Have you recently bought a Tesla or are you currently shopping for one? A reporter would like to speak with you; please reach out to PR@Edmunds.com by 3/13 for more details.
"Detroit will likely take more casualties. Toyota, Nissan, and Honda, the largest Japanese automakers, are building truck plants in Indiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, respectively. Analyst Gary Lapidus of Goldman Sachs says the additional supply and stronger competition could cut the Big Three's truck profits by more than half by 2004."
Read the bold
Could means speculation. My post was about factual numbers. I could care less about speculation.
Here are some numbers for you. Sorry that you don't like my quotes:
"The Big Three's numbers would look even worse had they not relied on an assortment of BlueLight specials to hype results. GM, Ford, and Chrysler offer bigger rebates, cheaper financing, and more heavily subsidized leases than nearly all of their foreign competitors. In March, for example, they spent about $2,100 per vehicle on such incentives, vs. Toyota's $996, Volkswagen's $688, and Honda's $504. Furthermore, the U.S. companies sell up to 25% of their vehicles at wholesale prices to fleet buyers, and do a surprisingly large business with employees and retirees; 10% of the nearly five million cars and trucks GM sold last year went to friends and family at minimal markups.
Investors have gotten the message about Detroit's decline and seem to have written off all three companies."
ryan don't read that article it is a very biased writer, their proof is in california sales numbers, they don't care to mention the the midwest GM slaughters the imports, they don't care too mention how anemic sales of the import sport utilites are when compared to domestic, look at Tahoe compared to Sequoia, the Yukon outsells it by itself. The trailblazer is almost past highlander sales and it has only been on the market for about 1 full month.
This doesn't seem like just a west coast phenomenon:
" After losing nearly three percentage points of market share last year, U.S. car brands have lost another 1.3 points so far in 2001, continuing a trend that has persisted for a decade. Since 1993, the Big Three have forfeited market share worth $35 billion to their overseas competitors. "
"Keeping up with Toyota, much less Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes, BMW, or VW, has long been a losing proposition for Detroit. In April the Big Three's U.S. market share fell to 64.2%, vs. 73.9% at the start of the current auto boom in 1993. Although most of the shrinkage has been at GM, whose share has dropped from 33.5% to 28%, Ford has also declined, from 25.6% to 21.9%. Chrysler is just half a point lower than in 1993 but two points below its 1998 peak."
Actually, no matter what I post, you will deny it like you deny everything else. Hmmm maybe I can get PF to post it for me? What do you say there Bama?
You sure are being coy about this. Typical of liars - try to obscure or hide the facts.
First you say that Meredith posted it - now it is PF Flyer. You can't even keep your own lies straight.
I shouldn't have to teach you how to post a reference. You have been hanging around Edmund's too long (mainly posting bashes to Tundra topics - one of the worst cases of Tundra envy I have ever seen)
I stated that you would probably believe it if PF posted it. Cause I know for sure you would come up with some kind of denial...anyway, are you taking the bet...a simple yes or no will do.
Talk about put up or shut up....answer the question that I had posted.
Hey guys... it's irrelevant. The point is that you're supposed to be talking about the Tundra in this topic, NOT each other.
It is NOT acceptable to go after one another on the board, no matter how you do it. References to medical conditions, when used to attack or ridicule another user, are NOT OK.
in case you haven't noticed, no one really comes in here to discuss the tundra anyways. since Bama has no email address, just this once, would it be ok to let these two settle things here? after that, just close it, since the original poster went with a silverado, no one really cares.
I don't see you adding any valuable information. So I guess you're as guilty as the rest. Do you even own a truck? You just have to wonder...cause it seems that you're more of a troll trying to incite an argument. You're not a troll are ya toddstock?
BTW, troll is an acceptable term as is posted in "Talk to the Hosts".
#2812 of 2814 Looks like Toyota will take back my Sequoia by dan165 Jun 12, 2001 (05:08 am) Well after weeks of fighting with my dealership and Toyota, it looks like they are going to let me out of my lease. The engine clicking can not be fixed (yet) and the the engine light has come on three times since I got the thing. Clearly this truck is a lemon. My delema now is, do I get another? My confidence in this truck and Toyota is pretty low now and my instinct is to look for something else. While I do like the Sequoia, I could get an Expedition or a Tahoe for thousands less. I tested both over the weekend. Looks like decision time is coming soon.
Read on.....
