Mazda Protegé

speedyptspeedypt Member Posts: 200
I got it!!!!

Time for a new Protege topic. Lets Zoom Zoom!!




  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    Thanks for the explanation. I didn't know how the whole deal worked. If I am working it right, my payment on the 2001 should be about $10 more a month than on the 1999 STRIPPED DX I am driving now!
  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    I just got a 2001 " best car I have ever owned"
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    Why do they let the post count get so high with the new software now? They never used to before. Maybe it can handle more.

    With my Protege: I have taken the car to two different dealers several times for the transmission shifting problems. They always say "no problem found" for it. The CD player has been mentioned both of those times too. At least if something would happen, it's documented that there was a problem. I do deep down like the car, but the driver's seat being uncomfortable (like something sticking in my lower back) turns me off. It seems to be getting worse with age too.

    My best friend is about my height, but my roommate is shorter (by about 2") than both of us. When my friend drives the car, he complains about the seat poking him in the back, just like me. My roommate, however, cannot feel it at all. I don't get it. I am going to take the car to the Mazda dealer and get someone to sit in it that's about my height. I have sat in several other 1999 and 2000 Proteges (not DXs though) and never felt the seat poke me this way. I just need to get it fixed, then everything will be fine. Also going to add the fuel injector cleaner when I get a chance.
  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    Don't forget Vocus that the DX is the base Protege. I agree that the poking is not acceptable, but it is a DX. I've noticed that with most OEMs, base model seats just kill me. They make them that way so that you will pay $1.5K more the next time you purchase.

    Concerning the trans, have them go on a test drive with you! If you push it with the dealer, you may get them to meet you at home on a cold morning. If not, make a stink with Mazda Customer Assistance 800-222-5500. Don't settle for mediocre!

  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    I have never heard so many bad things about the protege. Do you take good care of your car? The cd player will probably not be replaced unless they can dulicate the problem. I just bought a new one and it seems to be great. I took it on a 8 hour trip after 1 day and it was the bomb. I had 4 other people with me and they all said it was a good ride. No back pains or anything. The CD player is also better than my $200.00 blapunkt. It did not skip at all (even over big bumps). The driver seat is also good and is made of a very high quality product. We got a ink stain out with just water. The enging also feels solid. I think it is the only compact that is built and is 100% japan made. I would consider getting a new 2001 ( if you got the green). The inerior is also a 2 tone color ( dx/LX ). I got the 2.0 has 130hp ...real nice ZOOM ZOOM.
  • leomortleomort Member Posts: 453
    How does the 2.0L engine preform in the Protege? I was told this engine was from the 626. In general, how reliable are these engines? In general, how reliable are Mazda Proteges? Is it reasonable to expect 200,000 miles from them? When it breaks, are parts expensive? Are they easily accesible? Would you reccommend buying one?What's your biggest complaint against the Protege? Do Mazda's hold their value? Sorry for all these questions, but I'm seriously considering buying a Protege thus all these questions. Thanks for any advice.

  • speedyptspeedypt Member Posts: 200
    The 1.8l DOHC motor in the Protege is a derivative from the 2.0l 626 motor. I'm on my third Pro and never had a major problem. I expect the 2.0l motor to be as good or better than the 1.8L motor, especially since it doesn't have to be revved as hard to get the power out of it.

    I've never had a problem getting parts for my Mazdas, but plug wires are really expensive for some reason. ($90 set)

    My Service Manager has a '90 Protege SE with over 200,000 miles on it and it runs like new. He obviously takes excellent care of it, but it has never been rebuilt and sounds/runs like it just rolled off the showroom floor.

    I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Protege to anyone who asks. I wouldn't have bought three if they weren't a Great Little Car (the protege is a descendant of the GLC).

    Protege's seem to have a little higher depreciation than say Toyota or Honda, but that's pay less to get a Mazda in the first place. If you plan to drive your car for 200,000+ miles, resale should not be a consideration. Any car with that kind of mileage will have very little resale value.


  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    It's a time tested engine. Yes it it the same 2.0 FS engine from the 626 without having the Ford CD4E tranny. As with the reliabilty, Protege still ranks high albiet with the 1.8, but the FS is a solid performer and smoother. As far as parts go, are you asking about engine parts or overall parts? The Protege part prices tend to be in line with the industry, with exception to the Corrolla(Toyota gets a real premium for there wares).

