Bob - it was checked 3 wks ago when i got my oil change but i will check today after work
Greg - I contacted my salesman and he is going to talk to the service manager. A few wks back when i told him about it doing it at stop signs he talked to a guy from gm. What i described he said he heard nothing about. But he did hear about clunking which i could just be describing wrong. Something about transfer case fluid and stuff. Hopefully he will get back to me asap. Thanks guys
I am going to order a 2001 Silverado x-cab 4x4 as soon as I can see the new interior color on the lot. Before I order, I am going to test drive a z71 and a non-z71 4x4 for ride comfort/difference. I like the stouter looks of the z71 but have heard at highway speeds and over bumps it has a bit more jittery ride. I won't be offroading with a 30+K truck but will take it off pavement from time to time. Did anyone out there do a similar comparison and what were your findings?
I did ride in both. I noticed very little or no difference between the 2. I know my Z71 rides much smoother than my old 2wd S-10. Its also seems to be smoother than my dads 4x4 Blazer. My only suggestion is that you ride in them both and see what you think. Take both over some RR tracks and bumps. Also find a gravel road if you can (if your salesman goes with you i doubt he will like that). I tried to go offroading with my salesman before i got mine but it was a no go haha i wonder why.
thanks for the link...the price that I posted is a Group purchase price that will be offered later this week for the people that post at the Pacific Audio site. I guess I qualified since I post there every so often...
ryan you talked to the salesman about a mechanical problem on the truck? Gee whiz, third party info doesn't go over well with an already confused service department. Let me describe the problem to your salesman (maybe slightly incorrect), he interprets and passes on to service department (more incorrect). By the time the service dept. gets a hold of it (and interprets it), the symptoms may be all distorted. There is nothing like second hand info. Now if the salesman adds his opinion in there, by the time you take the truck in, the service dept. may remove your flares in a fit of confusion after listening to the salesman describe your problem.
The service place is about 3 hrs from me where i bought the truck. Im not taking it there its just an opinion i am seeking. He will print out my email and take it to the service guy and he will respond to me. Hes just the middle man passing the note for me thats all. its a small town dealership which treats its customers great. They have answered all my questions (even with the tires to damn expensive). Its just an opinion for now. Just like i am getting here.
While on vacation, my tranny did something similar. I was accelerating (easy)to 75mph from a stop. I noticed the trans wasn't shifting to OD. I was going about 65-70. So I let off on the gas to 'help' it shift. When I did the rpms fell to 500. I reapplied the gas, and it started pulling when the tach reached wheel speed. Again it didn't shift to OD. I released the gas once more, and again the tach showed 500rpm. I gassed it again, then shifted from Drive to 3, and back to OD. This time it shifted normally. Never happened again. I know the gear selector was clicked in properly as I have been driving several hours before the incident. I think it was just one of those computer glitches. I'm sure you had a few of those on your pc. I'm not going to worry about my problem, unless.... it happens again. Good Luck!
Mine always happens when i come to a stop i can feel it "lock up". Then something seems to disengage and its fine. It has never happened when i was driving at a high speed already. I think my RPMS did go up and then down to about 500 though. I wasnt paying to much attention though. Thanks it probably is the damn computer. UPGRADE TIME!!!
Salesman got back to me. He talked to the manager and 2 techs and showed them what i wrote. He told me they said thats normal and i was probably spinning my tires and i didnt know it. What a bunch of BS. It was dry out and i had my windows open i would have heard something. The truck didnt move and if i was spinning the tire the engine would have been reving which it wasnt. I gave hime more details like how the RPMS stayed at 500 then when it "engaged" it shot up to 1500. AAAAAAAA its normal yea right.
*()&#^&*#^#$ im so mad nothing is ever wrong. Just like when i broke my ankle and they told me it was a mild sprain or when my finger was broke in 2 places and the doc told me it was just jammed. Im talking to a wall again. And the thing is if i take it in they wont be able to reproduce it im sure because it happens at random and has only happened a few times. Ill look like a liar and an idiot if i take it in. I already know what they will say "There is nothing wrong with your truck" and they will have had it for like a wk.
