I have been offered the following lease deal via an internet quote from a dealership in Denver:
Tribeca 5-PAX Limited w/NAV, MSRP $35,896 Sell price (including incentives) $31,000 36 months, 12k miles a year $0 out of pocket (dealership pays first month's payment) $411 a month before taxes. Fair deal? Thanks!
Chancey- You have got to have thicker skin. I contacted at least 15 dealers in a 50 miles radius before I found one who I felt was worthwhile. It is a numbers game. The trucks are available. I went to the different dealer websites, and looked at inventory (which they do list). You can do this by doing a dealer search on Subaru.com, and it will link you to the websites. Then I e-mailed at least 30 dealers and let them know what I was looking for. I started getting phone calls with quotes, and worked from there. I did not step foot into a dealership (outside of a test drive) until I had a written quote via e-mail. I have done this with my last three leases and negotiated very solid leases as a result.
I never negotiate my leases at a dealership. Being in sales I know I am at a dissadvantage right off the bat. I am on there turf, with the car already in front of me, and it takes nerve after your already there to walk away. That is why I never go in with the intent to lease UNTIL I have the numbers worked out either via fax or e-mail with the dealer. It has worked like a charm! A good book on this is The Motley Fool - You have more than you think. Their advice was priceless.
Here is what I got 2+ months ago - MSRP approx 38,500 - limited with nav, res, puddle lights, etc. My lease for 36 months and 12k miles per year is 363.59 plus 10 % pa tax - total monthly 399.95 - I had to give them 1st pmt and licence fees etc when I picked up the car - approx 550.00 - I think I did ok - By the way, I love the car -
I acutally have thicker skin than you think. I was used to sell cars for a living with Toyota, Saturn, Buick, and Mitsubishi. I know how these guys work but this was the first time I ever even heard of a manager not giving his name. Our managers would have been fired for sure if they did that. I am starting to get the runaround by all these dealers now. The subaru dealer in Lakeland quoted me a lease of 583 for 3/45 lease on a 7 pass limited DVD/Nav B9. That is a ton more than what one of our posters got their 398 a month B9 7 pass limited for. I have emailed 5 dealers and they are within a 100 mile radius.
Just got off the phone with my dealer and have worked him down to this (36 mos and 15 K per year): $2000 total down and $310 per month out the door on a base 7 pass with dimming mirror, bumper cover, wheel locks.
Or $329 per month on a limited 7 pass with the pretty much the same add-ons.
Both monthly payments and down payment include all taxes and fees etc. Maybe I am crazy, but from what I'm reading, I might be able to do even better ! ? ! ? Any thoughts? Mike
I think you can do better - I would NOT put any money down on a lease - That $ 2k down is costing you $ 56.00 per month ( not counting interest ), therefore your payment is $ 385.00 per month for a limited without the toys ( nav, res ) - Keeping trying/looking
Just starting to look at the b9, where is the 2,500 tricbeca incentives located. are they for the 7-pass ltd or the 5-pass ltd. any info would be helpful.
I stopped by the Subaru dealer today. The salesperson said that there is $2500 lease cash on the 7 pass model and $2000 on the 5 pass model. He didn't say anything about base vs Limited and navi vs no navi. Can you confirm that these amounts are just based on the number of passengers and not anything else?
As for the money factors and residuals, would it be possible to list all the different money factors and residuals for 5 vs 7 pass, base vs limited, and 12k vs 15k miles per year? I see from your earlier posts that a 7 passenger model will cost me more in terms of interest and lower residual (in addition to price).
With everything on one post, you won't have to retype the same numbers when replying to multiple people. Hopefully, you can just refer them to Post #X for the figures.
Lastly, how does the B9's current lease program compare to last month's program? I have a lease that is up at the end of July. The salesperson I spoke to today suggested that I return the car early but I don't really see any gain in that unless the program completely disappears after July 5th.
Thanks for your help. And, btw, you might remember me from a bunch of posts in the Honda Pilot leasing forum in late April and early May. I just want you to know that those numbers were for a friend of mine. He ended up leasing his Pilot on the last day of April. I don't want you to think that I go around harassing you for a different car every other day! It'll just be this month and next.
