Ford Excursion Maintenance and Repair



  • roosmamaroosmama Member Posts: 28
    I have a 2000 'X' Limited with the 6.8 l V10 gas engine. AND I LOVE IT!!! I did have a problem with the idling until I found a really good mechanic. The only real problem I have had is with the door locks, but once the original ones were replaced they work fine. My unit has 121,000 km on it (Canadian, eh!). Yes it is hard on gas, I get about 19 miles to the gallon highway, but I have been told that the V10 is easier on gas than the 5.4L gas engine because it does not have to work as hard. Bottom line is that it is wonderful for long trips (the rear seat will semi recline) and with the third row seat out and the back seat folded down you can get a queen size air mattress in there!!! We pull a 28 foot loaded travel trailer with it and you don't even know it is there. The truck has room for all the kids and luggage with room to spare. Right now where we are gas is cheaper than diesel so personally I'd stick with the gas engine. The gas tank is 166L and I can go 8+ hours on the highway without having to stop for gas. So it would be your choice I'd say the 5.4 if you just want it for cruising and the 6.8 if you plan on towing. If I could find one built during the last couple of production years I'd grab it. Believe it or not I have had people come into my yard and ask if I would sell mine and the Ford dealer where I take mine for servicing says he has people who are looking for one - one of them being the service manager. Good luck with what ever you buy. These trucks are like hens teeth up here in Alberta.
  • porspors Member Posts: 2
    I was driving down the road and the engine just quit - no warning signs at all. Thankfully was able to pull into a parking lot. I tried to start it two times and it would start and then die. I waited about 5-10 minutes and it started up but ran very rough. Got it home and called the dealership. They had a lengthy wait to get it in so we kept it at home. Had it out on the road again and heard a louch screeching sound and it died again. Has been at the dealership for one week now and they say they don't know what is wrong (up to $2000 in labor troubleshooting thus far). Any ideas?
  • idgolfjunkieidgolfjunkie Member Posts: 15
    my 2000 excursion (7.3) started doing this a couple of years ago and it was the cam position sensor. I recently received a letter from Ford that there is a recall on the cam position sensor for the very reason you described. It sounds like your dealer is goofing on you, I called my mechanic when mine first started doing it and he said "cam position sensor, happens to lots of them", he didn't even have to see the rig to know what it was, the failure is that common. Hope this helps.

    Oh, one last comment. I read a post from a member that stated he gets 23 mpg on the highway and 18 in town, with his V10 excursion, DUDE you are so full of it. NO ONE has ever gotten that kind of mileage out of the v10, unless you've got 8 kids and they are pushing it 40% of the time.

    I own and still drive a 2000 excursion that I bought new, it has almost 200,000 on it and so far I've replaced the alternator, rebuilt the front end and replaced all the brake rotors, cam position sensor and that's it. I get around 16-17 mpg in town and have gotten as high as 24 on long trips with a tail wind. The vehicle is the best I've ever owned and very comfortable to drive long distances. It does however, have the worst electrical system I've ever encountered, bar none. I am planning on getting at least 350,000 miles out of mine, the sole reason for buying the diesel.

