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Chevy Silverado/GMC Sierra's w 8100/Allison



  • bigred17bigred17 Member Posts: 12
    Some of you are asking why some dealers have the 8.1L or duramac and some do not . One thing I found when looking for the ID 8100 was that the dealers that had them on the lot had commercial accounts. When I ran into one that did not have any on the lot, They told me they were not a commerial dealer and did not receive priority. I guess it make a difference. I went to two commercial dealers and they had plenty on the lot but not the one I wanted. so, I ordered it. on commercial dealer did not have any.

    Now the big question. What is the mileage on these 8.1L 2 wheel drive with a 3.73 rear end. Be honest now.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    ..is that the new McDonalds burger?


    - Tim
  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    Just got call from Dealer advising TPW of February 12th (DAYTONA WEEK-GO EARNHARTS)so if delivery is early March took 6 Months.

    But as someone wisely posted recently 'what gm givith gm can takeith away'
    So anyway maybe i can just focus on complaining about 'ugly black flairs' now -- but sure glad to have line drawn in the sand to put this ordeal to an end.

    (:-) sorry ryan if your still reading these!! Better come back - Poca's not that bad--

    2500HD 4x4 LT ExCab SB 8100/Allison/3.73 (IndigoBlu)-L18 M74 GT4 G80 VYU Z82 NZZ TP2 K47 K05 UY2)
    September mrsp $37,255 and gms+3% Approx.$32,560 -
    I guess they stick to the order date price don't they??

  • sf0383sf0383 Member Posts: 204
    of 1/29. I just hope there aren't too many super bowl parties in Pontiac this weekend if you know what I mean.
  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    Looking at the way the Sierra hood slopes from the Grill up and over. Seems not as BLUNT as the 'ado. Know there different over the headlites. Looks more streamlined like the LD's were.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    the GMC's changed at all did they?

    the ones I have seen look the same?

    - Tim
  • tmarchbankstmarchbanks Member Posts: 6
    Just got this truck last week. It is 8100/Allison/3.73/locking miff./stock tires. It has the trailer package (gives 1000 bbs. tongue weight without weight distributing hitch). After 500 miles of breaking it in, I just towed a 1000 l. boat trailer for 750 miles at 55-70 mph. Got 11.9 mpg. Then towed 750 miles back home (with a new boat),6300 lbs total, at 55-70 mph and got 7.9 mpg. This truck is awesome!!! IMHO there is no need for the 4.10. My truck hardly ever kicked down from 5th gear, and never went below 4th even on Monteagle (a long steep hill on I-24 in TN). I seldom used Tow/Haul because the truck just didn't need it. (Downhill on Monteagle Tow/Haul held the truck in 4th and I never touched the brakes the whole way down).

    I have to admit at one point on the way back I got up to 80 mph on a flat section and the rig drove as smooth as most cars.

    My only complaint is that this truck needs a larger gas tank. 26 gallons at 8 mpg means a lot of stops along the way (This trip it was not a problem since my wife is pregnant and we had to take a lot of rest stops along the way.)
  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    over the '00 2500's. I assume the HD hood is deeper (so to speak) like the 'ado.

    but no matter - Just looked not as 'blunt' as the 'ado.

    Thought someone might have noticed or my imagination??

  • bigred17bigred17 Member Posts: 12
    Hope to hear more from you on how well the truck is doing on mileage. How about city and highway without anything hooked up to it?
  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    Looked at pics in the bulletin and I think the '01 HD hood and grill are exactly the same as the '00 LD's. I saw all those chrome horizontal bars and assumed the whole grill/space for - were different like on the 'ado.

    So now I wonder if one wanted a more streamline appearance in the HD 'ado you could just put on the 'ado LD hood. So as to keep on topic, I thought the 'ado hood was deeper because of the 8100 engine. --Hmmmmmm!!

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    to drop the "badge" look.....but since the HD's look the same...I see they have 2500HD on the sides of the doors....actually it was the only way I could tell it was one!

    ...Gimme a Chevy please....

    - Tim
  • smart99smart99 Member Posts: 48
    Talk on Timmy Talk on

    I'm thinking 8.1 w/3.73
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Looked at a '01 2500 HD LT CC 2wd pewter 8.1 Allison 4.10 locker.

    Dealer wanted:

    MSRP $36,549
    Add dealer markup $ 7,800
    Total $44,349

    I can't believe this stuff is going on. Well, it was a LT.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    I will sell you one for MSRP....and deliver it to you...