I wouldn't worry about that. I used to work as a service writer at a Sears Automotive Center. We've all had it happened to us and I could see the frustration on the people when they brought their car/truck in and it wouldn't make the noise/problem (Grrrrrr...) I imagine if the employees of the dealership sponsored service departments were actually hooked up to lie detectors, they would admit that these machines of ours do all kinds of wierd and indescribable things. And, with few exceptions, would agree we aren't bringing our vehicles to them because we are bored or lonely. I think it's just more of the squeakiest wheel gets the grease (no pun intended, ok maybe a little)... What frosts me with so many of these big ticket purchases, is the work we, the consumer, have to put forth to (hopefully) obtain the trouble-free/quality product we have been led to believe our money would buy. I've read many of these posts and have become angry myself at the laziness, arrogance or downright mistruth(s) some of the manufacturer/dealership/service department representatives are willing to offer. My sympathies go out to those people who have bought brand new vehicles only to be monumentally inconvenienced by their purchase and subsequent attempts to have them repaired to the state the vehicle was assumed to be in before the ink on the sales contract was dry. We didn't buy these vehicles to be frustrated by them.
when picking up my truck from the service dept., which seems to be quite often, I'll tip the service advisor $50. Attitude and service increases exponentially. It's amazing what a little tip will do...
ryan isn't there another dealer closer to home that you can work with? Seems like three hours traveling is a lousy way to waste a day. Especially when the service dept. will end up saying that "they couldn't duplicate the problem"
No im not going 3 hrs away you think im crazy??? I just wanted to let my salesman know so he could find out some info for me before i left work today. I go to a dealership not to far from my house maybe 5 min away. The one where i got my oil change from. Ill probably take a day off next wk and take it in for this, the dash rattle, and the arm rest kill 3 birds with 1 stone hopefully.
You said the orange is like the fords,how about the new geeen is it sharp.BTW I love the sound of the magnaflow muffler and it definetly seems to run better.
you have me confused with someone else khharris...
The new green I saw may be a little hard to describe. It is a darker, deep metallic (emeraldy?) green that is similar if not the same as what is on the pontiac bonneville. I was sitting next to a bonneville in the showroom that was the color METALLIC BRONZEMIST while I looked at the ordering guide. I could have sworn that the GMC color name/sample Metallic Sage Green was what I was sitting next to. Go to the following link to see an example: On my computer the pontiac sample shows up a little lighter than what it looks like up close and personal. Hope that helps.
Also listed in the GMC 2001 ordering guide was another green called Metallic Polo Green. This green is so dark it almost appears black. The salesman thought it was another new color option, but I haven't seen anything in print that two new greens were being added for 2001.
Drove home took it for a lil longer spin today (went and got the new everclear cd its good. You "old" guys should like it they remade the song brown eyed girl should bring back memories for ya) and not a problem with the truck it was fine. Hopefully it wont do it ever again.
Read with your interest your post on cab resonance. I've been stewing about which type system would suit me best. Looks like single in dual out but the muffler to use is giving me heartache. I am looking for an increase in performance, not a lot of noise. I Guess I'm getting too damn old...just doesn't impress me like it used to. Which Gibson muffler did you use? Can you hear it with the windows up? Just curious..did they extend the chrome tips out past the bumper or out the sides? Thanks, I appreciate it.
TEX6: I suspect that build seq # is the same as the old "build sheet" factory workers use to construct a vehicle. All vehicles are built to specific orders (color, options, engine, etc) this number probably generates a computer printout instructing the type of vehicle to be built. You could test my theory with your dealer..he might be able to input that number to see if it will give a printout matching your vehicle.
JIMTNC: There's been lots of posts on polishes and scratch removers here, but let me tell you a story (the purists will scream!), anyways a neighbor asked me Saturday if I would help him remove some pretty serious scratches on the hood of his S-10, caused by a tree branch. I had no luck with some of my swirl and minor scratch removers so I explained to him that we would need to go to a more agressive machine compound and in the process, as is the case with all rubbing compounds and a buffer, we would be removing paint. He got real nervous so I told him we could try one more thing. Earlier I had picked up a bottle of "color magic" a wax and polish, at our local auto parts store. It intrigued me as it comes in a variety of colors and claimed to "fill in" scratches not remove paint. His S-10 is a dark gray color as is my Silverado, so we tried it and I'm telling it worked very well. We "filled" all of the scratches. It goes on and buffs out as does any wax...and looked very nice when done. But wear latex gloves as it WILL stain your hands! My $.02
My truck did something like that the other day. Stopped at a light, then hit the gas to go and nothing seemed to happen (like a rock). Stayed at 500, so I hit it again, the third time I hit it and held it at least half down, when a second later it launched hard. Only done it once, but thats way too many times. One more thing and that's a dozen (8 of which are repeats) reasons for me to turn it back over to the service dept. Still rather drive it than those F*rd or D*dge rental trucks they always stick me in. 99 ext. with a 4.8
Are the calibration updates on that gm website the available ones or the ones that have actually been performed on your specific truck? I haven't taken mine in for anything, but there are several listings there. Could have been updated on the assembly line I guess.
