Chevy Silverado - Continued VI

meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
edited March 2014 in Chevrolet
This topic is a continuation of Topic 1357....

Chevy Silverado - Continued V. Please continue
these discussions here.


  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    They have to keep moving us to new posts cause we talk so much we have to be the most popular post. We keep edmunds running haha

  • rwagonerrwagoner Member Posts: 338
    Is there an easy way to placemark the new topics? I have been going back to the master page of pickup conferences. There must be an easier way to jump straight to the topic and placemark it there. I just don't know how.
  • mdw1000mdw1000 Member Posts: 171
    Anybody else used a jack to lift the front end of their Z71? Looks to me like the only place to lift it is at the skid plate. Is that OK? This is where I lifted it when I rotated my tires.
  • z71billz71bill Member Posts: 1,986
    I would not lift the truck using the skid plate, it does not look strong enough to hold the weight without bending. I had the same question -I decided to rotated front to back and just lifted the whole side with a floor jack. I know the manual says to rotate front drivers to back passenger side (and vice versa) but that is to much work.
  • vince4vince4 Member Posts: 1,268
    Just check any check box inside the topic and hit 'update placemarks' and that topic is added to your list.
  • vince4vince4 Member Posts: 1,268
    I've got about 3500 miles now. I don't think the idle is any better than it was except of course when I pulled into the dealer. Then it seemed smoother than normal. The advisor looked at me a little funny when I said it idles rough.

    A friend from another topic said he read that pushing the gas pedal only 3 times worked for the oil reset. I haven't tried it yet but mentioned it to the service advisor and he said the last version trucks used 3 times. Let's give it a try.
  • kantonkanton Member Posts: 142
    The oil light on the y2k trucks does not flash after the computer is reset. However, if you follow the procedure you will notice that the red battery light flashes. I assume this is indicating the system was reset. The last time the oil change indicator light came on (at about 5k miles from the last time) and following the reset procedure, the indicator light did not come on after start up like it would if the computer was not reset. I don't think it is a big deal anyway, I don't let the computer dictate when the truck needs an oil change.
  • rwagonerrwagoner Member Posts: 338
    You have to change the oil? ... I did not know that ...

    My warning is telling me it's time. I think I'll use the last of my regular oil before switching next time to synthetic.

  • bob259bob259 Member Posts: 280
    For those wondering the part numbers for some recent fix's by GM

    Steering Shaft Clunk:
    'F' Shaft replacement GM # 26083324

    Special Transfer Case Fluid TSB
    New Fluid GM# 12378508

    This fluid helps with the drive line clunk and noise. It has almost eliminated my driveline noise. I was told it's the same special fluid they used on the AWD Astro vans that had driveline clunks.

    GM must love the informed consumer, now they will have to fix more vehicles and just not say it's Normal!!!!
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    Can anyone please with power and manual seats give me their views on them. How you like them whats good whats bad. Thanks

