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Subaru B9 Tribeca Lease Questions



  • wishman68wishman68 Member Posts: 7
    Hi All,

    Just came back from a testdrive and was torn between outback XT and the Tribeca. I was told that there were no more lease incentives for the Tribeca in Nov. Can anyone confirm or list their best lease price for the Tribeca. I love the turbo in the XT and the space in the Tribeca. Which one to lease....

  • khanzhkhanzh Member Posts: 13
    k, this might sound stupid, so apologies in advance,
    I'm interested in a 2007 Tribeca, however the starting numbers that were given by a dealer here in Dallas were way off scale.
    I'm looking for a limited with DVD and NAV, right now the subaru website only has a special on the base version, can I negotiate with the dealer using that as a base?
    i'm intrested in a 24 mnth/36mnth lease (whichever is a better deal), the money factor i'm being offered is .0032.
    anyone out there to help me out on this?
  • tupintupin Member Posts: 71
    Go to this site to see the dealer cost and use that as a basis for negotiation. Depending on your region there might be a $1250 rebate. If there isn't then you should possibly wait until the first of December since it will likely be re-introduced.

  • turbobbturbobb Member Posts: 5
    MF @ .0032 sounds high (was it a typo?). The MF on my lease was: .0023 @ 36mos with 12K/yr.
  • khanzhkhanzh Member Posts: 13
    thanks guys.....
    will check the website out.

    nope, that was the money factor, since I have new credit (only four months old, AND i'm a recent arrival here). that was the money factor given to me.
    On a 2006 demo; 7 pas DVD NAV with 5000 miles on the odo, he was offering me a 24 mos lease for 788 a month.
    Selling Price: 31500
    24 month lease

    doesn't sound right, even to my novice ears.
    2580 down (including taxes)
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247
    I just spoke with my salesperson.

    This # is not unheard of. There is no longer any lease programs from Subaru for 06's, hence the high MF. Also, The residual must be lowered to reflect the 5000 miles on the car.

    This combined with your credit status can produce a high lease #.

    Simple solution - Buy an 06',or lease an 07'.
  • megreyhairmegreyhair Member Posts: 154
    Damn... Almost 800 a month.... I can lease a X5 for less.....
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    That's crazy money. Honestly? Our beach condo's mortgage is less than that. A lot less. :D

  • khanzhkhanzh Member Posts: 13
    guess it was skewer-the-newbie day at the dealership.
    guess will wait till december when better deals come about.........btw, is having new credit (5 months old, since i'm a new arrival to the country) that big a stigma?

    thanks guys, will keep treading the boards I guess.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    No idea, hopefully a banker can answer that for us? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? ;)

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi John. If you are talking about 2006 models, what you were told is correct. Subaru is no longer providing lease support on '06s. As a result, if you want to lease right now, you would be much better off going with a 2007 model. Both the 2007 Tribeca and 2007 Outback have a little lease support on them right now. Probably not as much as they will later on in the model year though.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi khanzh. The selling prices of all Subaru Tribeca models are negotiable. Furthermore, Subaru is providing lease support on all of them as well. Having said this, the money factor that you were quoted for this truck is way too high. Subaru's current buy rate lease money factor for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Tribeca 7-Passenger Limited with DVD and NAV is only .00230. Make sure that this is the factor that is used to calculate your vehicle's monthly payment. Don't bother with a 24 month lease of this truck. Its 24 month lease program is terrible.

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  • edmundohedmundoh Member Posts: 35
    Car-man... this is helpful, I'm about to see about leasing a 5 pass LTD w/o NAV or DVD. Does the same deal apply?

    And for this newbie, what does the .00230 translate to in APR?


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,527
    .0023 X 2400 = approx. 5.52% APR

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  • sbuhlersbuhler Member Posts: 122
    I would like to get some information on Subaru's current lease program.

    I am interested in a 2007 7 pass Base Tribeca
    MSRP: 33150
    Neg Price: 29500

    Want to lease for 36 mos @ 15,000 miles/year
    I am in Louisiana where my tax is 9% and is payable monthly.
    I would prefer to put 0 down.

    What am I looking at with regards to monthly price and typical fees due at the beginning of a lease? Also what about the residual value (is the residual value % taken from the MSRP or the Neg Price?