    To all you excursion owners, enjoy a truly awesome rig. I laugh everytime I see a good friend of mine because he has a 3/4 ton suburban with a 454 and get 7 in town and 10 on the highway, and I still have more pulling power than he does, poor poor chevy owners.
  • porspors Member Posts: 2
    I saw that cam position sensor recall but it looked like it was linked to the 7.3 engine. I have the 6.0.
  • roccosuroccosu Member Posts: 3
    i have an '02 2x4 EX w/6.8 v10. installed rotors and pads from EBC ( rotors are GD7082 (slotted and dimpled) and are marked "R" & "L". pads are DP41308R (yellow, ceramic-Kevlar). excellent!!
  • roccosuroccosu Member Posts: 3
    my '02 6.8v10 has +/- 157k. use 5w20 as recommended. want to use engine flush at next oil change (every 3k-5k). does not burn oil. any drawbacks? recommendations?
  • chauce1chauce1 Member Posts: 1
    Hi, I have a 2001 Ford Excursion and have noticed that lately we have issues when driving the car will accelerate forward at times as well as having problems with the check engine light and the door ajar sensor, the left rear door won't respond to the unlock button on the key ring or in the car and the interior lights come on while I'm driving. The interior lights and running board lights stay on well after we have unloaded everything in the car. I have taken it to mechanic after mechanic and the dealership and they have said there is nothing mechanically wrong with it but that I am better off getting rid off it due to electrical/computer chip issues. I love the Excursion, we are a family of eight and would like to either get it fixed or trade foe a newer version. I find it hard to believe that nothing can be done. I saw a news special last summer that stated that Ford had recalled a chip in the truck that was causing the engine to lock, as well as some other malfunctions, but whn I asked the dealer in my area was told that they had not heard about that. Anyone have any suggestions or experiencing the same things?
  • pfteryl1pfteryl1 Member Posts: 12
    2000 4wd, 140k miles....I get intermittent severe front brake chatter even after replacement of rotors & pads....Almost like ABS's been doing this for 100,000 miles...seems to be worse after long stretches of driving.....feels like something loose at its worst....nothing chatter marks on rotors or pads....Any ideas?
  • wallzwallz Member Posts: 2
    as to your door ajar problem, while the door is open spray down the locking mechanism on the door with wd40 and close and open several times. The dust in there gums up the door ajar sensor. The sensors are on other vehicles external push pins somewhere on the door frame area, in the excursion they are built into the lock. You should also spray the back glass door as well, the sensors are in the glass door latch on driver side. (This is why the interior lights stay on, because of door ajar sensors) As to your left door not responding, it sounds like your actuator is toast. The actuator is what unlocks and locks the doors.(one on each door) As for the sudden acceleration issue, do you have the diesel?
  • wallzwallz Member Posts: 2
    Have you had the brake calipers serviced when you replaced the rotors and pads? could be worn calipers!
  • pfteryl1pfteryl1 Member Posts: 12
    there are a number of sources for cryogenic rotors (for 2000 ford excursion)....please respond by posting both positive and negative experiences

  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Cryogenic tempering of rotors is supposed to reduce cracking and warping and increase their lifetime. I too would be interested in knowing whether anyone has real world experience with them.

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • bigtruck1bigtruck1 Member Posts: 7
    So are full synthetics totally out for this beast of a motor, or would a full synthetic 10w30 work? Did you just go back to conventional 5w30? When you switched back to the oil you are currently using did you flush the system out with and additional oil change or did you just go straight back to conventional. Is it just a myth that once you go synthetic you cant go back to regular oil? I havent been on this site for a while but anyone hear of the myfordpaintpeels guy? The top of my Ex is starting to rust out due to lack of freaking paint and it just keeps on blowing off!!!
  • roosmamaroosmama Member Posts: 28
    I never had synthetic in my beastie just the regular 10W30 (or 5w30 depending upon the season) that the dealer puts in her. I thought about going synthetic in it but it was too expensive. It does seem like if the oil meets Ford specs for this engine it is happy. That is why I don't fool around anymore with it. I found a good dealer and that is where I go. If you go to a 'Quickie Lube' , the oil just disappears. My dealer did not flush the system but it took until about the 2nd oil change before I really noticed the difference. Truck has not 'eaten' any oil since, but I am really careful to keep up with the oil changes and regular maint. being done on schedule....can't afford to put a new engine in this monster.
    I do know this for sure. The 'can't go back to regular after synthetic' is a myth. We were living in the Far North and got a new F150 right from the factory. Before we took delivery we had synthetic put in it because it performs better in extreme cold. A couple of years ago, after we moved back to civilization, we went back to regular oil in this truck. Believe me when I say that I grilled that service tech before I let them do it. Synthetic is expensive and we wanted to save some money on a truck that was getting older. "Blue" is now 12 years old and still runs like a top on regular oil. No problems at all after converting. Actually come to think of it we have had less trouble overall with the F150 compared to the Ex. :confuse:
    I have not heard anything either from the peeling paint guy. I have had some paint peel but it is very minor compared to some of you other guys.
  • belindapbelindap Member Posts: 1
    I was just reading this entry and noticed they were talking about sudden ecceleration issues and that is has recently started on my 02 6.0 diesel. Do you know why it is doing this and how can I fix it?
  • kammerudkammerud Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2005 Ford Excursion with the V10 i use for towing and as of late I have been getting a funny smell from the exhaust. I also got an emissions light that came on. I checked the error code and it stated lean bank one.

    Anyone have any reccomendations on how to fix this. Is the cat plugged?

