Lexus LX 470

meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
This topic is a continuation of Topic 795....

Lexus LX470. Please continue these discussions
here. Thanks!

Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host


  • egtegt Member Posts: 1

    What are the details on this offer on '00 models?


    Could you offer such a deal on a '01 model for pickup at your dealership in October?
  • rewyllysrewyllys Member Posts: 24

    I'd like to repeat egt's questions and add one of my own: Do you expect to be able to offer such a deal on a 2001 LX470 in January 2001?

    Ron Wyllys
  • xplicittxplicitt Member Posts: 1
    Whats new in the 2001 LX470?
  • rewyllysrewyllys Member Posts: 24

    Shane indicated that conditions (e.g., cars on hand) fluctuate from day to day but that he is always interested in aggressively selling as many cars as possible. His response seemed both reasonable and encouraging to me: reasonable, because he obviously can't predict today what things will be like in January 2001; and encouraging, because he _is_ willing to negotiate (unlike some the situation at some dealers).

    The question from xplicitt has been partly answered in the previous LX470 topic. There someone said, "My dealer (who's a friend) swears there will be no substantive changes on the 2001, with the possible exception of side-impact airbags. I grilled him about more HP for 50-80 passing; nav system; etc., to no avail." Another correspondent reported, "The 2001 LX470 will receive a DVD-based GPS navigation system option." Feel free to make your own interpretation of these conflicting reports.

    Ron Wyllys
  • toysruskidtoysruskid Member Posts: 2
    Hello All,
    Yes I know where in the hell have I been! Paying for my 470... Ha! Really I have been quite busy lately in fact after visiting Florida for the first time ever to get my 470 from Connie...Plug Plug Plug... I've been back twice for other business. Oh well enough babble! I here to say that a reader put a flame under my but because I promised a very very very small website regarding my trip to Fort Myers. Well it is d--- well not done but a work in progress forever. You may not scoff or ridicule because last time I checked I don't get payed to make nice pretty web sites! :) Please visit and let me know what you want to know or see on the site I'll do my best to accomodate you if possible. Gotta run for now... Oh yeah the site is

    I'll try to add better picutres soon!
    See Ya,
  • scott902scott902 Member Posts: 46
    I understand that previous lexus owners get $1,000 rebate from Toyota. Now that is good customer service.
  • mark156mark156 Member Posts: 1,915
    I'm going to be getting a 2001 vehicle when I trade my '99 Jeep GCL in. I'm considering an RX and LX. I want the next vehicle to have a navigational system. I'm also considering the Mercedes E wagon for better gas mileage which offers the Nav system. Any feedback on the '01 Lexus vehicles having the Nav system would be appreciated.

    2010 Land Rover LR4, 2013 Honda CR-V, 2009 Bentley GTC, 1990 MB 500SL, 2001 MB S500, 2007 Lincoln TC, 1964 RR Silver Cloud III, 1995 MB E320 Cab., 2015 Prevost Liberty Coach
  • gbhoppergbhopper Member Posts: 9
    The 01 470 will have a nav system. I am driving a 00 470 now and the ride is as good as the e wagon that I had. I drove the RX when I had the LX in for the 15,000. It is OK but a long way from a LX or the E wag.
  • melvinshmelvinsh Member Posts: 19
    Are you sure about RX is a long way from LX or E-class wagon? From one day driving?
    We own both RX and LX. Extensive drive on both two years ownership on RX, and one year and 4 month on LX. 6 hr. driving to Lake Tahoe, and 6 hr. driving to Santa Barbara. I perfer RX most of the time. I don't mean LX is bad, but here is couple things that is lacking in LX.

    1. LX remote features aren't as good. In here CA, sometimes temp. goes up to 100 degree. RX remote allows you to lower all windows, but not LX. Also allow your to close up windows. RX's remote has at least 3 times the range compare to LX.

