2013 and earlier-Mercedes-Benz M-Class Lease Questions



  • Member Posts: 5
    Does anyone have the residuals and money factors for the ML350 for 33, and 36 month leases at 12k and 15k miles for December?

  • Member Posts: 23
    Just call the dealership-they should give you those figures without a problem.
  • Member Posts: 9
    Just drove off with an Alpine Rain ML 350 with P2, lighting, leather and suspension packages with running boards and chrome door handles for $4000 under invoice. MSRP $60575 our price $52796. Money factor 0008. Just paid first payment, bank fee, license and tags about $2000. Dealer in NY.
  • Member Posts: 14
    Can you please let me know what your monthly payment was and if your ML had Navigation/Rear View backup camera as well.

  • Member Posts: 9
    Our payment is $843 for 15000 miles. The car is equipped with navigation and rear view camera. This car has the P1 and P2 packages which give you both of these features.
  • Member Posts: 14
    P1 includes most everything you need including navigation and camera. I wish it included sensors though-do miss those.
  • Member Posts: 29
    WOW, those MB are very $$$$. I just signed a lease on the X5, $640 per month fully loaded including DVD for kids, Nav, premium, back-up camera. we built the car to spec . Only $$ down was 1st payment, reg, mv doc etc 12k miles

    Also the dealer at MB told me they stopped the maintenance included in the lease. Enjoy those $500 oil changes..
  • Member Posts: 9
    Kindzcar...where in the world did you get a loaded X5 for that kind of price?
  • Member Posts: 29
    Couple things you need to know as well, as it is a perfect time for current BMW lessee's to lease an X5 as you get $1,750 rebate and a reduction on the $$ factor as well. So the same lease for you walking into a dealer would be around 700-720. Still much better then MB plus it includes maintenance. Best deal by far out there for SUV 50k and up

    Acura, Volvo, MB, Lexus are all out of their minds. And its not like anyone can lease an American made big suv for under 900
  • Member Posts: 14
    I don't recall MB ever including maintenance? So when did they remove it? I've driven MB going back to 2005 and it was never offered in that time frame. I'm not an X5 fan--doesn't compare to ML in my opinion. BMW is getting very "tired" in their design if you ask me. Even their flagship 7 series is suffering. I think the one thing BMW has going for them is that maintenance but that's about it. Most MB owners are not concerned with routine maintenance pricing I would think. Sorry.
  • Member Posts: 29
    Why would most MB customers not be concerned about maintenance. Both companies have vehicles that match each other prince wise for the most part? Are you trying to make a statement that if you are buying a luxury car you shouldn't be concerned about paying maintenance? OK... Mazel for you then....:) I guess paying $150 per month more for your MB is ok also based upon what I was quoted from them.

    I agree about the 7 series. March 2009 the new 7 comes out. I have heard nothing but amazing things about it.
  • Member Posts: 14
    I'm not being snobby, I just don't think splitting hairs comes into play between BMW and Mercedes or any others. If someone is concerned that the cost of an oil change isn't included, then so be it but it would never sway me personally. Warranty is in for major things anyway. The ML is higher right now because of demand vs. production. Same for GL. BMW is sucking wind so they have to give them away but I wouldn't be tempted.

    Tastes vary and that's good. I used to drive both X5 and 750 but once I tried and leased MB I won't leave the brand. Comparably speaking, and in my opinion only, the ML blows it away in looks, safety and luxury as well as smooth ride, not so "trucky". X5 looks the same as it always has. The one thing X5 has that's a nice benefit is the extra seating.

    BMW is lagging in re-design. I had the 2003 750 and liked it at the time but the new one coming out looks way worse-like a 5 series. Now that car vs. the S-class is a straight up joke. No comparison. The S is a beast and beats anything out there at that pricepoint and looks phenomenal. The new E looks to be following suit and should be amazing so am waiting for that as next buy at this point.
  • Member Posts: 29
    6 of one, half dozen of the other, the way I look at it. I wasn't down with getting a low end MB in the ML, the old one looks like a mini van and although the new one does look better, I cant get that out of my mind. A buddy of mine got the ML at Ralley Motors in LI for $600 fully loaded, so I guess it all depends on circumstances.

    The new 7 should be interesting, they were doing everything to get the old ones out of the door. They tried to get me out of my 530 early and into one about 6 months ago. Now the dealers are saying that the new 7 will be priced the way it should be so, it better impress in today economic climate.

    The extra seating is not great in the x5. As a matter of fact, we opted not to get it in my wife's car as you can't really put a regular car seat in the 3rd row, so it defeats the purpose for us. At the end of the day you need to be happy with what you have, and for what is out there in terms of SUV's and the ridiculous pricing, the X5 seemed like the right move. I guess time will tell.
  • Member Posts: 5
    I would love more information on the deal you received on your X5. I'm in California and just drove the X5 the other day and for a base line model, I was quoted $790/month for the lease. I was stunned. I thought it would be more affordable than that. So now I am considering the ML350 but not sure that will be much better of a deal. I have had an E350 for the last 3 yrs and my lease expires this Friday. Any advice or recommendations would be very much appreciated. Maybe everything is just more expensive here.
  • Member Posts: 2
    Has anyone been able to get a good deal on an ML550?
    Are the dealers discounting them as close to invoice as they are with the ML350?