#2814 of 2814 Re: Dan165 by decodog Jun 12, 2001 (09:35 am) Regarding whether you should get another Sequoia or get something else. I have now owned my Sequoia SR-5 for five months and I have had enough disappointments with the vehicle that I would probably not buy one again. I also owned a 1999 Expedition Eddie Bauer and would say that overall I liked it better. It had a much better stereo, bigger wheels and tires, a little more power, and was much cheaper to purchase. I also only had one warranty issue during the year and half that I owned it. The bad thing about Fords is that you will start to see serious vehicle wear and tear after only one year. If you are leasing, however, then this should not be a big issue. With that said, if I had to make a vehicle change, I would probably get the Acura MDX. This vehicle is a good value if you can get by with the smaller size.
First you come to a Toyota Tundra topic and start personally attacking all Tundra owners. Then you start posting about SUVs. Is your Tundra envy flaring up again? You seem confused. I'm worried about you.
You aren't making a lot of sense here. Why does Oby owning a Denali, and a Shakerado have anything to do with posting about SUVs on a Tundra truck topic?
Could it be that the strain of owning two fine examples of how low GM engineering can go has caused him to snap. Could this explain why he is personally attacking Tundra owners and posting bashes in a Tundra topic?
Maybe he could explain why the dealer has had his new Chev truck for four months. He should be well qualified to post about GM lemons and it would be just as relevant to this topic as any of his other posts.
Unlike the real, documented and dangerous problems with your Silverado the Tundra has fared much better. Simply making up stories about the Tundra, because of your envy, doesn't make them reality!
First it was spider joints, then spider bearings, now it is spider gears? Couldn't the Chev pack at least get in agreement on this fictitious problem? You guys are embarassing yourselves.
It is too bad there is no mention of any of these problems in any forum. Toyota has no TSB on a "spider (fill in the blank)" problem.
No - we have two unfortunate Chev owners (who regularly post bashes to Tundra forums and insult all Tundra owners) to tell us all about this non-existent problem.
Oby - What is it next "Spider valves?", "Spider Belts"? "spider flapit nozzles"?
At least try to get in agreement with the other Tundra bashers.
SO I see redsilverado is in here also. Wow! You feel soo lowly about owing a couple of silverado's so you have to come in here and make feable attempts at bashing the Tundra in a only Tundra forum.
the Tundra site... Did you take my advice and invest in the only part of GM that is worth investing in??? Yep, their Satellite Division... I give you a tip, and you don't take it.. You could of made some money, but nooooo...
no that's was nothing made up. Just jaunt on over to the Sequoia topic and you can see for yourself all the happy owners. In fact, you can even ask them how they like their Sequoia with the anemic 4.7.....BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Bama, Your truck suffering from spider infestations? good luck on this one now.
Folks- I need some honest advice. I am sold on Toyota quality, reliability, OK. Currently own an Avalon. My wife and I are retired and live in Maine. We need to know how good the Tundra 4 x 4, V8, automatic is in snow/icey conditions. I noticed at a dealer that the off road package has different tires with more aggressive threads. Better in snow? We live where we must go up and down a fairly steep hill with one switchback and a 90 degree turn. We are considering a Tundra vs a Subaru Outback with snow as the ONLY consideration. Would also like to know the Tundra's true gas mileage experience, highway as well as around town.
In advance, I thank you for your time and responses. John (jmeisten2u@clinic.net)
Is $995.00 a good price for toyota extended warranty for 6years 100,000 miles. If not could someone tell me a reputable warranty program and do you have to keep the toyota service intervals up? I need to give toyota an answer with in 72 hours.e.mail me or post it here my e.mail is shep1950@aol.com
Don't do it. The Tundra already comes with the best powertrain warranty (5 yrs. 60,000 miles). Extended warranties only make the warranty companies money.
The Tundra is the most reliable full size pickup. J.D Power ranked the Tundra #1 in 2000 and 2001. Consumer Reports ranked the Tundra "better than average" reliability in its initial year.