    2. With increasing gas price. I prefer RX's fuel economy.

    3. Parking space too small for LX around here. Mine has two dents on the door and the rear fender already.

    Regarding the ride, I feel both LX and RX are both good, but with different charastistics. LX's suspension is adjustable rides a bit firmer than RX. With the hardest setting it coners as well as RX. However, I wouldn't recommand anyone in the third role seats. You hurt your back after 30 minutes of ride. With soft setting, third role seats feel as comfortable as second role seats, but you suffer the cornering ability. I often keep the adjustment "bold dot" setting.
    My uncle owns a E320 4-matic 4 door sedan. I have to say RX300 really rides better than E320. And a bit quieter. Less pumpy on the road especially on uneven roads. My uncle was surprised on RX300's ride. He told me that he thought all SUVs ride like truck. Apparantly, both RX and LX shows him that SUV does not have to ride like a truck.
  • dgreenwalddgreenwald Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone know when the 2001 LX470 will be out?
  • billmullenbillmullen Member Posts: 5
    Sounds more like you guys are doing the limbo!

    Bill Mullen
    JM Lexus
  • mavamava Member Posts: 33
    Hey everyone:

    I currently own a 2000 LX470 with 14000 miles on the odmoeter.

    Am looking into possibly selling it to purchase another vehicle due to family changes.

    The problem is I don't know how to price it! According to KBB and Edmunds, they only have pricing info on the 1999 model year.

    It is fully loaded from the manufacturer. Black with Ivory interior.

    Any suggestions? I purchased it new including CA tax / license for $62,000.

    Any suggestions? Should I go to the dealer and try to "negotiate?"

    Anyone interested??



  • 694694 Member Posts: 4
    I'm making the final decision whether I'm going to own a Land Cruiser or a LX 470. If anyone could tell me how much I should pay over the invoice for a brand new 2000 Land Cruiser and LX 470, equipped with all the factory options, I'll be really appreciate it.

  • 694694 Member Posts: 4
    Hi! everybody,

    Is $58,400 a good deal for a brand new 2000 LX470 , which is $4,377 over the $54,023 at INVOICE, and $4,932 below the $63,332 at MSRP?

  • davidcookdavidcook Member Posts: 6
    Yes. I paid just under 58.2K last November, and from what I've seen this price is in line with what others have paid that venture over state lines for a LX.
  • dugdugdugdug Member Posts: 2
    It depends on where you are. CA has the best price. I also heard plenty of good deal from FL dealers. You should be able to get better deal in CA or FL.
  • scongroscongro Member Posts: 80
    Take it, without a doubt!


    I'd say about 54K, 55K. Remember, it has to beat the new sale prices, which as you see, was around 58K
  • mavamava Member Posts: 33

    Thanks for the feedback. For those of you who may be interested, please feel free to email me. I'm willing to do better than $54k.


  • toysruskidtoysruskid Member Posts: 2
    Just added a picture of my new toy being pulled along behind my 470... Take a look at...

  • rewyllysrewyllys Member Posts: 24

    Glad to see that you found a boat that suited you.

    The two white "vehicles" look good together in the photograph. (Just bear in mind that the front one has only very limited buoyancy!)

    Have fun!

  • ichiban470ichiban470 Member Posts: 45
    Hello Everyone,
    Just a note for all of you LX owners on what Japan's LX has and what our LX's do not. There are not that many differences except headlamp washers, a left front quarter panel side mirror, and cooler inside the center consul (that is why we have a power outlet there!). I do wish they would have offered them here as a option but to late now!
    Japan also offers a aftermarket aero-body kit for the LX but my opinion is that it makes the LX look like the "HULK" and not the upper class vehicle that it is. Saw the "Navigation" for the 2001 and it look good for those who would need navigation. No "Xenion" lights on the 2001's and I could not find any kits offered yet. I go back every other year so I'll keep checking with my contacts and post if I locate some.
    For those interested in purchasing the Edmunds #1 rated SUV, contact Brad Salyers @ Longo Lexus (El Monte, California) (800)92-LONGO. Bought my LX470 from this man with every option listed! Check my old posts and see how much I saved !
  • circacscircacs Member Posts: 1
    You asked to e-mail you....let's see what you got.
    I'm ready for under $54K. Let me know ASAP...I'm ready to rock & roll!
  • gluonggluong Member Posts: 1
    I am looking for lx470. please let me know and my email address is
  • rewyllysrewyllys Member Posts: 24
    I'm wondering whether anyone here has had experience with installing a radar detector in an LX470. I'd like to know where you placed it--on the dash, on the windshield, behind the grill--and how it has worked.

