2013 and earlier-Subaru Outback Prices Paid and Buying Experience



  • subhash2subhash2 Member Posts: 1
    All I'm looking to purchase 2012 Subaru Outback Wagon 2.5i Premium, CVT, this month. I live in twin cities; can you share what is the best deal I can expect to get. Please share your experiences.

  • oregonmanoregonman Member Posts: 60
    2012 Outback 3.6R Premium CDJ with cargo net, rear bumper cover, and splash guards

    MSRP $30538
    Price Paid $27891

    plus I'll get the $500 Costco card.
  • almattialmatti Member Posts: 164
    Hayes, How do like the 3.6R? I have a 2010 2.5i Legacy which was purchased as a CPO. I also have a 2010 CRV leased....Thinking of trading the CRV in for a 2012 Outback - toying with the 3.6R Limited. I'm still on the fence about the 4 Banger (our Legacy is averaging 27 mpg - 50 % City/Suburban & 50% Highway ,now has 36.5K mileage)... Looks like you made a pretty good deal.
  • almattialmatti Member Posts: 164
    subhash, I just received a Flyer from my Service Dealer - not the one I purchased our 2010 Legacy 2.5i CPO from. They are offering a $2500 premium over the Book on the Trade in toward a new 2012 Subaru, Subaru incentives is 1.9% financing for 5 years (says on certain Models)....Sounds like they are starting to entertain deals. Happy Shopping. Do your research here at Edmunds and other sites. Are you a Costco Customer? if so, Check their referral - I saved a lot on my 2007 Infiniti G35X lease a few years ago - about $40 a month over 39 months with COSTCO..
  • swimmomrunsswimmomruns Member Posts: 5
    Hello. I'm a new Subaru owner. Really (I mean REALLY) wanted to wait for the 2013 Outback, but finally resigned that the changes are not huge, I'd probably get a better deal on a 2012, the sales people kept calling, and with an additional car, now my son can be the taxi to early a.m. swim practice. I also wasn't really sure when the 2013s would become available. So, on 5-31, my husband and I left our poor daughter at home to do homework on her 15th birthday while we went to go buy a car. (We are horrible parents!) I'm not sure the "deal" was the best, as I didn't get quotes from other dealers. It started out as a "Costco" price, but after I decided to wait on the purchase three weeks ago, the salesman called back at the end of May with an offer of $30K flat. Said this was under the Dealer Holdback price and that even he couldn't get that price (really?).

    Outback Limited 2.5i with Moonroof & Nav (was having second thoughts on Nav, but got it....)
    MSRP $33215
    Agreed Price $30000 plus TTL

    Was this okay? Car has Puddle lights, body side molding, weather mats, rear bumper cover, & splash guards. It's red, which is what I really wanted, although I could have settled for another option. I didn't have to travel far to get the car.

    Only possible "regret" is that the finance guy shoved a Gold Extended Subaru Warranty (7 years total/100,000 miles with $100 deductible) in the package--WITHOUT ASKING! Once I realized what was happening, I put on the brakes. My husband then thought it would be a good idea with all the new electronics, and especially the Nav system, which we have never owned. I'm KICKING myself for not negotiating this addition, or even turning it down completely. Did not realize it could be purchased later, even close to the end of the original warranty's expiration until after the fact. He never presented various options for extended warranties, just said, "Your monthly payment includes...extended warranty." I felt a bit "taken" once home for not realizing this was as much of a negotiating point as anything else and something that could have been considered later.

    "Nick" claimed we were getting the "Costco" price for this--at $1100, "down" from $2500. Found out Costco has NO negotiated price for extended warranties. Agreed because I was tired and thinking about my daughter, lonely on her bday, and my husband was for it, but didn't attempt to ask for a better price. Apparently I can cancel this policy for a full refund minus $25 fee within the first 90 days.

    I asked about a zero deductible and all he said, was that will really raise your price and not be worth it. I never thought of asking for the $1100 price with no deductible or lowering the price altogether. It effectively raised my OTD price by $1177, including the tax.

    Should I cancel the warranty? Or, if it's a good plan, price shop other dealers at the end of this month? So far, that's my only true regret on the purchase.
  • fendertweedfendertweed Member Posts: 98
    The dealer cost of the Subie factory extended service contract (ESC) is (or at least, has been) basically 1/2 of the retail price. There are a couple of dealers that will sell them to you for cost + $25 or $50 or so, which is what I did. For my '09 OB Ltd a 7/100 zero deductible cost ~$1200.