    Go drive a 2001 ES and you will be sold. If you look at the content and price vs. the competition, not to mention high ratings by Consumer Reports and others, it will be an easy decision.

    I may not be the most impartial opinion, but still a valuable one.

  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    The 2.0 engine is I said 130hp...I had a V-TEC in my 2000 honda civic and it did not even come close to this car.The hond was very slow on merging and passing. The protege's %100 japan engine and tranny will stand the test of time. I really have no complaints. The new body also is much nicer than the older one. Just drive one, and you will agree. As the ads say " it is a BMW at half the price " <---or something like that.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    MaltB: Whether the DX is the base model or not, the seats should not be this umcomfortable on my back. I can drive for 30 minutes and am in pain already. That is uncalled for. I will definitely spend the extra $1000 next time for the uplevel model. Also, I have taken the service manager on a test drive once when the car had 6500 miles on it and the car wouldn't do the thing. He said he had never heard of a problem with the transmission in a Protege. He also said if it were a 626, it would have made sense. And with the CD player, it just sticks sometimes. I am going to leave it in there once and take it to the dealer, but always grow impatient and "smack" the dashboard above the CD slot. The CD then comes right out.

    Unmarkedcar: I like the car alot, and the only problem I have had is the CD player and transmission. Considering before I moved, I was commuting close to 100 miles a day back and forth to work, I really have nothing to complain about when it comes to dependability. I zoom the hell out of my DX too (not much power, but I knew that when I got it), and it has never broken down on me or anything. I guess I have just been driving the big old Bonneville for too long now. Need to get back into the Protege and get back in touch with that whole ZOOM ZOOM thing! :)

    I was looking at a used Bonneville to replace the DX and the current Bonneville I have. I decided against it for now. Since the Maryland dealers don't have any 2001 Proteges yet (they said March), I am going to wait at least until then to check out a 2001 Protege. I can't help it, I sat in a 2001 LX 1.6 model at the car show and kinda liked it. I HAVE to wait to see the 2.0 ES! :)
  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    The dx has a much nicer interior. It looks real is a 2 tone color. I got the mica with the cream/light brown interior. The ES only has solid colors ( boring ).
  • nikecarnikecar Member Posts: 460
    the DX can have the 2 toned colors and the ES can be boring, but as the ES owners know.. it has more zoom zoom!!! :)

    That's why we got the ES. the power. As soon as the wife drove the LX right after the ES, actually first hard acceleration, she knew the ES was for us. And that's even after she had fell in love with the LX a few weeks prior.
  • speedyptspeedypt Member Posts: 200

    Someone is selling the EXACT same clear corners I have on my car (and paid $106 for!!!) on eBay for a starting bid of $29.95. They fit perfectly and really look nice.

    Wish they'd been on sale when I was ordering mine!



  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    When does the shift problem occur and is it all gears or just maybe 3rd gear? Also, have you noticed the Over-drive light comming on when it shouldn't?

    Advocating a DX over an ES for interior colors? The Protege was not built for you. Maybe a Daewoo or Kia is in your future.

  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    When I floor the accelerator to pass someone, it kicks down to 2. When it shifts from 2 to 3, it's like a little 1-2 second pause there and then the car jerks. When the car upshifts from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3, it does it as well. Used to do it only when passing, but now does it almost all the time. I know what the OD off light means because the Mazda tech told me. He said that's why my problem was unusual because of no OD off warning. That means there's a problem with the tranny computer. Works much like the "check engine" one does.

    From what I hear, the ES' interior for 2001 is all off-black. That would seem kinda drab inside to some people I guess.
  • nikecarnikecar Member Posts: 460
    We saw a silver *drool* 01 ES and i loved it. but the interior was too dark IMO. but if you gave me one, i wouldn't complain. image

    and for the clear corners... I think they need to change those years. I doubt it will fit for 01's since the front is revised.

    Ebay is great for that.. they have clears for my Alty for a penny. same guy has several ads including other for $10.
  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    I meant the LX/DX vs ES...I have a LX (sorry about the typo) with the 2.0 engine. The same as ES. If you wanna go and blow a few grand for keyless or rims, it is up to you.
  • speedyptspeedypt Member Posts: 200
    I don't think it will fit the '01 Protege either. It fits my '00 perfectly!


