Subaru B9 Tribeca Lease Questions



  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey Bo. Let's take a look at these vehicles' lease programs. If you were to lease a 2008 Subaru Tribeca Limited 7 Passenger with Navigation through Subaru Auto Finance right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00170 and 56%, respectively.

    Honda Finance's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Acura MDX Sport without the Entertainment Package with 15,000 miles per year are .00209 and 53%, respectively.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • marley0915marley0915 Member Posts: 3

    Would appreciate any input on this lease offer in Michigan. 2007 B9 Tribeca 5 pass, Ltd, Harvest Gold Metallic with Beige Interior. MSRP is $34,292 selling price is $29,306 which includes the $2750 customer cash. Options include rear cargo net and tray, auto-dimming mirror, towing kit, puddle lights.

    3yrs / 36k miles
    $637 due at signing
    $433.79 payment (includes tax)


    3yrs / 36k miles
    $1000 due at signing
    $422 payment (includes tax)

    Sound good? Anybody else have comparable / better offers in the SW Michigan area?
  • maradagmaradag Member Posts: 85

    Are the money factor and residuals the same for a 2007 Tribeca?
  • marley0915marley0915 Member Posts: 3
    Anyone have any thoughts? Anyone? We are looking to go to the dealership this weekend and pull the trigger on this. Any suggestions on the lease price offered?

    thank you.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I don't think $11 per month will make much difference either way.

    Over 36 payments that's $424.44.

    Or choose to pay $363 more up front.

    If you have the cash now, I'd go ahead and put the bigger down payment.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey maradag. No, the 2007 model's lease program is different. Subaru's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Subaru Tribeca Limited 7 Passenger with 15,000 miles per year are .00125 and 50%, respectively.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • another_otheranother_other Member Posts: 8
    Does anyone know September's money factor and residual for a 2008 Subaru Tribeca. I am looking to lease one and wanted to see how people are doing with the 2008 leases?

    Are the dealers negotiating well on the 2008? Also, any cash back incentives on these currently?

    Thanks a ton in advance.
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247
    I need a little help here. I would appreciate any info and suggestions.

    My lease comes due in Dec.
    I called my dealer - current money factor for 08 tribeca on a 3yr/45k lease is .00250 with residual @ 55%

    Is the dealer able to change the interest rate at his discretion? Does he have a range?

    I don't understand leases. Can you or anyone help?

    I'm just about ready to jump out the basement window.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Greetings another_other. Subaru's lease program for the 2008 Tribeca varies by trim level, term, and mileage allowance. For now I will assume that you are interested in a 36 month lease of a base 2008 Tribeca 5-Passenger model with 15,000 miles per year. Let me know if you want something different. The lease program for these parameters is .00180 and 55%, respectively. Subaru is currently providing a $1,000 cash incentive on leases of this model through Subaru Finance. Make sure to take this cash into account when negotiating the capitalized cost for your lease.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi Charlie. While dealers cannot lower banks published lease money factors, they are allowed to mark them up to add additional hidden, back-end profit to deals. This is why it is important to find out what the buy rate money factor is for the vehicle that you want to lease prior to leasing it.

    It is very important to understand how leasing works to avoid being taken advantage of. Make sure to check out the following informative articles that are available here at prior to visiting any dealers: 10 Steps to Leasing a New Car and Calculate Your Own Lease Payment.

    Take a look at them and let me know if you have any other questions.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247

    Thanks for getting back to me. My lease is due in Dec. so I will try to keep it together til then.

    Who can I ask for the buy rate money factor?

    You mention on the prior post that lease #'s vary by model and trim level. I have on order a 5-Ltd w/Nav. What are the current #'s for this?

  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247

    Forgot to mention that my lease term will be 36 months with 15K per year.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're welcome Charlie. Negotiate as low a selling price as possible on the Tribeca that you want with your salesperson. When you arrive at a price, then have the salesperson or the F&I manager work up a lease payment for you using the buy rate lease money factor that is available at the time.

    Through October 31st, Subaru's buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2008 Tribeca 5 Passenger Limited with 15,000 miles per year are .00150 and 55%.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247
    Thank You very much.

    I now have a better understanding of how a lease works.

  • cascades_rockcascades_rock Member Posts: 1
    Hi Car_Man,

    Will you please post the November residual and MF for a 15K 36 month lease on a 2008 Tribeca 7 pass w/ Nav? Also do you know the acquisition and disposition fees that Chase has in the standard lease contract?