I bought a Tundra 1.5 yrs ago and have not had a single problem.
the tundra has only been on the road a little over a year. every time i see you give someone advice, i wonder how you live with yourself. - silverb- more often than not, the warranty you are thinking about is not needed, most major problems occur within the manf. warranty period. being that the Tundra is only 1-2 years old, there haven't been enough of them to reach 100,000 miles and that's what reliability ratings are based on. there have already been a slew of problems with the tundra within the warranty period, but who knows what will happen by 100,000. on the other hand, if the tundra is anything like the tacoma, you won't need a warranty at all(based on the tacoma's track record). it's tough to throw away money for something you might not need, but if you decide to buy the extra warranty, be sure to read all the stipulations on what you need to do to keep the warranty in effect. some warranty companies are class acts at telling someone that they didn't keep the vehicle up to specified maintenance, and ultimately deny coverage, which to me means "ripoff". i personally drive one of the new silverados, which have been known to have some bigtime problems since the redesign in 1999, but my '00 and '01 don't seem to be plagued with the early model problems. chevy's usually need alt. and compressor replacements at around 100,00(along with other cheap items) but they don't total up to the cost of the extra warrany, so i'm not buying it. good luck to you and your new Tundra, it's a nice vehicle, and if it's any thing like my Tacoma was, it should last along time.
I really dont ever want to be worried about overheating auto trannys AGAIN. What is the service life of the auto tranny with the V8, either in the tundra or the Landcruiser? Thanks.
It gets pretty old reading the same old trash up here, day in and day out. Some of you actually can be quite reasonable.....but sooner or later you get sidetracked WAY off topic. I mean when was the last time that someone REALLY got an honest question answered around here?
i went to the Toyo website. i cannot seem to figure out how to get a limited slip option for the Tundra. do they not have this option ?? i can't believe they wouldn't, if competing with Ford and Chevy. i'm sorry is somebody has already asked this...
Is a v6 extended cab. Tundra worth having for the money? Here in Texas I can get a 2001 Ram ex. cab v-8 in SLT trim for $16,500. However I don't like the 5.2 (haven't heard anyone that is satisfied with their's) and I am concerned with reliability problems. $$ money is a factor as I am in college....
I don't own a Tundra but I don't believe it is available with factory-installed LSD. My understanding is that Toyota does offer a LSD kit which must be ordered and installed after you purchase the truck.
As you've mentioned, $$ is a factor, buying a new Tundra or Dodge may not be your best option. It depends on what you're going to use the truck for, how long you plan on keeping it, and what best meets the criteria for the lowest investment factor. Questions that you should ask yourself is do I need a full size truck? Could I live with a used truck? Would something in between like the Dodge Dakota with the 4.7 work out better? BTW, I had a Dakota on rental for about a week and it really is a great truck and the 4.7 is no slouch. Oh and I guess it's my opinon, but I really don't care to have a 6 cylinder in a full size unless you don't plan to haul all the time and don't mind the lack of acceleration, both which for me, is a must. My $.02.
I'm not really a fan of compact trucks, I'd rather get a v6 full size and if that gonna be too much $, then I'll get used or buy a sedan. My friend has a Tacoma and its fine to borrow, but I don't really want to own one. Just personal preference I guess. My truck wouldn't be used for towing, just hauling my stuff around when I move (which is alot). I hadn't really considered the Dakota, I'll check it out....I hear the 4.7 is a sweet engine.
The Tundra V6 is a good choice. It has 40% more powertrain warranty than the Big2 (not that you will need it). It has 3" more ground clearance, and a much tighter turning radius. Truck Trend rated the Tundra as better in off-road capability than the Chev Silverado (even though the Chev had limited slip.) Truck Trend also rated the Tundra the best 1/2 ton extended pickup.
It has the smoothest, quitest ride of any 1/2 ton. Test drive one - you will be surprised.
The '96 T100(a similar truck) is rated by J.D. Power as the most dependable full size pickup. The result of a 5 year study.
Consumer Reports recommends the '01 Tundra. It rated the '00 "better than average" reliability in its first year.
J.D. Power rated the '00 Tundra as the best full size pickup in initial quality. They just recently also rated the '01 as best in initial quality. See a trend?
The Tundra has by far the most powerful brakes. A Tundra loaded with 1350 lb STILL outbrakes the Chev half ton. (Truck Trend).
The Tundra also rated the best offset crash rating of any 1/2 ton extended cab. None of the other 1/2 tons even rated "acceptable".
I have owned my Tundra for 1.5 years and have not had a single problem. It is the best vehicle I have ever owned.
I'm curious, what did you cross shop your Tundra with? I like the fact that the Tundra is a bit smaller than other full-sizes just b/c parking is horrible on campus. Did you drive the Dakota at all and how did it compare? The mpg's on the V6 are better in the Dakota, but I've heard that the Dodge 3.9 is underpowerd.