  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    The ES is only like $700 more compared to the LX 2.0 and the wheels alone are worth it IMO. Keyless is an option on the LX too, so you could go that way if you wanted to.

    I might try to get lucky and find a leftover 2000 ES model instead of the 2001s. I sat it that one and it was okay, but there was something about it I did not like. We shall see though.

    Nike: You are right.. The clear cornering lamps will not fit the 2001 because of the revised front end.
  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    Not that it's tough to do, but I'm stumped. It seems like it could have to do with the throttle position sensor operation. If you can't get help from one dealer, try another.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    Thanks for the advice, but I have tried several. Of course, the "thing" was not as frequent back at 10,000 miles (when I took it last) as it is now. Maybe I will be lucky and it will do the "thing" for the dealer.

    What is funny though, is that I took it to the dealer with 6500 miles on it for the tranny thing. I came off the highway exit off the Capital Beltway and turned the corner. The tranny did the "thing" 2 BLOCKS from the dealer! Well, I drove like 5-10 miles with the service guy with me and it never did it ONCE! Oh well.
  • leomortleomort Member Posts: 453
    Thank you for all the responses regarding the Protege.

    Glad to hear parts (engine and otherwise) are not that expensive ($90 for set of plug wires is cheap compared to my toyota), I doubted that Mazda would hold it resale value as well as Honda or Toyota but was hoping that since was a Japanese car that something would rub off for it. Yes, I undertand that at the high mileage I expect from my cars that trade in value is going to be none exsistant.

    I like the 2.0L engine. 130 hp and 135 ft-lb torgue. That's gotta be one peppy car!! Gas mileage is good too!! But there must be a mistake. The rear seat legroom was marked as 35.? inches. That's more rear leg room than some/most mid siz sedans. Perhaps a typo? Those figures would make the Protege very roomy for a compact. OK. this car sounds too good to be true, what's the catch? Better eninge than either Civic or Corolla, bigger interior, plus cheaper price than either? Plus good reliability. How come I don't hear more about the Protege? At least this can work to one's benefit. You can probably negotiate the priced down and still get good financing. This car is a sleeper and sounds very good.

  • hkchanhkchan Member Posts: 420
    I don't know about dealers in Baltimore, but Congressional Mazda in Rockville has (had?) at least one '01 Protege. It's an ES/dark green/auto/Premium Package. They told me it'd be March before they get '01's too when I called a couple weeks ago. postnobills bought one from Rosenthal Mazda in Virginia.
  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    You guessed it right!

    It's a heck of a car, especially with the incentives Mazda is running right now. As far as why you don't hear about it much: Mazda does a great job building cars, they just don't know how to market them. Look at the Millenia. The magazines always say it's Mazda's best kept secret. Go figure!

  • hkchanhkchan Member Posts: 420
    I don't know about dealers in Baltimore, but Congressional Mazda in Rockville has (had?) at least one '01 Protege. It's an ES/dark green/auto/Premium Package. They told me it'd be March before they get '01's too when I called a couple weeks ago. postnobills bought one from Rosenthal Mazda in Virginia.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    As I found out the hard way, don't get a Protege if you want a car with high resale value. They don't hold their value well, only because their price when new is so much lower than on the competition. I would rather save the money when new though. That makes sense to me.