    ....order it in Cal and have it shipped.....

    - Tim
  • smart99smart99 Member Posts: 48
    just where is that dealer?

    thank goodness he's not in Fort Smith Arkansas
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Honolulu, Hawaii. I would post the name of the dealership, but anyone going to their lot will see it for themselves. Scary part about it is that the salesman told me that some have PAID that price.


    CA truck. Never in my life would I buy an over emissioned truck. Would rather buy for Washington or Oregon. Heck maybe I should get one from Vegas. Can justify the trip that way. Better yet, if the truck bash was there, I could buy one and drive it there...LOL!!
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    ..I'll get one GMO pricing here......drive it to Cal.....ship it over to ya....deal?.....for MSRP.

    - Tim
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Then it'll have more miles than Ryan's used truck when he got it new. Any way to get GMO in Oregon or Washington?
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    I guess if someone who qualifys for it bought it there....

    - Tim
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Would the dealer sell on GMO if the truck is hard to come by? I don't see them dealing this truck so I was just wondering.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    is for employees/family only...

    right now GMO orders for HD's are not allowed.....you can order one...but it's GMS (out of stock ) pricing........

    should be able to order one soon under GMO.....but I ain't ready yet anyway!.....was going to order June or so....but may wait until Sept/Oct......I want a new truck for the wife first...and she don't want it until summer......GRRRRRR

    - Tim
  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    you to own the vehicle for one year or they'll do bad things to you!!!!! After that you can sell/transfer title to someone else.(:-(

    Currently you can buy up to two vehicles in one year.

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    1 year or 6 months?

    - Tim
  • loyalgmcguyloyalgmcguy Member Posts: 64
    After five months and 21 days, I accepted delivery of my new 2001 HD Crew Cab short box, 8.1 Allison, 3.73, SLE, buckets, white/charcoal. Fit and finish appear excellent. Truck is noticably quieter and smoother riding than my 97 SLE XC, 3.73, Z71. Tow rating in the owner's manual says 15,200 for the 4.10 and 13,200 for 3.73 for fifth wheelers and 12,000 for standard hitches for both axels. Power appears more than adequate, but gearing does seems a little tall. The Allison is a little whiney, but so am I after the six month wait. For anyone wondering, the flares are textured black. Rear window has the defogger and was only lightly tinted. I'll give you an update on gas mileage over the next few weeks.
  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    post back and forth -- Your aware of the current HD rebates and incenives I hope.

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    are normal
    ....for the Allison that is

    - Tim
  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    Thinking you had a 5th wheel to pull also??
    If so
    Have question on bolting in the 5th wheel hitch (Reese 15000) in the short box.

    I have an older 32'Hitchhiker so its pin is not as extended as new units.
    Been looking at location dimensions and I need 49" from back window to pin location for 90 deg. Near as I've been able to measure PU's on dealers lots the rear axel sets approx. 43" from the window.
    Friend pulls an Excell with a '00 F250 and has the hitch pin located 40 1/2" behind his window centered over axel and can (on flat ground) do the 90 deg. thing.

    So I'm going to have to mount hitch pin aft of the Silverado axel by 6" or so or less if I'd be satisfied with 75 to 80 degrees of turn.

    I have another friend that pulls about 29' with 1/2 ton Sierra mounted about 4" behind axel with 75 to 80 degrees of turn with no prolem so know I can do that also --

    but do you have your dimension locations figured out??

  • loyalgmcguyloyalgmcguy Member Posts: 64
    I measured the distance from the rear wheel to the center of the axel. I think you are very close at 43". I plan to pull a 6500lb, 26' standard tongue trailer and triple a 2500lb.boat. (Legal in Montana).