I was reading a Truck Trend or something the other day and they were talking about a GMC Sierra Sport truck(std cab, stepside, 2wd, w/4.3 or 4.8 and auto). They mentioned a metallic green, yellow(looks like canary yellow to me), and I believe an orange. However, the article led me to believe they would only be available on the sport trucks. Never really know until they are out though! They are supposed to have a color coordinated leather wrapped steering wheel too. Yellow one is the only one they pictured and it looked ok to me.
I just saw the article about a week and a half ago so it should still be on the shelf. Just not sure on the name of the magazine though.
I had the steering F-shaft replaced once before and it fixed this problem. Now it seems to be making a cameo. In the Motor Trend long term Silverado update, GM charged $183 to replace it since it occurred after the warranty expired. Grrrrr.
Sounds like part of what you are describing is the intermittent 'clunk' problem common to a lot of 99-00 Silverados and 00 Tahoes. Car and Driver just had an article this month reporting on their 'long' term 99 4x4 Silverado extended 'test drive'. The clunk got worse with more mileage. The C&D mechanics tried several things to get rid of the clunk, but what eventually worked on their truck was replacing the rear u-joint plus flushing the transfer case and replacing the transfer case lube with a full synthetic lube. Anyway... it's what worked for them. The only way that a GM service dept could call the clunk 'normal' would be for them to invoke the dreaded and over-utilized "they all do it" line. Sure shouldn't have to mean that you have to live with it or that it can't be fixed. Such a load of Cr#$.
I have the Gibson Swept side which is a 3" single in 3" single out exiting behind right rear tire. Tip is sticking about 6" outside of the body line. I bought this system cause Gibson says it is their quietest and provides maximum hp and torque. At idle, you can't hear it. At WOT sounds great, not too loud...however at 1500-1800 rpms comes the dreaded in cab drone or resonance. This bugs the s**t out of me. I thought of adding a resonator tip or a small resonator inline after the muffler. Only thing I couldn't find one that wouldn't restrict the exhaust. The muffler that I've heard good things about is the Magnaflows.
I've also lost some low end torque with the installation of the JBA headers and the Power vault package is supposed to help me regain some of the torque loss. We will see...hopefully I'll get the package soon...
Thanks for reply. I'm no expert on exhaust systems, but my research has told me that going with any size pipe larger than 21/4 inches out the muffler, will cause you a loss of low end torque. Not sure, but that might be part of your problem. Boy, you sure wouldn't think going with a single in, single out would give you cab resonance. I always thought it was the "dual" out giving the resonance. What do I know. Yeah, there are a couple of guys who post here that have the Magnaflow and they seem to like it pretty well.
RYAN: Betcha' can't even tell us who sang "brown eyed girl".
The problem you and Keith describe sounds like it has nothing to do with the transmission. If it was not in gear and slipping or something the RPMs would go up even though the truck doesn't move. Keith clearly said his RPM stayed at 500 even though he pressed the gas. It could be the trans needs to tell the computer that it's in gear now and it's okay to accelerate or something like that but it's not a mechanical only problem. Only the computer controls the injectors so it likely didn't get a sensor input quickly enough. I'll take a look in the service manual and see if the injector control description sheds any light.
Re #312 If you are going to order a new Silverado "full load", get the Z71 package. The Z71 gives you the following: 46mm Tenneco shocks, off-road jounce bumpers, stabilizer bars, High capacity air cleaner, skid plates (engine, transmission, front differential & transfer case) & the Z71 decal. If you opt for the Z71, you can order the FW1 Ride & Handling Control package. You manually adjust the amount of shock absorber damping by positioning a switch (beside the air bag switch) in one of two positions, smooth road or increased control/ trailering. The price drops for the Z71 if the FW1 package is ordered.
black and gray bumper trim and other trim like I do, Mother's "Back to Black" works good on restoring the original appearance and providing some protection against weathering - but it does require some elbow grease. I'm sure that there must be a better and more expensive "Z something" equivalent from Zaino, but this worked for me. My $.02.