    I always skip the installed NAV, all these systems IMO are overpriced and will be obsolete before the useful life of the car, I prefer a Garmin I can take from car to car, update, and just replace for not too much if I want to.

    IMO not cool for a dealer to put a ESC in there without prior notice, etc., but I don't know enough about current pricing to say whether it was a good deal or not.
  • geo30geo30 Member Posts: 1
    The car you purchased is exactly what I have been looking for and I have been looking at used ones but they are almost as much as new ones. The car lot has the same MSRP as you state. Did you just offer a lower price and start negotiating from there? I would buy new if I could buy one at the price you got yours for. May I ask which dealership you purchased your car at?
  • cincinnati_dancincinnati_dan Member Posts: 12
    Beechmont Subaru, Cincinnati, OH. I went in about 3 different times during about 3 weeks, and each time they gave me a better deal. I did trade in two vehicles, and I don't know if I could have gotten all that without the trade-ins.
  • swimmomrunsswimmomruns Member Posts: 5
    Fendertweed--Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, if I could do it again, I would completely skip the Nav system. I'm so angry that I didn't do my homework to realize the system doesn't even call out street names and is riduculously hard to use/learn. I honestly thought and expensive system in a 2012 car would have that capability. It's the first time I've "allowed" myself to purchase a built-in Nav system. As far as the warranty goes, it looks like you thought it was a good idea back in '09. Because of how it was "assumed" I wanted it without even so much as asking, I'm seriously considering asking for the refund and price shopping the warranty later.
  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,339
    I agree with previous comments.

    The price you paid on the warranty isn't "bad," per se, but the methodology by which you bought it leaves quite a bit to be desired. If you think you would like to have the extended warranty in the long run (there are some benefits to the gold plus warranty even during the 3/36 bumper-to-bumper period), then I would contact them and request the warranty be upgraded to zero deductible at no additional cost.

    If they don't want to play, I'd cancel it and consider buying the plan elsewhere later on. There is a thread (Gold Plus Warranty) that discusses the various plans, great places to buy, etc.
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
  • ksayersksayers Member Posts: 59
    By the bye... you can purchase an extended service contract from the SAME company that peddles them through the dealer for 1/2 cost on line. Simple, easy, quick and it works. I did it with my wifes Pilot.
  • mayureshmayuresh Member Posts: 2
    I am in the market for an Outback. The best quote I got for a 2012 Outback 2.5i Ltd withPZEV and Moonroof Package ony is $27,500 +TTL. I have no trade-in, so this is the actual car value. While some websites put is at slightly lower than dealer invoice, some mention that this is higher than dealer invoice.
    I am assuming that the dealers want to get rid of their 2012 models since the 2013 comes out in the fall. Do you think this is a good price?
  • mundadimundadi Member Posts: 1
    Price Paid : 29,400 + Taxes + Doc fee etc.
    Dealer claims this price is 400 under invoice but I am not sure about that.
    Traded in a very old car for $500
  • swimmomrunsswimmomruns Member Posts: 5
    Hello. Although the car itself is great, I've been having "buyer's remorse" since bringing home my 2012 Outback Limited with Nav. 5 days ago. Why? Two reasons: 1) I learned afterward how horrible the Nav system is via online research and by reading the manual and trying to figure it out 2) Didn't like the way the Extended Warranty was "offered to us". Can read previous long post I made.

    What I'm curious about is when you said, "...I had to threaten to return the car...."

    Does anyone EVER return cars and exchange very shortly after the purchase? If I could do it again, I'd just get the same car minus the Nav and think about the extended warranty. In this scenario, I'd be "downsizing," so I'm sure I'd get beaten on what I guess would now be considered a "trade-in". I've always heard once you drive it off the lot it loses thousands of dollars immediately.

    The car was sold to me with 113 miles on it. I've only put on 13 miles from the dearlership to my garage. Any advice?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,450
    Any advice?

    Take a deep breath...

    You can't take the car back.. It's called buyer's remorse, and you have it bad...

    Six months from now, you won't even remember...

    Edmunds Price Checker
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    Did you get a good deal? Be sure to come back and share!

    Edmunds Moderator

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    The 8" navi screen is actually one of the better OEMs that I've seen. You'll get the hang of it, every GPS has its pros and cons.

    Garmin - the color scheme is weak, the opposite of soothing.

