Toyota Tundra

meeker2meeker2 Member Posts: 2
edited April 2014 in Toyota
I want to buy a Tundra but am concerned about pulling a 5000 pound travel trailer. Not a fifth wheel. We will do some mountain trips and do not want to lose speed on grades of 6% or so. Will it do it? Thanks.


  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    You don't need a long warranty for your silv because you'll dump it within 3 years. Quadrunner suffered with his for a year before dumping it. Too bad he didn't learn his lesson. He bought another new chev. Why? Because the salesman promised all the bugs were finally worked out. Can you say.....SUCKER!!!!!!
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Read this article:

    In short - the Tundra is as capable as any other 1/2 ton to tow the load you are talking about.

  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    If you want to maintain 65-75 mph on level ground, plan on spending lots of time in 3rd gear. Going up 6-7% grades in Colorado mountains, you can figure on 48-52 mph, shifting back and forth between 2nd and 3rd gear. You need to check your tongue weight. A 5000 lb trailer can cause hobby horsing on the rear springs. And what about your electric trailer brake provisions?

    People use small trucks to haul travel trailers all the time, so it's not a problem for the truck. It's just an issue of how comfortable you can be sharing the right lane with the older motor homes, getting the same fuel mileage also. Strong crosswinds are always a fact of life if you travel in the west. Stability of your combination is always a concern. Long wheelbases are more stable.

    The seldom appreciated factor that makes hauling travel trailers uncomfortable for light trucks is wind resistance. People intuitively think because you can accelerate briskly, maybe even power up a hill, that it won't be straining all those other times when you're on level ground but facing a strong headwind for 100 miles, unable to exceed 50 mph, steering wheel cranked to the side, and your family riding with white knuckles and clenched teeth. Travel trailers punch huge holes in the wind, and have aerodynamic efficiency equal to towing a parachute behind you. A 5000 lb trailer, on level ground, can be just as hard to tow as a 7000 lb trailer when you face opposition from the wind.

    I have lots of friends with travel trailers. And I myself have a 25 ft 12,500 GVWR motorhome with Ford 460 V8. They get mileage towing as bad as mine, with no significant speed advantage either. To a man, all of them who don't already have power stroke diesels, cummins, big blocks, V10's etc are constantly discussing the merits of getting one.

    Just the most recent example, my friend Doug Linder bought a Toy Hauler travel trailer nearly identical in to the one in the trailer life article referred to above. He has a Ford F150. Now has the new trailer, now looking for a diesel.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Finally got rid of that Lemonado of yours? Some people (obviously not you) value quality and reliability.

    The 5000 lb. trailer in question would be easily towed by the Tundra. Quad had to get the diesel Lemonado because of the weakness of his 1/2 ton Lemonado.

    If you get a Tundra, you get a truck built to work. The lemonado is fine for towing a couple of bags of groceries - anything else it will break quick. They use those weak S10 drive trains.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    What is the problem? You seem to be a bit raggedy of late. I guess being banged around by the silverado owners doesn't help either now does it.
    Just wondering......
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    you said a mouthfull there when pointing out the wheelbase fact. not many people look at that, and if perpetual tundra buyers looked at that, they would obviously realize what a joke the tundra is. there are cars with longer wheelbase dimensions. LOL i think lotsa folks look at the tundra cause it's so cute to the eye, and that's what gets them into trouble later on.
    Bama- why the negative input towards quad? he's simply trying to point out the obvious to a perspective buyer. does "experience" even ring a bell in that negative attitude of yours?
    you're still ticked off about being ripped off and it seems your only too happy to point more people in the wrong direction, instead of safety. hopefully there's only one of your kind.
  • tundrathunder1tundrathunder1 Member Posts: 19
    I own a 01 Tundra and I would not tow a travel trailer over 4000 lbs. The reasons for this are that by the the time you load the gear, fuel, water and passengers you are getting close to the maximum gross weight of the truck. The Tundra is a good truck but it is only a half ton and in my opinion not a heavy duty one at that. Look into getting a 3/4 ton with a larger engine and drive train etc. if you are going to do a lot of towing. These comments are based on my own experience so no flaming required. JH
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Have you ever towed anything? I didn't think so. The tow rating of ANY truck includes passengers, fuel, etc. The Chev's tow rating unlike any other truck does not include ANY options. The Tundra is rated to tow 7200 lb. 5000 lb, is a walk in the park.