I had a '94 GMC with a 5.7, put on a Gibson system, seemed to have lost power, gained the dreaded resonance in the cab, sent it back and swapped it for an Edelbrock system-better sound, performance on that vehicle.
Has anyone done any suspension mods as to lower their '99-'00 trucks? I will be doing a 2-4 drop on my x-cab soon, just wanted to know if anyone has done one, and if any unforseen problems were encountered. I just put in a Stull polished billet grille insert and bowtie emblem-sure cleans up the look of the front end!
While I agree a 2500 is better..(for me)..but disagree with a few things
It comes with smaller shocks (36 vs 46)..but does ride stiffer than a 1500 stil
The 2500 ride empty is Better for me...not worse..This ride empty was how I found out it was for me.
As for weight making the ABS not kick in...I have felt it a few times. Any spot where you are braking and there is will feel matter how much weight you have...
Come on Ryan....quit searching the net and tell us who sang "Brown eyed Girl"....
The 32mm(standard),36mm(Firm Ride) and 46mm(Z71) sizes refer to the shaft size inside the shock.
I was refering to the Outside Diameter (OD) which is larger on the 2500 shocks. That means more room for oil inside the shock, and that means less shock fade under heavy use.
I found the 2500 ride much better on the highway or loaded, and the 1500 better on poor city streets (which we have). Anyway I bought both and I am keeping the 2500, it is more like a truck and less like a car.
Greg - I contacted my salesman and he is going to talk to the service manager. A few wks back when i told him about it doing it at stop signs he talked to a guy from gm. What i described he said he heard nothing about. But he did hear about clunking which i could just be describing wrong. Something about transfer case fluid and stuff. Hopefully he will get back to me asap. Thanks guys
you talked to the salesman about a mechanical problem on the truck? Gee whiz, third party info doesn't go over well with an already confused service department. Let me describe the problem to your salesman (maybe slightly incorrect), he interprets and passes on to service department (more incorrect). By the time the service dept. gets a hold of it (and interprets it), the symptoms may be all distorted. There is nothing like second hand info. Now if the salesman adds his opinion in there, by the time you take the truck in, the service dept. may remove your flares in a fit of confusion after listening to the salesman describe your problem.
*()&#^&*#^#$ im so mad nothing is ever wrong. Just like when i broke my ankle and they told me it was a mild sprain or when my finger was broke in 2 places and the doc told me it was just jammed. Im talking to a wall again. And the thing is if i take it in they wont be able to reproduce it im sure because it happens at random and has only happened a few times. Ill look like a liar and an idiot if i take it in. I already know what they will say "There is nothing wrong with your truck" and they will have had it for like a wk.
OOOOOO im so mad. haha
What frosts me with so many of these big ticket purchases, is the work we, the consumer, have to put forth to (hopefully) obtain the trouble-free/quality product we have been led to believe our money would buy. I've read many of these posts and have become angry myself at the laziness, arrogance or downright mistruth(s) some of the manufacturer/dealership/service department representatives are willing to offer. My sympathies go out to those people who have bought brand new vehicles only to be monumentally inconvenienced by their purchase and subsequent attempts to have them repaired to the state the vehicle was assumed to be in before the ink on the sales contract was dry. We didn't buy these vehicles to be frustrated by them.
Phewww, I'll step off the soapbox now...
isn't there another dealer closer to home that you can work with? Seems like three hours traveling is a lousy way to waste a day. Especially when the service dept. will end up saying that "they couldn't duplicate the problem"
good luck buddy!!
I think I have the answer to the tranny problem...
you need a 2500 with a heavier trans!
- Tim
tranny update might work, but as you can read it is a common problem...and everyone's you are not alone...
You guys are a big help im gonna check the VIN update when i get home
The new green I saw may be a little hard to describe. It is a darker, deep metallic (emeraldy?) green that is similar if not the same as what is on the pontiac bonneville. I was sitting next to a bonneville in the showroom that was the color METALLIC BRONZEMIST while I looked at the ordering guide. I could have sworn that the GMC color name/sample Metallic Sage Green was what I was sitting next to. Go to the following link to see an example:
On my computer the pontiac sample shows up a little lighter than what it looks like up close and personal.
Hope that helps.
TEX6: I suspect that build seq # is the same as the old "build sheet" factory workers use to construct a vehicle. All vehicles are built to specific orders (color, options, engine, etc) this number probably generates a computer printout instructing the type of vehicle to be built. You could test my theory with your dealer..he might be able to input that number to see if it will give a printout matching your vehicle.