So if you read my post above (#161) you will see the prices I was quoted. I made a trip to the dealer and the price "went up." The dealer said the absolute lowest who could go (which included giving up his holdback) was $2k down and $329/month for a base 7 passenger: MSRP: ~33,350 Invoice: ~31,050 Minus Holdback: ~30,000 Minus $2500 Rebate: ~27,500 (selling price)
Unfortunately, this dealer does charge a $421 documentation fee (signs are posted on the wall declaring this fee at all of their stores).
He gave the best possible money factor which is at 36 months (rates nearly double when you go to 48 months). Then he said to have 15k/year would bring the monthly payment to $349. No additional fees on the down payment or monthly payments. This represents total "out the door" pricing. I was a little disappointed. I have been cross-shopping for a Sienna or Odyssey but haven't had much success. So I put some money down to hold the Tribeca and I am trying a last ditch effort on the Odyssey at another local dealer that I have heard good things about. The saga continues...can't wait to land my good deal and actually bring a vehicle home (believe me, my wife is absolutely sick of this whole thing).
Hi. I'm back and I do not need all the info I asked for earlier. I know which model I want to get and I'm going to get it before the current incentives expire on 7/5.
What is the money factor, residual, and acquisition fee for a base B9 Tribeca 5 passenger assuming 3 years and 12,000 miles per year?
The cash incentive is supposed to be $2000 for this model. Can you confirm that as well?
And, lastly, is it correct that there is no security deposit required?
Thanks for your help. I decided to turn my lease in 2 weeks early so I'm only out half a payment.
Ray, thanks for the advice. You helped me make up my mind.
Thanks for the info Car_man!! I have read the articles,definately great information. This is the term/milage I want, but are the MF,residual, and incentive the same on the LTD? Thanks again for your help!
Hi captchancey. If you were to lease a 2006 Subaru B9 Tribeca 7-Passenger Limited with DVD and navigation through its captive finance company right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00140 and 52%, respectively. In most areas, Subaru is providing $2,500 lease cash on this truck. Make sure to take this cash into account when negotiating your vehicle's capitalized cost.
Hi subienewbie2. Vehicles' residual values are always calculated using a percentage of their full MSRPs including the destination charge and the MSRPs of any options that can be residualized. You are right that the reason for this is that vehicles' MSRPs are a standard number, while selling prices vary from deal to deal.
Hello Mike. I would be happy to calculate what the lease payment should be on this vehicle for you. However in order for me to do so I need you to provide me with its full MSRP.
Greetings force99. The truck that you described has a spread of only around $2,200 between its full MSRP and dealer invoice price. You were quoted a discount of nearly $4,900, including the deduction of the $2,000 cash incentive that is available on this model right now. This is a very attractive price. According to my calculations, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment for the truck that you described should be around $384. This is not including the waiver of your first payment and security deposit that you were quoted and with the deal that I calculated you would have to pay Subaru's $595 acquisition fee at lease signing.
Doubled1tx, the $2,500 lease cash incentive on '06 Tribeca 7-Passenger models is probably available in your area. The incentive is only $2,000 on 5-Passenger models though.
Hi Peter. The lease cash allowances that you were told are right on the money. Whether the model that you want has navigation or is a base or limited models will have no impact upon its cash incentives. I believe that Subaru's June lease program is fairly comparable to its May program, but I don't remember the exact details of last month's program. Don't worry about the special lease program just disappearing. Subaru desperately needs lease support to move the Tribeca. If I was in your situation, I personally would wait to July to get a new vehicle rather than just throwing away my last payment on my current lease.
Car_man Host Prices Paid Forums
P.S. I hope that your friend enjoys their Pilot. It's a nice truck.
Hi again Peter. Here's the info that you're interested in. If you were to lease a base (not the Limited model) 2006 Subaru B9 Tribeca 5-Passenger without navigation through its captive finance company right now for 36 months with 12,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00120 and 55%, respectively. The lease cash that is available on 5-Passenger Tribeca models right now is indeed $2,000. It's possible that Subaru is waiving its security deposit requirement for this truck this month, but I have not heard that it definitely the case.
