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Honda Accord (1994-1997) Maintenance and Repair



  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    At around 60k my car had the speedometer needle jump like nuts back and forth at high speed and the car was bucking, and Honda paid for a new Distributor and Speed Sensor.

    Wish I had known that for my grandmother's sake. Her speedometer went nuts at 111k miles (went from 0-120-0-actual speed-0-120etc...) She paid to have it fixed!

    On the funny side though, the car (now mine) only reads like it has 46,000 miles on it, although it has in the mid 157ks! People look funny when they see it in a ten year old car!
  • lastwraithlastwraith Member Posts: 350
    No prob, no such thing as a stupid question (well, yeah there are but this ain't one of them).

    Anyway, the sportshift "feature" is basically useless. It causes the car to shift slightly late which I guess makes it feel uhh.....sporty? You can do the same thing by flooring the car though so I don't consider it much of a feature especially because the 90-93 era cars already have a pretty spirited shift.

    There is a button on the side of my shifter (it's an auto) to activate sportshift. There is also a green indicator lamp on the dash that lights when sportshift is activated and will flash when there is a tranny problem.

    As for it being a manumatic - no. But you can just row through the gears and pretend it's a stick but the car will override you if you dont shift I believe. Thus Honda claims no damage will occur to the car shifting in this way. Dunno, doesnt seem like a great idea. Besides, if I wanted a stick I wouldn't have bought an auto right?

    Anyway, safe driving and enjoy your car.
  • redydogredydog Member Posts: 1
    While looking at a 95 EX/LX in a dealer's lot, how can one verify that there actually is an air bag behind the cover? IOW, can the cover be easily removed and replaced in the dealer's lot by me? If so, how?
  • mamamia2mamamia2 Member Posts: 707

    If you still have the receipt of the repair done to your (granny's) car (was the Speed Sensor replaced, together with the Distributor?) you may be able to call Honda, talk to them, ask to be reimbursed!

    I did my repair of that problem at my Shell station, same like you, unaware of that recall. About a month later, when was told about it, I called Honda, faxed them the receipt, and they paid me for the full cost, over $500!
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    I'm not aware of a distrubutor problem, but I am due for service in about 800 miles (soon!), and I'll be sure to ask about these few things.


  • angelbyrdangelbyrd Member Posts: 26
    A week ago my car started to act up and not start on the first attempt, I had the starter changed and did a regular oil change on the car since it was due anyway. I continued to have the problem I then had the spark plugs changed and timing/idle adjusted, checked all the fuses still the same problem. Has this ever happened to anyone else or does anyone know what to do? I'm at my wits end and need to get this problem fixed....PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
  • angelbyrdangelbyrd Member Posts: 26
    Do these deals apply to used bought cars as well or do you have to be the original owner?
  • mamamia2mamamia2 Member Posts: 707
    If by "deals" you're referring to Honda's special "emission extended warranty" for those specific '95-'97 models than NO, you don't have to be the original owner, this special warranty (150,000 miles, or 14 years) belongs to the car, not to the owner...

    I bought that '95 Accord V6 used, and used that warranty. As a matter of fact, I got a letter last week from Honda, reminding me of that warranty, but then as of Feb, 1st I don't own that car anymore...
  • jvee26jvee26 Member Posts: 1
    it sounds like a problem i just had tonight for the first time....any suggestions here?...i was driving and my ABS light kept clicking on and off....at the same time in harmony with the clicking...that sounded like it was coming from my glovebox, my CD player was clicking on and off as well....after about 30 seconds of this i heard the whining noise from under the hood near the widshield at drivers position and everything was back to normal....what do i do?
  • mamamia2mamamia2 Member Posts: 707
    Does your ABS unit ("module") have its own fluid reservoir? I know my old '95 (as well as the '96 model) Accord had one, and it was failing every few years....Check your reservoir. If it's empty (or very low), TRY FILLING IT UP (SLOWLY) WITH BRAKE FLUID. After you fill it up, leave the plastic + rubber caps off and run the engine for 10-15 minutes to let the air out of the system. You may see the fluid level go down a bit, in that case add more fluid).

    The clicking under the glove compt. is just where the ABS is monitored. I don't know if your CD player clicking has anything to do with the ABS problem.