This was posted to the Silverado Problems topic by a truck owner with problems :
"#702 of 808 Tailgate by reb12 Jun 02, 2001 (09:29 pm) The latest problem with this 99 Silverlemo I am having is the tailgate won't latch. But I guess this is minor compared to all the serious problems with the tranny, breaks, windows, blaw....blaw...blaw. This is the biggest piece of sh.. vehicle GM has ever produced. Then they won't back it up! I will never buy GM agian! "
And Quad's (a Chev owner) rude response:
"#705 of 808 Another yuppie with a truck! by quadrunner500 Jun 02, 2001 (11:42 pm) >The latest problem with this 99 Silverlemo I am having is the tailgate won't latch. But I guess this is minor compared to all the serious problems with the tranny, breaks, windows, blaw....blaw...blaw. This is the biggest piece of sh.. vehicle GM has ever produced. Then they won't back it up! I will never buy GM agian!<
Whaahhhhh!!! "
Oby - go to the Tundra Problems topic and try to find any rude responses to a truck owner with problems. Can't find any? I'm not surprised. Good luck, bud!
I test drove a Ford 150 and a Chev Silverado. I wanted a full size truck - so I didn't consider the Dodge Dakota. I probably would not consider a Dodge anyway(I owned a Dodge Powerwagon which was junk).
I'll bet if you compare prices, there really isn't much difference in price between a V6 Tundra and a Dakota with a V6. If you really want to compare, then test drive the Dodge of course. I'm sure that you will like the Tundra much better.
OK... pay attention becuase this is obviously difficult to understand...
The topic here is the Toyota Tundra. Not who said what, or what you think about other users, or any of the other "stuff" that comes up here on a regular basis.
If you have a personal problem with another user, take it up with them in email. Do NOT post insulting/attacking notes on the message board.
This nonsense is getting pretty old, and it's the same people over and over. You know the deal here. You are putting your posting privileges at risk by continuing to do this stuff.
In post #243 you stated "so i'll keep my posts in the toyota vs. big3 topic ok? "
Since then you have posted here many times. Obviously you are not a man of your word.
"where the hosts eliminates the obvious trouble makers."
That means they would eliminate you.
And the original poster never indicated that they went with the Hyundai.
Why don't we all do as PF suggests and stick to trucks? And if you want to post personal attacks to Tundra owners or post bashes about their trucks try to do it in a different topic.
>And the original poster never indicated that they went with the Hyundai.<
That's because the original poster, Mert Meeker had the good sense to avoid the flame war you started, and instead learn the truth from me (not your 11" BS) by email, and talking on the phone. He bought a 2001 Sierra 2500HD to tow his 5000 lb travel trailer, with leather seats and On-Star.
Mert's a very tough customer. And very nice to talk to. I'm quite certain he is more than happy to tell you, if you can stop being childish long enough to accept his reasons for not believing you.
Bama, or anyone...email me. I will be happy to contact Mr. Meeker if you want to get in touch with him. He won't mince words with you, I assure.
"Detroit will likely take more casualties. Toyota, Nissan, and Honda, the largest Japanese automakers, are building truck plants in Indiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, respectively. Analyst Gary Lapidus of Goldman Sachs says the additional supply and stronger competition could cut the Big Three's truck profits by more than half by 2004."
Read the bold
Could means speculation. My post was about factual numbers. I could care less about speculation.
"The Big Three's numbers would look even worse had they not relied on an assortment of BlueLight specials to hype results. GM, Ford, and Chrysler offer bigger rebates, cheaper financing, and more heavily subsidized leases than nearly all of their foreign competitors. In March, for example, they spent about $2,100 per vehicle on such incentives, vs. Toyota's $996, Volkswagen's $688, and Honda's $504. Furthermore, the U.S. companies sell up to 25% of their vehicles at wholesale prices to fleet buyers, and do a surprisingly large business with employees and retirees; 10% of the nearly five million cars and trucks GM sold last year went to friends and family at minimal markups.
Investors have gotten the message about Detroit's decline and seem to have written off all three companies."
All auto manufacturers offer some sort of incentive.
Toyota has one going on around here now. So does gm ford dodge etc.
This means nothing. They have been doing it for yrs.