You're very welcome, tribeca4me. The lease program for the Limited version of this truck is a little different, so I'll give you the numbers for it as well. According to the latest information that I have seen, if you were to lease a 2006 Subaru B9 Tribeca 5-Passenger Limited without navigation through its captive finance company right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00120 and 53%, respectively. Don't forget the $2,000 lease cash when negotiating this truck's capitalized cost.
what's up car_man i'm currently looking at leasing a b9 tribeca 5 pass.limtd. with nav. my current problem is i'm leasing a 2003 fully loaded honda accord.i'm sick of the accord and got 6 months left on it.my question is should i trade in the accord and get fair market value or put the reaminder 6 months into my currently lease.my problem with that is that the new lease will skyrocket.what do you suggest? please help thanks :shades:
Hi, i am new to this board, so Hello everyone I am looking to lease a Tribeca Limited 5 Passenger or 7 Passenger, with Navigation. If anyone knows a dealer who offers the best price out there please send me a little email, i am looking to lease it now and i am located in Orange County, NY, tax rate 8 1/25 %. Thanks and bye
Hi pope76. It is difficult to say whether it would be cheaper for you to trade in your Accord or just to pay its remaining monthly payments. Either way, you are probably going to end up losing a decent chunk of change if you want to get out of your lease six months early. If I was in your situation, I personally would wait another couple of months to lease a new Tribeca.
One dealer told me the 5 pass is $2000 rebate regardless of lesae or buy, the guy with the better price is saying, no only $1200 lease cash and $2000 rebate if you guy and the other dealer is just wrong. What has anyone else been told? Damn car dealers, lol
The 2000 was applicable to my lease in June. I'm sure it's still applicable in July. I would stay away from the dealer that told you it was only 1200 (unless his price is over $800 better than the other guy).
Where are you located? My guy in NJ was pretty straightforward to work with.
wow I had a lot of typos in that post, amazed you understood it! I actually live in MD, but on bedrest (pregnant) so can't go far. Fitzmall is offering a 5 pass LTd 2006 with some options for $27572 plus tax/etc. All the other dealers are $1700 or so higher, very odd.
Hi. I've heard good things about Fitzmall in these forums. Their price was more aggressive than what I paid but their money factor and acquisition fee were higher for the lease. This shouldn't be a factor if you're looking to buy instead of lease.
I really like the fact that they list their inventory and price online. I don't think there are too many dealers that do that. They also have that "value added" pricing that gives you oil changes and loaner cars for the life of your car. That's pretty nice.
I guess there isn't too much to think about if their price is lower than everyone else's by 1700.
Good luck, by the way. My wife is 15-16 weeks now.
Thanks, Peter! This bedrest thing is no picnic but does save me from driving all over the state looking at cars! I found a couple more well priced Tribecas in the area, anyone looking for competitive quotes might try rcars.com to check prices, too. As low as fitzmall but difficult to get in touch with. The most local dealer insists that the car must be a lemon at that price.
quick question, should i expect to pay more for a tribeca here in oregon, than one would pay on the east coast. i went to some dealer our here the other day that had a 4900 dealer mark up. i never see tribecas around so i dont think they sell many out here. also is it possible to get a five passenger limited with nav for around 30,000?
Hi. I'm not sure where you are in Oregon, but using Portland's 97204 zip code on Carsdirect.com, I got a price of 30,779 for a 2006 5-pass LTD w/Navi. You should be able to do better.
A really good Subaru website I found out about from these forums is www.cars101.com. It's an unofficial Subaru site run by a salesman in Washington. I spoke to him to get some advice about my lease. He seems like a nice guy and his website has more detailed info than Subaru's official site.
I would definitely have a conversation with him before talking to anyone else.
thanks for the research, that seems like a decent price. is that with or without that 2000 rebate. I would like to know what people in my area are paying for a lease on that model.
Hi ckwehe. The dealer that told you that the $2,000 lease cash is compatible with Subaru's special lease program was correct. I don't know where the other dealer got the $1,200 figure from, but it is wrong.
Jmichaels, How do those money factors convert to payments?
I just saw the 2007 B9 Tribeca 7 passenger at the Miami auto show this weekend and went on a test drive the next day. I really like the car a lot and I think for me. Do you think leasing or buying is the way to go on one of these? We don't have too many dealers down here so I have to order a Limited.
Only brands above the industry average were ranked. Below industry average were the following brands (listed in alphabetical order): Buick, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Hyundai, Kia, Mercury, Mitsubishi, Pontiac, and Suzuki.