    I did not hear of any rebates. The GMC site indicated 4.9 financing on vehcles from dealer stock. If there is anything else kindly let me know. Thanks.
  • sonjaabsonjaab Member Posts: 1,057
    If any of you fellas out there are waiting for
    a 8.1, hd, or diesel gm truck and you think the dealer is lying to you about the wait
    Punch up WHEELS.COM they show all mfr.production
    delays,deletion, plant shut downs etc.
    If you want one NOW!! chevy dealer in albany ny has one
  • page3page3 Member Posts: 54
    Just purchased a 2001 Chewy 3/4 ID CT 4x4 Pewter/Slate gray Crew Cab 8.1 Allison 4.10 with every option but the block heater and clearance lights. ($37,759.30) out the door. Sticker was $39,699.00. I moved out of a "99" Silver ado 3/4 ext.cab 4x4. I have only got 200 miles on it so I can't really give any info other than this truck halls #$%! The gas gauge moves pretty fast too but that was not a concern of mine. I will be looking for a after market fuel tank to help the 26 gal one out. Looks like just in front of the tank could be a good spot for an ax. tank. moved my 265/75r/16's from my other truck and found they do rub on the wheel wells in front when turning. Might need a little trimming on the plastic. I really want 285's after these wear out. Hope to have more info later.

  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    Keep post on how you end up with the Aux tank. I'm planning the same thing and would like to keep it out of the box although that has some advantages as you can have a switch operated solenoid valve and gravitiy feed into the factory tank.

    Mine won't be here for another three weeks but was going to look at the spare tire area with an electric fuel pump for transfer. Interested to see how you figure this out. Been practically living under some the dealer units on their lots after hours with picture under to see where to mount the thing.

  • sonjaabsonjaab Member Posts: 1,057
    On hot vehicles Mr. dealer does not HAVE too
    on GMS GMO .They can refuse !! Go to GM Family Savings.com. for the details........
  • wejohnsonwejohnson Member Posts: 3
    Things must be easing up a bit ... please see my post: Two 2500HD 8.1L 4WD CC SBs Coming, One Available ... in www.pickuptruck.com ... Friday was a good day!!
  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    congrats on the Big Black LT Ex. Cab !!!!!

  • dogman4x4dogman4x4 Member Posts: 16
    Yessss... Took delivery of my 2500 HD 4WD Xcab 8100/Allison/4.10 yesterday. The truck looks great and runs strong. Kind of makes me forget the 3 times that my TPW was bumped up. It is definatly well worth the wait. I am very interested in changing those wimpy looking 245s out and getting a set of 285s on ASAP. From what I understand the Hypertech unit for the HD is not yet available, what have you guys that have 285s done to compensate for the larger tires? Is there any chance that running the old shift points could damage that Allison tranny? After waiting 14 weeks for my HD I sure don't want to put a hurt on it this soon. Any firsthand experience will be appreciated. I'm a little leary of asking the service department about it... I mean if they say not to do it and I go ahead and do it anyway I might have a warranty problem on my hands. But I'm sure that sooner or later they are going to see the truck in their shop with the larger tires anyhow. It's like a Catch 22 thing. Feel free to e-mail me or post here with any advice... I'll check back later, right now I feel the need for a ride.

  • cowboyjohn1cowboyjohn1 Member Posts: 125
    Thanks on the Congratulations. I picked it up on Thursday night, Feb. 1. It had came in the previous Saturday. I haven't got my listing of DeWalt tools I can select yet, but when I get them they will be put to good use. The pickup is beautiful, and I know a few of you out there will be pleased to know that it won't see the cow poo for a while. I have decided to keep my 1988 F250 Ford fof the cowpoo. An interesting comparison - The Ford is about 2 inches higher that the 2500HD to the bottom of the door sills. The same is true to the bottom of the seats. And the 2500HD will fit in my garage where the Ford would not - about an inch too high. So my Corvette came out of the garage and the 2500HD went in. However, do not despair - the Corvette is in the hangar by the airplane. I took the insurance off of it, but it comes back on automatically in April. Also I might add that the Ford has considerably more clearance than the 2500HD. I took a creeper and had to be a little careful rolling under the 2500HD if I didn't want to come out bloody, however I roll all around under the Ford without a problem except under the differentails. The Ford is so high that I took the transmission out without even jacking it up. I am not complaining about the lower clearance as I suspect that I will never get it into anything that deep anyway.

    The Allison shifts really smooth, except when you are slowing down in Tow Mode - then it is pretty aggressive, which is fine with me. The pickup is very quiet with a nice solid ride, but not as rough as the Ford or the Corvette. The oil pressure surprises me a little in that when idleing it runs about 50 psi, and at 1500 runs about 75 psi. I only have 112 miles on it and 5.3 hours on the engine. I spent the whole weekend studying the manual - didn't get any work done at all except feeding the animals. I haven't got around to the OnStar yet.
  • dogman4x4dogman4x4 Member Posts: 16
    Hey ,
    Where did everybody go? I finally get my 8100/Allison HD and now nobody's around. Well I guess I'll just have to go out for a ride. Fill 'er up.
  • hunter98hunter98 Member Posts: 273
    Glad to hear you got your truck. Any more details, 4x4 Cab Config, Trim, Color, Milage, comments.