    Honda charged me for replacing the ABS unit $1,200 back in 2001. Lately, when the unit was leaking again they wanted $1,500... I found a used-parts dealer who could get it for $200 (all rebuilt, there are no new units available anymore).... But then I decided to trade in my good old Accord for a new car.

    Also, if otherwise you have a good car, and don't want to spend too much money repairing it, consider the option of driving your car WITHOUT the ABS.
  • angelbyrdangelbyrd Member Posts: 26
    I have no idea what's wrong with my car, I have a 96 Honda Accord LX, I've had the battery tested, the starter changed twice, I got a tune-up, had the timing/idle adjusted and I stil seem to be having this intermittant problem of my car not starting when I turn the key. I have no idea what to do, someone suggested that I have my ignition switch changed but I don't want to spend money for something I don't need especially since I just bought a new starter for nothing.Can anyone help??? :cry: :confuse:
  • barbabarba Member Posts: 8
    well angelbyrd I understand your frustration but the ignition switch should solve that problem , Im no mechanic but I have a few 94 accord Lx's
  • barbabarba Member Posts: 8
    I have a few Honda accords all 94 Lx's but have never encountered this particular problem before , my oldest boo blue 94 accord starts with one turn of the key,runs like a dream manual trans but if I stop by the shop , gas station or any where for that matter and shut the car off she will not stsrt for at least half an hour this is driving me crasy most service stations will not serve you unless you turn the vehicle off I need help ,Ive had a tune up the works nothing seems to work some one please give me the answer
  • greecemonkeygreecemonkey Member Posts: 1
    97 Accord Steering Wheel Locked Up!!My steering wheel on my 97 Accord has locked up on me.
    Normally you can shake the steering, with the key in the ignition of course, and it will free up but this has not worked. I have taken off the covers to expose the steering shaft, wiring etc. and snooped around a little with no luck. Any suggestions?
  • user777user777 Member Posts: 3,341
    check your owner's manual. i believe you don't shake the steering wheel, rather you turn it hard into one extent left or right as you push in and turn your ignition key.
  • odysseyaccordodysseyaccord Member Posts: 24
    Is this an automatic? See if your car would start in newtral--maybe your shifter says P but your car might think otherwise.
  • angelbyrdangelbyrd Member Posts: 26
    Yes an automatic, of course today she's acting like there's nothing wrong but who know's tomorrow. I still think it has something to do with the ignition, I spoke to a mechanic about my problem and he told me that Honda's ignition's don't usually go bad but everything I've read has pointed me towards ignition switch. Does anyone know what the average price of having the ignition switch replaced is? Is it something I could maybe do myself? Just in case....I have another question sorry..I have seen many different addictives that can be added to the car's fuel and oil but do these actually help or are they detrimental in the long run?
  • cvdscvds Member Posts: 1
    You got it right - just keep refilling that ABS resevoir and you should be fine to keep on driving. An import repair shop gave me a big quote to replace the ABS monitor several yrs. ago when I inquired, but I opted to pay them just to refill the low resovoir & wait to see how it goes. Well, after years I've had no problems other than it does seem to have a very slow depletion, but now I just stop in at AutoZone & refill the ABS fluid to the fill line & the ABS light goes out & we keep cruising along fine as ever for months-to-years before that little ABS comes on again. She's just thirsty, so I see no need to make it into a bigger problem than it needs to be.
  • ncems117ncems117 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 1997 honda accord, i have a yellow light and a green light that shows up on the dash. What does these lights mean? You can turn them off, but I am sure it has something to do with a maintenance schedule. I have 152,000 miles on the car now. I was reading also that honda has a free maintenance they do, but is it too late due to the mileage? Thanks :confuse:
  • ncems117ncems117 Member Posts: 3
    What do these lights mean? And also, can i still get in on the deal from Honda for free maintenance and repairs if my car has 152,000 miles? Thanks :confuse:
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    Are you referring to the small square that is next to text that says 'MAINTENENCE REQUIRED' within the speedometer housing? If it is, it is just a slide that moves to yellow when your mileage approaches the due date for service, the red once you pass it.
  • mamamia2mamamia2 Member Posts: 707
    can i still get in on the deal from Honda for free maintenance and repairs if my car has 152,000 miles?

    --- Well, first of all, this was not just a "free maintenance and repairs".... It was a specific extended warranty (Service Bulletin 98-081) for some specific problems that some specific '94-'97 Accords (and few other models of those years) had, connected with their emission system. And only those cars hit with the "check engine" lights were affected.

