing it to the floor while it's cranking? What is the ambient temperature when it fails to start? What about the humidity? Is it raining, or close to raining? How long had the car been parked when attempting to restart? How long was it driven prior to parking it?
None of those questions are about anything other than searching for a pattern that might get the car to present the symptom. Have you created a log that would help show how many times the car starts normally as compared to the times and dates when it fails or struggles to start?
Today Feb 10th, I was told that the battery which was good a month ago has a dead cell, so it needs replaced similar to several replies in this thread. I asked about the service bulletin mentioned above SB 12-041 and the service technician said it is not applicable to my car, even though I explained repeatedly what I had been reading to him and other users experiences with 2013 Honda accords and eerily similar stories from multiple users on this forum. Thanks all for the detail! Specifically he said that the SB-041 was from 2012 and since my car is a 2013 Honda would have vetted already. I explained that my car went into service in 2012, even though it is a model year 2013. No dice there either.
I asked him what I should do in a week or so when it is dead again, he politely but stubbornly insisted that SB-041 is not the issue because of my VIN. He said if it occurred again, Honda would do another parasitic draw test, of course at my cost. I am not too impressed with Honda, and do not know what to do at this point. The vehicle is fully serviced on every level as to be as safe and ready as possible for my daughter. It's a really good car. I am losing faith in the vehicle and in Honda on account of this.
I would appreciate some advise, if this is something I can do myself I will give it a go.