Subaru Crew Photo Gallery
Please share your Subaru photos!
To include a photo in a message is still the same as in the old Town Hall. You cannot upload photos directly from your computer into a message within a discussion. Your photo must reside elsewhere. Some have used (free!) to load their photos into a private folder and then post them within a message.
Here's how:
To get this:
Use this coding, but replace the ( and ) with < and >:
(img src="")
Or: (img src="Photo URL address")
To make your photo a link like this:
do this:
(a href="Page URL address")(img src="Photo URL address")(/a)
Remember, posting copyrighted photos is a no-no. Unless, of course, you own the copyright.
Hope this helps!
Owner's Club
To include a photo in a message is still the same as in the old Town Hall. You cannot upload photos directly from your computer into a message within a discussion. Your photo must reside elsewhere. Some have used (free!) to load their photos into a private folder and then post them within a message.
Here's how:
To get this:
Use this coding, but replace the ( and ) with < and >:
(img src="")
Or: (img src="Photo URL address")
To make your photo a link like this:
do this:
(a href="Page URL address")(img src="Photo URL address")(/a)
Remember, posting copyrighted photos is a no-no. Unless, of course, you own the copyright.
Hope this helps!
Owner's Club
This discussion has been closed.
Karen- I'm fresh out of Lincoln LS photos.:)
Karen, great idea for a topic; thanks!
THe Legacy looks real nice by the fire.
But hey, at least you didn't have LS photos! :-)
Owner's Clubs
I love when I can go out and play in the snow...after my husband's shoveled out my RS of course... target=_blank
Yes, I saw the movie. BTW, it's "Finding Forrester" with two R's.
Amy: you didn't have to dig. Next time try just driving it out of there. ;-)
LOL! It's all about contast, Bob. Ugly dude makes car look nice.
Vans and SUVs message boards
(the yellow WRX was sweet! They also had a blue one, which was hard to see with the groups of people around and inside it.)
I really like the Outback Sport. Note that it no longer has white-outline-lettered tires, and now has standard alloys—the same as the WRX it appears.
I hope the '02 Forester and Outbacks also can the white-outline-lettered. They look much better with all black tires.
On the other hand, the two-tone on the OBS isn't the gaudy gold that some would lead you to expect. I think the overall package looks nice.
And yes, I too have swapped for black tires. No OWL for me.
Forester Grump
What's that yellow splotch?
The yellow splat is a decal. They were really popular in Germany for a while as "Auto-Dekor" and I took a real liking to them. I bought several splats the last time I was over in Germany, and have given them to friends and family. They're, um, distinctive.
I have a splat on all my cars. My white Honda Civic has two blue splats (makes it easy to locate in a large parking lot).
Karin in California
PS: Thanks for the tip on getting those window stickers off. I wasn't having much luck trying to peel them with a fingernail. *g*
* Seat of the Pants
So Red.
Then again, Rally Blue is truly fast, just ask Richard Burns.
Personally, I wouldn't get a yellow car. I tend to like the darker colors (blue, black, etc.) even if they are harder to keep clean.
Vans, SUVs, and Aftermarket and Accessories message boards
Note the relatively thin tires in the photos, and what I believe are 15" wheels. They use different sizes for different surfaces, of course.
Yellow- well it looks a helluva lot like the yello on the 850 T5 a couple years back, which, I will point out, looked bizatchin' with anthracite wheels, so we'll see who has the last laugh.
precious spelling, huh? those are 15" studded snows on there. Woe be unto any cat that gets caught in THOSE! So look out, hutch.....
Now only if Speedvision would get moving and sign a contract (or whatever the delay is).
We too are waiting for better rally coverage and hopefully, they will get the Formula 1 contract guess is the Ecclestone and Moseley want more money (as if they don't have enough!!!)
juice - Bombard your cable company with e-mails and phone calls. Worked for me. :-)
If not, how the heck do I link them to this site? the initial directions at the beginning of this page are not exactly easy to follow for a newbie.
All I have to offer is my Chicago Autoshow pics:
I think I'll try to get our OB cleaned up and snap some pics tomorrow or sometime soon.
Don't you love the salt/grime we get on our roads?
Unlike me, Brian was able to get the big picture. I zoomed in on the details a bit too much!
I really don't understand why there has to be so much salt. Either they miss the boat and don't get out in time, or they get out there and turn the entire place into Carthage.