    Magellan - you can't search once you've narrowed POIs down to a category.
  • cincinnati_dancincinnati_dan Member Posts: 12
    I bought my 2012 Outback Limited 3 weeks ago, without the navigator. A few days later I left it at the dealership for some add ons, and was given a 2011 Legacy with navigator. I absolutely loved having the 7-8" map displayed while driving. I loved it so much, I asked if they could install it on mine (they said no). I liked it even more, because the Harmon-Karmon premium sound system with the navigator has more memory than the HK system without the navigator, and can play my entire music library on a 16GB flash drive, whereas mine only plays about half of my music. I wish I would have gotten an Outback with the navigator. All of the Garmins I've seen advertised have 4.3" or 5" screens. I already have a 4.3" phone with navigator, so why should I buy a Garmin?
  • goldbluegoldblue Member Posts: 1
    Hi Mayuresh,

    That seems like awesome price for 2.5 Limited w/moonroof package. I am looking at similar car here in Michigan but the best offer so far is $29100. Do you mind sharing with me which state you got this offer ??? And how did you negotiate to get them to come down so low!! Thanks - Sam
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Magellan makes 7" PNDs, in fact I have one. RoadMate 9055 LM with optional wireless backup cam.

    Here's a video to show how it works/looks. I custom fabricated a mount so it's semi-permanent and never leaves the van.

  • mayureshmayuresh Member Posts: 2
    Hi GoldBlue,

    I live in Cincinnati, OH. I have been talking to 4-5 dealers here and most of them priced it in the 29,000+/- 500 range. This is the only one who has offered me that price
  • swimmomrunsswimmomruns Member Posts: 5
    Thank you for your positive outlook. I hope in time you are correct and that I will enjoy some aspects of it. So far the only real positive I like is the large back up camera, as I didn't prefer the mirror version w/o Nav.

    This evening I sat in the car for about two hours, slowly reading the guide, practicing, and setting up the system, page by page. I did learn a lot and managed to master some functions. There is some misinformation/misprints (wrong buttons listed) in the printed guide, though.

    I assumed the system would speak street names. It also often cannot get me right to my destination...only "near" it. As far as the touch screen goes, they say to "touch lightly," yet it takes some effort to get it to respond. I long for the "iPad"-type ease and screen sensitivity. This feels very clunky and "dated." Perhaps this is how most other OEMs operate. I did find out a lot of other car brands have systems that also do not speak street names.

    One particular setting does not work--the "Auto" function for switching the screen illumination between day and night modes. I set it to "Auto," and when I turn the headlights on or off, it stays at either "day" or "night" mode, depending on the previous selection. Assume this means a trip to the service shop, already.

    For a good part of this time, I ran the engine, as I read it's best not to run the battery down while learning to use the system. Now, I need a big bottle of Visine and wish I had the extra $1500 plus tax refunded that the Nav systems costs, so I could use it toward the Botox injections I'll need to release the deep wrinkles in my brow! I will probably use the $500 Costco card I'll receive to buy a portable device as a user-friendly "backup." I'll give it time and try to look on the bright side and make the best of my decision. to purchase it.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Bring the iPad and get a Navi app from Tom Tom, Garmin, or Navigon, they all have 'em.

    Even if you don't have the cellular model, I bet your smart phone could serve as a hotspot.

    You do need a co-pilot for that, though.
  • swimmomrunsswimmomruns Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the suggestion! I'm still upset the Subaru Nav system doesn't speak street names--thought they would all do that by now.
  • lcdemacklcdemack Member Posts: 1
    Bob Baker Subaru, Carlsbad CA
    2012 WRX STI Hatch (wagon) - pearl white
    Ordered to-be-built from factory (something Subaru should trumpet louder as a plus!)
    (try ordering a Honda or Toyota)
    Included Nav, racks, rear tail pipe trim, rubber boot liner, paint sealant.
    Paid sticker with no addendum - near $50,000 on final tab after tax/lic/deliv/blah blah blah,
    But NO addendum, or "addl costs" sticker - so that is only std. Dealer profit margin as Subaru lists.

    Told us 6 to 8 weeks for delivery, arrived as promised on week 8.
    STI hatch is 100% Japan built and sourced, per paperwork, for those that care.
    Car was perfect on delivery, not one item wrong or askew.
    Racks bars & tail pipe trim are a dealer install item - Labor cost was waived by dealer.
    Racks had to be sourced, took 4 days. (they didn't have racks in stock for a Subaru???)

