Scion tC



  • Member Posts: 142
    My transmission is holding quite well even at 96k.

    Perfect quiet exhaust would be TRD. Try buying online through (they are Toyota dealership based in S.C. they sell TRD parts alot less than your dealer.)

    If people freak out about adding performance parts thinking it could void warranty? Go with TRD. I installed my TRD CAI (aka Cold Air Intake) at 25k; my dealer didn't say anything at all. In fact, service consultant stated "TRD is still Toyota part." Alot of people say "aftermarket" is okay.

    Couldn't tell you anything about warranty and header. I'm guessing it will and that's why I waited this long for one. I'm buying DC Sports since its 50 state legal and its ceramic coated. I'm getting it for 310.00. You can get headers at any aftermarket online sites. Weapon R is the most expensive, all steel going for 800.00 but the rasp is unbearable. There's going to be rasping but DC Sports isn't that bad compared to Weapon R. I hope you know about the Check Engine Light problem? It will be on and won't come off.

    If you ever want to hear what these exhausts or headers sound like go onto youtube and play all of them. It helps.
  • Member Posts: 152
    Andeet,You're absolutely right about the TRD axle back exhaust. Mine has been on for a week and I love it! Muted but definitely there. It really helps me get reacquainted with a manual. Now if my neck would just hold out. WRC driver I ain't......yet. Thanks for your input.
  • Member Posts: 27
    I just purchased a used Scion Front End Mask Bra that is missing the male end of the snaps that hold the corner of the bra at the wheel wells. My local dealer checked and said they do not list just the snap pieces that attach to the car. Has anyone else tried to find the snaps from another source? Would appreciate any help.
  • Member Posts: 142
    I have never been used mask bra. Couldn't work with the Ground Effects kit. It's in the same box sitting with the rest of my parts.
  • Member Posts: 27
    Would it be possible to take a picture of the male end of the snap that fastens to the car and post here so I could see what they look like? (I'm not sure how or if you can post pictures here) The bra I have is in perfect condition but I need those snaps. Would you be willing to part with those snaps?
  • Member Posts: 4,709
    Very easy to post pics. Upload the pic to your CarSpace or photo bucket. On the bottom of your post you see the buttons above the Emoticons. Click on the "Img" then paste the url where your picture is stored. Click on "Img" again and Voila! pic in post.
    Like this:

    I went to Carspace photo section and picked any photo. I right click on the photo and scroll to "properties", click on properties and highlight the url and copy it then paste to my post after clicking on Img, once the url is pasted click on Img again.
  • Member Posts: 78
    Hi andeet. Is it a good idea to run Sythentic 5-20 Mobil 1 in a brand new car??? Is the quality/reliability of a Scion as good as the Honda Civic? I have heard that there are quality problems with the Scion tC. You wouldn't think so since Toyota makes the car! However, I do NOT see many Corollas on the road that are more than 2 years old. You have said that it is a good idea to order online vs the dealer as far as performance, i.e., a TRD CAI and axel back exhaust. Where would be the best online store to order? tyvm :shades:
  • Member Posts: 78
    I have to have a tC that has tires that will handle rain and snow. I know the tC comes with 17" wheels with touring tires that can't be used in the snow and are probably not that great on wet/rain roads. If this problem can't be solved, I may have to go to the Honda Civic. I wish 16" wheels with all season tires could be ordered but I do not think that is possible. tyvm :shades:
  • Member Posts: 142
    I use Mobil 1 5-20 but last Tuesday doing my oil change. I've found two small clumps while draining out oil. So..I'm thinking of forking the extra $$$ and order Amsoil in bulk. Amsoil is the true Sythentic oil. $10.00s for a guart; thats how good it is.

    Quality-Civic versus tC? I never owned nor want to own Civic. So the only thing I can say is Civic (I'm going to say) doesn't have the tC's rattles. But does have the same paint issue I was reading reviews. Being complete honest, if you want more performance don't want to spend the $30k price tag for Si. I would go with the tC. Also being a Scion owner who puts in $3k performance parts during warranty mileage including a Cold Air Intake. I never had problems with my dealer threating me to void my warranty with all the aftermarket. Remember that's why Toyota bought out Scion in the first place.

    Here in Wisconsin- We see Corollas everyday including those 1980s Corollas that might look like rusted beer can least they are still running. I see more 2000's and '08 Corollas than new Civics.