  • dorothy2002dorothy2002 Member Posts: 1
    I have been given two conflicting pieces of advice on fixing my Excursion that was recently wrecked on the front bumper, causing the bumper to pull to the right and cracking the front frame. The dealership would like to replace that front frame and another mechanic who used to work at the dealership says it can be welded and repaired. any advice?
  • roosmamaroosmama Member Posts: 28
    First you should know that I am an insurance broker and I was an insurance adjuster. Personaly I would replace the part. If this was an insurance claim in my part of the world it would be. The insurance company would demand it. That frame if 'welded and repaired' will never be the same as it was before the accident. It will have what I would call a weak spot and these are not light vehicles to begin with. I don't know how bad the damages are to your vehicle, or exactly where the crack is, but I never mess around with anything that could compromise the safety of my vehicle.
  • philodomphilodom Member Posts: 1
    Sometimes when I start the 04 Diesel Excursion there is no power to this control panel. Does not light up so can not turn on the AC, Fan, check external temperature, or any of the panel controls. For the past year when this happens it will correct itself after a few days of starting and turning off the vehicle. Now it has been a few days. Has anyone every had this problem?
  • truktoytruktoy Member Posts: 4
    I've had the sme problem with my 2004 Excursion Diesel. Initially turning the key off and then on will restart power to the A/C panel. Eventually you will have to change the panel. Fortunately mine was under warranty.
  • redoilredoil Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 Excursion 7.3 psd -- with about 80,000 miles -- tow a 30 ft. Airstream trailer -- also had lots of worped rotor problems -- finally rplaced with Powerslot rotors and Hawk pads -- great -- about 5000 miles later -- also Edlebrock shocks to stop the bouncing after hitting dip in the road. I am in the middle of putting in a 6.0 trans cooler.
  • idgolfjunkieidgolfjunkie Member Posts: 15
    I own a 2000 excursion 7.3 and I can say the brakes just sucked. My brother in law owns a service center and I trust his work, he turned my rotors a couple of times and the brake cavetating always returned. At around 140,000 I had to do a major front end rebuild (ball joints, 4x4 hub bearing assm, etc.) and decided to replace all the rotors and pads. I did some research and talked to my dad (a true hot rodder from the 50's and 60's) and really didn't think the difference in price warranted the expense, what I did do was order a set of drilled and slotted rotors and pads from an outfit in So. Ca. I paid 299.00 for the entire set (DID YOU READ THAT) off of ebay, no problems since. My brother is a diesel mechanic at a gold mine in Alaska and he's not sure that freezing anything is all that good for it, unless you could keep it frozen most of the time. I love my excursion, yeah its got a lousy electrical system, but after 8 and a half years, I still love driving it, and nothing travels better. Good luck.
  • skamrath1skamrath1 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 01 Ford Excursion v10 4x4 and it wont start. The radio and lights and locks and everything else works but it wont start. It started doing this a week ago. If I pull up on the shifter it would start or if I put it in neutral it would start. Now nothing works. Please help
  • agoodwinagoodwin Member Posts: 16
    Hello everyone, :shades:
    It's been a long time since I have posted anything on this forum. Sorry..... Anyway, I looked back to kinda catch up on what's going on with the Excursions. Looks like the brakes are still an issue; also the paint flaking off is another. I have had both problems with my 2004 Ex Eddie Bauer. Fortunately I had the paint covered by the dealer. (It helps to have gone to school with the service people) Paint on the front bumper and on the roof and above the back hatch is were I had problems. The brake rotors were cryogenic treated and they are holding up very well. I have 28000 miles on them. and no issues, just great braking and no warping. Most of the miles are towing trailers. Camping and Racing type. So I have put them to the test. Very Happy I had that process done to them, after I had so many problems with the brakes on the previous two Excursions I have owned. Now a new problem has popped up. The back up sensors quit working. When I put the truck in reverse the switch on the dash stays in the off mode and will not switch on. No warning beep anymore. Kind of bummed out with this. Anyone have any suggestions? Anyway if you need more info with your problems, I will be monitoring this forum often again. It's good to be back. Talk to you all soon. Andrew
  • fphilli1fphilli1 Member Posts: 30
    Thanks for the post. I have an 01 with 135K and I am on my third set of rotors and they are starting to pulse. What brand do you suggest. I am really tired of putting money into replacement OEM rotors. The only thing I can suggest on your back up sensor is to check the circuit, see if there is a fuse out, cut wire, and check each sensor to see if they are all getting current. That is all I have, I have never had an issue with mine. Thanks again for the post...