    3 weeks on and we are "double happiness" with the purchase, and much more satisfied than was expected. Car is a wolf in sheeps clothing (as we knew - both my wife and I are serious car geeks). Unfortunatly, as it's 'break-in' time, we have yet to be able to seriously unleash the hounds.
    It's a bit of a guzzler for comparitive rides in it's size, but well worth the "why!" Seeing about 25mpg on breakin period.

    Ride is not for the meek crowd and stiff as any factory ride I've ever driven.
    Suspension+AWD performance are 'not of this planet' amazing
    Fit and finish is tight, clean and squeek free so far.

    Nav/Audio unit is a bit newer than any I've yet used, and it's impressive. Voice cmds work well, BT handsfree syncs and works well w/iPhone, USB for a flash drive is awesome for music listed with all the info., Folders are listed.
    Video features that may work are not worth the trouble. This double din Nav head unit uses SD card for maps/map updating via computer.
    Mapping Nav display is nicely done.
    Ease of use for most will not be anything to difficult with a bit of practice.

    So far, really impressed, happy and feeling like a cheshire cat on the hunt in our new little rocket ship. It won't slay many a monster V8, but it's not like driving a fat pig either. This car reminds me of all that I've always loved about quick but light Asian rides, but with hp like I never imagined out of a 4 cyl.

    Turbo starts a meanigful spin at about 2700 rpm and gives a bit of a slap in the back about 3500. Some lag is always evident. 6 spd is a dream to row and nicely spaced on the ratios, if 1st is a bit short. Runs just below 3000rpm at 70mph & 4000rpm at 100mph in 6th.

    Dealer was ho hum good. About what I'd expect for a commision dealership.
    Our previous ride was a nicely equipped new 3 series BMW wagon, so treatment from Bob Baker is not the same as from BMW, but not a bad thing either.
    Still, I hate sitting in a dealership listening to salesman spin their old school web of deciept on unsuspecting victims.

    Anyway... We needed, we wanted a wagon (for the longboard here in So Cal as well as skates & other gear in the back), and choices are few and slim if you want something interesting in a wagon (NO SUVs, NO Crossovers - yuk!!). The STI Hatch is perfect! and so far I get the feeling like I used to from my great old Hondas that this will be a long term, reliable and fun love affair.

    Thanx Subaru for making something interesting for the rest of us!
  • kmartinkmartin Member Posts: 427
    Anyone know what the labor (in hours) is for the puddle light install on a 2012 OB Ltd?


    Karen in AZ
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Bet you could DIY...I bet it's pre-wired for you.
  • zepolycezepolyce Member Posts: 1
    The dealer has quoted Subaru Outback 2012 2.5i Premium
    25K for MSRP
    $1000 for lineartronic Continuously Variable Transmission w/6-speed manual mode
    500 for OPtion Package :02
    $271 for Auto-Dim Mirro/Comp/Homelink
    $69 for Floor Mats/AllWeather/4
    $80 for Rear Bumper Cover

    This car does not have a moon roof.

    My quote is around $24500. Is that good? What do you guys think?
  • burger2001burger2001 Member Posts: 1
    Just bought a 2012 Outback 2.5i Premium with:
    -CVT (Automatic transmission)
    -Option Package 2 (All Weather Package, Heated Front Seats, Heated Side Mirrors, Wiper De-Icer)
    -Popular package #1a (Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp, Floor Mats, Rear Bumper Cover, Splash Guards)

    MSRP: $27,834
    Invoice: $26,087
    Selling Price: $23,848
    OTD (TTL in Chicago is HIGH): $26,511