    For the muffler, unless you're planning on having the dealer to installation?

    For 16 inch tires. I guess you never heard about the Special Package level? With tire size 205/55R16 that including plain looking steelies and wheel covers? Toyota offered for customizing. Cheaper price tag without 17 alloy wheels, sunroof (But you still get the glass roof), without audio controls on steering wheel. Also remember there are such thing as Winter tires? But I also know a hidden trick with our tires and wheels? That drove the service department crazy. LOL
  • Member Posts: 78
    tyvm for your responce, Scion Diva (andeet)! We greatly appreciate the info. Can you start using the Amsoil at your first oil change? Again, tyvm :shades:
  • Member Posts: 142
    I think you can???? Because they recommend for you to start the oil when your car is fully functioning. They stated cars with leakage and use large amounts shouldn't change to Amsoil. There are shops that will do Amsoil but I couldn't tell you how much it is. Might be more since they say you can drive 7,500 miles on a oil change with Amsoil.

    Remember tCs are okay to drive in snow. I just don't recommend to buy one during a snow storm. LOL You'll have to learn how to drive it first before taking on snow. I have tricks to drive in the snow with my car and get by.

    My hidden trick with all season tires to keep traction on the snow is....rotating tires every month during the winter.
  • Member Posts: 4,709
    Why not buy the tC and then get a set of all seasons with 16 alloys at TireRack?
  • Member Posts: 142
    Trust me do what he said....

    If you look closer at my wheels, you'll see wheel damage caused by driving on this everyday!


    Stupid city has to plow my neighborhood LAST in the whole city! :mad:


    That's okay, cause I get paid three times during October. So I'm taking that money and going to a tire shop and buying myself some 17 inch winter tires for my OEMs. Then next Spring, I will go back and buy myself 18 inch all seasons with sport wheels. Maybe if I get bored with them, I'll go with 18 inch chrome wheels with Summer tires then when I want to go to the drag strip... I'll switch them out with the sport wheels.

    Trust me if I do have three sets of wheels.... I'll use all sets during the year. Since I'll be saving tread throughout the whole year.
  • Member Posts: 78
    I agree with andeet: Good point mack! tyvm greatly appreciated :shades:
  • Member Posts: 4,709
    Better yet, stay with a 17in wheel or even go up to an 18 with a wider thread. Check this out:
    link title

    Here's another wheel, 18in.
    link title

    You can get a wheel and tire package for less than a wheel package will cost you at the dealership. Plus they are ready to mount when you get them or you can have them drop shipped at a recommended installer and have them installed for a nominal charge. I've been doing business with them for over 10 years. They are the best.!
  • Member Posts: 142
    I've been doing alot of research within the past twenty minutes. I've noticed how many p*ssed off Toyota owners are there in the World. I think I might "spy" at my valves and see if they are "oil clean" or they are "sludge clean" then go from there. If my valves are clean then I'm very lucky to find it this soon and stop by the dealer's service shop see what they recommend.

    I'm praying its something minor like me changing the oil twice prior to 5k like 4,5-4,6k. I didn't do it this time? Or next time I wait to competely drain out the oil and wait for an hour not fifteen minutes.

    Some people on Scionlife are telling me to change grade of 5-30?
  • Member Posts: 78
    I'm really concerned about the quality of Toyota as of late. Yes, there are a lot of P'od Corolla/Scion owners out there! I'm really seriously thinking about going to Honda Civic...getting an EX with 140 horses; and enjoy the reliability, and gas milage. I simply don't see these problems on the Honda Civic forum. God bless all, :shades:
  • Member Posts: 78
    P.S. I might even go with the '09 Mazda3 or the '09 Mazda6! Man, they look awesome! :D
  • Member Posts: 4,709
    They are all nice. With the exception of the OZ Leggera's, the others look like the wheels you can get from Scion as an "upgrade". Stay with the aftermarket, OZ, G-games, Borbet, ASA, etc..They are high quality wheels and cost less than the ones offered by the dealers.