  • fphilli1fphilli1 Member Posts: 30
    I also have a 01 Excursion Limited with 135K. I had an issue similar to yours and I replaced the cps,(crank position senso) and have not had any issues since. This was a recall last year and Ford actually rembused me for the cost I paid at a non Ford shop to replace it. Good luck have no other suggestions.
  • twtcadtwtcad Member Posts: 13
    Hello.....I do not remember the brand because I've had them for over 3yrs, but I ordered a set of dimpled, slotted rotors of Ebay for my '03 Limited 4x4 X. I bought my X used @ 45k miles and was one of the first purchases I made, almost immediately. I had purchased a different brand prior from a local speed shop for my Suburban and they worked really well. I looked on Ebay for a cheaper price and I could not be happier with the rotors I have. At first I used Hawk pad, expensive but worked very good. Now I'm using Wagner Severe Duty and wow, they are fantastic and a lot cheaper. Oh....I have never had any rotor warpage using these rotors and I'm an aggressive driver and I have around 60k miles on these rotors.! Just my 2 cents!
  • kammerudkammerud Member Posts: 2
    I to have the same problem with the backup sensors on my 05 limited. I have checked all the wires and fuses I am also hooked the truck on to a programmer to scan for errors and nothing comes up. Please let me know if you find a solution.
  • agoodwinagoodwin Member Posts: 16
    Hello fphilli1,
    I wanted to give you some info on the rotors. Sorry to say that the rotors I had cryogentic treated are OEM rotors. But they are great after I had them done. The company that did the process was a local cryogenics shop,. They have since went out of business because of bad management, can you believe that??? You may try a goggle search and see who will offer the Cryo. treatment and see how much they will charge you for the process. I bought new Ford rotors and had them done before I installed them. Back in 2004 the cryo process cost me $250.00 for all four rotors. I did notice that "twtcad" post #340 had purchased some dimpled, slotted rotors off e-bay and had some good success with them. Just watch out for the China crap. The rotors may cost more for some good USA aftermarket ones. But the China stuff is not so good from what I hear. :lemon: About the back up sensors I'm going to check the fuses and the wire circuits and see what I find out when I get a minute. Thanks for some suggestions for starters. If I find anything useful on my diagnostic testing, I will be sure to post the results. C/ya later Andrew
  • fphilli1fphilli1 Member Posts: 30
    Hey thanks for the quick response. Do you know if you can have the cryo process done on rotors that have miles on them? I have read a couple of answers that said the process worked but no one said they had it done on the warped rotors they had on the truck. I have never heard of this process for rotors. I understand it we used a similar process to buff scratches off fascias when I worked at Ford. I will look for a local source. Did I mention that I had cyramic pads put on last time? The pulseating just started a couple of weeks ago. Thanks.
  • fphilli1fphilli1 Member Posts: 30
    Thanks for the reply. Did you have the cryo process done on the same rotors you were having problems with? This is my 3rd set and I have about 20K on these and the pulse just started about 200 miles ago. Thanks.
  • agoodwinagoodwin Member Posts: 16
    Hello fphilli1,
    About using the old rotors, I would not recommend it. If your going to spend the money on the cryo process, start with new rotors. Mine were Ford OEM rotors with no miles on them, Straight out of the box and to the cryo. shop for the treatment. I put them on my truck right after that. My Excursion only had 500 miles on it. I didn't even wait for anything to happen. If you are interested I have the old rotors with 500 miles on them and I'll make you a good deal on them. All 4 rotors for $450.00. I have them listed on a local selling site Classified ads under Auto Parts and Accessories category or wheels and tires category. Take a look if you want. C/ya later Andrew
  • fphilli1fphilli1 Member Posts: 30
    I also had an issue with my 2001 Ex Diesel cutting out. I had the CPS replaced and never had an issue again. I got the tip from the Edmonds forum and also found out Ford has a recall for this. I took the reciept for the CPS replacement I had done at a non Ford shop and was reimbursed the entire bill. Look into this as it is a $200.00 repair if you have someone else do it.
  • fphilli1fphilli1 Member Posts: 30
    Thanks for the note back. I will not be buying your rotors but thanks for the offer. I am also looking into a different brand and type of rotor that are drilled and slotted.
  • pfteryl1pfteryl1 Member Posts: 12
    after buying and installing a front brake package of treated new rotors, calipers & pads, the rotors are once again bad at only 4500 miles....what move should be next? slotted or drilled? (2000 excursion)