    I want to check out and drive a 2001 ES 2.0 before doing anything. I might probably just end up getting a 2000 ES if there isn't that much difference. They still haven't fixed the TWO things I wanted: A lighted ignition key bezel, and variable intermittent for the wipers. Oh well.
  • hkchanhkchan Member Posts: 420
    35" (actually 42.2"/35.4" front/rear) for rear legroom is not a typo. The '01 Civic sedan has 42.2"/36.0". OTOH the 626 has 43.6"/34.6" and the Corolla has 42.5"/33.2".
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    I am going to College Park Mazda on Route 1 in Laurel on Friday afternoon to look for a 2001 Protege just to see if they have one. I drove past there a few weeks ago and didn't see any. They have limited space though, so they would probably have it on the back parking lot. I am anxious to drive one though to see how it differs from the 1.8 2000 ES model. If there isn't a big difference, I might just settle for the 2000 model at a much cheaper price.
  • hkchanhkchan Member Posts: 420
    As I said in an earlier post, if you go with the S Plan, it's a straight 1.5% under invoice for both model years. If you take the rebate, then you'll save $750 by going with the '00 ($1,500 rebate on the '00's vs $750 on the '01's). Plus another $350 since the '01 is more expensive. But if you go with the 0% financing for 48 months, the $750 difference in rebates is gone. Also, if you want the ABS/SAB but not the moonroof, the '01 gives you that choice.
  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    The new protege 2.0 has 130hp vs 122hp on the ES. And the new protege looks a lot better in and out.
  • speedyptspeedypt Member Posts: 200
    The Mazda website lists a "ignition key illumination" as standard on all trim levels for the Protege. '01 it really there?

  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    If you close or open a door it lights up ( green color ).
  • hkchanhkchan Member Posts: 420
    Not a big deal but it's on the '01's (at least on the ES).
  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    2000 vs 2001: Think content!
    2001 gives you more including a better handling, more power, free loaner for warranty service, rear spoiler, fog lights, white guages(YUK!), LIGHTED IGNITION SWITCH, sticky tires & more.
  • mdaffronmdaffron Member Posts: 4,421
    Hey guys ... don't go to your Mazda dealer for plug wires! Get a good set from NAPA! I got a set for my '92 LX from NAPA for $45 -- much cheaper than the $75 my dealer wanted at the time! And they actually looked more substantial than the OEM wires I replaced them with.

    Paul buddy ... I've been reading your posts over the past week or so, and it appears that since you've fallen in "love" with the Bonneville, which occupies an entirely different class, you have done nothing but find fault with your Protege. Not too long ago (and not too many miles ago either -- maybe 5,000?) you were extolling the praises of your Protege. Go back into the Ford Focus topic only about a month or so if you've forgotten. Gee -- only two or three months ago, we were all trying to talk some sense into you because you were trying every way possible to get out of your '99 DX and into an '00 ES!

    If you're really having the problems that you claim to be having, I don't understand why fixing them is so difficult. First of all, you still have a warranty. And second, your state has a lemon law. Check it out -- if your dealer can't identify and fix your problem after the specified number of attempts, you may have a case.

    All cars have problems at some point. That's why there are warranties and service departments. My Protege is currently awaiting a new CD player because I -- yes, I -- made the mistake of putting a CD with a label on it into my CD player -- a practice that the owner's manual warned about, stating the CD might get stuck. Well, it did. But my service department is replacing it under warranty. Does this mean my car sucks? NO! I also had a door rattle. I took it in, calmly explained my problem, and my service department fixed it. Does THAT make my car a piece of crap? Not at all!

    Give your Protege some slack. You've driven it long enough to find some quirks. Has your transmission died on you? No. You should tell your service department that you want to make sure they've documented all of the times you've complained about the "jerk," so they'll know you complained if something ever does happen. With my '94 B2300 pickup (built by Ford -- really a piece of junk), my dealership kept taking stabs at an engine pinging problem until I traded it for the Protege at 114,000 miles. I only had the base 3 year-50,000 mile warranty on it, but I never paid a dime for all the work they did after my warranty expired. I'm just trying to prove that there ARE special circumstances sometime!

    Like I said several months ago, my 1992 LX automatic did the same thing you're describing. They said it was normal, and sure enough, the car was still doing it at 83,000 miles when I traded it in on another vehicle. I never had one transmission problem. Remember, your Protege is a tight little car, and any little transmission jerks will feel much more pronounced than they would in a big, wallowing Bonneville!

    You've still got a warranty. Relax and take the car in with a laundry list, and turn 'em loose on it.

    And keep the receipts.

  • nikecarnikecar Member Posts: 460
    think with your wallet. Whatever you can afford. I would have loved a 01, but with the incentives we got with the 00 we got a slightly cheaper car that will have about the same warranty (ours expires in Dec03 while the 01's owners here will have theirs expire 1-2 months later.

    same diff. I would have loved a 16" tire, but you can get those afterwards.

    think what you can afford.
  • nikecarnikecar Member Posts: 460
    and considering the Protege's 35.4 vs the Civic's 36"

    the Civic adds that in since they've removed the center hump in the floor. so the Protege still has more space where it counts. right behind the front seats.