    Trailer Life magazine, who actually towed 6500 lb through the Sierra Nevada mountains in mid summer with the Tundra said:

    "That said, the Toyota pulled as well as any of its Big Three counterparts and yet, when not in tow, the Tundra was nimble and veritably attacked the winding mountain roads. It handled and responded akin to a smaller version of its actual self. The steering was tight, the ride was distinctly not like any truck we've driven lately, and, pushed to its limits, the Tundra accelerates 0 to 60 mph in a rapid 8.1 seconds. It seems the Tundra is more than able to take on its intended half-ton-rated counterparts in the U.S. light-truck market." Emphasis added.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    "when the tundra was NOT in tow that it was as nimble as it's smaller version of it's actual self", read that as TACOMA. really bama, can't you at least agree with a fellow tundra owner? or are you still intent on leading a perspective buyer down the unsafe path of destruction.
    sorry meeker, but you should read bama's responses to other members in the "Tundra vs. big 3 topic". you'll see that this individual is here to simply annoy people.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Hey, if telling the truth about the wimpy Big2 pickups annoys you, then let it be.

    Are you STILL on that "Mah Truck is bigger" illusion?

    Let's see:

    1) The Tundra has 3" more ground clearance. Even Chev admits this.

    2) The Tundra LOADED with 1200 lb. stops quicker than the Chev EMPTY.

    3) The Tundra hauls more.

    4) The Chev is making Hyundai build quality look good.

    5) GM sales have DECREASED 16% since last year. Toyota set sales records. Could this mean that the consumer has realized that Chev is selling expensive junk?

    6) A comparably equipped Chev only has 400lb more towing capacity.

    7) The Chev has those weak S10 drive components (they will be breaking quick).
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    do you even know what topic you are in when you start spewing all this jibberish? trying to make PF's job harder?
    go in the right topic and we'll talk.
    don't even start on this 3' GC thing again, cause you know that's an out right lie.
  • tundrathunder1tundrathunder1 Member Posts: 19
    While I appreciate your enthusiasm for the trailering qualities of the Tundra I think that you are wrong as far as towing 7200 lbs with it. Have you ever towed that amount of weight with your tundra in any kind of mountain driving? I have towed 4000 lbs worth of boat and trailer and based on my experience that is the maximum that I would want to pull in mountain driving. You can tow 6000 lbs with a Tacoma but would you really want to? If I wanted to tow a large trailer I would want the towing vehicle capacity to have a good safety margin of capacity weight not maxed out. As I said at the end of my post my comments are based on my own experience and I don't think you are in a position to say whether or not I have towed 1000lbs or 7000lbs. I am not trying to offend anyone but meeker2 asked a question and based on my experience with the tundra I felt qualified to answer the question. BMW I think that the tundra is a good truck and I would buy another one but it is not a heavy duty work truck in my opinion.JH
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Oh, so you HAVE towed 6500lb through the Sierra Nevada Mountains? Why do your results differ from Trailer Life magazines'? Do you also post also under Quadrunner100?
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    can't you say anything without insulting someone else in the process? tundrathunder is telling the truth about his experience, yet you want him to word it a different way so as to please your ears. facts are facts, the answer for the original inquiry here is to buy a 3/4 ton truck.
    -bottom line........tundra= bad possibilties when towing more than it can handle.
  • tundrathunder1tundrathunder1 Member Posts: 19
    If you read my post I said I have towed 4000lbs. of boat and trailer. It was not in the Sierra Nevada mountains but was through the coastal mountain range in British Columbia. My experience is not based on what I read in a magazine but in actually going out and doing it. I have always found that actually doing something gives you a better grip on the reality of the situation then reading about it does. You have your opinion and I have mine. That's what makes free speech so wonderful. I was only relating my experiences with towing with the tundra in response to a question that was asked. It was not based on magazine articles or hearsay.JH
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    If you think that any truck would drive the same with a 7000 trailer as it does empty, you'll be disappointed. I've driven my Dad's 3/4 ton chevy(longbed, camper special) with a trailer and my Tundra with his trailer. They both felt the same, except the Tundra was more maneuverable. The big difference was when we installed the load leveler rods on the chev. It drove with a lot more stability. It would have been too much trouble to transfer the mounts over to the Tundra, but I'm sure it would have helped as well. Bottom line: If you try to drive the same with a heavy trailer as you do with an empty truck, your creating a danger to yourself and others on the road. Always leave more margin of safety when increasing payload/weight.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Quad and/or Red,

    Are you saying that you need a 3/4 ton to tow anything over 5000lb? I would think that a lot of 1/2 ton truck owners would disagree with you.