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    I'm glad that you found that info helpful, ed. You can convert money factors into approximate APR equivalents by multiplying them by 2400. So a money factor of .00230 would be equivalent to an interest rate of around 5.52%.

    Subaru Finance's buy rate money factor for leases of the 2007 B9 Tribeca 5-Passenger Limited model is the same as if it for the 2007 7-Passenger Limited model, but the 5-Pass.'s residual values are 1% lower.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Greetings sbuhler. Let's work up a lease payment for this truck and see what we come up with. According to my calculations, if you were to lease a base 2007 Subaru B9 Tribeca 7-Passenger with an MSRP of $33,150 and a selling price of $29,500 through Subaru Finance right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment would be around $440. With this deal, at lease signing you would have to pay your truck's first month's payment, a security deposit equivalent to that payment rounded up to the nearest $25 increment, Subaru Finance's $595 acquisition fee, and any required state taxes or fees at signing. When negotiating the selling price for your lease of this truck, keep in mind that Subaru is currently providing $1,250 dealer cash on leases of it.

    Vehicles' residual values are based upon a percentage of their full MSRPs, including the destination charge and the MSRPs of any options that can be residualized.

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  • passat_mxpassat_mx Member Posts: 32
    Does someone have the money factor and residual value for the Tribeca B9, 36 mos, 15k per year? Thanks.
  • passat_mxpassat_mx Member Posts: 32
    Car_man, do you have Subaru's current MF and residual for the B9 5-passenger Limited, at both 36 and 39 mos, 15k per year? Thanks in advance.
  • thefunkthefunk Member Posts: 1
    i am really looking to avoid paying a down payment on a lease and am curioius to know if that is negotiable. the tribeca lease right now is $299/mo with $2800 down, whereas the outback lease is $289/mo with $0 down. i would prefer the tribeca, but want to avoid the money down...

    if the down payment is tough to get them to budge on, how about lowering the monthly payment?

  • jog1151jog1151 Member Posts: 4
    I have NEVER leased a vehicle before, and am completely clueless on how to get the best car lease deal.

    I visited my local Dealership today (I live in NJ)...and was given a price of $400 a month on 36 month lease, $1,500 inception fees, 15,000 mi. (afraid I don't have any more info)for a 2007 Subaru Tribeca Limited Edition, 5 passenger vehicle.

    Can you explain in "simple" terms the info I need to know about getting a good deal on a car lease. Also, did I receive a fair offer on the lease? Thank you in advance.
  • hypnosis44hypnosis44 Member Posts: 483
    That is the special incentive they are offering in most markets. The Residual (or buy back) at the end of the 36 months needs to be known to determine the acceptability of the deal.

    CarMan, the Host here, can probably give more details.

  • jog1151jog1151 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for the info hypnosis44.

    Is it important to factor in the "buy back" amount even though I have no intention of buying back the car at the end of the lease?

    Thanks again...
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey passat_mx. Here's the information that you're looking for. This truck's lease program varies by trim level, so for now I will assume that you are interested in a base 5-Passenger model. Let me know if you want something different. Subaru Finance's buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2007 B9 Tribeca Base 5-Passenger with 15,000 miles per year are .00170 and 53%, respectively. When negotiating your lease on this model, make sure to take advantage of the $2,000 dealer cash incentive that is currently available on it. This cash will help you to negotiate an attractive capitalized cost for your lease.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi again passat_mx. Ahhh, I see that you subsequently specified what trim level you want...I was close :). We're in luck because the 5-Passenger Limited model's lease program is exactly the same as the 5-Passenger Base's program. These models' 39 month, 15,000 mile per year numbers are .00200 and 51%.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi thefunk. Consumers can lease any vehicle that they want without making any sort of a capitalized cost reduction. At lease signing, Subaru Finance requires lessees to pay their vehicle's first month's payment, a security deposit that's equivalent to their payment rounded up to the nearest $25 increment, a $595 acquisition fee, and any required state taxes or fees. If you really want to, you should be able to roll most of these charges into your vehicle's capitalized cost to bake them into your monthly payment.