    Thanks in advance for your information.
  • billmullenbillmullen Member Posts: 5
    I highly recommend the K-40 radar for the LX470. I've seen it installed in many customers vehicles here and it works GREAT! Uses a license plate frame device in front and rear detectors as well, it's pricey, but my customers say definitely worth every penny! It's a complete custom installation with LED's placed into the dash!

    You must check it out!
    Bill Mullen

    If you want advice regarding pricing information please call or e-mail. Availability at the end of year is your only obstacle.
  • gbhoppergbhopper Member Posts: 9
    Bill do you have any inside info or thoughts on what we will see on the 2001 LX470. Price and options ??
  • hayabusahayabusa Member Posts: 26
    Got these pics from the Japanese Toyota website. I think these are 2000's and not 2001 models.
    These are from the Aristo(GS):


    This is from the Windom(ES):

    And these are from the Land Cruiser Cygnus(LX):


  • gbhoppergbhopper Member Posts: 9
    Thanks for the pictures.I see lots of changes if you study them.
  • ichiban470ichiban470 Member Posts: 45
    2001 will get this but I don't know if the Nav screen will look the same? Diff. programming.
  • billmullenbillmullen Member Posts: 5
    DVD based Nav...? Wheels? We will not have any pricing info till x3wks before LX's arrive...

  • netmiaminetmiami Member Posts: 13

    Looks like we will see you later on this Sat. to finalize the paper work and pick up the 2000 LX 470. So make it buying an LX 470 online PAINLESS......I look forward to have the same PAINLESS process when we show up at your dealership Sat. to complete the process.

    See ya,


    p.s. By the way Bill had the LOWEST price of all and the FASTEST RESPONSE (just in time for my wife's birthday present)......even the other internet buying services and ALL OTHER LEXUS dealers in FL and elsewhere.
  • vbentleyvbentley Member Posts: 21
    Thanks to all of you for providing some great information!

    Until seeing pictures of the Sequoia, we had decided on the LX470 over the Landcruiser for its ride and more refined feel. With the Sequoia, it would appear that Toyota is creating a real product positioning and relative value dilemma. Upon seeing pictures and specs of Toyota’s new Sequoia, I was wondering if others who might be considering the LX470/LC are having similar thoughts:

    Specs of Sequoia vs. LX470/LC:

    * Length: 203.9 vs. 192.5 (Sequoia by 11.4 – The LX/LC really could use a few more inches of middle/rear seat room)
    * Width: 78.0 vs. 76.4 (Sequoia by 1.6)
    Height: 74.0 vs. 72.8 (Sequoia by 1.2)
    * Wheelbase: 118.1 vs. 112.2 (Sequoia by 5.9)
    Ground Clearance: 11.0 vs. 9.8 (Sequoia by 1.2)
    * Horsepower: 240 vs. 230 (Sequoia by 10 with identical engines)
    * Torque: 315# vs. 320# (LX470 by 5#)
    * Appearance: I give this to the LX470 but is it enough to justify such the huge price difference? There are several sites on Edmunds, which have Sequoia pictures/specs.
    * Price: Approx. $35K vs $60K (Sequoia by $25K!)
    * Ride: No doubt the LX470 will be smoother and quieter but is it worth $25,000? I can buy a lot of after market sound deadenng material for this much money!
    * Safety: Sequoia will have side airbags and 2000 LX/LC does not. 2001's should correct this oversight.
    * Availability: November or December for the Sequoia at MSRP vs. now for the LX470 (as a 2000 with some discounts or in a couple months as a 2001 with side airbags, GPS and who knows what else - to differentiate it from it’s less expensive cousins).
    * First year problems: Sequoia could experience these as it is built in USA. LX470 is built in Japan and has the bugs worked out.
    * Dealer network, service and customer care: Advantage Lexus here, no question.

