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Saturn Vue Electrical Problems



  • petie52petie52 Member Posts: 1
    The ground was checked as being okay by a GM dealership...I took it there because I was convinced it was the BCM (body control module) and only they can program a new one...the BCM is toast, the timing belt was being changed when they said the water pump is leaking (I was having to add coolant once in a while), the pulleys were worn and misaligned and they wouldn't warranty the belt unless they changed pulleys...the transmission has already been replaced once...and now it was starting to show the same shifting symptoms as the first...the bushings in the front end were going again and the rear window washer motor was starting to fail for the 3rd time...GM gave me $3000 towards a trade-in and I grabbed it...without a word of a lie, the Saturn Vue was the worst vehicle I have ever owned...I cleaned out the glove compartment to remove all traces of my name and repair biils and my wife made the horrible mistake of adding up all the repair bills on this vehicle and telling me that I had spent the equivalent of 50% of the original purchase price...best of luck with yours!
  • threesaturnsthreesaturns Member Posts: 3
    WOW. How many miles were on that?
  • threesaturnsthreesaturns Member Posts: 3
    any suggestions?
  • aviatechnisongaviatechnisong Member Posts: 1
    I had similar electrical problems on my 2008 Vue Redline, the tail lights, horn and high beams all went out. I finally found out that it was bad relay switches in the fuse box. I replaced those three and they have worked fine.

    However, just recently the transmission has been having problems. I switched out another relay and it seemed to work for a while but is now having problems again. Not sure now if this is an electrical problem or not...
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Thank you for taking the time to post your concerns. Have you spoke with your dealer of choice yet? If not, I would recommend starting there. Please feel free to email me directly with any questions comments or concerns.
    GM Customer Service
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Have you been able to get the vehicle into a GM dealer? If not, I recommend starting there. Please keep us updated!
    GM Customer Service
  • jcbustillosjcbustillos Member Posts: 1
    My car is having issues with the Auto Door Locks. It sounds like the electrical Relay needs to be replaced. I had to pull the fuse out that controls the auto locks as my car was constantly unlocking itself at all times. Even when I was driving. Any one know where I can find a schematic to help with this problem?
  • emilyjeanannemilyjeanann Member Posts: 1
    My 2002 Saturn Vue is killing me! I've only had it from a buy here pay here dealer for a little over a year and have put almost $3,000 into it already. Today started an all new adventure... Over the past few days my battery light would keep flashing on and off. Not being too concerned we just cleaned the terminals on it. This morning the battery light, service light, service engine soon light, and air bag light all came on while the air conditioning, radio, and power steering all shut off. Also, the car would not accelerate when pushing the gas pedal to the floor. Thinking it was my battery I went and got a new one... Nope, not that. Now the car won't even start. You can hear it clicking, but it just won't turn over. Any one have an idea what this may be?! I'm SICK of putting money into this car to only have something else break on it a month later!
  • jolybeanjolybean Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2012
    Sounds similar the problem I had including the clicking and not starting (but starting later). Finally the 3rd mechanic (not a dealship) found the chassis ground loose and very hot due to high resistance. They cleaned the ground connection and lubricated it and that fixed the problem :-)