    Always remember that the selling prices of leased vehicles are negotiable, just as if you were paying cash for or financing them. Negotiate the lowest selling price that you can on the Tribeca that you want, making sure to take advantage of the $2,000 dealer cash that is currently available on it, and then have the dealer that you are working with use that price to calculate your lease payment. If you are in an area that has a decent level of competition, chances are that you will be able to negotiate a lower selling price on this Tribeca than the one Subaru's advertised lease payment is based upon.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello jog1151. Since you are new to the world of leasing, you definitely should check out the following informative articles that are available here at Edmunds.com prior to visiting any dealers: 10 Steps to Leasing a New Car and Calculate Your Own Lease Payment.

    In short, the two most important numbers to focus on when negotiating a lease are your vehicle's selling price and the money factor that is used to calculate its monthly payment. These are the two main profit centers for dealers on leased vehicles. The selling prices of leased vehicles are negotiable, just as if you were paying cash for or financing them. Shop around and negotiate the lowest selling price that you can on the Tribeca that you want, making sure to take advantage of the $2,000 dealer cash that is available on it right now. Once you have found a price that you're comfortable with, have the dealer use your vehicle's buy rate lease money factor to calculate its monthly payment. It is important to make sure that your vehicle's buy rate is being used because dealers are often allowed to "mark-up" banks money factors to add additional hidden, back-end profit to seals. Subaru Finance's current buy rate lease money factor for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Subaru B9 Tribeca 5-Passenger Limited is .00170.

    I would be happy to give you my opinion of the deal that you were quoted if you tell me what the MSRP and selling price of the model that you are considering leasing are.

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  • acurabuyeracurabuyer Member Posts: 3
    Hi Car Man.
    Can you please tell me what will be the MF and residual for Ltd. 5-Pass. 4dr SUV AWD w/Nav, Beige Int. (3.0L 6cyl 5A) for 36 months with 10000 miles and 12000 miles. Thank you very much.
  • danieltribecadanieltribeca Member Posts: 13
    Hello I'm a new owner of Subaru Tribeca Limited 5 passager....

    FYI.... I leased mine yesterday .... $430 all include... 36 months, 10 miles... $3000 to sign....

    I'm in Miami


  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Congratulations! :shades:

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Here you go, acurabuyer. Subaru Finance's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Subaru B9 Tribeca 5-Passenger Limited with 12,000 miles per year are .00170 and 54%, respectively. This truck's 10,000 mile per year money factor is the same, but its residual value is 1% higher. When negotiating your lease on this truck, make sure to take advantage of the $2,000 lease cash that is currently available on it. This cash will help you to negotiate an attractive capitalized cost for your lease.

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  • lasher30lasher30 Member Posts: 18
    I would appreciate your expert opinions on this lease offer I got...

    Tribeca 5-pass
    MSRP: $32,090
    Lease Payment: $399 + 6% tax
    Lease Length: 36
    Miles/Year: 10,000
    Cap Cost: $30,390
    Money Factor: 0.00170
    Residual: 55%
    Due at signing: $750

    Car_Man, it looks like the financing matches your post (that's good). Also, your right, the 24-mo lease is terrible.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi lasher30. You're right, the money factor and residual value that you were quoted are right in line with Subaru's numbers for this model. That's always a good sign. Unfortunately, the selling price that you were quoted is probably a little on the high side. Not only is Subaru providing a $2,000 cash incentive on leases of the '07 B9 Tribeca right now, but there is some dealer cash floating around out there as well. If I was in the market for this vehicle, I personally would shoot for a selling price that's $1,500 to $2,000 lower.

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  • lasher30lasher30 Member Posts: 18
    Much appreciated, CM.
  • tahoe524tahoe524 Member Posts: 4

    This is my first post to the site after lurking for a long time.

    I am looking at the 7 passenger Tribeca and was wondering what lease incentives there were in April for the NY/NJ area?

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're very welcome, lasher30.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Welcome aboard, tahoe524. Subaru is currently providing a $2,000 cash incentive on leases of the 2007 B9 Tribeca. Make sure to take this cash into account when negotiating your truck's capitalized cost. As far as Subaru's lease program for this vehicle goes, its money factor and residual value vary by term and mileage allowance. For now I will assume that you are interested in a 36 month lease with 15,000 miles per year. Let me know if you want something different. Subaru Finance's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a base 2007 B9 Tribeca 7 Passenger with 15,000 miles per year are .00180 and 53%, respectively.