    Thoughts of those who own or are also considering a LX470/LC purchase or are on a Sequoia "wait list" would be very much appreciated!
  • edwardt1edwardt1 Member Posts: 20
    I too am debating the same question. Is the LX really worth the additional twenty to twenty five thousand dollar difference. I especially like the fact that the Sequoia will be a little larger. I use to own a Expedition Eddie Bauer and liked the larger size. I personally think that the question for me will be iss the legendary Lexus service worth the premium price. I have never purchased a Lexus, but my friends who have love the service. Most of them have been repeat buyers. I test drove a Tundra several months ago when I was in the market for a full size pickup. The truck drove very well. I'm sure that the Sequioa will drive and ride very well.
  • netmiaminetmiami Member Posts: 13
    I guess it depends on what you are comfortable with and need (want????).
  • mghmgh Member Posts: 43
    Take a note on this, the Sequoia is going to be 2WD @ this price (35k) A good reliable source says that 4X4 is not going to be available right away. And the price is going to be different.
    Remember that the Sequoia is nothing more than a Glorified TUNDRA. I hope this helps vbentley and edwardt1.
  • edwardt1edwardt1 Member Posts: 20
    I know what I most likely will do and that is purchase a 2001 LX 470. My wife will probably settle for nothing less. She currently drives a 98 Eddie Bauer Explorer. It does not even begin to compare to the 470. She loved the 470 with the exception of the price. It is quite expensive when compared to the competition but in truth there is very little comparison with the exception of the Land Cruiser and the Range Rover. I have not considered the Range Rover because of it's lack of reliability. As for the Land Cruiser I will gladly pay the difference to get the Lexus service. That is the same reason I probably want purchase the Sequoia.

  • gbhoppergbhopper Member Posts: 9
    This is form Inside Summer 2000 Vol 11

    Electronic Compass
    Running-board puddle lights
    Touchscreen DVD navigation system
  • vbentleyvbentley Member Posts: 21
    Just committed to the 2000 LX470! Pick it up on Monday the 31st of July. Can't wait!! Everyone's comments in the LX/LC/Sequoia topics really helped me decide. There were a lot of points brought up that I had not considered. Yes, the LX is a little more $$ than the LC but you also get that active suspension, lots of quiet/luxury and that great TLC, both inside the vehicle and at the dealer. Comparing the LC to the LX is the same as comparing the Exped to the Nav. The gap is less dramatic but still there and large, none the less. I won't disparage the LC or Sequoia. The LC is a fantactic machine and I am certain the Sequoia will be the same (when it finally gets here). Must admit I was a little concerned about how the 2001 LX's will differ but the killer deal I got made it all worthwhile. I plan on having this vehicle a very long time, so end vs beginning of model year matters little. The heart of an LC but the manners of an LS400. What a combo! Once again, thanks to everyone!!
  • rewyllysrewyllys Member Posts: 24
    Dear V. Bentley,

    Congratulations, and many, many happy miles of motoring in your new LX470!

    Those of us who are still dreaming of acquiring an LX470 would be interested in knowing where you got your killer deal. Is your dealer located in your home town, or did you have to go out of town or out of state to find a dealer willing to offer a good deal?
  • gteach26gteach26 Member Posts: 576
    I just recently test drove an LX 470. The drive feels like pure silk. The car feels great on the road.. 70/80 mph feels like standing still! BUT!!!!! I'm 6 feet 4 inches tall with a pretty big build and I found the interior too tight and crowded -- especially the back rows. I know I won't be sitting in the back much at all but I'm almost certain friends and relatives would find it cramped. I turned down a decent deal to go test drive the Lincoln Navigator. I LOVED IT! The nav has a great interior feel (it even had dealer installed wood trim throughout the entire console). It has TONS of room throughout and a greaat bumper to bumper warranty. I also liked the compass and trip computer (which lexus doesn't offer yet). In my opinion the Lexus wins out in ride quality by a little bit (the lincoln feels like a floating cloud whereas the Lexus feels firm and glued to the road). To be honest, it wasn't a big enough difference to justify the $$ difference as well as the cramped feeling I had in the 470. Owning an ES 300 I know lexus quality and service is top notch.. now I'll get to see if my Lincoln dealer can match the experience. My suggestion to those considering an LX 470: test drive a Navigator and see if you like it. If not, go with the 470.. had it felt as roomy as the Nav, it'd be sitting in my driveway right now. As it is though, I am VERY happy with my Nav purchase. I PRAY this Ford product turns out reliable. By the way, this post has been a great source of info for me.. I send out a big thanks to all of those who have contributed.
  • vbentleyvbentley Member Posts: 21
    To rewyllys and others:

    Picked up my new 470 today. Smoothest and easiest auto purchase I have ever made. What a vehicle! Read the Luxo SUV article elsewhere on Edmunds. That piece pretty much says it all...