    (after buying a new battery and paying $50 to remove the after-market alarm system. which neither probably had to be done)
  • jolybeanjolybean Member Posts: 5
    I just bought Haynes Repair Manual. I haven't used it to fix anything yet, but looks like the pictures, diagrams and instructions are easy to follow.
  • gerrafgerraf Member Posts: 3
    Unbelievable how typical are all of these electrical problems on the Vue. They are nearly the same from one person to the other. My friend has a 2005 Vue that he bought brand new, and it has run excellently for years. About 2 weeks ago out of the blue his AC blower quit working and at same time his engine would crank but would not start, and his gas gauge went to E, while the tank was full. He asked me to help him to figure out the problem and I had no clue except to have him remove the Battery cables and clean them, and to let the computer reset. When he did that the AC blower came on, but the gas gauge was still on E and the engine would still crank but would not start. So he decided to take it to the dealer and the dealer checked it out and the next day he told him the bad news that it would cost him $3000 to fix it, and they would not stand behind the fix, meaning even after the $3000 they would not warranty their work, simply because they did not know how to fix it, only to just replace a bunch of parts. So he paid them for the analysis which was not done in my opinion, so he paid $115 for 1 hr of analysis. This was like robbing his pocket during the day, legally. Now he already had spent $125 on wrecker to take the car to the dealer and $115 to pay the dealer for their awful assessment, and now has to pay $85 to take it to my mechanic. So far he had paid $325, and his car has not been fixed. So we explained the problem to the mechanic and he said that it sounded like an electrical problem so it will take longer than normal to release the car. The very next day he called and said the car is ready. Went to pick up the car and he explained to us in detail where the problem was. He found the wires directly under the FUSE box in the engine compartment, in-front of the driver, totally oxidized and was shorting out big time. He removed the harness and completely cleaned out each wire and put back, and relearned the computer. The car started perfectly and has been running perfectly ever since, and all the gauges and motors running perfectly. Cost of repair for this mechanic was a meager $212.50 because he spent 3 hrs working on the car. Now this is a good testimony to never take a car to the dealer for repairs.
  • gerrafgerraf Member Posts: 3
    Check my post reply, posted today 8/22/12 in reply to a very similar problem. I posted it under gerraf.
  • gerrafgerraf Member Posts: 3
    Check my post of today 8/22/12 by gerraf, it may solve your problem.
  • vue_knewvue_knew Member Posts: 3

    This is exactly the problems i started having with my 08 vue in may 2012. It so frustrating because it could be months betweeen "episodes" and it usually resolves itself in a matter of minutes. That would be all fine except i cant afford the safety risk when it lose power/doesnt accelerate when i am drivin on the highway.

    did you ever find out what the problem was and how much did it cost to fix it.

    about to trade it in! rrrgh!

    Thanks for your help!

  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964
    Hello there vue_knew,

    Were you ever able to have a dealership duplicate this concern and provide any sort of diagnosis? Just checking! If you have and you would like for us to check into this further with them, please let us know by contacting us at socialmedia@gm.com (include your name and contact information and the last 8 digits of your VIN).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • fordmanjimbofordmanjimbo Member Posts: 1
    Check 2009 Saturn Vue Electrical System Service Bulletin 297894
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    I have a 2004 Saturn Vue AWD 6 Cyl. Automatic. I don't even have 100K miles on it yet. I Bought it new. I started having the very same issue with all the dash lights flashing intermittently, then it would be OK for a while. Loss of pwr steering, no AC. Now it does it nearly all the time. I can't even drive it anymore, I'm a small woman, and when the pwr steering goes out it is very hard to turn the wheel.
    Where is the chassis wire located? I can have my husband clean that and see if that fixes it.
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    You would think that with all the many different years of the VUE experiencing this same problem, that GM would have a recall and fix the problem. They need to put someone on this and have them figure it out before somebody gets killed because of this, and they get sued big time.
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    That's exactly how my problem began. I bought my 2004 Vue brand new, and it ran beautifully all these years. Then suddenly all those lights started flickering and my AC, pwr steering, radio etc.. went out. Today the car won't start at all. I don't even have 100K on it yet. Now I am without a car. Don't know what I am going to do.
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    I can't afford to take my car to the dealer currently, as my husband has been out of work for a period of time and just started a new job last week. I agree though, This should be a GM responsibility, with all these many different years of Vue having the same issue. They need to figure it out and fix it.
  • vue_knewvue_knew Member Posts: 3
    Hi Sarah,

    I responded to you with the requested info via my personal email account: gjensen_vi@yahoo.com.