    Thanks for your help!
  • jpautojpauto Member Posts: 11
    please post the residual and money factor for November: 36 months, 12k miles per year. And is there any dealer cash or support money that can be applied to the lease? Looking at the 5 passenger Tribeca Limited.

  • pmtrepmtre Member Posts: 55
    On 11/10/2007, our first day looking at the 08 Tribeca, We were quoted 36 mo. 15k/yr MF .00090 Resid 54% / 5 pass/ limited. We are in MA.
    Best Deal was $ 419/mo. Inc tax & fees MSRP was 33,463. This was over the phone so we didn't see it in writing. Another dealer quoted in writing 419/mo. OTD with $1393.00down/

    I hope this helps. We like the numbers and the vehicle.
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247
    Is this lease through Subaru/ Chase??

    #'s seem good.

    My Tribeca lease comes due DEC. 27th and I have a new one on order - However lease #'s for Oct. were high. This is a good sign that the lease #'s are more competitive.

    Good Luck - You WILL enjoy this vehicle.
  • pmtrepmtre Member Posts: 55
    I believe so, the dealer cash incentive required that. I think the program expires 12/03/07
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247

    Do I gamble that the program will improve or at least stay the same for December?
  • pmtrepmtre Member Posts: 55
    I'd lock in. These are some of the best MF and residuals out there!
  • pmtrepmtre Member Posts: 55

    My wife wants to go shopping today. She has her sights set on 5 pass lmtd/ MSRP $33887.00 dealer wants $399.00 OTD door. no money down. Sign and drive
    This is $20.00 /mo. better than the other best offer we had a week ago. There is one or two other dealers we can ckeck with but they are getting farther away than we want to travel. Anybody getting any better deals?
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247

    Your deal sounds great.

    Here is my rough comparison:

    My car (which I have not picked up yet but have to by DEC 27th) has an MSRP of $36,447.00 - I have been quoted for a 36 month /45K mi. lease 465/month sign & drive with all fees and taxes rolled into the lease.

    My MSRP is $2560.00 more than yours - nets out to 30/mo
    My extended warantee for the additional 9K miles is 9/mo
    My lease fees, TTL add 30/mo net

    465 - 39= 426/mo

    The other 30/mo - Taxes , tittle and licence, dealer Doc fee, and regional advertizing fee are the variables which do not allow us to accurately compare.

    Make sure you are comparing apples to apples.

    I ordered my car - color options etc. It is waiting until Im ready to pick it up. It is possible that your dealer may need to clear inventory to meet end of month goals - so you benefit from price. There may also be different regional rebates than I have here.

    Your 419/mo quote was pretty much dead on with mine. But your 399/mo price is great. The best I've seen so far. I think the lease rates will inprove in 08 - gas prices will rise, interest rates will go down, and there will be more crossover models to compete with.

    I do not have the option to wait - perhaps you do.

    Good luck
  • pmtrepmtre Member Posts: 55
    Gave the deposit. Pick up Monday. The correct MSRP 33,887.00 Final OTD $402.00/ per mo. 36MO./15K
    1st mo payment only. Dealer tried to wiggle in a little extra at the end
    but we settled at $402.00/mo.

    Happy Shopping!
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247
    Great news

    I received a call today from an independent lease broker. Posts 345-350ish of the 2008 Tribeca thread listed very low lease numbers around Nov.15th. I called the Tel. # of 0 to 60 leasing and left a message.

    I find it strange that:
    Now I can't find the post that listed the name & Tel.#, Also when I and others on this thread asked for lease details there was no response from the person who leased the car.. .

    It's almost as if we were being baited - and I took the bait. This is my gut feeling.

    This company quoted me $372.00/mo. No money down. No fees to quote.

    Here is the catch:
    They purchase the car wholesale and then THEY lease the car to you - not Subaru / Chase. They pass on all the rebates - consumer and dealer, and can be profitable with a lower money factor. Gap insurance is included and the car is delivered to you.

    Sounds too good right?

    Well, I forgot to specify that this was for a 2008. It makes sense for an '07. I'll find out Monday.

    You can't test drive or inspect your specific car prior to delivery although they say you can refuse it - but that would be a hassel.

    While you can service a Subaru anywhere you know how dealers treat you when you've purchased elsewhere.

    You would really have to read the fine print on the contract here - you don't want to find out they own your house if you are one day late with a payment.

    I'm curious but I doubt I'll go this route. I don't know who I'm dealing with.

    Has anybody had experience leasing this way???
  • pmtrepmtre Member Posts: 55
    I saw the post and went to the web site.

    .:: Zero 2 Sixty ::.