    I might admit that a Chev can't tow more than 5000lb, but a Toyota?

    We have to talk credibility here. Trailerlife magazine actually tested a Tundra towing 6500 lb and posted the results. Quad or Red assumed a new identity and posted otherwise.
  • tundrathunder1tundrathunder1 Member Posts: 19
    Sorry to disappoint you but I am posting under my own user name. My addy is
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    bama please take a reading class, i'll even pay for it. certainly a 1/2 ton fullsize truck(chevy,ford & dodge) is capable of towing the figures mentioned thus far, but having more (GVWR and power) is usually better and safer.
  • tundrathunder1tundrathunder1 Member Posts: 19
    I don't want to get into the tundra vs big 1 or 2 or 3 argument as you folk's have pretty much got it cased but I do agree with your statement that said "having more GVWR and power is usually better and safer"
    I am now off to enjoy a drive in my black tundra with my wife on a beautiful sunny day in Vancouver. Maybe go up one of the local ski mountains without anything in tow.JH
    Everyone please have a lovely day
  • meeker2meeker2 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks to all of you who responded to my question about towing 5000pounds (loaded).
    In trailer life they gave the truck high marks but indicated it got only 6.9 mpg when towing. Do any of you know if this is an isolated case or it is what I can expect when towing?
    Thanks again.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    The number is correct, whether Tundra, or any of the other 1/2 tons. And it isn't so much weight as it is wind resistance, but that's been stated adequately.

    The question I have, since you seem comfortable enough with the notion of a Tundra pulling a 5000 lb travel trailer, is why the concern for fuel economy while towing? Seems to me, the logic you are applying is that it will only be occasional. If it was a full time habit, I think you would be asking more pertinent questions.
  • jim4444jim4444 Member Posts: 124
    Thought I cleared up your misunderstanding about "S10 drivetrains in Silverados".

    In case I havent here goes.

    The 4.3 V6 that you can get in both trucks was originally in the full size trucks, so its a Silverado drive train in the S10.

    Read it slow and at least 4 times maybe then you will understand.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    may take him awhile as i've got him on another equation at this time. Doh!
  • jim4444jim4444 Member Posts: 124
    You have him looking for a corner in a round room again? LOL
  • oldharryoldharry Member Posts: 413
    A Tundra will pull your 5000# trailer, and if you only pull occasionally the comfort and convenience of the Tundra will serve you well. You will get less fuel economy while towing. I own a half ton truck ('94) C-1500 and seldom tow, and never over 5000#. If I need to tow something heavy for a long distance, or haul something really heavy, I trade trucks with my son for the job and use his 3/4 ton. Stability in a strong gusty cross wind is a virtue of larger trucks.

  • chirravuchirravu Member Posts: 106
    I now have 65 thousand miles on it, most of with hauling in excess of 3-5 thousand pounds. Number of repairs - ZERO !! I now know why Toyota is confident of extending power train warranties of 5 yr. / 60,000 miles as compared to 3 year/ 36000 by the rusty rest. BMW, as many of you have noticed., Big2 makes trucks outside US, such as Mexico/Canada etc (for those fools who still think of Big3, only time/death can cure them., after all, one of them rusty three since long has become a German based company )

    Now talk about real deal !!

    You take care now
  • chirravuchirravu Member Posts: 106
    Where my friends trucksrme justtheone have gone !? Did they already cloaked their identities !?
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    more than likely got the boot.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    he's here alright, just ain't nothing interesting enough to talk about.
    now start a topic about a REAL truck and there's bound to be some good conv.....
  • chevytruck_fanchevytruck_fan Member Posts: 432
    I found it strange that the tundra towing got less MPG than the 2500hd they tested towing? What this means to me is that the Tundra engine is really working to tow that much, i.e. you have your foot to the ground.

    One thing you will want to research is that the Silverado you can get towing suspensions, all the trailer wiring already hooked up, a towing hitch for about 1/2 the price (If you were looking at the Tundra limited you can't even get a hitch), on the Tundra you are going to be closer to maxed out witha 5000 pound trailer than you would be with the Silverado (safety buffer), I'm not quite shure on this but can you even get a 4.10 rear end in a Tundra?