    Vue Knew
  • vue_knewvue_knew Member Posts: 3
    I have the same problems you have described. An independant mechanic and GM service center both said that it is the gas sensor on the throttle. Unfortunately you cannot replace just the sensor and have to replace the whole throttle. That runs about $585-650.
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964
    Thank you! We're working on getting caught up from the weekend still and appreciate your patience.
    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    I have an 04 that I bought brand new, and believe me, when the power steering goes out like that when you are driving, it is very frightening and can be very dangerous. I agree, we need help! GM needs to figure out why all these different years of Saturn VUE are experiencing the exact same problem, and fix it once and for all.
  • jolybeanjolybean Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2012
    Gas sensor on the throttle? sounds like a weird diagnosis to me. why would lights flicker and the radio be affected by the gas sensor? I took my car to 3 mechanics before mine was fixed. The first place I took it I told him about what I read here, people having problems with grounding wires and other such electrical problems. He didn't even consider what I said and he was stuck on his first thought about the alternator. Second mechanic decided on the phone what the problem was after the first few words of my description and cut me off. I had it towed to his shop, and on the seat I left a full description about all the weird flashing lights and all the other problems I had been experiencing the previous 3 weeks. After he read it he called me and said he misunderstood from our phone conversation, and didn't know what to do with my car, especially since my car was working ok for him. So I picked up my car and convinced my husband it was electrical and he played with the lights and finally got my car to do strange things for him and agreed with me. He took it into his mechanic (not a dealer!) and was able to communicate with him and get it fixed. Even though it sounds easy to clean some wires, probably not that easy find which ones and having to remove things to get to them. Good luck.
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    Well, I got the ECM replaced and programmed by the dealer. The car ran great for two days. My husband drove it today, and the same crap started all over again. So replacing the ECM did not resolve the issue.
    I don't know about anybody else, but here are the exact symptoms from beginning to end:
    1. In the beginning, when I would turn the key to start the car, it wouldn't just start right up, a few months ago, I started having to turn the key, but not all the way count to three, then finish turning it and it would turn over a couple times, then start.
    2. The Air Conditioning would only get cold after reaching 45 or 50 miles per hour
    3. One day my speedometer did not work at all. The next time I drove, it was fine
    4. All the dash lights would flicker from time to time, causing a brief loss of power steering, A/C, and radio.
    5. All the dash lights would come on for longer periods of time, and cause longer periods without power steering, A/C and Radio, also when driving at night, the headlights would fail.
    6. After a couple of months, the issue was pretty much constant with brief intermittent periods where the dash light were not on, and the car would behave correctly.
    7. After replacing fuses, relays, and the ECM, it appears that we are starting all over again. I have spent several hundred dollars so far with no resolution in sight.
    Help us Oby One, You are our only hope! (Starwars)
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964

    As the ECM replacement and programming did not resolve the issue, we're available to help you continue working through this with your dealership. Please send us more information at socialmedia@gm.com (including your name, Edmunds username, phone and address, the last 8 of your VIN and mileage, and the name of your dealer).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • immapyroimmapyro Member Posts: 1
    Today my sister and I were driving around and made a stop at a store, car was running perfect. Returning to car the indicator lights all turned on (brake light, tire pressure light, air bag, etc.) and the turn signals would not work but the car was running. We called her Onstar for a diagnoses and they read the problems back to us.
    1) a battery for the onstar system needed to be replaced
    2) the air bag system needed to be checked
    3) the car needed to be serviced asap.
    The rep on the other end said that they were all "green and yellow" problems but that it should be ok to drive for a couple of days until it can be seen at the dealership. Ok, great we thought.
    Well the hang up button doesn't work anymore either so she had to turn off the car to disconnect from onstar. Well now the car will not start but all of the cabin lights turn on.