    Any help is appreciated!
  • Member Posts: 51
    Carman: do you know what the resid and money factor are for 15K miles and 36 months. Is the program changing soon?
  • Member Posts: 38,514
    I certainly do, dpeck1. Here you go. Mercedes-Benz Finance's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ML350 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00080 and 45%, respectively.

    When negotiating your lease on this truck, make sure to take the $2,000 cash incentive that Mercedes is currently providing on it into account.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 12
    Anybody know what happened to the .9% 66 month financing?
  • Member Posts: 755
    I am considering the ML350 but not sure that will be much better of a deal. I have had an E350 for the last 3 yrs and my lease expires this Friday. Any advice or recommendations would be very much appreciated. Maybe everything is just more expensive here.

    Did you go for the ML350?
  • Member Posts: 755
    WOW, those MB are very $$$$. I just signed a lease on the X5, $640 per month fully loaded including DVD for kids, Nav, premium, back-up camera. we built the car to spec . Only $$ down was 1st payment, reg, mv doc etc 12k miles

    Enjoy your new ride.

    How comfortable is it?
  • Member Posts: 755
    What kind of mercedes cars do you own? I see your very fond of benzs.
  • Member Posts: 14
    Right now, we have our second ML 350 (08) and are waiting for new E-class redesign for next MB lease. yes, definitely fond of Benz more than any other right now. I loved BMW 750 at the time we had it when it first came out in 02 but now know I love the S as well for that category---no comparison. BUT the S is definitely going to cost us more if we go that route so thinking the new E (which looks alot like S). I'm fortunate to like my dealer and have no gripes w/service, etc. so that's why I tend to be a "lifer" at this point.
  • Member Posts: 38,514
    Jeme, the 0.9% financing for up to 66 months that Mercedes was offering on 2009 M-Classes is still available.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 5

    Do you have April 09 MF & Res on the 2009 ML350 4 Matic at 12K/36?
  • Member Posts: 10
    Looking for same info as above.... 09 ML350 12K/36mo money factor, residuals and any known incentives.

  • Member Posts: 55
    WOW!!! How were you able to struck such a deal! Guys on the BMW X5 lease forum are getting similar specs' cars for $750 and above. Which State do you live in?

  • Member Posts: 38,514
    I sure do, needanewcar77. Mercedes Finance's April buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ML350 4Matic with 12,000 miles per year were .00052 and 47%, respectively.

    Mercedes' April lease program was scheduled to run through yesterday April 30th. Many manufacturers have extended their April programs through May 4th. I'm not sure if Mercedes has or not. Either way, it's scheduled to introduce a new program at some point over the next couple off days. I would be happy to give you an idea of what it is like if you check back with me.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi berrisj1. Please see my previous post for the information that you are looking for.

    I probably should have added to that, in April Mercedes-Benz was providing a $2,000 cash incentive on leases of the '09 ML350 through Mercedes Finance.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 27
    Hi Car_Man,

    Please post money factor and residual for May for ML350 4Matic. I'm interested to get 36 months lease with 10K. Any incentives?

  • Member Posts: 61
    Hi Car_man,

    Do you have the lease factors/residuals/cash incentives for May for the ML350 and the Bluetec ML320? Looking at 36 months/15k miles. Thanks!
  • Member Posts: 16
    Can someone share the May lease info from MBUSA with the following specs:

    Money factor & Residual based on...

    ML350 4MATIC
    36 months, 10K miles

    Current leasee of two BMWs and am coming off an X5 lease -- should I expect any consideration from MB b/c of this?

  • Member Posts: 4
    Just agreed to this deal, SUV will be delivered next Tuesday. :)

    ML320 CDI Arctic White, Black MB Tex interior,Sunroof Pkg.
    PO1 pkg.; running boards, heated seats, Ipod adapter
    MSRP 54,695
    Payments : $600/month including tax ( lease)
    36 months 10K a year.
    $2500 out the door.
    Purchase price: $46,900
    Got it from Prestige MB in North NJ.

    Let me know what you think guys.
  • Member Posts: 61

    How did you get $4000 under invoice?

    Also, what was the MF and residual?

  • Member Posts: 4
    MF was .00147 or .000147? its the MF for Month of May
    Residual was $30,000

    I told them I just want to pay $600/month and 10k mile for 36 months and see if they can offer me one. My salesman did everything he could to help me out and
    It was a quick transaction I was there and close the deal within 30 minutes.