    I would say 2500 would be the best choice, but it you don't want a 3/4 ton I wouldn't limit yourself to the Tundra the other three are awesome trucks.
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    You gotta test drive all of them. If you are going to tow on regular basis, I would ask the dealerships you go to if you can test drive with a trailer attached. Kinda unusual I think but I'm sure this is not a new request from the buyers.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    except most manufacturers don't recommend towing in the first 500 miles. Then again, you could always find someone elses truck in the service department and use that as a demo....yeah right...though I wouldn't put it past them at times. After all they use it to pick up lunch for the techs....
  • eric2001eric2001 Member Posts: 482
    Would be to post the question on this board and hope that someone with experience will answer, and that those who don't won't spew off useless second-hand information.

    Sorry Oby, not trying to bust you too much. And no, not the second-hand stuff either, just the idea part. We all know who is the culprit in denial... Won't mention names, let sleeping dogs lie...
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    "Launch Ramp -- Steep launch ramps and 4400 pound ski boats are no problem for the Tundra"

    " Towing -- Our test Tundra easily towed a Toyota Epic ski boat/trailer. In fact, we had to keep checking our mirrors because it didn't feel like we were towing anything. Even when throwing the Tundra through curves, the trailer tracked behind the truck like a train and the driver had full control. There was no "driving" of the truck by the tow vehicle."

    "Performance wise, the 4.7 liter V-8 is world class. Jump on the pedal and get instantly rewarded with a solid launch and quick acceleration. Toyota's published 0-60 mph time for their 4x2 model is just 7.87 seconds ­ a full 1.6 seconds faster than the Chevrolet Silverado, the quickest of the competition. Passing time is just as impressive. With a 6,500 lb. trailer attached, the Tundra clocked a 40 -60 mph passing time 14.73 seconds ­ 4.37 seconds quicker than the F-150, the fastest of the competition in this category. When you are trying to get around a slow tractor/trailer combination or get around a vehicle on a hill, a difference of over four seconds between the Tundra and the next closest competitor makes a huge difference in the margin of safety."

    These quotes are from Truckworld, someone who actually towed something with a Tundra. But we don't want to cloud this topic with facts. By the way - what breed is your "sleeping dog" expert?
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    but when i'm towing, i never put myself in a passing situation where i need a 4 second advantage in acceleration. don't use a truck to accelerate as quick as possible either. what's the basic feature and i say "basic" is the wheelbase length. i've towed with a short wheelbase in gusty winds and it wasn't fun. since going to a truck with a longer wheelbase, towing in the same conditions were much more comfortable. besides, if you believe what someone says in a magazine report, then you're probably one of those who buys anything sold on tv. LOL
  • chirravuchirravu Member Posts: 106
    Nobody wanna buy a nice Rusty3 vehicle, if those guys do NOT have guts to offer 5 years 60K power train warranty like Tundra does !!

    You all take care now .. Truckrme - RIP
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    if i was a toyota guy i wouldnt really be talking about rust.
  • toddstocktoddstock Member Posts: 268
    That was a nice way to slide away from the true purpose of his post.... Pretty slick, but not very smart... Wayyyyyy to obvious.. You have a good one on this one now, ya here!!!!
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    what the heck is

    Ryona a bob ?
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
  • toddstocktoddstock Member Posts: 268
    That is absolutely the bla bla bla post I have ever read...
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    why do we need a 5/60,000? did chevy guess at all the build quality like toyota did? if you think that you didn't pay for a 5/60,000 warranty up front, then you must be about as smart as Toddaclod.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    you need bama to pull your face out of.....well, you know where you've got it. this topic has run it's course i do believe, and what's even funnier, is that a few peole here know what the original poster has decided to buy. Doh!
    thanks bama for pointing out the tundra's deficiencies.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Is it just my imagination, or is Red starting to sound like BLD? Could it be?
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Actually Bama, Red has his name and email addy under his profile. So does Oby. YOU DON'T.

    You can flush that crap right down the Toddy!
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    you diggin for bones now? ROTFLMFAO.........
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Chev needed a beta tester for their new truck. Since Quad volunteered with his '99, Chev saw him coming. The only bright side is that his new Lemonado has a Japanese engine and a German transmission. Isn't it too bad that the rest of the truck will fall apart around him.

    "You can flush that crap right down the Toddy!"

    What the hell is a "Toddy"?
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    "Actually Bama, Red has his name and email addy under his profile. So does Oby. YOU DON'T."

    "You can flush that crap right down the Toddy!"

    Does the fact that Quad's buddies post their email addresses make them more credible? Inqiuring minds would like to know!!!
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Sure it does. Real people. Bama...just an anonymous spammer posting under various guises.
This discussion has been closed.