" After losing nearly three percentage points of market share last year, U.S. car brands have lost another 1.3 points so far in 2001, continuing a trend that has persisted for a decade. Since 1993, the Big Three have forfeited market share worth $35 billion to their overseas competitors. "
"Keeping up with Toyota, much less Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes, BMW, or VW, has long been a losing proposition for Detroit. In April the Big Three's U.S. market share fell to 64.2%, vs. 73.9% at the start of the current auto boom in 1993. Although most of the shrinkage has been at GM, whose share has dropped from 33.5% to 28%, Ford has also declined, from 25.6% to 21.9%. Chrysler is just half a point lower than in 1993 but two points below its 1998 peak."
Actually, no matter what I post, you will deny it like you deny everything else. Hmmm maybe I can get PF to post it for me? What do you say there Bama?
First you say that Meredith posted it - now it is PF Flyer. You can't even keep your own lies straight.
I shouldn't have to teach you how to post a reference. You have been hanging around Edmund's too long (mainly posting bashes to Tundra topics - one of the worst cases of Tundra envy I have ever seen)
Like I said - Put up or shut up.
Talk about put up or shut up....answer the question that I had posted.
It is NOT acceptable to go after one another on the board, no matter how you do it. References to medical conditions, when used to attack or ridicule another user, are NOT OK.
Back to the trucks...
PF Flyer
Pickups & News & Views Message Boards
BTW, troll is an acceptable term as is posted in "Talk to the Hosts".
#2812 of 2814 Looks like Toyota will take back my Sequoia by dan165 Jun 12, 2001 (05:08 am)
Well after weeks of fighting with my dealership and Toyota, it looks like they are going to let me out of my lease. The engine clicking can not be fixed (yet) and the the engine light has come on three times since I got the thing. Clearly this truck is a lemon. My delema now is, do I get another? My confidence in this truck and Toyota is pretty low now and my instinct is to look for something else. While I do like the Sequoia, I could get an Expedition or a Tahoe for thousands less. I tested both over the weekend. Looks like decision time is coming soon.
Read on.....
#2814 of 2814 Re: Dan165 by decodog Jun 12, 2001 (09:35 am)
Regarding whether you should get another Sequoia or get something else. I have now owned my Sequoia SR-5 for five months and I have had enough disappointments with the vehicle that I would probably not buy one again. I also owned a 1999 Expedition Eddie Bauer and would say that overall I liked it better. It had a much better stereo, bigger wheels and tires, a little more power, and was much cheaper to purchase. I also only had one warranty issue during the year and half that I owned it. The bad thing about Fords is that you will start to see serious vehicle wear and tear after only one year. If you are leasing, however, then this should not be a big issue. With that said, if I had to make a vehicle change, I would probably get the Acura MDX. This vehicle is a good value if you can get by with the smaller size.
Could it be that the strain of owning two fine examples of how low GM engineering can go has caused him to snap. Could this explain why he is personally attacking Tundra owners and posting bashes in a Tundra topic?
Maybe he could explain why the dealer has had his new Chev truck for four months. He should be well qualified to post about GM lemons and it would be just as relevant to this topic as any of his other posts.
It is too bad there is no mention of any of these problems in any forum. Toyota has no TSB on a "spider (fill in the blank)" problem.
No - we have two unfortunate Chev owners (who regularly post bashes to Tundra forums and insult all Tundra owners) to tell us all about this non-existent problem.
Oby - What is it next "Spider valves?", "Spider Belts"? "spider flapit nozzles"?
At least try to get in agreement with the other Tundra bashers.
Your truck suffering from spider infestations? good luck on this one now.
First it was "spider joints", then it was "spider bearings", then it was "spider gears". Now it is "spider infestations".
At least the Oby is good for a few laughs!
Good thing I got that new bazooka...
PF Flyer
Pickups & News & Views Message Boards
In advance, I thank you for your time and responses.
John (jmeisten2u@clinic.net)
The Tundra is the most reliable full size pickup. J.D Power ranked the Tundra #1 in 2000 and 2001. Consumer Reports ranked the Tundra "better than average" reliability in its initial year.