    Remember also with ML 350 gas they have $2000 lease incentive.
    I think they probably applied that with my diesel lease.
  • Member Posts: 31
    Hi, I too live in the North Jersey area. Do you think it is possible to get $4000 off invoice for a cash purchase? I'm much more interested in a purchase rather than lease. I'm wondering if i can get the $2000 applied for a cash purchase for the ML diesel but if not, I would likely consider a lease, Can you also tell me the name of the salesman you worked with? Thanks.
  • Member Posts: 4
    yeah the deal was for 2009 ML 320 Bluetec

    If you are planning to buy they have 0.9% APR financing offer, email me craymart2002@yahoo.com so I can give you my salesman's name.

    Look at the older post and you can see people are getting almost $8000 off MSRP on the ML 350s. If you tell them you are ready to buy and close the deal they will give what you want, it is a buyers market anyway.
  • Member Posts: 16
    Can someone share the May lease info from MBUSA with the following specs:

    Money factor & Residual based on...

    ML350 4MATIC
    36 months, 10K miles

    Current leasee of two BMWs and am coming off an X5 lease -- should I expect any consideration from MB b/c of this?

  • Member Posts: 2
    Okay, I just agreed to the following lease deal but now I'm not so sure how good a deal it was...

    ML350 BLK/BLK (in-stock)
    MSRP $43,865 includes Premium 1 & Heated Seats Package
    12,000K Miles / 48 Months
    Initial Amount Due: $1540.00 (First Month Payment & Bank Fee & Transfer Fee)
    Monthly Payment: $665.00
    MF .00036 RESIDUAL 39%

    It seems to me that the person in NJ with the BlueTech320 got a better deal.

    Any opinions?
  • Member Posts: 61
    Hi bergenman,

    Was it .00147 or .000147 for the MF? Makes about $100 a month difference.

    Thanks for the info, by the way- I can't find the May numbers anywhere else right now, so the info on your deal is very helpful.
  • Member Posts: 2
    MY ERROR... The MSRP is $53,865 NOT $43,865

    Here's the lease deal I am looking at and need your opinion...

    ML350 BLK/BLK (in-stock)
    MSRP $53,865 includes Premium 1 & Heated Seats Package
    12,000K Miles / 48 Months
    Initial Amount Due: $1540.00 (First Month Payment & Bank Fee & Transfer Fee)
    Monthly Payment: $665.00
    MF .00036 RESIDUAL 39%

    The BlueTech 320 numbers were not as good and on Long Island there is a pretty good separation between diesel cost and regular gas.

    Is this a good deal?
  • Member Posts: 4
    It is .000147 MF
  • Member Posts: 29
    I just got the following offer for ML 350 - 48mo/12K mi/yr premium 1, heated seats, Running boards. Edmund's says invoice = $49,532
    MSRP $53,195
    Cap cost $47,983
    Bank fee $895
    Residual 39% 20,746
    MF .00067
    tax 8.62% $2857

    1st pmt + fees = $945 monthly pmt= $692
    Salesman said can go a few hundred lower on cap cost, which would lower payment to about $675..

    I'm also looking at a Lexus GX. That deal is posted on the Lexus forum.

    Can I do better than $675/mo on the ML350 ?
  • Member Posts: 38,514
    Here's the information that you're looking for, mk2. Mercedes-Benz Financial's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ML350 4Matic with 10,000 miles per year are .00067 and 48%, respectively.

    When negotiating your lease on this truck, make sure to take advantage of the $2,000 cash incentive that is currently available on leases of it.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey amcdad. Mercedes-Benz Financial's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ML350 AWD with 15,000 miles per year are .00067 and 45%, respectively.

    The numbers for an otherwise identical lease of an '09 ML320 are .00147 and 53%.

    The ML350 has a special $2,000 cash incentive available on leases of it right now, but this cash is not available on the ML320.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi jefhack1. Mercedes-Benz is not providing any cash incentives that I am aware of on the '09 ML for current owners of competitive models, so the fact that you currently have two X5s probably will not help you during your negotiations.

    Mercedes-Benz Financial's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ML350 4Matic with 10,000 miles per year are .00067 and 48%, respectively.

    Even though Mercedes is not providing any conquest cash on this model, it is providing a $2,000 cash incentive on leases of the ML350 to all customers. Make sure to take this cash into account during your negotiations.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey Jeff. Please scroll back a few posts for my answer to your questions. Thanks.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 2
    Hey Car Man:

    I would like to know if there are special lease incentives for June 2009, for the ML 350. Thanks.
  • Member Posts: 1
    I am considering leasing one and am concerned about the real driving MPG...please let me know what you are getting city and highway...thanks!
  • Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi s888miles. Yes, Mercedes-Benz is running a special lease program on the ML350 in June. Mercedes-Benz Finance's June buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ML350 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00067 and 45%, respectively.

    In addition to this special lease money factor, Mercedes is providing a $2,000 cash incentive on leases of this model. Make sure to take this cash into account when negotiating the capitalized cost for your lease.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • Member Posts: 2
    Hi Car man-
    Do you have the money factor and residual value for a 48 month lease of the 2009 ML350 4WD with 15k per year?

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