    It was covering those specific cars for 14 years or till 150,000 miles.
  • lastwraithlastwraith Member Posts: 350
    Not sure if this is applicable to this generation but that problem is a classic symptom of the main fuel relay being shot in the '90-'93 era cars. Whenever it gets warm (either after being driven or on hot summer days) it ceases to make a connection and won't trigger the fuel pump - hence no start.

    Do you hear your fuel pump activate when you turn the key at least?
  • lastwraithlastwraith Member Posts: 350
    Also make sure you are fully in park (I know, I know, but just want to get the obvious out of the way). One time I went to pick up my girlfriend with the same "problem" and a small jiggle of the shifter and then wheel was all it took.
  • cuongcuong Member Posts: 45
    98 Accord 160K mile (Did all the tune around 100K mile):
    I've found a third person in this forum with a similar problem.
    For over six months now, most of the time the car could not start again if i drive more than 30 minutes. Then i have to wait at least 30 minutes or an hour to be able to start the car again.
    The car starts up fine in morning in cold or hot weather.
  • techman41973techman41973 Member Posts: 83
    I bought a set of Goodyear Comfortred tires for my 97 Accord at 135K miles, based on good reviews and advice from a local tire shop. They never felt right. The ride can be squishy and harsh at the same time with the ride extremely sensitive to air pressure. In a weird way, I feel every inconsistancy in the road at low speeds. As the tires aged (now 30K on them), the performance is substantially worse. Even though there is life left to the tires, I am considering replacing them. I really would like to try the Tripletreds since they are Consumer Reports top pick, but I am afraid they will perform much like the Comfortreds.
    To anyone who has either of these tires on their 94-97 Accord please share your opinions. Thanks
  • barbabarba Member Posts: 8
    yeah , I do hear the fuel pump ,,, thanks for the reply ! I must say that Im in the Bahamas so may-be that might have a lot to do with it huh ? :confuse:
  • barbabarba Member Posts: 8
    cuong R you telling me that a tune up did the trick ? because I've done that and the problems still there , the car runs like a dream once its running , but dude shut it down and try to restart nothing for half an hour nothing less :sick:
  • cuongcuong Member Posts: 45
    barba, I am still having the problem. Just mention that i did all the tune up around 100K.
  • barbabarba Member Posts: 8
    I also changed my fast idle censors , and about to do my change my entire distributer system I just aint gonna give up on the ole gal shes been very good to me , ha , ha , thanks for the reply ! :shades:
  • lastwraithlastwraith Member Posts: 350
    The 4th gen accords (not so much your year) were notorious for main fuel relay failures, which is why I brought up the fuel pump issue. However, their achilles heel was the distributor so you may be on the right track with that. A simple removal and checking of the one in your car would likely tell you if it is functional or not before you go out and get a replacement. Then again if you can return the replacement if it doesn't fix the problem go for it!

    keep us posted
  • angelbyrdangelbyrd Member Posts: 26
    WOW!!!! This is the best thing since sliced bread, lol... and it really works. I have a 96 Accord and I noticed my check engine light was on, remembering the info I got regarding the free emmissions service update on this site I called a local Honda dealer and made arrangements to bring my car in that day...The service was fast (dropped car off @ 11:00 was ready @ 1:30) and good and most importantly ****FREE****, I got everything that is listed changed, feels like I got a brand new car. I saved almost $500.00, now that's what I'm talking about!!!!!! :):D :P :shades:
  • cuongcuong Member Posts: 45
    I will try to make the car fail again this weekend (should be easy right?) so i can check out the electrical stuff to narrow down the problem....thinking to change igintion switch and/or igniter.
    There is a safety recall for igintion switch (Export Service Bulletin 02-031) that i found at some other site for 1997 Accord (L4) and 1998-99 Accord (L4 and V6) and other Honda models.
  • barbabarba Member Posts: 8
    will do buddy !
    I will take your advise and do the check then if I have to purchase the distributor i'll go with it , the worst that can happen is a better running vehicle ,,, listen thanks again for your response !
  • angelbyrdangelbyrd Member Posts: 26
    Ok, I had the starter changed and all was fine, until today. Over the weekend I had a Honda Emissions Service Update ( change distributor cap, rotor, ignition wires, spark plugs, oil and filter) car was running like a dream then today when I got in my car to go home from work nothing. I had to crank her 5 times to get her going. Every time I hear the starter click and the fuel pump hum but nothing. I took her in for service before I found out about Honda's Warranty and the mechanic told me that I needed some kind of oil gasket because there was oil around my spark plugs. Could that be the source of my problem??? I'm thinking I'm having some kind of problem in the ignition or with the electrical but am not sure any suggestions, thoughts. I love this car but I don't want to put money into something unreliable..I thought Honda's were unbreakable???? :confuse: :sick: :cry: :mad:
  • lastwraithlastwraith Member Posts: 350
    Here's a link that does a pretty decent job of explaining what happens with oil on the bottom of your plugs. It's conceivable to me that this could cause a no start until the engine finds a plug less affected but that doesn't sound like it would take 5 attempts. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable could chime in though.