    These are the worst problems that she has had since owning her car (she bought new). Has anyone experienced these problems? Is it all down hill from here?
    S.O.S. Help!
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2012
    Hello, and yes, most of us posting on this particular blog are experiencing this very same issue. Saturn Vue's years 2003 I think it is through 2010. Mine is a 2004, and I bought it new, cash, $28,000.
    Many have gotten diagnostics performed by their dealers, and the outcome in most instances has varied. Various parts have been replaced, (such as the ECM), wires cleaned, batteries, relays and fuses replaced. And in the end, the same issue still persists. In some instances, the problem appeared to be resolved right after the repair, but returned within days or a couple of weeks. Nobody can say for sure if this repair you have done will resolve your issue once and for all. You just have to wait and see.
    I wish you all the luck in the world on this. If this takes care of your particular problem, will you please let us know. I don't know if any of these Vue owners has the Onstar, I know I do not.
    Best regards
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    We're sorry to hear that your sister's Vue won't start for you. Have you been able to get this checked out since your post yesterday? If you would like to contact us, we can be reached via email at socialmedia@gm.com (include your name and contact information, a summary of the situation, the last 8 digits of the VIN and mileage, and the name of your dealership).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • dstarzecdstarzec Member Posts: 1
    Of course this happened just after the warrenty was up but our 09 Saturn Vue has door lock issues. When the lock or unlock button is pressed, a click is heard but the locks do not lock and if they do, good luck getting them unlocked. I tried changing the fuses for the door locks in the floor panel but this did not work. I am afraid to take it into the dealership based on other reports from this group and will be taking it to my mechanic to be fixed. I just wish the problem occurred in July when the warrenty was still good and not August when it was not. It keeps getting worse and with winter coming, I don't have a choice anymore to get it fixed since my wife usually has our small child with her.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Good morning dstarzec,
    We're sorry to hear that you are having troubles with your door locks and hope that you're able to get this resolved with your mechanic. If there is anything you would like for us to check into for you, please don't hesitate to contact us at socialmedia@gm.com (include your name, contact information, and the last 8 digits of your VIN with your inquiry).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • missberlybmissberlyb Member Posts: 1
    okay i'm confused is there some kind of trick i have a 2004 vue v-6 and my batt. is fully charged and cables clean but you turn the key and nothing it done this about 2 weeks ago and finally got it started then the abs light came on i love my car but with 2 kids cain't deal with a car that i have to have some kinda key turning foot tapping combination to get it just to start has any one else had this happen??
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    Hi, well, don't expect any assistance from the all and mighty GM, cause it's just not going to happen until we have all spent thousands of dollars doing the trial and error (mostly error at this point) to try to remedy this issue. There is nothing magical about it. This is an issue with Saturn Vue from the year 2002 to 2010. The rep that checks the postings here on Edmunds recommends everyone go to their dealer and have them perform a diagnostic. It costs around $100.00. Saturn Vue owners who have done this have gotten all sorts of diagnostic results returned, and have paid hundreds, and thousands of dollars in repairs, only to have this issue continue to exist. I hope if you do go with that course, and you have a repair done, it will resolve your issue. It would give the rest of us a bit of hope. good Luck
  • saturn536saturn536 Member Posts: 8
    i have alot of expirence with saturns ,but does the steering come out or what,somtimes the mechanics don't do it right.
  • saturn536saturn536 Member Posts: 8
    the elecrical problems come when somone or mechanic messes with somthing or somone that does not know what they are doing. then the owner takes it to the dealerand the dealer changes alot of things when the problem is very simple. i'v had alot of expierence with saturns for over 20 years.
  • saturn536saturn536 Member Posts: 8
    what kind of problems are you seeing?
  • nodar47nodar47 Member Posts: 2
    Hi, im concerned with issues showing up on a vehicle with low miles
    driver door will not lock or unlock with my remote, all of the others power locked doors work fine remotely so i know its not a remote issue . My Saturn Vue purchased brand new and had 44,000km ( 27,300 miles on it ) on it just got back from the dealer , will cost almost $300 to fix anyone else with this problem
  • nodar47nodar47 Member Posts: 2
    Hello, want to know if anyone else is haivng battery issues at low miles ( 27,000miles)
    Purchase 2009 Vue , brand new , drove it off the parking lot 2 days later battery died. battery replaced and now at 27,OOO told that my battery needs to be replaced again...it there an issue with the battery, have thay been recalled?
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I see that you use kilometers - are you writing from Canada? If you need information on how to connect with Customer Service in your region, let us know!