Thanks so much. I really need to get out of the leasing habit! My husband think leasing is the greatest thing. I want to buy. I drive around 20K miles per year and I want to drive something longer than 3 years!
Does anyone know if certain dealers offer holdbacks?
"...offer holdbacks?" I'm not sure that I understand the question.
But- currently there is a $1250 manufacturer incentive to dealers on Tribecas. So, you can purchase a Tribeca for usually around Invoice minus this $1250. Some high volume dealers maybe even less (like Fitzmall).
Hi lockburn. Subaru Auto Finance's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease (you never mentioned the term that you want, let me know if you want a different length lease) of a base 2007 Subaru B9 Tribeca 7-Passenger with 15,000 miles per year are .00210 and 54%, respectively. If you were to lease this truck with only 12,000 miles per year, its residual value would be 1% higher. When negotiating your lease on this truck, make sure to keep in mind that Subaru is providing $1,250 dealer cash on it. This dealer cash is compatible with its special lease program and it will help you to negotiate an attractive capitalized cost.
Tribeca 5-PAX Limited w/NAV, MSRP $35,896
Sell price (including incentives) $31,000
36 months, 12k miles a year
$0 out of pocket (dealership pays first month's payment)
$411 a month before taxes.
Fair deal?
I never negotiate my leases at a dealership. Being in sales I know I am at a dissadvantage right off the bat. I am on there turf, with the car already in front of me, and it takes nerve after your already there to walk away. That is why I never go in with the intent to lease UNTIL I have the numbers worked out either via fax or e-mail with the dealer. It has worked like a charm! A good book on this is The Motley Fool - You have more than you think. Their advice was priceless.
B9 Tribeca 5 pass limited
Satin White Pearl
B2 package
rear cargo tray and net
splash guards
puddle lights
MSRP $33,875
12,000 mile 36 month lease
$363 per month $363 at signing
$373 with sign and drive
Any good or can I still get a better deal?
I acutally have thicker skin than you think. I was used to sell cars for a living with Toyota, Saturn, Buick, and Mitsubishi. I know how these guys work but this was the first time I ever even heard of a manager not giving his name. Our managers would have been fired for sure if they did that. I am starting to get the runaround by all these dealers now. The subaru dealer in Lakeland quoted me a lease of 583 for 3/45 lease on a 7 pass limited DVD/Nav B9. That is a ton more than what one of our posters got their 398 a month B9 7 pass limited for. I have emailed 5 dealers and they are within a 100 mile radius.
$2000 total down and $310 per month out the door on a base 7 pass with dimming mirror, bumper cover, wheel locks.
Or $329 per month on a limited 7 pass with the pretty much the same add-ons.
Both monthly payments and down payment include all taxes and fees etc. Maybe I am crazy, but from what I'm reading, I might be able to do even better ! ? ! ?
Any thoughts?
tx tribeca shopper
I stopped by the Subaru dealer today. The salesperson said that there is $2500 lease cash on the 7 pass model and $2000 on the 5 pass model. He didn't say anything about base vs Limited and navi vs no navi. Can you confirm that these amounts are just based on the number of passengers and not anything else?
As for the money factors and residuals, would it be possible to list all the different money factors and residuals for 5 vs 7 pass, base vs limited, and 12k vs 15k miles per year? I see from your earlier posts that a 7 passenger model will cost me more in terms of interest and lower residual (in addition to price).
With everything on one post, you won't have to retype the same numbers when replying to multiple people. Hopefully, you can just refer them to Post #X for the figures.
Lastly, how does the B9's current lease program compare to last month's program? I have a lease that is up at the end of July. The salesperson I spoke to today suggested that I return the car early but I don't really see any gain in that unless the program completely disappears after July 5th.
Thanks for your help. And, btw, you might remember me from a bunch of posts in the Honda Pilot leasing forum in late April and early May. I just want you to know that those numbers were for a friend of mine. He ended up leasing his Pilot on the last day of April. I don't want you to think that I go around harassing you for a different car every other day! It'll just be this month and next.
Car_man, disregard for now pls. I'll check out these posts first.
MSRP: ~33,350
Invoice: ~31,050
Minus Holdback: ~30,000
Minus $2500 Rebate: ~27,500 (selling price)
Unfortunately, this dealer does charge a $421 documentation fee (signs are posted on the wall declaring this fee at all of their stores).