  • twtcadtwtcad Member Posts: 13
    wow.....#1, do not buy drilled rotors for your X! The X is to heavy.....either slotted or slotted & dimpled only! Also, please don't take this the wrong way; just trying to get info.....does anybody that drives the X ride the brake, or drive w/ both feet, or maybe a "panic" stopper (if you know what I mean)? Because the X is extremely heavy and any of those things mentioned will put excess wear (heat) on your rotors. But even that said 4500 miles is ridicules. Where did you get the rotors from? I've had my slotted/dimpled rotors for around 60k and the only thing I've done to my brakes since installing them is changing the pads and I am a very aggressive driver! So it's not making any sense as to why yours keep warping. Have you checked your calipers so see if they are working correctly?
  • pfteryl1pfteryl1 Member Posts: 12
    i am a 2 foot driver & have been for many years (police technique) however do not ride the brakes...rotors, pads & calipers from FROZEN ROTORS....calipers are fine....a bad caliper would cause pulling.....i live in a mountainous area which could affect it some...i've written to FROZEN ROTORS and am awaiting their reply...thanks for the input

  • agoodwinagoodwin Member Posts: 16
    Man, that sucks that your rotors have gone to the dog's again. I really know how you feel. I went through 2 pair of rotors and one set of calipers on my 2000 Ex. It only had 7700 miles on it before someone crashed into it and totaled it out. Mabey a ABS problem? I wonder if that year is a :lemon: ? Although my 2001 Ex. did the same thing, but only once.
    I was lucky, my Excursions were still under warentee and Ford fixed them. Then I traded in my 2001 with 21000 miles on it, for a 2004 Ex. Eddie Bauer. The first thing I did was the brakes. The Cryo brakes have been working great with 28000 miles and I don't baby them by no means. I did not use FROZEN ROTORS so I can't compare them to the ones I have. I wish that yours had been reliable as mine. You may try twtcads fix with the slotted and dimpled rotors. He has 60K on them and no problems. I would look at the calipers real close and make sure that the pins move very easy without any slop in the bushing. This is a typical Ford caliper hang up. I wish I could suggest another solution for this braking problem. Good luck and I hope you get this fixed without a major headache. :sick: C/ya Later Andrew
  • BenzeneBenzene Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2001 Excursion, same problem, same attempted fix, same problem. Any luck finding out what the problem is/was?
  • pfteryl1pfteryl1 Member Posts: 12
    FROZEN ROTORS just sent me a new pair which I have just installed. They paid frt. both ways and were very cooperative. Stay tuned.
  • idgolfjunkieidgolfjunkie Member Posts: 15
    I have a 2000 ex that just turned 200,000, and I had all of the brake problems that you all have described. My brother in law owns a repair shop and turned the rotors a couple of times and it never lasted very long. The problem, is that the penny pinching pricks at ford put half ton brakes on the heaviest SUV on the road, thanks ford. My solution was to purchase drilled and slotted rotors and pads from a supplier on ebay, I don't remember the exact supplier (this was done 80,000 miles ago), but I'll tell you this, I paid 300.00 for all four rotors and pads, YES I SAID 300.00. in the last 80,000 miles my brakes have not shuddered once. I bought my excursion with 23 mile on it in Feb 00, and I'm hoping to drive it another 8 years and get another 200,000 miles out of it. Its a great rig, except for the electrical system which is the worst I've ever seen. BTW, in 200,000 miles, I have replaced the afore mentioned rotors and pads, the altenator, the cam position sensor, the hub bearing assemblies and rebuilt the front suspension, total cost 2,800.00. I love my ex, even though I hate fords (raised by a GM father). Good luck to all of you that were smart enough to buy one of these and make all your suburban driving friends jealous.
  • BenzeneBenzene Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the reply. I will wait for your update. The chattering brakes are distracting to say the least.
  • agoodwinagoodwin Member Posts: 16
    I was just checking my AOHELL e-mail and clicked on the worst value cars article. The Excursion came up #6 on the list. I guess these SUV's have gotten a bad rap. To many brake issues or bad gas mileage? I know one thing, the resale on them sure went to the bottom. What was I thinking when I bought it? I really don't care. I bought this Ex. because I needed a big rig to be able to handle the Towing and the room is great! Sure am glad gas went down. I drive it a little more often now. Sorry I don't have any new solutions for the brakes. Mine are still going strong. I'm doing a little research on different brake systems. I'll post some links after I compile them. Just trying to help those still combating this problem. I think the Excursion is not as bad as people make it out to be. I use it for what it was intended for. I believe I'm still alive because of the Excursion. If I had driving any thing less I would not be writing this Post. My 2000 Ex. was totaled out. I was T-boned in it and walked away. My 2004 Eddie Bauer, while towing my 26' travel trailer in May of 2006, It had severe wind whip and lost the trailer and the Excursion remained upright and on the road. The trailer Jacked knifed came off the ball went over the top of the Ex. and landed upside down on the other side. Holy Sh$%&# !!!! It had the best hitch eq. bars and chains and the Ex. held firm. The people that seen it happen could not believe it did not roll. Just my thoughts for the safety of this rig. #6 rating, hah! #1 in my book. I feel great about it. C/ya Andrew
  • roosmamaroosmama Member Posts: 28
    I agree. I have a 2000 Ex and it has been # 1 in my book since we brought her home from the dealership. We bought it to pull a travel trailer and for long distance hauls with the kids. My husband has talked about trading it in on an F350 4 door. I have told him no way! If you take the F350 4 door and add a cap what do you get? An Excursion without a 3rd row seat! Forget that! Does the V10 get poor gas milage? Yes but what kind of milage can you expect from a V10 besides poor. But it will pull that 28 foot travel trailer uphill and still gain speed. We love our big rig and plan on driving her into the sunset for a long time to come. :shades:
  • pfteryl1pfteryl1 Member Posts: 12
    I have about 150000 on my Ex. It's still a strong car. Problems, other than brakes, have been minimal.....door locks have slowly gone south...replacement costs are so high, I resign myself to manual operation....suspension still sound, leather driver seat has worn through....paint is remarkable (white). This car never has seen the inside of a garage and yet the gloss remains on the rust. It is a rough rider on bad roads. I have a similar dodge 2500 w/v10 (1996)...vastly superior suspension. I would love to find another very low mileage Ex. The didge v10 is much stronger engine.....gas mileage on it makes the Ex look like an econimy car.
  • yankabillyyankabilly Member Posts: 43
    The light problem has to do with one of the power locks. To determine which one you would have to diconect one at a time. start with the drivers. Just pull door panel off and be easy when taken the inner skin. I you don't wont to pull it off then take a sharp knife and cut a spot open and just reseal it with duck tape.