    If you're in the Chicago area I can recommend a dealership
  • kfx2005kfx2005 Member Posts: 6
    would you mind share your dealership for me. thanks a lot
  • zj4x4zj4x4 Member Posts: 1
    We scored a 2013 2.5 Premium with the All Weather package, package 1b (Homelink mirror, all weather mats, rear bumper cover, splash guards) and wheel locks in Denver from Go Subaru for $24,201 + tax against a sticker price of $27,932. Trade-in was valued at blue book.
  • kfx2005kfx2005 Member Posts: 6
    thanks a lot.
  • jayhawk76jayhawk76 Member Posts: 1
    After driving the 12' limited and 13' limited with identical options (PWR Moonroof, All-Weather PKG, puddle lights, rear net, bumper cover, etc..) back to back our decision was easy. I also spent days on other forums researching complaints in regards to lane wandering and trans. issues. To us the 13' felt more planted and had a smoother transmission. On the 12' that we tested I noted excess vibration from the steering wheel. Tire pressure on both cars was unknown. So this may have been a factor. I was told from multiple people that dealers over inflate the tires to avoid flat spots while sitting on their lots. We were offered the 12' at $26,700 +++ MSRP $31,500. Long story short, we purchased a 13' 2.5i Premium w/ Moonroof, All-Weather PKG, LCV trans, puddle lights, rear net, bumper cover, and splash guards for $25,800 +++ MSRP $29,269. Best advice to anyone trading in is to keep your deals separate. Dealers will show you great numbers on new vehicle and screw you on your trade. I never tell them of my trade until I have their bottom price on their car. Happy shopping!!
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Congrats. Glad to hear the improvements were noticeable.
  • serenity30serenity30 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2012
    When I went to look at the dealership there were a lot of 2012 and 2013s. I got a 2012 because I didn't like the grill on the 2013 and I didn't like the new seating fabric look (it reminded me of my grandmothers). I know it is not a good reason since the 2013 have a timing chain instead of a timing belt and have additional features that reduce maintenance cost over the lifetime of the vehicle.

    I ended up purchasing a 2012 2.5i Limited (Dual Climate, CVT, HK stereo, AWP, Leather) with splash guards and compass homelink mirror for a total of 26,135 (not including taxes & dh fees) - MSRP was 30682. (They added and installed the splash guards and compass homelink mirror aftermarket for only 100 which was valued at a total of 500.) Thus far I love it. The USB port to connect to the stereo is wonderful and the automatic dual climate control. I plan on changing my car over to synthetic after its first oil change due to the long intervals between oil changes (7500 mi). I did not want a sunroof because I never open it, but I do wish I had the rear backup camera. Subaru does not sell a backup camera without the moonroof, so it will be an aftermarket install by a private company. Definitely get one there is a huge blindspot behind the car. I decided to get the rearview mirror that has one integrated (a huge amount but worth it). I drove one with it and it really helps with backing up the car. I also got a clear bra for the Colorado mountain driving. Thus far I love my car and I do not regret not getting a 2013 but we will see if that changes. I do regret though having payments for the first time ever.
  • bluberyblubery Member Posts: 1
    Hi everyone,

    I'm on the verge of ordering a 2013 Outback 3.6R Limited. I just need to figure out if the price I've been quoted for the vehicle is a fair price. Below is the quote, excluding sales tax, license fee, and a $150 "documentation fee".

    I would love to hear any comments you may have regarding the reasonableness of the prices in this quote.

    Thank you.


    Basic Vehicle:
    Outback 3.6R Limited $30,034
    Destination & Delivery $ 795
    Moonroof: $ 1,203

    Basic Vehicle Total $32,032

    Port Installed Accessories:
    Popular Package #2: $ 533
    Rear Bumper Cover
    Splash Guards
    Wheel Arch Molding Kit
    All-Weather Floor Mats
    Rear Seat Back Protector

    Body Side Molding $ 170
    Hood Protector $ 65
    Moonroof Air Deflector $ 72
    Trailer Hitch $ 417
    Cargo Net-Rear Seat Back $ 42

    Port Installed Accessories Total $ 1,299

    Discount offered by retailer –$ 300

    Retailer Installed Accessories:
    Rear Bumper Corner Moldings $ 89
    Side Window Deflectors $ 298
    Cargo Organizer $ 70
    Sunshade $ 75
    Valve Stem Caps $ 15

    Retailer Installed Accessories Total $ 547

    Grand Total $33,578
  • fungjowfungjow Member Posts: 4
    Is this for real? If so, congrats, but I'm getting high 26 quotes for this same setup in NYS. Anyone else getting this same quote?
  • samdarsamdar Member Posts: 4
    I am in MA and getting:

    2013 Premium
    all weather package

    best offer so far ins $25,590 out the door (tax title....) for $27,673
  • kfxkfx Member Posts: 1
    I'm in NY, can I go to your dealer buy this car? would you mind tell your dealership name?
  • samdarsamdar Member Posts: 4
    In the final throws of negotiations and I am looking at a 2013 premier with automatic and all weather package. Lowest price so far is :
    25,289 with out the door (tax fees...) for 27318 (6.25% tax here in MA. Am I wrong in thinking i should be able to push this price down into the mid 24s?
  • easypareasypar Member Posts: 191
    Considering getting a '13 OB limited (our 2010 Legacy is at 60K miles already) and thought I'd run this by the group.