    broder, ignore the comments you're hearing about engine sludge. Toyota did have a sludge problem with their V6 engines in the Toyota Sienna, Avalon, Lexus ES300, and Camry. This however, was on the 1997-2003 model years for some of the cars and it did not include all years. Also, you may like to know that a lot of these "affected sludged mobiles" were the fault of their owners. I personally saw quite a few sludged engines at our shop where the oil and filter had never been changed. Just imagine a 98 Toyota Avalon without the valve cover and instead of oil what you see is sludge that looks like chocolate pudding and has the consistency of hair gel. The oil filters are marked at the factory and some of these vehicles still had the same oil filters on them. A lot of owners denied their lack of maintenance and Toyota being the pro-active company that it is decided to repair and replace these engines at no cost to the consumer and extended their warranties.
    Any engine no matter who makes it will sludge if you don't change the oil at the recommended intervals. Make sure you use the right type and weight for your driving conditions.
    Andeet, since you live in very brutal cold weather I suggest you use a thin oil like the 5w-30 or even 5w-40. Look in your owner's manual and see what's the lowest temperature requirement.
  • Member Posts: 142
    Make poor ole Bullitt in to a monster! By spending my bonus' at the end of the year and some put in turbo kit to haul all of his "butt" to 300 horses. Store those boxes somewhere in the house while I save up for updating parts. That's where most young kids are blowing their engines. They buy the turbo and fool around without proper gear.

    I promise to all mothers in the world; to drive the car typical way until I go to the local strip. That's when I can fool around too.
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    and only race at the racetrack! I can't believe we're still messing with street racing on the streets in America! Hello! Not a bright idea! :mad:

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 142
    I guess you didn't realize I was on the same page with this statement? "I promise to all mothers in the world; to drive the car typical way until I go to the local strip. That's when I can fool around too."

    But I did have me share of three weeks ago on my way to work. When some dumba$$ kept revving his Corolla only a exhaust header when were we're sitting at stoplight. He pi$$ed me a point I raced him to shut his hole. Lets just say Bullitt didn't even break a sweat. I wouldn't stop shaking my nerves for good hour; that's when I knew it was stupid.

    I'm responsible, matured 24 year old girl with high paying entry-level warehouse position. I'm not going to ruin everything I have cause of some unresponsible immature dumba$$ wants to take on my car.

    My theory less turbo away from the wrong hands.
  • Member Posts: 78
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    good reasoning there. I knew you weren't street-racing when I made my above comment, but, then you came out with this comment on racing the dork in the Corolla with only the exhaust header! Try to let these morons go when they want to race you.

    Just let 'em go ahead...seriously. I just don't feel the need to race people, never have. I did do my stupid thing when I was 16. My buddy and I were supposed to be at the high-school basketball game, instead, we took my Dad's '66 VW Fastback in baby blue and 4-speed tranny out to cruise around in. It started snowing and there was about an inch or two on the ground. I pulled in to a furniture lot that was empty.

    I remember saying to my friend, "Hey, watch this!" I floored it on the snow-surfaced parking lot. I was slipping and sliding all over...for only about a minute...then the VW Fastback started heading towards a landscaped area, with large boulders. Oh-oh....I hit the brakes of all the dumb things to do. Slam!

    Right in to and on to a huge boulder, the '66 Fastback tried to climb up one, only it smashed the VW's front end up pretty good. We hit our heads on the ceiling of the car and the tinny horn piece broke off of the steering wheel and cut my wrist. It was bleeding pretty friend literally tore the shirt off his back and tied it around my bleeding wrist...stopped it right up. We were in pretty good shape.

    His house was about 3 or 4 blocks away so we walked to his house. Later at home I was expecting my Dad to tear in to me about it, but he never did. Just had it towed to a bodyshop and fixed.

    I never forgot doing that at 16, and that incident melded me in to a person who drives careful and..ummm...level-headed. Not slow per se, just level-headed. :shades:

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 78
  • Member Posts: 142
    Only takes one is over.

    I probably lost good business friend because she heard my mileage and thinks I race the poor car every minute. Or she lectured me about putting mileage on my old xA and now I put 100k on my tC so I didn't listen. See Bullitt's sale consultant treated me differently. I made mistake telling her I lost my mother at the age of 13. She took it upon herself to lecture the crap out of me life if she was my mother. Might of gotten her in trouble. I don't know. Here's a person who works in a field, its hard to trust anyone. And we respected each other which I gave her trust. I really don't know. lol Couple times we seen each other at the dealer; we kind of don't say a word, just stare.

    I don't race the car. I put million miles on my poor tC because I live difficult life: I work nights, I barely go out and hang out with people my age. All I do is sleep, eat, work, and enjoy owning a Scion tC. I've been going through some hard stuff (Personal Finances) within the past year and my poor tC has been my freedom.