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  • dijendijen Member Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm new here... I'm looking to lease a 2007 B9 Tribeca 7 Passenger. Do you know what are the residual value and money factor for a 36 months lease/10000 miles per year?
    I got an offer for 379/mo with nothing down. Option to buy for 26900. I plan to go this weekend and I'm still not decided... :confuse: Thanks a lot!!!
  • steve138steve138 Member Posts: 9
    I just leased a 7 passenger Ltd. w/ Nav/DVD, wheel locks, cargo tray, aero bars, puddle lights. 36months/12K....only 1st month down...$439 per month including 6.5% sales tax.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Welcome dijen. If you were to lease a base 2007 Subaru B9 Tribeca 7 Passenger through its captive finance company right now for 36 months with 10,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value would be .00165 and 54%, respectively. When negotiating your lease on this truck, make sure to take advantage of the $2,750 lease cash that is currently available on it. This cash will help you to negotiate an attractive capitalized cost for your lease.

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  • jameson1jameson1 Member Posts: 1
    Car man,

    Have not shopped for a car in quite some time, but will need to get one because of a new addition to the family.
    My wife and i like the B9 very much, but we just don't have the energy to go through the negotiation process right now. What have been the best deals (purchase & lease) you've come across for the 7passenger ltd with dvd/nav. Thank you for your help.
  • scouziscouzi Member Posts: 28
    I'm dealing right now and without much effort you can get between $5500-$5800 of MSRP.

    Weirdly enough, the incentives were better in April than May if you pay cash because Subaru removed the dealer cash and replaced it with low financing WITH a higher factory rebate.

    If you pay cash, you lose out on the lower financing availiable.
  • akatzakatz Member Posts: 1
    Hi everyone - I'm in Chicago and received the following offer...curious on your quick thoughts and any potential areas to improve upon (negotiate!)...Thanks!!

    LEASE 2007 SUBARU TRIBECA Limited (no NAVI) for $259*/36months. $2,995 down + sales tax, title, and license fees extra. Offers based on 10,000 miles/year.

  • dadofdadof Member Posts: 11
    Steve138, could you please tell me where you got that quote? Thanks in advance.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Congratulations on the new addition to your family, jameson1. I personally haven't kept tabs on the best deals that I have seen on the Tribeca lately. You can scroll bask through this discussion and the "Subaru B9 Tribeca: Prices Paid & Buying Experience" discussion to look at the ones that community members have reported getting lately. I can tell you what sort of deal I personally would shoot for on this model right now though. I personally would aim for a capitalized cost of $500 or so over dealer invoice minus the $2,750 cash incentive that Subaru is providing on it. If you provide me with a detailed description of the exact Tribeca that you are interested in and tell me how long you want to lease it for and what mileage allowance you need, I would be happy to tell you what its current money factor and residual value are.

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  • bodidbodid Member Posts: 88

    I've looked at everything, and I mean everything in the 7 passenger category and for my current needs, I think I've narrowed it down to the Tribeca Limited with Nav and the MDX Sport. Could you provide numbers for both cars in NY?

    -36 month lease (or the best least deal being offered)
    -15K miles/year

    My current lease is up in early August, and I can wait till then, or do a deal now. What's your expert opinion?

  • bodidbodid Member Posts: 88

    I'm looking at the NEW Tribeca, not the B9 Tribeca...

  • robo84robo84 Member Posts: 3

    I am looking at leasing the 2008 Tribeca Ltd (5 passenger) and have a question on the lease listed in Edmund's Incentive section. The lease on the 36 month Ltd 5 Passenger states $339 for 36 months, 10K miles plus $2585 down payment.

    The thing is the dealer told me that this is the deal for the standard Tribeca, not the Limited. Is Edmunds incorrect with their incentive info? The standard 2008 Tribeca is listed at $319 on the incentives section, so I am not sure who is correct.

    Is the $339 a good value, it looks very fair and wonder if it's too good to be true.

    Any help would be really appreciated!
  • chiro444chiro444 Member Posts: 17
    So is it $2585 down plus fees or $2585 out of pocket?
  • robo84robo84 Member Posts: 3
    I'm pretty sure it's a down payment. I ended up passing on the deal as it wasn't recognized by the dealer. It was closer to $520 with $2000 down (36 months, 12K per year)

    I am not sure if that was a good deal or not. They really seem intent on getting rid of the 2007's.
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