  • bob259bob259 Member Posts: 280
    ryanbab: Get the Power Seats. You won't regret it. They have more positions and adjustments than the manual seats and it seems you can always find that one spot your looking for on a long trip, unlike the manual seats. I have a LT with the power lumbar and heated seats and wouldn't give them up for anything. {Especially the heated ones since the wind chill here was 25 - 35 Below ZERO this AM.)
  • scoon8scoon8 Member Posts: 24
    I agree with bab259: I also have LT with heated powerseats & I like the ease of making "small" changes on the seat to get that perfect driving position.
  • mckeownscmckeownsc Member Posts: 15
    Has anyone had this one???
    My 99 silverado ext cab 5.3 use to have a "4WD" indicator light ,to the left of the tac and above the "message center window" that came on when i pressed the "4HI" for "4LO" button. It no longer comes on so i am not sure if the transfer case is locking into 4wd or not. The dealer claims "there is no light that comes on..." but unless i am seeing things, i know it is there. Can anyone confirm that this light actually exists and that is is supposed to come on,or am I loosing my mind??? Thanks
  • bob259bob259 Member Posts: 280
    mckeownsc - To my knowledge I never had any light on the dash or the message center come on when I was in 4 wheel drive. The only lights that I know of that changed were the ones on the buttons, to tell you what you were in.
  • mckeownscmckeownsc Member Posts: 15
    Has anyone had this one???
    My 99 silverado ext cab 5.3 use to have a "4WD" indicator light ,to the left of the tac and above the "message center window" that came on when i pressed the "4HI" for "4LO" button. It no longer comes on so i am not sure if the transfer case is locking into 4wd or not. The dealer claims "there is no light that comes on..." but unless i am seeing things, i know it is there. Can anyone confirm that this light actually exists and that is is supposed to come on,or am I loosing my mind??? Thanks
  • bob259bob259 Member Posts: 280
    The mind is the first thing to go.......
  • mckeownscmckeownsc Member Posts: 15
    Has anyone had this one???
    My 99 silverado ext cab 5.3 use to have a "4WD" indicator light ,to the left of the tac and above the "message center window" that came on when i pressed the "4HI" for "4LO" button. It no longer comes on so i am not sure if the transfer case is locking into 4wd or not. The dealer claims "there is no light that comes on..." but unless i am seeing things, i know it is there. Can anyone confirm that this light actually exists and that is is supposed to come on,or am I loosing my mind??? Thanks
  • scottayscottay Member Posts: 91
    Anybody got one yet? Can I have it? Is it specific as to who qualifies?
    Also, got my VIN# for my soon to be delivered 4door. Anybody got a de-coder for the vin #?
    Thanks, scott.
  • etohetoh Member Posts: 13
    If I could have found the truck I wanted w/o the power seats I would have bought that. Its a 480 dollar option (I think) and I find myself constantly adjusting it looking for that perfect position. Once I get it perfect someone else will drive it and readjust it, and I have to start all over again. Its true it has an infinite number of positions, and I have to try them all. jim
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    I don't think the type of seats should be a decision maker or breaker.

    Having owned both types, the advantage of one doesn't outweigh the advantage of the other, for me.

    How I see it:

    Power seats:
    Multi adjustable - good
    Comfortable - good
    Slow to adjust - bad
    more to go wrong - bad
    cost more initially - bad
    more likely to rattle - bad

    Manual seats:
    Not as adjustable - bad
    Still about as comfortable - good
    less likely to rattle - good
    less to go wrong - good
    cost less initially - good
  • mledtjemledtje Member Posts: 1,123
    Yes there is a 4wd light. It is green. Mine comes on in 4wd.

    If I pull the 4wd fuse, then no 4wd and no light.

    Does your dealer have any other 4wd's on the lot? Go out and shift one into 4wd (doesn't matter if it is AutoTrac or manual) and observe the light.

    If you want to know if you are in 4wd, just put it in 4wd - Lo and make a sharp turn with light throttle on dry pavement. If you are in 4wd, you will stop! In 2wd you will make the turn.
  • mdw1000mdw1000 Member Posts: 171
    that 4wd light was only for the manual transfer cases. According to the manual, your indicator for the pushbutton is the lights by the buttons.
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    Drove one today manual seats i love em im going manual.

    Also seen 2 ZX3 trucks they have a ZX3 graphic on the back like the Z71. I dont know but that optiuon seems to be hype.

    Thanks for the input

  • etohetoh Member Posts: 13
    If I could have found the truck I wanted w/o the power seats I would have bought that. Its a 480 dollar option (I think) and I find myself constantly adjusting it looking for that perfect position. Once I get it perfect someone else will drive it and readjust it, and I have to start all over again. Its true it has an infinite number of positions, and I have to try them all. jim
  • rwagonerrwagoner Member Posts: 338
    It's like deja vu all over again ...

    Have to keep adjusting the power seats until you find that once spot that you REALLY liked? Should have bought an LT with seat memory!!!

    Just had to throw that once in.

    By the way, since manual seats use a metal-to-metal mechanism where one piece fits into a groove for the other and must allow some free play to work, while power seats use a constantly-applied gear system, why would a power seat be more likely to rattle? The rattle certainly wouldn't be from the track.