    What I really would like to do is...go back working days. Play on my old women's softball teams; then hit the bar with them after. Take my dog out to places. Sleep nights. Go to a job that I can't wait to wake up again and do it all over again.
  • Member Posts: 992
    Thinking about getting an 06 tC. I know they have Side Curtains as options. Does anyone know how to tell if the car has them or not just in case the dealer starts BSing?

    Also, on the 06, the Aux Jack is standard right?
    -Cj :)
  • Member Posts: 142
    You can tell by seeing "Side Air bag" tag on the side of the front seats.

    Yes Aux jack is standard. The plug in is located in the arm rest.
  • Member Posts: 142

    That's what a stock exhaust header looks like without a heatshield. Other than that, car is pushing 105k...doesn't even looks like it :)

    Then of course everytime I see my sister's BF's Mustang; I always think Scion tC is the modern "Baby Boomer's" Mustang. If that makes any sense? lol "Power for a great price." He has original papers for the Mustang. For what I paid in accessories is what the original price tag for his '65 Mustang GT 350! $3,500!

  • Member Posts: 78
    Awesome pictures!!! How much did the Header cost? How much did it cost to have it installed? I still might end up buying a Scion tC because of the CAI and performance exhaust you can get when you order/purchase the car. tyvm :shades:
  • Member Posts: 142
    That header is the stock header. I just unbolted the heatshield off. LOL
  • Member Posts: 78
    hi andeet. So the tC comes with a Header then.....kool. So why should some spend all that money on a Header, when it already has one? tyvm :shades:
  • Member Posts: 142
    In the shipping supply world, my company is still doing well. We should hit a billion dollar mark sometime next week or the following. Last year, we hit that same mark around November-ish. No rumors about cut-backs, Thank God for the Uhlein family! We're in good hands cause the family is wise with their money.

    Back to cars, I just got done reading the article about the largest Chevy dealer went bankrupt. Man! That's gotta be tough on those 150-ish past employees. My buddy of mine who is the tech at Illinois Toyota-Chevy dealership...says his Chevy dealer might be on the chopping block by GM if they dont sell. His pay just went to booking charges when he used to be paid hourly. That dealer has been around the Chicagoland area for years! He was also saying something that four other dealers are also on that same list to get chopped.

    Something is up with GM cause I drive by my dealer which is Carmax. They also sell Chevy. I've noticed that their new car lot is being flooded with Toyotas even in Chevys lot area AND I see more empty spots from Toyotas than Chevys.

    If I was GM Exec; I would push up the Camaro production to NOW!! - JMO (Just my option)
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    they might consider getting the Chevy Volt in to production for the U.S. earlier. Then again, it will cost around $40,000! There are supposed to be rebate checks coming back for around $7,000 from the Guv-Mint, and Chevy themselves are also going to offer $3,000 rebates just to kind of get sales "moving" a bit.

    Hybrids somewhat interest me, but not as much as all-electrics do.

    The Volt is decent enough looking, it does look a tad bloated. Wonder how much that puppy weighs.

    Otherwise, work is good, and I am still enjoying the heck out of my 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS with automatic CVT tranny and 2.0L 152 hp 4-banger. :shades:

    Great RF stereo, gets ya thumpin' pretty well.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 142
    My brother has the FIRST ever '08 GTS sold in the state of Wisconsin...take a guess what he thinks about it?????

    He doesn't treat it like he's proud! Always dirty inside and out. He's jealous of my always clean and well kept tC.

    But if I'm still debating about me saving few thousands and buy daily driver while keeping the tC for fun. If I do...I'll probably look at a base xD that's if Bullitt's sales consultant is offering her great service again. If not, I may look into getting Lancer ES.

    Anyway, this is how much I love my tC!!!

    I got off of work at 4:00 am then took the hour drive home. Relaxed few hours until 8 am. Washed the car twice. Then hand dried. I polished with buffer. And hand polished with soft terry towel. I waxed by buffer and waxed twice with buffer again. Did all of that in my work uniform while the weather was 50 degrees. Let's just say I didn't go to sleep until 2:30 pm and woke up at 5:30pm. I worked more on the car than I slept for the day. Still went to work that night! I took this photo when I got done. Didn't want to look dumb in my uniform so I changed. LOL


    I got that picture idea from this....