    I got a great deal by knowing what I wanted, being willing to go to any dealer in the southwestern US (out of state if necessary) with the best price, having all my ducks (financing and no trade) in a row and then being willing to "pull the trigger" NLT the 31st. Basically I wanted an LX at a LC price. Buying at year's and month's end made such a deal possible, as I was looking for a dealer who wanted to sell fast and was possibly overstocked. I wrote an email which stated these facts and then asked for a firm quote. Got the dealer email addresses from the site. Limited my search to southwestern states as I did not want to ship clear across the country. I got quite a few returns with super quotes. Southern CA dealers provided the best quotes and northern CA/central & south TX had the highest quotes. In typical Lexus style, even those who chose not to bid were very polite in their returns. The absolute best quote was with Theresa Reefer at Riverside (CA) Lexus. If you live in the Southwestern US (or even if you don't) I'd highly recommend you give her a try at: Mention to her that you saw my post. As to my purchase, a local dealer was able to come very close to Theresa's bid and the lack of a shipping charge with a local delivery, clinched the deal. Had it not been for the shipping, Theresa would have had my vote...

    Thanks to all for contributing to this forum and hope this helps you in your quest. Come what may in 2001, I know I'll love that beautiful pearl jewel sitting in my garage for many, many years...

  • f888l888f888l888 Member Posts: 45
    So, you pay tlc price for lx 470. Does that mean you got a discount at a magnitude of 8k-10k? More power to you.

    Maybe you can go buy a tlc and paying, say, an acura tl price. That will be nice, really nice.

    Anyway, congratulations!!!!
  • f888l888f888l888 Member Posts: 45
    Edmund recommended tlc over lx 470 on the ground that TLC does basically the same thing as Lx 470 but with 10k less. A dealer (I guess) from the TLC board stated that he never understood why people would spend over 10k to buy LX 470, instead TLC? So,proud owners of lx470, care shed some light on it? Is that prestige? I doubt because even TLC is more expensive than that of Mercedes ML 430 with more hp and more advanced safety feature ( such as 4matic EsP or at least has two more side air bags) compared with TLC or LX 470? Is that product reliability? But TLC will just last as long as lx470 if not longer ( I suspect the sophisticated auto height adjustment and driver selected ride in lx470 may produce trouble a few years down the road)? Is that the service difference between TLC dealers and lexus dealers? But didn't lexus owners already pay more for parts and labor for lexus-brand cars? Is the exterior and interior color difference between tlc and lx470? Yeah, there appears some minor difference, but does it worth 10K? So, what is it that owners of lx 470 chose to spend 10k more?
  • f888l888f888l888 Member Posts: 45
    Just couldn't resist it. I guess you are going for Bentley and pay for mercedes price ( or prize)?
  • hermesmhermesm Member Posts: 3
    I am here in London , England and would appreciate some advice from across the ocean since we don't have many LXs or technicians who understand the car here. The tracker on my car has been draining the battery. The telescopic steering wheel stopped working after such a battery drain. Although it extends out it does not go up or down. It seems stuck. Is there somebody out there who knows whether this is a simple matter to deal with? I would appreciate your comments?
  • f888l888f888l888 Member Posts: 45
    your old view of Lexus, announced in a lexus site. I wonder what that statement really means. Well, I think lexus emphasize how quiet model year 2001 will be, and at the same, indicated the fact that pre-2001 model is noisy( compared to 2001). If the statement is a true statement, then expect the value of pre-2001 will drop like a stone. Owners of pre-2001 lexus will line up and trade up.

    P.s. vBentley, a whole working day came and past and I haven't heard any word from your highly recommended Theresa Reefer other than her automated standard-bearing acknowledging receipt of e-mail notice. Well, Maybe she's in sick leave today. Sometimes, internet time can't beat human time.
  • vbentleyvbentley Member Posts: 21
    To answer your questions f888l888: Yes... At the end of the model year, there are dealers out there who are willing to deal. But competition, persistence and timing are the keys to a low price... Yes, Edmunds did recommend the LC under the assumption that it is $10K less than a LX. First, when similarly equipped (apples to apples) the difference is a little over $5K. Check if you don't believe me. Want a stripped LX – forget it. Want a stripped LC – go for it and save the $10K. I’ll take mine loaded, thank you. Second, the LX has the active suspension. Eighty in a LC feels like, well, 80. Eighty in a LX feels like – “no way we were over that 45mph speed limit officer”. Finally there is the world class Lexus dealer/service network with customer care second to none. That has to be worth something over the life of the vehicle. As to quiet – scene in our garage today - my wife was talking to me from outside as the door to our LX closed (me inside) – the sound stopped completely but her mouth kept moving. I’ll make no further comment. As to Theresa at Riverside Lexus, I figure she took some well-deserved time off. Yesterday was the 31st and I’d bet she sold a ton of cars while working long hours through month’s end...