    Look to good to be true.
    Also, There was a post on Craigs list that was flagged and removed.
    Buyer Beware!
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247
    Amen to that.
  • chigirlintexaschigirlintexas Member Posts: 73

    Do you have MF/residual for 2008 Tribeca Ltd 5 Passenger w/Navi? 15K miles, 36-39 mos., in Texas. I want to make sure I have the latest figures.

  • hdutyhduty Member Posts: 5

    I'm in Michigan and looking into leasing a 08 Tribeca ltd 5 Pass with 15K miles/yr for 36 month.

    Local dealer gave me a email quote listing the residual at 56% with 10K miles per year and .0009 money factor. Base on other posts on the thread it seems I should be able to get 55% residual with 15K miles per year. Can anyone comfirm this?

    Details give were as follows: (zero down)
    MSRP 33,722
    Dealer Invoice 31,657
    Rebates 1000
    Aquisition fee 595
    Gross Cap 31,252

    Residual 56% 18,884.32 10K miles per year
    Term 36
    Total Rent 12,367.86
    Monthly rent 343.55
    Interest/mont 45.12
    Tax 6% 23.32

    Total Payment 411.99

    Thanks in advance for your help,
  • sillasilla Member Posts: 2
    Anyone have any info for December?

    In NJ, looking for an 08 7 passenger Limited, 12k/yr for 36 months.

    Need MF and Residual...

    Thank you,

  • allgoatallgoat Member Posts: 1

    I'm looking at leasing a 2008 Tribeca before the end of the year. The regular one, i.e. not the limited. 7 passengers. 36 month lease, 10k / year. Local dealer quoted me $2000 at signing, then $399/month. We did not discuss purchase price, MF, or residual, but I plan to soon.

    Does anyone know the price, MF, and residual I should expect? And is $2000 down and $399/month a good deal? Please note this quote is inclusive of a Chicago 6% "use tax".

  • jmo3jmo3 Member Posts: 1
    Just got back from the Subaru dealer and I have some lease numbers and need to know if I am getting a fair deal. Tribeca limited with moonroof, leather, 6 changer CD. Lease details are 3 years / 36,000mi with $2,253 which includes first months payment due at signing with MF@ .00095, LEV% 56%. MRSP $35,183 with sales price of $31,613. They are asking $407 a month. I have had an Outback previously and loved the car...I have been running all over town looking at 7 passenger vehicles. If this is a good deal I am gonna pull the trigger this week. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Happy New Year All...
  • lee_mdlee_md Member Posts: 2
    Got a quote for a 7 passenger Limited with sale price of $30,381 with MSRP of $35,196 for $374/month pending credit approval. This is assuming that I pay 6.1% tax + title and registration fees in Maryland + $99 processing fee. The $595 acquisition fee is rolled up into the lease payment. I'm not sure what the residual and MF are, but will find out tomorrow. Am I going to get shafted at the end of the lease based on this info?
  • stosstos Member Posts: 4
    Interested in leasing an '08 Tribeaca 5 passenger, basic no nav. 36 month, 12k miles/yr. Anyone know the residual and money factor in NJ for January?

  • subielovesubielove Member Posts: 1
    I have an 06 Tribeca with just over 20k miles. It has leather, nav, puddle lights...I am sure the list goes on but those are the most important features. Plus, I paid for some extra plan that says if the brake pads, tires, or other wearable items are below what they should be, then I am covered and do not need to buy new ones.

    My lease payments are currently $425/month and the lease has ~14 months left. I am interested in the 2008 STI and I was wondering whether anybody knows the best place to advertise leased vehicles. Thank you!
  • melbimelbi Member Posts: 1
    2008 Subaru Tribeca LTD
    Deep Bronze Metallic / Desert Beige Leather
    with Nav / Back-Up Camera
    36 months
    10,000 miles a year
    MSRP $35,640
    Paid $31,814.92
    $2,000 Down + $1,000 Dealer Incentive
    $375 a month Including Tax & Tag

    Just thought I pass the info along to better help your deal if your leasing.
  • stosstos Member Posts: 4
    Car Man,
    can you tell me the MF and residual for an '08 Tribeca 5-pass (not ltd), MSRP $30,640 for 12k miles/yr for 36 months?