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • saturn536saturn536 Member Posts: 8
    this problem does not exist only in saturns,but there are problems like this in toyota,honda,nissan,ford,dodge. there are lot of resones for this the first is the door lock motor,wires,or the body control module.
    when somone that does not know what there doing is working on a car
    thats when this happens. every car has its own problems for some resone. people write everyday . or you can talk in the dealer and maybe that they can fix it for free. you have to call the custmer service. not everybody can fix the electrical issue. there is nothing to worry about.
  • tiffanyadam1tiffanyadam1 Member Posts: 1
    my 03 Saturn vue is blowing the brake fuse like yours did, did you ever figure out what the problem was?
  • jeeter31jeeter31 Member Posts: 1
    My battery died so I changed it. When I started it up it was shaking violently, then was fine. Ran fine for a while then when I turned on the heat it felt like it wanted to stall. So I thought it was the alternator. Changed that and it ran good on my way to work now it is doing it again. It idles real low and when I am at a stop sign or light it wants to stall. Help I am running out of ideas of what could be wrong.
  • walnacwalnac Member Posts: 1
    After reading several posts, I'm beyond disgusted with GM. I've owned my 09 Vue for just over a year and I realized it was a lemon very soon after purchasing it. My problems center around the electrical power steering and stabilitrak systems. Shortly after purchase problems began intermittently. Restarting the car seemed to fix the problem. Eventually this was insufficient and I was told by dealership that EPS needed a new motor. Paid nearly $500. Months later the same problem occurred (motor still under warranty). Dealership insisted that it just needed to be reset. A few months later the same problem happened again! Now I'm being told that I need a new EPS module. Resetting does not fix the problem. They want another $550!! How absurd when I just paid to have this problem fixed nine months ago!!! The motor I bought is still under warranty!! I will NEVER EVER buy another GM product again! I have no money to fix this problem. I haven't driven my car in weeks as I'm disabled and unable to steer it! I'm paying for it to sit in my driveway. Of course it's not worth what I owe on it so no options for trading it in. I'm stuck!! Thanks GM...
  • tonimoratonimora Member Posts: 13
    I am so sorry to hear that you are having so many problems with your VUE. It just doesn't seem fair does it? Nor is it Ethical for GM to be so remiss about these VUE problems. I hope you will be able to get it fixed in the near future. I know it's impossible without money for sure. Keep faith, something good will come your way.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    If you would like for us to check into this further with you, please contact us via email at socialmedia@gm.com with more information (including your name, contact information, the last 8 digits of your VIN and mileage, and a summary of the situation).
    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • honest_johnhonest_john Member Posts: 1
    I have had a similar problem with my ele. system and the car not starting after sitting for a few days my dealership suggested I put in a solar panel trickle charger because they said there was a draw on the battery even with the key out
  • saturn536saturn536 Member Posts: 8
    i'm sorry to hear that ,but the dealer's just want to make money and thats all they do,so the best thing to do is contact the gm customer service and i'm positive that they will be happy to assist you ,i had a customer that had a mercadies benze and the dealer took 1500 to fix and the same problem after a week he came to me and i told hime to talk to customer service he fought with them and got the 1500 back . GM is not at fault every brand of car has problems i'm been a mechanic for 23 years. your motor was actually good. or talk to a good mechanic.
  • mauritz1mauritz1 Member Posts: 2
    This saga began 27 months ago for me. I bought my 2007 vue brand new. At just over 3 years old the car battery began to have issues. Occasionally I would go out and the battery would be dead. Over 2 years, 4 batteries, a new radio, countless trips to various mechanics I am at a loss. In every other respect this has been a fantastic car but now with a battery less than a year old, the fuse for the radio removed because the consensus of all mechanics is that is where the problem lies I have a car that is dead every morning the last 3 mornings and no radio. Has anyone else had similar issues? Causes? Solutions? I work full time and I'm going to school. This has caused me missed work and school time and I'm nervous I'm going to get stuck somewhere as the longer this goes on the faster the battery drain is happening. Initially we figured out it would be dead if I hadn't driven in apx a day and a half. The time is now apx 12 hours. Taking out the fuse for the factory radio worked and I had no issues. Installed a new radio which was fine for a few months and then problem began again. So keeping the radio always off has worked the last few months but now nothing seems to be working.
  • tnbebetnbebe Member Posts: 2
    check the alter
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