    While I do not feel I need to justify my choice, in the hope of assisting some other board members make their decision - here is why and how I chose the LX. This was my first SUV purchase but not my first experience with Toyota (a short bed 4x4 truck and a sedan – 10 years each). As such, I must admit a slight bias toward Toyota products. My SUV requirements were: 7 or 8 seat capable but used mainly for 4-5 persons, world class fit, finish, build quality and reliability, luxury feel and ride comparable to that of the best high-end sedans on the market, true 4x4 performance in snow and dirt (forest fire roads to a mountain cabin), a manageable size and capable of lasting my typical 10 years of ownership. With the above requirements in mind, we narrowed the choices to the LC and LX. The GM stuff, MB and Exped/Nav lost out on fit, finish, build quality, reliability (you have read the Luxury SUV report on Edmunds, haven’t you?), durability and also size for the Exped/Nav. After driving both the LX and LC multiple times, it was the LX feel, ride and luxury interior finish that won out. The pampering within this vehicle was matched at the dealer as well. In contrast, the LC felt somewhat plastic’y and had a much stiffer ride. Credit the LX active suspension. It works and gives me a choice – off road stiff or touring sedan smooth with no compromises. Like I said before, heart of a LC with the manners of an LS400. Spent this morning coating my new LX with “Nu Finish”. Saved me the $1,500 dealers extra coating fee and gave an opportunity to inspect the car inch by inch. Results of inspection? Zero flaws, zero runs and zero dings, in a word – perfect. Have never seen such a fine finish and that includes my previous Toyota products. One beautiful machine!

    Hope this helps you all and sorry for the long winded dissertation...

  • hermesmhermesm Member Posts: 3
    I just saw this note on a privacy shelf. I am in London and have tried desperately to find something. There is nothing here but I found some literature originating from Japan on the CYGNUS as the LEXUS is called there. They have some amazing after sales products including numerous types of shelfs, compartments, nets etc. Unfortunately I do not speak Japanese and cannot understand their brochure. There is a web side on

    I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know if you can make contact. Apparently their prices are reasonable and their accessories very extensive. I'd love to order the shelf; if anyone out there is from Japan or can speak Japanese I would be very grateful for their assistance!!!
  • netmiaminetmiami Member Posts: 13
    Hey Bill,

    The LX 470 we picked out last weekend at your dealership-----golden pearl----What a jewel to drive around. We had to drive very slowly....about 50 mph all the way home (about 1100 miles!!!)....but in the long run it is worth it.

    Hey Bill.....we will be back later on this week back to you for service. (the first oil change at 1000 mile...looks like I will have to do here locally). To those of you looking for the ultimate SUV.......go for the LX470.....yes it costs more than some of the domestics (and imports too)........but hey each one of us have just one "rear".....might as well plant it and drive the BEST SUV OR VEHICLE POSSIBLE AND ARRIVE IN STYLE.

    p.s. BTW....I had e-mailed to Connie at the Ft. Myers Lexus dealer the same time I e-mailed Bill at JM Lexus at Margate FL.....NEVER HEARD FROM CONNIE......well....she just lost a sale (or two, maybe more. I don't know.)
  • shanelexusshanelexus Member Posts: 5
    Hello again all,

    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their much appreciated business in July, 17 deals (6 LX's) most of which came from within this wonderful site.

    I currently have half as many LX's as Goliath but I do need to sell them twice as bad ;-)

    Anyone interested in a great product at a price that should be illegal, give me a shout!!


    Shane Palmer
    e-Business Development Manager
    "Lexus of Palm Beach"
    Florida's only Eight Time "Elite" of Lexus recepient!!
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