    I had an intermittent distributor problem and this caused symptoms of what you described, but that was on a '90 accord. Basically the distributor was telling the engine to fire the plugs at the wrong time and the car couldn't start.
  • mamamia2mamamia2 Member Posts: 707
    Good for you, angel.

    Now that you've been one of those using that extended warranty, you need to know that at 75,000 you're entitled to a free TUNE UP.

    I would ask the dealer to print out for you the list of parts covered by that bulletin, and all the info connected.
  • angelbyrdangelbyrd Member Posts: 26
    Ok, I had the starter changed and all was fine, until today. Over the weekend I had a Honda Emissions Service Update ( change distributor cap, rotor, ignition wires, spark plugs, oil and filter) car was running like a dream then today when I got in my car to go home from work nothing. I had to crank her 5 times to get her going. Every time I hear the starter click and the fuel pump hum but nothing. I took her in for service before I found out about Honda's Warranty and the mechanic told me that I needed some kind of oil gasket because there was oil around my spark plugs. Could that be the source of my problem??? I'm thinking I'm having some kind of problem in the ignition or with the electrical but am not sure any suggestions, thoughts. I love this car but I don't want to put money into something unreliable..I thought Honda's were unbreakable????
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    I hear a rattling from the rear (seems to be the passenger-side-rear) of the car, and it seems to be in the undercarriage. It isn't the exhaust, at least I don't think so. It almost seems like the suspension has a rattle (it's more of a knocking noise, like wood blocks knocking instead of little metal bits). Might I be losing a ball-joint?

    I have the original suspension parts (ALL OF THEM) on the car with 158,000 miles. It rides good, if a little floaty at times on the interstate, steers perfect and doesn't have excessive bounce or harshness. The tires are new (only 7,000 miles on them).

    Anything in-particular I need to ask about when I go to get it serviced next week?
  • shadingdingshadingding Member Posts: 16
    Appreciate for posting all info here.

    I have 97 Honda with 79,000 mile. A couple of months ago, I had engine light on so I bought spark plugs, plug wires, distributor cap and rotor, and put them on myself.

    I faxed all paper work (receipts) to Honda customer service this Monday. See if any luck to get reimbursement.

    I'll keep you posted.

  • jeffinakjeffinak Member Posts: 3
    Can someone tell me if it is okay to put the 15 inch aluminum alloy wheels from a 97 EX on my 96 LX, and then use 195's as spec'd for EX in place of the 185 tires as spec'd for the LX? The LX currently has the standard 15 inch steel wheels and plastic covers. It just went over 100k and I feel like dressing it up, but I don't want to hurt the car.
  • user777user777 Member Posts: 3,341
    i think you've got rear shocks and springs and plates/seats... do you have access points behind the rear seat or in the trunk? I can't remember where they are, but maybe the nut holding the whole spring/shock assembly to the frame is loose?

    then again, the LX has rear suspension "arms" (i don't know what you call them exactly), and there's lots o' nuts/bolts and probably rubber or metal bushings back there.

    you could have someone ride in the back seat and try to localize the noise a bit better.