  • n75v111n75v111 Member Posts: 243
    Just rechecked (for about the 1000th time) with Pontiac scheduling and my
    LT 4x4 XC SB starts assembly the 14th. Ordered Sept. 5th

    Supposed to know exact delivery date when I call back on the 15th.

  • loyalgmcguyloyalgmcguy Member Posts: 64
    Glad to hear you got your HD. What equipment did you get?
  • dogman4x4dogman4x4 Member Posts: 16
    Hello All,
    Well I will have had the truck for a week as of tommorrow.I should get a job at the dealership, two of my friends are so impressed with the 8100 that they are going to trade in their 00 6.0s for the HD. I really have to watch myself or I'm going to get a ticket. It's hard to keep my foot out of it,and I'm not a kid either.
    My truck is a Silverado HD LS EXTCAB 4WD SB 8100/Allison/4.10, Pewter, Locking Differential, Skid Plate, Electric Shift, Trailering Package, Deep Tint Glass,& Marker lights.
    I have had a sliding rear window added. I installed the TracRac system overhead racks and a aluminum diamond plate deep toolbox. Yesterday I ordered new tires to replace those wimpy 245s, I have GY ATs 285-75-16s going on next week. They will be going on blackwall out. I will be using the stock wheels to avoid the rubbing problems that people have had due to different the backspacing on some of the aftermarket wheels. I ordered a set of Westin step bars (black, I'm going for that silver and black look) and a full set front,hump & back of the HuskyLiners this morning.I bought this truck to be a work truck, but I am going to hang onto my 93 Dodge 250 4x4 to use for jobsite cleanup etc.I would have a hard time throwing 2x4s and sheetrock out a second floor window into the back of that HD.
    I haven't kept track of my gas mileage, but so far it doesn't seem to be much worse than my old truck. After I get 1000 miles or so on it I will post my mileage.BTW regular is $2.09 per gallon here on the island.
    It's good to see that some people still hang out at this topic.
    Good Luck to all of you with your trucks.

    Marthas Vineyard,MA
  • trampertramper Member Posts: 12
    Finally got a tpw of Feb. 19 for my 2500 'rado Lt, ex. cab, Lb,8.1/All. 3.73. It's been a long and frustrating wait,as many of you already know. It will be just in time for some spring time r.ving. Will post more if and when it gets here.[I'm still a skeptic, I'll believe it when I see it!]
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    there are soooo many F250s around. I guess people get tired of waiting after awhile.
  • smart99smart99 Member Posts: 48
    As far as the delays and the waiting goes, you are correct, GM is Ford's greatest asset. But I still won't drive a Ford.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Agreed. Unfortunately for some....couldn't wait as they needed to use it for work.
  • loyalgmcguyloyalgmcguy Member Posts: 64
    Just returned from a 500 mile weekend trip. Gas mileage on the first two tanks was 11.9 and 13.4 with a 12.6 average. Outside air temperature was 30 degrees. At 70 miles per hour the tach only shows 2000 rpm. Truck ran great but sure wish it had a larger fuel tank.
  • smart99smart99 Member Posts: 48
    Mine should be on the way. I could live with those numbers. Thanks for the info.
  • cowboyjohn1cowboyjohn1 Member Posts: 125
    TRAMPER-You are getting exactly what I picked up on Feb. 1st. You are going to love it.

    LOYALGMCGUY - I hope I do as well, I will be very happy. I only have 260 miles on mine, so don't know how it is checking out. Yes, I too wish it had a bigger tank.
  • gulfguygulfguy Member Posts: 30
    GMC Cust service told me today my 2500HD, 8.1/Allison, 3.73 locker (Black Crew Cab SLT with light pewter leather) is in the end of assembly and due to be shipped wed 2-14.

    I was about to give up but good things come to those who wait.

    Dogman... tell me about your sliding window.. electric or manual? Got a web site address?
  • bigred17bigred17 Member Posts: 12
    Is your truck a 2 or 4 wheel drive. I must admit that I am impressed but not surprised with the gas mileage.
This discussion has been closed.