Mazda MPV Transmission Problems
At 48,120 miles, my 2002 Madza MPV automatic transmission needs to be replaced. I am upset that this has happened with such low mileage. I have owned an R-100, RX-3 and 323 with virtually only maintenance costs to pay. This $3900 failure seems unreasonable. Did anyone have a simliar problem? Did Mazda USA assist in the repairs?
Wasn't there a software upgrade for the transmission awhile back? If so, has that been applied to your MPV?
Oh and the district manager finally called, but left a message for me at home without a callback number! She also said she would call me at work but never did. The secrecy annoys the crap out of me!
Anyone else have any ideas or suggestions?
I had a reply in about a half hour that they was sure I had a case. My transmission was slamming from 2nd to 3rd. I was lucky to make it to work a couple of times. The one day coming home it got so bad I called a tow truck and called the company in Calif. they talked to the dealer and told them to get me a rental. All 3 transmissions did the same the last was getting bad but lucky for me the case was settled before it got to bad. I wanted my money back and got it. I didn't have to pay the lawyer they did. My van was a 03 but I checked this site and there are a lot of people having this problem
I filed a lemon law request in New Jersey for my 2003 MPV which had 60,000+ miles at the time when the transmission failed in 2005. I believe the cause was shock-shift even though I took it New Jersey denied my claim, Madza, Mazda's District Mgr and Ford were useless and it cost me $3,500. I will never buy a Mazda again. Ford is wondering what how to get people to buy their products? They need to back their products. The transmission issue should have been a recall issue and not service adjustments. Based on my experience with the MPV, Ford/Mazda should go out of business. The "Way Forward" is to make a well-backed quality product.
I have a friend whose Odyssey just had a tranny failure, out of factory warranty (fortunately he had an extended warranty). I guess all Ody owners should ditch their vans also, after the warranty runs out.
Looks like the dialogue of issues has not changed in the past year!! Today I spent another $200 to have a mis-firing diagnosed and repaired. Problem was a 'cracked spark plug'!
I had them replace the front bank of 3 plugs since the back 3 would cost me another $300 to do and I don't think it matters changing plugs at 73K miles. Problem started when driving in a rainstorm the other day and the 'check eng.' light came on. Then it started blinking and the engine started missing real bad! I ran it for two days hoping it would dry out but didn't and got it into my friendly "Bear" dealer in WBL, MN. Just one more stupid thing to happen with this car!! I DO have an extended warranty and was hoping it may be something else wrong - but plugs are not covered - NORMAL maintenance item - yeah right!! Everything on this car is a NORMAL item gone wrong!
Oh yes, I STILL have the creaking noise in the front end when going over bumps - NORMAL again! They said they would need to pull the bushings off and relube them - another $200 if I wanted that done - not!
Sounds almost like a diesel engine! It's not like a rocker panel or cracking sound...just like the pistons are firing and making a loud ticking sound! Has done it since almost new.
Oil changes ever 3K miles too! Everything bad is normal on these units!!! I DO have an extended warranty too! I'm watching everything like an owl!
I am thinking of it this way, I have a 7 year/100K warranty so still a very young vehicle. As long as the dealership works with me and gives me an upgrade rental everytime, I will be patient until they fix it.
Keep the comments coming..
Very worried from what I'm seen on the message boards about Mazda's Any one know if the problem was ever resolved? Are 2006 effected. Around how many miles do they seem to give out?
Any thoughts would be appreacited.
I want to be prepared when I talk to Mazda for the first time about this tomorrow morning (closed yesterday and today). I am encouraged by your post which seems to indicate that Mazda may finally be acknowledging that there is a problem with their transmissions. Can you provide me with the name of someone I can talk to at Mazda USA, or anyone else I can turn/refer to at Mazda if the PA Service Department does not work with me on this?
Good Luck!
I had too much of issue with this mpv thank god i took extended warranty and i hope they will cover it in whole