  • louis10louis10 Member Posts: 3
    Does anyone know if toneau covers are better in the velcro closing or the snap covers like the Extang? Never bought one before so i'm new to them. Will be looking for your posts. Thanks.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    Loyalty coupon the other day...$500 if I remember.

    Don't plan on buying in the time I think the G-man has it??


    The seat makes no difference in the truck purchase? mean the part we sit in..and make all the decisions?

    Don't know about you..but for someone who drives a lot...i want to be as comfortable as possible. The seat does not rattle and will very likely break down. Much more solid feel than a manual seat.

    Heated solid leather feel....or manual cold "this is the position...sorry no smaller adjustment"..

    I'll take power please

    having a screwed up back...I felt the seat was a VERY important issue.

    The old 88 didn't offer power or only slid back and forth!

    ...and I really didn't like it for longer trips...even just 50 mile ones.

    I realize all have different thoughts....and I respect yours.

    But to say the seat really doesn't matter...I have to disagree. This is what we sit in to control the whole thing.

    Now a locker?....there is something 99% of us really don't need...

    ...but we have been down that road too..

    - Tim
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    uhh...Manual seats are not in an LT?

    I thought LT was for you?

    - Tim
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    I changed to an LS didnt want leather i drove my dads new blazer with leather all last wk and didnt like it.

    I am going with a loaded LS pretty much. I am gonna order first week in march the salesman is gonna try and save me an allocation.

    Anyone know when the plant shuts down and starts making the 2001 models??? Just curious


  • stevostevo Member Posts: 37
    '00 1/2 ton Z71

    Noticed that mine and others have 2 leaf springs plus a "helper" on each side. Pre '99 1/2 tons have 3 leafs plus helper per side. Why the difference? Anyone notice any difference in load versus rear end sag in new compared to old style trucks?
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    Last year 1/2 ton 2000's were rolling off in who knows?

    - Tim
  • m1685m1685 Member Posts: 71
    Why did you not like the leather? I used to have a 97 Tahoe LT with leather and hated the seats. I test drove a 99 silverado LT for a day and those seats were a lot better than the old style leather. Even better than my cloth seats in my 00 silverado. I just couldn't afford $1500 for leather and power seats.
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    One i was in was a 2000 blazer. Same as the silverados im sure graphite. I just personally didnt like em Maybe i am used to cloth seats everyday i gotta go with what i like right?

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    is falling for the Tundra....I can tell..

    He is downgrading his mind little by little....trying to get low enough of standards to accept a Toiletta!

    Am I right Ryan?

    ...Or is it the free set of Ginsu's that come with the Tindra that you really want?

    Just how much would you pay??....Don't answer now...Cuz we will also throw in a used T100!

    - Tim
  • vince4vince4 Member Posts: 1,268
    Go for the power seats. They give you adjustments you simply don't have with the manual version. I use that flexibility in combination with the tilt wheel to change my driving position on long trips. They are very expensive for a luxury item but if you plan on keeping the truck a long time then the cost shouldn't be a big factor.
  • vince4vince4 Member Posts: 1,268
    The manual says to switch tires from one side to the other. This has always been a no no with radial tires. That may be an outdated rule but I don't know. What do you think?
  • rwagonerrwagoner Member Posts: 338
    Keeping the tires on the same side has been an outdated rule for about 20 years. Maybe even longer. Michelin was one of the first to promote chaging sides after the original radial problems were solved.

    If you get a free set of Ginsu knives with the Tindra, does that mean you can slice the truck in half just like that?

    Or does that happen anyway?

    Speaking of that, how far have Toy's small truck sales fallen (since the Tundra most likely takes sales more from the small Toys than from the Big 3)?

  • EpaminondasEpaminondas Member Posts: 6
    I just ordered a 2000 LT 4X4 4dr. with limited
    slip differential, wheel flares, etc. etc. Loaded as much as possible including cellular wiring. Everything
    except the camper wiring. Ordered the rig with
    medium graphite with an aftermarket two toned
    pewter on the bottom. You cannot order a LT two
    tone. After market is the only way to get it.
    Spray on bed liner and bug deflector. Bottom line
    was $34006. Could have purchased from Dave Smith
    Motors in Kellogg, Idaho for 150 over invoice but
    Larry in Pasco was incredibly cordial and good to
    work with. I paid more but I would rather support
    a guy who's going the extra mile.
    My question is this: Where can I find a catalog
    or better yet, a website that has Silverado
    accessories. I haven't been able to find one.
    Promised delivery date when I want to pick it up
    is the third week in March. Present for the wife.