He gave the best possible money factor which is at 36 months (rates nearly double when you go to 48 months). Then he said to have 15k/year would bring the monthly payment to $349. No additional fees on the down payment or monthly payments. This represents total "out the door" pricing. I was a little disappointed. I have been cross-shopping for a Sienna or Odyssey but haven't had much success. So I put some money down to hold the Tribeca and I am trying a last ditch effort on the Odyssey at another local dealer that I have heard good things about. The saga continues...can't wait to land my good deal and actually bring a vehicle home (believe me, my wife is absolutely sick of this whole thing).
Hi. I'm back and I do not need all the info I asked for earlier. I know which model I want to get and I'm going to get it before the current incentives expire on 7/5.
What is the money factor, residual, and acquisition fee for a base B9 Tribeca 5 passenger assuming 3 years and 12,000 miles per year?
The cash incentive is supposed to be $2000 for this model. Can you confirm that as well?
And, lastly, is it correct that there is no security deposit required?
Thanks for your help. I decided to turn my lease in 2 weeks early so I'm only out half a payment.
Ray, thanks for the advice. You helped me make up my mind.
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P.S. I hope that your friend enjoys their Pilot. It's a nice truck.
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i'm currently looking at leasing a b9 tribeca 5 pass.limtd. with nav.
my current problem is i'm leasing a 2003 fully loaded honda accord.i'm sick of the accord and got 6 months left on it.my question is should i trade in the accord and get fair market value or put the reaminder 6 months into my currently lease.my problem with that is that the new lease will skyrocket.what do you suggest? please help
thanks :shades:
I am looking to lease a Tribeca Limited 5 Passenger or 7 Passenger, with Navigation. If anyone knows a dealer who offers the best price out there please send me a little email, i am looking to lease it now and i am located in Orange County, NY, tax rate 8 1/25 %. Thanks and bye
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Prices Paid Forum
Where are you located? My guy in NJ was pretty straightforward to work with.
I really like the fact that they list their inventory and price online. I don't think there are too many dealers that do that. They also have that "value added" pricing that gives you oil changes and loaner cars for the life of your car. That's pretty nice.
I guess there isn't too much to think about if their price is lower than everyone else's by 1700.
Good luck, by the way. My wife is 15-16 weeks now.
A really good Subaru website I found out about from these forums is www.cars101.com. It's an unofficial Subaru site run by a salesman in Washington. I spoke to him to get some advice about my lease. He seems like a nice guy and his website has more detailed info than Subaru's official site.
I would definitely have a conversation with him before talking to anyone else.
Good luck,
Prices Paid Forum
Does anyone know what the current money factor and residual on this car is with (a) 12,000 miles per year and (b) 15,000 miles per year?
I did some requests so far and received a quote of $31,995 on a Tribeca with an MSRP of $36,140 (7 pas ltd with nav and a few other options).
24 months 63%(12,000) 62%(15,000) .00370
36 months 55%(12,000) 54%(15,000) .00230
39 months 53%(12,000) 52%(15,000) .00250
42 months 49%(12,000) 47%(15,000) .00270
48 months 45%(12,000) 43%(15,000) .00280
How do those money factors convert to payments?
I just saw the 2007 B9 Tribeca 7 passenger at the Miami auto show this weekend and went on a test drive the next day. I really like the car a lot and I think for me. Do you think leasing or buying is the way to go on one of these? We don't have too many dealers down here so I have to order a Limited.
But, the Tribeca should be a good lease value. It received a 5-star rating:
www.alg.com has plenty of good info. For 2006, Subie's faired very well:
Industry Brand Residual Value Rankings
1. Honda
2. Toyota
3. Volkswagen
4. Subaru
5. Nissan
6. Jeep
7. Mazda
8. Saturn
9. GMC
Only brands above the industry average were ranked. Below industry average were the following brands (listed in alphabetical order): Buick, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Hyundai, Kia, Mercury, Mitsubishi, Pontiac, and Suzuki.
Does anyone know if certain dealers offer holdbacks?
I'm not sure that I understand the question.
But- currently there is a $1250 manufacturer incentive to dealers on Tribecas. So, you can purchase a Tribeca for usually around Invoice minus this $1250. Some high volume dealers maybe even less (like Fitzmall).
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