Chevrolet Blazer GMC Jimmy Transmission Problems
I just bought my blazer and transmission is leaking. After purchase of blazer guy tells me it was a non op. What should I check for first , how should I approach.
1. If not done already, change that front u-joint also and balance the driveshaft.
2. Have your tires force balanced that is computer read and it shows out of spec tires and heavy spots - 1 in 10 tires are often so far off they should not be used and sees bent rims/heavy spots in them too.
3. Check the trans mount and engine mounts for separation.
4. Put the Blazer rear end on jack stands and drums/disc on with at least 2 lug nuts, with a helper start and put in drive and you watch the rotating drum/disc and see it perfectly round and no oval - mine were - new ones are usually cheap China junk and I've had several bad ones recently as I've done 4 complete brake jobs in the last year on mine.
5. Check the rear calipers slides - bet you did not grease the pins in the brackets and they hang up and eat the inside of the rotor and drag. Also hope you put rebuild calipers on those rears cause they are a cheap single pison one that cocks in the bore and hangs often too.
6. Flush the transfer case and add the blue GM Autotak II syn fluid, and then drive 100 miles, reflush and add 2 new quarts - GM bulletin on this.
7. Have you replaced the lower ball joints - #1 weak spot, and looked at all steering jonts and greased all of them.
Thats a quick shot at some of the things to look at.
Any smog pump on it? Vac hoses rotted out or leaks? Exhaust leaks, flange gasket, muffler. Need more info on the when/where/etc for noise. Crawl around and listen and post some specific clues for me.
Any good trans shop can test these so.... maybe time to change shops. Keep trying.
thanks Mark
We towed my boat to and back from Canada with no issues other than the bouncing fuel level gauge and since then have driven the vehicle for approximately 5K miles. My wife broke the hazard switch and the heater core started leaking a little, no real problem that I can not deal with. Now the vehicle intermittantly stalls while driving just like someone turned it off however the electrical power remains? Most of the time after it stalls it starts right back but sometimes lately it is difficult to start. I really do not even know where to start? The fuel pump sounds normally at ignition start. I am confused please help?
Example: Last night I began my commute home from work, the truck shifted smoothly. While waiting at a stop light, the brake and airbag light came on again. The truck shifted hard between 1st and 2nd gear the entire drive home. I parked the truck in my garage and went inside to get my wife. No more than 5 minutes later we got into the truck, turned it on and went for a drive. The transmission shifted smoothly as I drove through my neighborhood. This morning, I started it up, it shifted smoothly until the lights came on again. What is up with my truck? I have a hard time believing it's the tranny, it has been completely fine up until last week.
Airbag light could be from a bad connector in column, or on the two front under frame mounted sensors, or the fuse.
Scoop: I have a 1997 GMC Jimmy w/4 wheel drive, automatic transmission, V6 vortec engine, and 155K miles. Trans fluid and filter was changed at 80K. The trans worked fine yesterday, but today it's stuck in 3rd gear.
Additional info: I can manually shift it into second gear and third gear, but no first gear or overdrive. Reverse works fine. Also, twice this morning when I put it in park and shut it off, I couldn't turn the ignition to off to get the key out without starting it back up and working the shifter thru the gears a couple times.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Now I'm confused. I read somewhere to disconnect the battery and let the computer reset. So I did and now my trans shifts fine. What's up with that? Does anyone know why?
Great, I think my Jimmy was made by Microsoft. Just had to reboot it.
Thanks in advance,
In your case you probably have an "adaptive" transmission that just relearned how to shift, and hopefully that's all it took.
He just had tranny rebuild and installed and is having problems with first gear, overdrive and 4x4 does not work. All these worked prior to new tranny.
We have heard 4x4 could be a vacuum line leak and replaced most vacuum lines, and the problem still exists.
We have heard that first and overdrive could be a wire problem, is this true? Hooked it up to a scanner and it did not show anything. I have read through the postings and my brother is going to try disconnecting the battery like the '97 Jimmy and see if that works.
Any other ideas, would be appreciated. :confuse:
You probably have a 3 button np233 transfer case so that was pulled to get the trans out. Make sure the 3 port vac switch works on the transfer case and all lines good. Are all the electrical connectors firmly plugged in? Check the wiring bundle above the trans for cuts - seen that. Look at the throttle position sensor on the throttle body for linear operation (resistance smoothly changes as the TPS/throttle opens). Each shift and convertor lock has a separate solenoid in the trans pan.