    The space in the Protege is what got us to buy the Pro over the Sentras. We liked the front seat area of the Sentra more, but the rear was just too terrible to overcome.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    I like the fog lamps and spoiler of the 2001 as well as the lighted ignition cylinder. But, I like the audio system in the 2000 better, from the way it looks. I also like the front end a little better. I might just look for a 2000 ES with the fog lights and rear spoiler installed already. I have to get some things straight first before considering a car though, so by the time I am ready I might have a choice but a 2001. I am definitely going to join the EAA to take part in the S-Plan when purchasing next time.

    The address: for those who are interested.

  • nikecarnikecar Member Posts: 460
    Its not a subwoofer like you expect the ghetto style to have.

    its a 10" (1) that is hooked up to a seperate amp to power the low bass. Another amp is set for his component speaker up front and the 6x9's. the car can pack the bass, but making the sub take the bass, it allows all the interior speakers to play more clean sound. It doesn't sound garbled or anything. nice clean sound you could expect from a good home stereo system.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    See, I liked some of the audio systems' pictures that were posted in the last Protege topic. Everyone (almost) thought they were ugly, but I thought they were kinda neat. I saw a Sony Xplod system at Wal-Mart a couple weeks ago (like in the Ford Focus') for like $200 for the head unit. I was thinking about upgrading, but I am not about to give up my double-DIN radio for a single one and lose my cassette player (not that I hardly use it). I just like to be able to have dual playback when I want it.

    Anyway, I just turn on the station and listen to it. It's a good-sounding radio to me. Of course, everyone tells me I am tone-deaf anyway, so I guess it doesn't really matter. :)
  • hkchanhkchan Member Posts: 420
    Having no center hump improves the rear leg room measurement? Are you sure? Do you know how the EPA conducts the measurement?
  • nikecarnikecar Member Posts: 460
    i have no clue how they measure it, but considering its increased 2" from 00 to 01, i can assume the removal of the center hump has aided in that figure to some extent.
  • leomortleomort Member Posts: 453
    Is there some kind of special financing or something?

  • WMartonWMarton Member Posts: 58
    The 2001 Civic has ~2" more rear legroom despite a DECREASE in the overall length of the car (compared to a 2000 model). Honda achieved this by changing the front suspension system from double wishbone to (I think) MacPherson strut. (It has nothing to do with the elimination of the center hump.) However, Honda seems to be paying a price for this since a recent Consumer Reports reported a deterioration in ride and I read at least one other review that was critical of the change in suspension.

    By the way, here are the things that I like and dislike about the new ES:

    - new, more powerful engine
    - new alloys
    - 16" wheels
    - better handling
    - standard fogs
    - front and rear disc brakes

    - HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, (do you get the idea), HATE, HATE, HATE the white gauges
    - spoiler should be OPTIONAL
    - faux brushed aluminum trim is a bit too much (but I don't HATE it!)
    - lower mpg compared to Civic/Corolla
    - interior is a bit too dark

    Because of the spolier and white gauges, my wife and I may have to go the route of the LX 2.0. I hate to give up those killer 16" alloy wheels though. Also, at ~$700 over the price of a comparably equipped LX 2.0, the ES is a real deal.

  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    I DO NOT CARE FOR THE WHITE GAUGE'S ...I also think that the spoiler is tacky.
  • hkchanhkchan Member Posts: 420
    Hey. I'm in the same dilemma you're in, ES 2.0 vs LX 2.0. You also know you get two choices in interior color with the LX, right?
  • unmarkedcarunmarkedcar Member Posts: 162
    LX LX LX LX LX ....I have not checked but it would be nice to see if you save any money by choosing LX over ES ...since they both have a 130hp engine, I do not know if it would matter.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    That would seem to be the only reason for me to choose the LX 2.0 compared to the ES. I like the fogs, spoiler, white gauges, brushed aluminum, and all the other things about the car. But what color are the white gauges illuminated in? It would be very nice if they were illuminated in the same color as the ones in my roommate's 2000 Dodge Neon ES. That is the only thing I like about that Neon, the color of the gauges at night.
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