I bought a Tundra 1.5 yrs ago and have not had a single problem.
silverb- more often than not, the warranty you are thinking about is not needed, most major problems occur within the manf. warranty period. being that the Tundra is only 1-2 years old, there haven't been enough of them to reach 100,000 miles and that's what reliability ratings are based on. there have already been a slew of problems with the tundra within the warranty period, but who knows what will happen by 100,000. on the other hand, if the tundra is anything like the tacoma, you won't need a warranty at all(based on the tacoma's track record). it's tough to throw away money for something you might not need, but if you decide to buy the extra warranty, be sure to read all the stipulations on what you need to do to keep the warranty in effect. some warranty companies are class acts at telling someone that they didn't keep the vehicle up to specified maintenance, and ultimately deny coverage, which to me means "ripoff". i personally drive one of the new silverados, which have been known to have some bigtime problems since the redesign in 1999, but my '00 and '01 don't seem to be plagued with the early model problems. chevy's usually need alt. and compressor replacements at around 100,00(along with other cheap items) but they don't total up to the cost of the extra warrany, so i'm not buying it.
good luck to you and your new Tundra, it's a nice vehicle, and if it's any thing like my Tacoma was, it should last along time.
It has the smoothest, quitest ride of any 1/2 ton. Test drive one - you will be surprised.
The '96 T100(a similar truck) is rated by J.D. Power as the most dependable full size pickup. The result of a 5 year study.
Consumer Reports recommends the '01 Tundra. It rated the '00 "better than average" reliability in its first year.
J.D. Power rated the '00 Tundra as the best full size pickup in initial quality. They just recently also rated the '01 as best in initial quality. See a trend?
The Tundra has by far the most powerful brakes. A Tundra loaded with 1350 lb STILL outbrakes the Chev half ton. (Truck Trend).
The Tundra also rated the best offset crash rating of any 1/2 ton extended cab. None of the other 1/2 tons even rated "acceptable".
I have owned my Tundra for 1.5 years and have not had a single problem. It is the best vehicle I have ever owned.
btw, call me CT, its easier to type.
"#702 of 808 Tailgate by reb12 Jun 02, 2001 (09:29 pm)
The latest problem with this 99 Silverlemo
I am having is the tailgate won't latch. But I guess this is minor compared to all the serious problems with the tranny, breaks, windows, blaw....blaw...blaw. This is the biggest piece of sh.. vehicle GM has ever produced. Then they won't back it up! I will never buy GM agian! "
And Quad's (a Chev owner) rude response:
"#705 of 808 Another yuppie with a truck! by quadrunner500 Jun 02, 2001 (11:42 pm)
>The latest problem with this 99 Silverlemo
I am having is the tailgate won't latch. But I guess this is minor compared to all the serious problems with the tranny, breaks, windows, blaw....blaw...blaw. This is the biggest piece of sh.. vehicle GM has ever produced. Then they won't back it up! I will never buy GM agian!<
Whaahhhhh!!! "
Oby - go to the Tundra Problems topic and try to find any rude responses to a truck owner with problems. Can't find any? I'm not surprised. Good luck, bud!
I wanted a full size truck - so I didn't consider the Dodge Dakota. I probably would not consider a Dodge anyway(I owned a Dodge Powerwagon which was junk).
I'll bet if you compare prices, there really isn't much difference in price between a V6 Tundra and a Dakota with a V6. If you really want to compare, then test drive the Dodge of course. I'm sure that you will like the Tundra much better.
The topic here is the Toyota Tundra. Not who said what, or what you think about other users, or any of the other "stuff" that comes up here on a regular basis.
If you have a personal problem with another user, take it up with them in email. Do NOT post insulting/attacking notes on the message board.
This nonsense is getting pretty old, and it's the same people over and over. You know the deal here. You are putting your posting privileges at risk by continuing to do this stuff.
Enough said...
PF Flyer
Pickups & News & Views Message Boards
Since then you have posted here many times. Obviously you are not a man of your word.
"where the hosts eliminates the obvious trouble makers."
That means they would eliminate you.
And the original poster never indicated that they went with the Hyundai.
Why don't we all do as PF suggests and stick to trucks? And if you want to post personal attacks to Tundra owners or post bashes about their trucks try to do it in a different topic.
That's because the original poster, Mert Meeker had the good sense to avoid the flame war you started, and instead learn the truth from me (not your 11" BS) by email, and talking on the phone. He bought a 2001 Sierra 2500HD to tow his 5000 lb travel trailer, with leather seats and On-Star.
Mert's a very tough customer. And very nice to talk to. I'm quite certain he is more than happy to tell you, if you can stop being childish long enough to accept his reasons for not believing you.
Bama, or anyone...email me. I will be happy to contact Mr. Meeker if you want to get in touch with him. He won't mince words with you, I assure.