    I work at KTP here in KY will check on computer chip when we go back to work in Feb. If a dealer does know they will not tell you unless it is a recall. The price to fix a vehicle is higher then a recall fix.
  • agoodwinagoodwin Member Posts: 16
    My back up sensors are working again. You will not believe this.... My 9 year old daughter Sami fixed them. :blush: That is the only explanation I have. All she did was wipe the sensor spot in the center clean and the damn things worked again. :confuse: Maby there was a loose connection or something. I can figure it out, I wiggled them all with no luck long before she wiped them clean. I suppose I'll have to get her to fix more things for me, and get her to read this forum to help out everyone. Ha Ha. Just thought I would share this with everyone. C/ya Andrew
  • txdude1txdude1 Member Posts: 1
    My 2000 Excursion (diesel) has an ignition theft device called iLock. As luck would have it, my iLock system has gone bad and has locked me out from starting my truck. Truck now sitting at grocery store. Called local Ford dealerships here in TX, they have no idea what I'm talking about...never heard of iLock. Called dealership in UT where I bought vehicle, they state I need a bypass which is no longer made/available or, will have to have ignition re-wired. Anybody dealt with this issue or know of a work around? Hate to pay cost to re-wire.
    Thank you!
  • fphilli1fphilli1 Member Posts: 30
    I sent this to a Ford electrical eng'r that I have worked with in the past and here is what he had to say about your issue. Hope it helps.
    There is no such device called "iLock" that I know of on an Excursion. There is a computer software program called iLock. The antitheft system on the 2000 Excursion is the PATS system (Passive Anti-Theft System) and there is a technical service bulletin regarding diagnosis of the system in case of a no start condition. Here is a link to the TSB -
    If the PATS system is causing the vehicle to no start or crank, the red icon on the instrument cluster that looks like a vehicle with a padlock will flash on and off quickly to indicate that the anti-theft is active. Typically it is a wiring issue or a PATS transponder or PATS antenna that has gone bad. ;)
  • EXfloresEXflores Member Posts: 3
    excursion 2000 2x4 6 .8 10cylinders...does anyone know the actual psi thats supposed to run through the injectors?
    i had just replaced the fuel pump and im getting 30psi not sure if thats right... ...i already replaced the oxygen sensors so i dont know if that could still be it... i drive on the freeway constantly .. when i get about 10 minutes on the freeway the revolutions will go all the way down and it will just be in idle just enough for the motor to not turn off, even though the its in drive... then ill have to turn it off and on again for it to work another 10 minutes... anyone know on what i can do?
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