    I like the new Metallic Brown (can't remember the exact name of it) which requires the Special appearance package. Normally I wouldn't care for some of the stuff included in that package, like Nav, but have to take the bad with the good. I like the two position memory for the driver's seat and the color of the leather. It's a 2.5 liter, PZEV
    Anyway, with the body side molding, puddle lights and wheel locks it comes in at

    MSRP of $34,598
    Invoice is $31,908.
    Dealer quote(not including transportation fee) is $30,898.

    Several of this color are around at local dealrs but they are all 3.6 liter so it would have to be ordered. I haven't confired the prices on here or Subaru site but they look like what I saw a month or so ago. Any thoughts? BTW, this is in Colorado.


  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,339
    I cannot comment too much on the specifics, easypar, but I will say that the price looks pretty decent and I agree with you on that interior!

    Why have you decided to shift gears and look at an Outback? I mean to say, from your perspective as a same-gen Legacy owner, what lessons have you taken from that ownership that led you to now consider an Outback instead?
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
  • serenity30serenity30 Member Posts: 5
    I purchase my car through Shortline in the internet sales division which means bare minimum pricing. I would try them. Since your price is under invoice for a 2013 I think it sounds like a great deal. You might want to look into getting a backup camera with your car if yours doesn't come with it. Also I know that Heuberger down in the Springs usually takes about 2700 off of MSRP which is the exact number you have. That is probably one of the best offers - I say go for it.
  • easypareasypar Member Posts: 191
    When we bought the Legacy my wife asked if I didn't want an OB, but our other car is a Lexus RX330 and there was something about having 2 SUV's simultaneously, weird I know. In the 33 months we've had the Legacy we've put almost 60K miles on it because it gets better mileage than the Lexus and has the MP3 connection.
    We're not sure which of the current vehicles we'd trade for the OB, the Lexus is an '04 but only has 73K miles for the above reason. If we trade the Legacy she'd probably opt for something smaller next time. Other than driving vacations (which we've had many lately) neither car gets a lot of miles on it as our city has just about everything we need without going very far afield.

    If we order it will take about 6-10 weeks to get here.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • easypareasypar Member Posts: 191
    I'm not very familiar with Shortline but know some people who have gone to the Springs to save a few bucks from Heuberger. Frankly I'm not that interested in going that far. We have Subie stores in Longmont, Greeley, Fort Collins, Boulder and Loveland.

    I saw one on the lot at one dealership last week and stopped because I wanted to see/feel the paint and interior up close. When there I noticed they had a sign on the wall about their $495 "paperwork" charge. The sign included the words "additional profit". Yeah, no kidding! If you're not competent enough to make a go of it one what Subaru USA offers I kind of doubt your willingness to deal honestly with me on follow ons. For the record this particular store was about $600 above my final price on my Legacy 3 years ago.

    Thanks for your input and I'll keep you posted on our decision.

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    An early congrats, then.

    In CR testing the Legacy got better mileage than the Accord, both H4 vs. I4 and H6 vs. V6.
  • samdarsamdar Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2012
    I am in the Northeast and have a dealer offering a 2013 outback limited for 27,500 out the door for 29,600 (tax, reg, 359 dealer fee. This is the best deal I have found around. What do people thing?
  • easypareasypar Member Posts: 191
    It's probably good, but without knowing what all you've got for options; sunroof, PZEV, and other items, there's really not enough info for us to tell.

  • samdarsamdar Member Posts: 4
    no extras except the PZEV. MSRP is 30,190
  • obfan1976obfan1976 Member Posts: 6
    This is my first OB. We bought 2013 4 Door Wagon H4 Automatic 2.5i Premium PZEV REAR SEATBACK PROTECTOR,REAR BUMPER COVER,SPLASH GUARDS,ALL-WEATHER + MOONROOF for $25801 ( out of door 28434).

    Do you think this is good price?
  • acuracyclistacuracyclist Member Posts: 7
    What dealer is this price from? what was your MSRP on your 2013? I am in Sothern CA, and the best price on a Premium, All Weather Pkg, Moonroof + a few goodies like puddle lights, spalsh guards, bumper cover, I can find with an MSRP of (29,583) is $26,844 + TTL. Your price is 1k less and sounds like the best price i have seen. would love to know what dealer. thanks.
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