  • kobsterkobster Member Posts: 4
    I am looking at the Tribeca Limited 5 or 7 passenger; no navigation.
    Can someone please share the current money factor for this car? Also, I hear Subaru is going to come out with new incentives in the future, can anyone confirm.
  • vrynicevrynice Member Posts: 22
    Does anyone have the March money factor and residual value for a Limited 7 passenger? Looking at either a 24 or 36 month lease with 12k per year.
    Thank you.
  • irgirg Member Posts: 197
    I'm interested in a 7 passenger (base); got an initial quote from a dealer today for a $339/mo lease, not sure if it is a 5 or 7 passenger. Fees, but don't think any down, 10k/year which is probably enough for us (16k on our Sienna after 35 month, lol).

    I'll have an update tomorrow.
  • cibaciba Member Posts: 3
    How did that work out, irg? Agreed to buy a 7 passenger base myself, but still deciding on financing.

    Got quoted today:
    36 month/15,000/year + 0.15/mile
    $29,300 Purchase
    $595 acquisition fee
    $17,256 Residual
    $432 Payment (about 4.2%)
    1st month payment + Tax/Tags
    Gap insurance included

    Said something about a dollar allowance for repairs, but I'll believe it when I see it in writing tomorrow. Can get 5-year money from the bank @ 4%.
  • swampdragonswampdragon Member Posts: 35
    I to am looking to lease a 7 passenger Tribeca - just a - base not a bells and whistles model.

    I havent gotten a price yet but was wondering if anyone has so I can look for similar

    36 month/ 36 k miles/ as little down as possible (probably $500)

    There is a good factory lease on the base model but that is only the 5 passenger - I am hoping to be similar with a 7 passenger but this vehicle seems to be in short supply in the NJ/NY area
  • cibaciba Member Posts: 3
    Swampdragon, I'll confirm my deal above:

    $29,300 purchase price

    $595 lease acquisition fee
    36-month, 15,000 miles/year lease
    $17,250 residual (approximate)
    Rate on the lease is about 4.15%.

    They offered me a 12,000 mile lease, but it was $424 with $17,500 residual (approximate). The extra 3,000 miles was a great deal at $8/month and $250 reduction in the residual.

    I'll also confirm the $1,000 repair threshold, although this doesn't apply to anything that could be avoided with maintenance and gap insurance included.

    I probably could have received a bit better of a deal. I discovered later that the dealer got a $1,500 bonus to do the lease, but it was still a better deal than my local credit unions (4.99-5.99 %) or my bank (4.49%, 3.99 if I wanted to go 3 years).
  • kbzonkbzon Member Posts: 30
    I got the following quote on a tribeca ldt with navi and dvd

    MSRP $38862.00
    Selling Price $35961.00
    15k per year
    rate .00125
    Acq Fee 795.00
    doc fee $129.00

    $541.00 per month :confuse:
  • jetfanjetfan Member Posts: 66
    Not much traffic here. Not sure if it is just gas prices keeping people away from these cars. Anyway, can someone please let me know the current lease deals & terms for a 7 pass Tribeca. Looking to do a 3yr lease 12K a year. I am in NJ. Test drove the car & got some numbers back in April. Pretty sure they had a $2500 rebate. Looking to get the Limited with 3rd row & DVD. Is invoice a good staring point or will they go lower?
  • jetfanjetfan Member Posts: 66
    Nevermind. Going with the Pilot.
  • swampdragonswampdragon Member Posts: 35
    I too ended up leasing a Pilot VP - the price on the Tribeca wasnt even remotely in the same ballpark - and also the way bak seat is just too small
  • cartalk8cartalk8 Member Posts: 6
    Leased an '08 Limited 7 passenger Tribeca yesterday. Thought I would pass on the deal...

    MSRP $35.069
    Cost $29720 (Can't remember the exact amount)
    36 months
    15k per year
    MF .00085
    Residual 54% $18,937.26
    Monthly payment $338.67 plus Orange County sales tax (7.75) of $26.25
    Total payment $364.92

    Quick transaction. At the dealership for a total of 1 hour (plus a few emails beforehand)!
  • driverofcarsdriverofcars Member Posts: 7
    A while (20 mos. ago) I was pretty set on a B9. Was trading in an end-of-lease Outback. Dealer was an idiot... Best he was giving was some jive like a $3K drive off and $500 a month on 5 pass Limited. Ended up with Saab 9-7 5.3, $0 drive off, $415/mo w/Bluetooth & Nav. That car is awful, we call it the Blue Pig.
    Anyway, my sister-in-law just leased a B9 7-Pass ultra fully loaded 36mo/15K in SoCal for $1200 drive off, $319/mo w/ tax.
    Pretty sweet deal, I might finally get my B9 in the fall.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Saab does have good lease deals, generally.

    Sorry to hear yours is a dog. :(
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