    Obesa cantavit!
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    You have to keep in mind I started out looking at a 2500 Ram 24V Cummins Diesel with camel/tan leather power seats and rosewood applique dash. Although I prefer the GM products, Ram still has the most spacious cab up front. I also wanted long range and decent fuel mileage.

    When I realized I could get most of that in a gas engine LS1 with 34 gallon tank, I came to my senses.

    Chevy doesn't offer leather seats in the regular cab models. I talked to Sew Fine, and they can put oem leather on the fronts for $850.

    So when I said the seats are not a deal maker/breaker, was because I would have taken any seats, leather, power, cloth. Except not the base model bench in cloth or vinyl.

    My cloth buckets are firm and supportive. They have enough adjustability for me. Compared to the power seat, they only lack the tilting seat cushion. They do have the lumbar. While I don't reject the superior trappings of heated/power seats, I'm plenty comfortable with what remained in my pocket compared to if I had bought the more expensive Ram.
  • afs93afs93 Member Posts: 30
    The LT seat is the only way to go, if you can afford it! I have saved up my coins for a couple of years & will not regret getting a fully loaded truck.

    It's to bad that the LT seat is not available on the regular cab model.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Just an observation...I have 21k miles on my truck now, and the disc brakes really seem to be holding up well. Quiet, pulse free, and good pad life too. Anyone else?
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    To put them on the opposite side..but still rolling the same would mean flip them on the rim...or do they just say leave them?

    I was going to go front to back....

    they call for it at 7500 and I have about 8700...gotta do something

    - Tim
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    I think it just splits in half by itself.

    - Tim
  • markbuckmarkbuck Member Posts: 1,021
    14K miles on base '99 reg cab long bed 1/2 ton 4x4 4.8L manual. Really happy with truck. Even like the vinyl bench seats and rubber floor.

    Tire rotation - X the fronts to the rear. Bring the rears straight forward to the front.

    Two negatives - would like a 3/4 ton sometimes and now that the 4 door is avail am thinking that way, too.

    Came off a '89 1 ton ford crew cab diesel with 170k miles.

    No diesel's in my future, thats for sure.....
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    the tires that went to the back so they would be spinning in the same direction as they were up front?

    - Tim
  • markbuckmarkbuck Member Posts: 1,021
    That's why the first time they run backwards, they are on the rear. By the time they get rotated back to the front, they have run on the rear in the same direction for 5-10k miles.

    Bin dat way most of the 90's......

    Come on tim, you are still livin in the 80's.

    ps. I too have joined the 40+ codger group. Thank god, tired of racing dirt bikes against the young pups.....
  • rayt2rayt2 Member Posts: 1,208
    Go to
    That should bring you up to date in the 21st century.

    Ray T.
  • rlangford2rlangford2 Member Posts: 17

    I've got a 99 xcab with cloth manual buckets, and I can tilt my seat cushion. There is a handle on each front seat that is next to the console.

    The driver's side handle looks something like this: (woohoo ascii art!)


    I just pull up on the handle, and my seat cushion tilts.

    Hope this helps, maybe you do have different seats, I dunno.

  • markbuckmarkbuck Member Posts: 1,021
    NHTSA released the crash test results on a 2000 Silverado/Sierra extended cab.

    Only 3 stars for driver, 4 for pass. 1600g load on left femur of driver.

    About same results as the Dodge Quad Cab.
    Ford did better....

    You'd think GM's latest version would go 5 stars. This issue is more important to me than most of the rest of the stuff we BS about on this topic......
  • markbuckmarkbuck Member Posts: 1,021
    Tundra had results about the same 4 stars driver, 3 passenger.

    If yawl wanna read more.....
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