JIMTNC: There's been lots of posts on polishes and scratch removers here, but let me tell you a story (the purists will scream!), anyways a neighbor asked me Saturday if I would help him remove some pretty serious scratches on the hood of his S-10, caused by a tree branch. I had no luck with some of my swirl and minor scratch removers so I explained to him that we would need to go to a more agressive machine compound and in the process, as is the case with all rubbing compounds and a buffer, we would be removing paint. He got real nervous so I told him we could try one more thing. Earlier I had picked up a bottle of "color magic" a wax and polish, at our local auto parts store. It intrigued me as it comes in a variety of colors and claimed to "fill in" scratches not remove paint. His S-10 is a dark gray color as is my Silverado, so we tried it and I'm telling it worked very well. We "filled" all of the scratches. It goes on and buffs out as does any wax...and looked very nice when done. But wear latex gloves as it WILL stain your hands!
My $.02
Sorry for the long post.
One more thing and that's a dozen (8 of which are repeats) reasons for me to turn it back over to the service dept. Still rather drive it than those F*rd or D*dge rental trucks they always stick me in.
99 ext. with a 4.8
I was reading a Truck Trend or something the other day and they were talking about a GMC Sierra Sport truck(std cab, stepside, 2wd, w/4.3 or 4.8 and auto). They mentioned a metallic green, yellow(looks like canary yellow to me), and I believe an orange. However, the article led me to believe they would only be available on the sport trucks. Never really know until they are out though! They are supposed to have a color coordinated leather wrapped steering wheel too. Yellow one is the only one they pictured and it looked ok to me.
I just saw the article about a week and a half ago so it should still be on the shelf. Just not sure on the name of the magazine though.
gmc sierra
Anyone else notice this?
I've also lost some low end torque with the installation of the JBA headers and the Power vault package is supposed to help me regain some of the torque loss. We will see...hopefully I'll get the package soon...
Boy, you sure wouldn't think going with a single in, single out would give you cab resonance. I always thought it was the "dual" out giving the resonance. What do I know. Yeah, there are a couple of guys who post here that have the Magnaflow and they seem to like it pretty well.
RYAN: Betcha' can't even tell us who sang "brown eyed girl".
If you are going to order a new Silverado "full load", get the Z71 package. The Z71 gives you the following: 46mm Tenneco shocks, off-road jounce bumpers, stabilizer bars, High capacity air cleaner, skid plates (engine, transmission, front differential & transfer case) & the Z71 decal. If you opt for the Z71, you can order the FW1 Ride & Handling Control package. You manually adjust the amount of shock absorber damping by positioning a switch (beside the air bag switch) in one of two positions, smooth road or increased control/ trailering. The price drops for the Z71 if the FW1 package is ordered.
Re #332
Not everybody needs a 3/4 ton pickup!
Has anyone done any suspension mods as to lower their '99-'00 trucks? I will be doing a 2-4 drop on my x-cab soon, just wanted to know if anyone has done one, and if any unforseen problems were encountered. I just put in a Stull polished billet grille insert and bowtie emblem-sure cleans up the look of the front end!
It comes with smaller shocks (36 vs 46)..but does ride stiffer than a 1500 stil
The 2500 ride empty is Better for me...not worse..This ride empty was how I found out it was for me.
As for weight making the ABS not kick in...I have felt it a few times. Any spot where you are braking and there is will feel matter how much weight you have...
Come on Ryan....quit searching the net and tell us who sang "Brown eyed Girl"....
(he's looking in the booklet right now)
- Tim
I was refering to the Outside Diameter (OD) which is larger on the 2500 shocks. That means more room for oil inside the shock, and that means less shock fade under heavy use.
I found the 2500 ride much better on the highway or loaded, and the 1500 better on poor city streets (which we have). Anyway I bought both and I am keeping the 2500, it is more like a truck and less like a car.
Mike L
I'm only 34 but here is a clue.....
The artists first name is Van.
I like the everclear version (a little more rock and louder) but the original cant be matched.
I thought shock mm was outside...not Shaft...I know I have not seen a shock with a 1.81 inch center shaft..that's for sure...
yeah the 2500 can be harsh on bumps...but I drive enough highway for it all to be a wash..
Will never go back to 1500 here....
- Tim
Van Morrison
HMMM I DIDNT ANSWER IT go back to post #349 then
You looked at the book.....
- Tim