    with the vehicle on a lift, they'll probably be able to tell you what is loose, worn (or missing) ;)

    you sure you aren't missing a rubber exhaust hanger?
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    Yeah, I have checked the exhaust. I know what a rattling exhaust would sound like (had experience with a 1987 Civic Wagon - the first car I ever drove, and I mean EVER - it had a loose exhaust). The strange part about my noise ( i may have failed to mention, is that I hear it on smoother roads more often than rough ones, but this could just be the fact that the smoother roads are also quieter, and the noise stands out better to me then. I'm due for service (in like 150 miles!) so I'll ask about suspension bushings and have them take a look at it. If its a danger, it needs to be fixed, but if its not, I'll likely leave it alone, since it isn't my long-term car (more of a Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, Home Depot runner).
  • rkbusenitzrkbusenitz Member Posts: 6
    I was driving down the road the other day listening to my radio when all of the sudden it shut off and the clock above the radio shut down as well (94 Accord EX). I thought it was a fuse, but after looking at all of the fuses, they are all fine. One thing to note is that when I press on the little button to the far right of the clock, the clock display lights up. Also, I've discovered that the lights that light up the intstrument panel at night no longer work. However, the little light that shows what gear the car is in light up. Any thoughts as to what it might be? Cigarette lighter still works. Dome light still works. Help.
  • cuongcuong Member Posts: 45
    Your problem fixed yet?
    I changed Ignition Control Module/Igniter over the weekend. The car had little bit problem start on the first day (b/c weak battery..i crank the car alot the day before to test out and confirm the problem) but it started every time until the battery died. When jump start the car, my car started within couple seconds. I had no problems starting the car on the second day....but i had an accident yesterday so my car may be never able to run again :cry:

    Try to change new Igniter..but it costs around $100. It costs $103.xx for my car.
  • odysseyaccordodysseyaccord Member Posts: 24
    I don't have a diagnosis (although if everything works as you say w/ no fuse busted, probably one of the relays common to all the lighting is bad--BTW, did you check the fuses under the hood, too?), but if the dealer wants $$$ for repairs, I have a suggestion for a relatively cheap alternative.

    Since your cigarette lighter works, you can (if you choose to) buy one of those plug-in lights at Target or local auto parts store to light up at least your gauges for safety. I've seen a variety of LED products that either attach to your dash or have flexible gooseneck for positioning. Good luck.
  • barbabarba Member Posts: 8
    hey dude !!! sorry to hear about your baby man , but no ,,, my problem still exhist. What I was trying to do was instead of spending good money for a vexing problem , I would just wait untill some smart person got it resolved ,and Ill just take their que !!Hey man ,,,Im all over that,,, First thing on Friday Ill run out and grab me one-a-dem good ole there Control Module/Igniter C if it'll do the trick for me , problem is though... Im In the Bahamas so If I cant find one initally , it will have to be ordered (could take a while), as always buddy thanks for the reply !!! :D
  • angelbyrdangelbyrd Member Posts: 26
    I have discovered the problem with my car that has been causing my no starts. It seems as though my car had been stolen from the previous owner and the ignition lock cylinder was compromised, so my solution have a new ignition lock cylinder installed. I called Honda and they want $200 for the part alone not to mention labor and I've heard it takes about 1-2 hrs to do, so my question is does anyone know how difficult it is to change out an ignition lock cylinder or if it is at all feasible for an extreme amateur to do this work myself on a 96 Honda Accord LX 4 dr, working with a limited budget and I've already spent a considerable amount of money diagnosing the problem so any help or tips provided would be greatly appreciated.
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    i'm looking to buy a 95 ex v6 and test drove 1. The radio didn't work (nor did the cd player). All it said was CODE and the dealer knew nothing about this. Its the stock honda radio system. Does anyone know what this means and where i can find this CODE?:cry:? The car had the weird looking wide white aluminum rims. I want the that come on some lx model, the alloys. Is it ok to put them on (if you tell me where i can find them)?
  • newcarholicnewcarholic Member Posts: 16
    I have a 95Accord-Ex-4cyl with +200k miles.
    Since this winter my car started making strange noise from its steering column. When it was really cold (~10F) I could hear this "rubbing noise" whenever I turn the steering wheel. It sounded like a rubber eraser being pushed around on the blackboard surface or something. This noise happened only when it was cold.
    Now, I can hear this ticking sound whenever I turn the wheel away from the straight position. A few months ago I replaced a front axle/CV boot, so I don't think it's due to bad CV boots. This ticking noise sounds like it's coming from the steering wheel column itself. The noise occurs whenever the steering wheel passes 12o'clock position.

    Has anyone experienced this? Any advice? Thanks in advance.
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