    My Mom when she was in her early 20's with her first car; VW Bug. I so miss that woman, RIP Mom.
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    and I am so sorry about your Mom. I lost my Dad in 2004 and still can't believe he's gone. My best friend in the world, gone. Our parents shape us in so many ways. Dad loved his pickup trucks, their '73 Plymouth Gold Duster, and his baby blue '66 VW Fastback(great car, I learned how to drive stick in that car with the patient help of my Dad).

    I love my '08 Lancer GTS. Mitsu found a great maker of body kits for that car. That is a big part of why I love my '08 Lancer GTS, the bodykit. The car offers a lot more than that, though. Leather-wrapped steering wheel and gear shift(the steering wheel felt so nifty in my hands this morning), the titanium paddle shifters are cool just behind the steering wheel, the boomin' 650-watt stereo, the foglights, sunroof, spoiler, etc. The Lancer GTS offers so much for the money and the car drives and handles well, you can push it in to turns and it locks on to a circular spot and asks you to push it some more. Mitsubishi makes a mean driving machine. The more I learn about them the more I respect them as carbuilders.

    Your Scion tC looks great in that picture.

    BTW, my bro-in-law, a Chicago cop, owns a vacation house on Fox Lake, in northern Illinois, that shouldn't be that far from your neck-o-the-woods, huh? Heard of Fox Lake before? And you're from the land of 'That 70's Show', too! What a celebrity!

    Keep us up-to-date with what cha'all doin' over yonda, all right? :D

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 142
    Of course, I heard of Fox Lake! I was originally born in Northern Illinois. My Dad was born in Chicago while my Mom was born in Indianapolis. I drive to Waukegan for work. So I put least 72 miles a day just for work. I think I received my driving foot from my Mom's side of the family. "Indy Leadfooter" lol

    "That 70's Show" is actually supposed to be Pleasant Prairie not Point Place. It's small town close to statelines but is mostly industrial & commerical area. My employer is in the process building 30,000 sq ft corprate building and 1,000,000 sq ft corprate warehouse along near Interstate 94. I won't have to drive the 72 miles starting December of 2009. We already have 600,000 sq foot warehouse there which I did work at until last May. Stupid building manager had to be dumb "butt" towards me and I asked to transfer back to Waukegan Corp branch since we didn't get along after
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    thanks for the northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin edumacation! :D

    Yeah, my wife and son went to that vacation house in late June-early July '08 to recreate. I guess you can go to this sandspit in the center of the lake to go to the bar and to listen to rock bands, etc. Bro-in-law has a volleyball net set up and a boat docked there on their property to play in.

    Yeah, isn't work fun when somebody decides they want to be obstinate about something or other? Workplaces can be such a pain in the butt anyway, but when you get somebody that decides to ravelrouse with you it really can be a pain. Part of the problem is that those types start to feel like they "own" the place after they achieve some sort of milestone or they have successfully "brown-nosed" their way to a certain position. Power can be such a energy-sapping phenomenon to other worker-bees at a workplace! :)

    I liked this little town called Geneva west of Chicago that we rode bikes at. Always a fair-type atmosphere going on, even if one of their many "celebrations" isn't going on. Nice place to walk around on the streets and hob-knob.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 142
    It's just a pain. I enjoyed operating equipment. Now I can't...

    Anyway, I may get new friend down the road.




    '05 RS 1.0, 5-Speed, 38k, interior in good shape, no major or minor scratches, wheels haven't been scratched, underbody looks quite well, and brand new Toyo tires. "Sexy Red" or "S.R. (For short)" is the name I thought of when "I love at first sight." She could be Bullitt's older girlfriend LOL

    Bullitt and I can easily have her for $14,9xx. Which is the highest price tag on a 2nd car loan I can go.

    So......I decided if Sexy Red is still at Kenosha Carmax around Christmas. I'll use my big fancy bonus' for a down payment. I can afford both tCs including insurance. I just can't go anywhere except for work until March. Which I feel would be a good way to stop my driving habits.

    If I have "IT MOVES (MVS) ME" on my current tC's plate. What will I get? How about this?


    (What Moves You?) LOL
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    I sure like the Scion tC. I test drove a 2005 Scion tC RS 1.0 in Absolutely Red in Idaho Falls, ID, in late 2006. I was there to test drive a 2006 Scion xA in Polar White and iPod connectivity, foglights and 5-speed manual. Ended up not getting either car but I liked how both drove, actually. Just wasn't the right time to buy.

