Do dealerships need to copy your id for test drives

tom1965tom1965 Member Posts: 54
edited July 2017 in General
I've been test driving vehicles recently and the deAlerships always make a copy of my drivers license. After researching online, they said its used to obtain copies of my credit report, although you need ones permission which I haven't given nor have I seen inquires. 

Question is, do they need to make a copy of my drivers license for a test drive and why?

Best Answer

  • tom1965tom1965 Member Posts: 54
    Answer ✓
    Also I feel it's with different dealerships, I don't recall giving Id for mercedes or bmw but Honda, Lexus, infinity yes


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,167
    For insurance purposes.

    They shouldn't run your credit without your permission, though.

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  • tom1965tom1965 Member Posts: 54
    So it is normal for them to make a copy for "insurance purposes?"

     Reading online again no evidence of factual info they say it's for insurance purposes but don't need it for that. Just looking for more factual info that I know people on here test drive lots of vehicles and work in the auto business.
  • isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    Any smart dealer will take a copy of your Driver's License. First of all, they want to make sure you even have one. If foul play happens they will know who you are. On more than one occasion I made two copies and left one on my desk just "in case".

    And, the "Insurance purposes" reason is valid too.

    After I handed people's licenses back to them I would ask for their phone number and I would write it on the dr lic copy for follow up later.

    The funniest one I remember happened in 1997 when the CRV's had just been introduced. They were red hot and
    people actually lined up to drive the one demo we had. The salesperson told him " I need to make a quick copy of your Driver's License" The guy held it between his fingers and wagged it back and forth. " You can look at it but you can't copy it!" The salesperson then wagged the CRV keys back and forth and said " Here is the new CRV. You can look at it but you can't drive it!"

    The customer stormed out of there....NEXT!
  • isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    Also, without a Social Security number they can't pull your credit!
  • tom1965tom1965 Member Posts: 54
  • isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    Even if this is possible I have to wonder why a store would do this? Makes no sense unless the customer is ready to buy and has filled out a credit application.

  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    According to the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, the following requests are legitimate:

    Per the consumer’s written request
    To satisfy a federal court order or subpoena
    A financial institution to process a credit application, such as an auto, mortgage or student loan
    Utility companies when you apply for services
    Prospective employers (only with the consumer’s consent)
    An insurance underwriter that’s underwriting your policy
    Governmental agencies to determine your eligibility for licensure or a government benefit
    A legitimate business need that relates to a transaction initiated by the consumer, such as a potential investor or landlord
    Current creditors to review an account to ensure terms are met or to initiate collection efforts
    Child support enforcement to determine how much you can pay each month

    Since a dealer is not in itself a "financial institution", and since you can read your own credit report and find out who made the inquiry, I think you could nail the dealer on this if they did it. What the consequences are, I don't know. below....

    Please note that creditors and insurance companies may also access your credit profile without your permission to determine your eligibility for prescreened offers. These are considered “soft inquiries” and do not impact your credit score.

  • isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    A lot of insurance companies insist on pulling credit reports for new customers. I guess this makes sense. If a person is a deadbeat they are liable to be high risk in other areas.
  • tom1965tom1965 Member Posts: 54
    Basically what I'm getting at, is it common for them to copy your id, do they actually have to do so? 

    Thank you for all responses 
  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 255,468

    tom1965 said:

    Basically what I'm getting at, is it common for them to copy your id, do they actually have to do so? 

    Thank you for all responses 

    Common? Yes

    Have to do so? I think the jury is out on that question. 

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  • tom1965tom1965 Member Posts: 54
    I know you guys test drive lots of cars do they copy your id as well?
  • isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    It's not a hard and fast rule but any smart store will copy licenses.
  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 255,468
    I was with a friend yesterday who was test driving. We visited two stores - BMW and GMC. They took and copied his license at both places.

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