    Glad I waited for my '08 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. You're really gonna spring for another Scion tC? Wow! :surprise:

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 142
    Well, I have good news and bad news.

    Good news...I'm back to operating equipment but I'm still wanted to work as warehouse clerk. So there's 80% chance I'm getting raise since there's more important duties. Should raise me to $19.00s.

    Bad news...Carmax sold the RS tC within the first week. Sooo, I'm going to save the extra green and see if I can buy something base, if denied I'm using the $10k to payoff some other debts like student loans! In 2010, I could easily only have my car payment and insurance. That's if I play my cards correctly.

    All depends on how soon will I grow up? lol
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    to only have those two payments. Knowing Murphy's Law or just life in general who knows if such a thing is really possible. One can hope, though.

    Movin' on up at your job is cool, though, at any rate! :D

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 1
    Hi I am new to this forum...I have a 06 Scion Tc.....for the past few months I have been hearing a droning noise(shh shh shhh kinda noise) coming from the drivers side front wheel....i can hear it at low speed(at about 5 mph)....but for the past few weeks I have been hearing the noise consistently at low speeds and the worst part is now i feel tht the car pulls on the left side....went to firestone and got it checked....they said tht it mite b the wheel bearing gone bad but since the sound is lite we cannt say for sure.....also got my car alligned....but the pulling thing is still there and so is the my question is is the sound really a wheel bearing issue( i have just got 24k on my car) and if it is so should I goto the dealer to get the wheel bearing replaced and can anyone tell me how much will it b to replace the wheel bearing....i m really worried becoz somewhere on the internet i read tht if the wheel bearing is bad even the wheels can come i would really appreciate if someone can tell me wat mite b the issue
  • Member Posts: 142
    Hmm....I don't know what to tell you? I would take it to Toyota dealer and see what they say. You can get a estimate and could take it to another shop. Get the work done there for cheaper.

    I have least five different rattles with mine. One,squeaks everytime I go over small bump at very slow speeds. I thought it was the struts but I switch them out with aftermarket; its still there.


    Well, I maybe saving money and move to Aurora, IL. Depending how the economy is in couple of years. Offer to take a position at the Midwest Toyota Parts warehouse. They must pay well since they require minimal 2 years of experience. They ask you to handle a $500.00 think they will only pay $8.00s or $25.00+? Benefits are GREAT!

    I love my family and job....but; I'm turning 25 next week. And the family still treats me like I am 6 still. I know they care but I'm going to be 25! I think moving to Aurora and work for Toyota could give them convince in me and I could live my own life. Doesn't help my brother, sister and uncle work at my current company.
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    I am all for you moving to Aurora and taking that job. What do you mean "they ask you to handle a $500 starter?"

    You will probably be happier in that Aurora job. You will probably mature more or just be free from family "ties" as it were and progress as a person much better if you move and take this Aurora Toyota job. And Toyota is enormously successful, you will have nice job security as well. Go for it!

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 142
    I'm saying its logical Toyota pays. Just think for a second what they have in that warehouse? TRD Superchargers ($2,800+s), transmissions ($2,000's), starters, wheels, struts....You think they will pay a material handler only $8.00 hour with that expensive stock? They would see a lot of that expensive items break in transport from lack of packing or the handler drops a starter from 60 feet up in the air and goes ahead ships it out anyway. Because he/she doesn't care since they are getting paid minimal wage.

    Last week, I had the luxury to put away these strap machines. About 24 of them. I was wondering what they are worth to the company. I looked it up in our catalog. $800.00s! I was looking at $20,000. I get paid above minimal wage because of that same theory.

    Did you know at Toyota US headquarters in California has a room in the corporate building that has ping pong tables? lol Also, anyone who works there doesn't have to visit a dealer for service because Toyota employs few full time techs in their own private service area. So employees have the benefit to drop their car off to this service area. Its nice to run into someone from Scionlife who is full time Toyota employee. She just got rid of her tC and bought herself a Lexus IS when she got promoted.
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    takes good care of their employees. Ping-pong is a cool game ya know, too!

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • Member Posts: 142

    Take a wild guess...How much?

    Come on! Trans and engine still worth double even with the mileage! LOL
  • Member Posts: 7,709
    $5,000? Your Scion tC is worth more than that! How many miles are on it? It's worth more like $14,000, I would think. What do you think it's worth?

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

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