Ford Excursion Maintenance and Repair



  • kissmystampkissmystamp Member Posts: 2
    Hi, I had this problem with the hood and front fenders when I first got my 2000 excursion new. After 2 weeks the dealership repainted the hood and now the problem is happening again and even though I have a 7/70 extended warranty, they will not do anything about it. I also had a problem the second winter with the drivers seat not heating and they will not fix that either. some warranty huh?
  • kissmystampkissmystamp Member Posts: 2
    I have a 200 excursion limited. Here is what happened with my tires last july 2004. I was coming home from KY (37,000 miles on the odometer), to NH. Upon arriving home, my husband sees that one of the sidewalls of the rear tires has literally blown away, exposing the fabric underneath. As we look at all the tires, we notice that there are areas on all 4 that appear to be lifting and ready to burst open. I take the truck to the local ford dealer in the morning and the mechanic advises me to go directly down the road to the firestone dealer, that the tires look to him as though they are deffective. I go to the F?S dealer and they also say "they look defective to them" but there hasnt been a recall on that specific tire. (LT265/75R16 D-range)...I come home and call fors and firestone and get the same story. They also have the nerve to say that :we have no reports of any deaths associated with that tire" so there is no recall. Now I had to get my inspection sticker the other day and they fail the truck because of the tires. I come on line to see recalls with this question is...any advise????
  • gersfeldgersfeld Member Posts: 1
    I have driven an Aerostar for the last 15 years. We've had 3,one was a 87 2x4 and two of them were AWD. I totalled the '94 one. I always loved the van but my husband said I am hard on them and the way I drive I should have a truck. Well the head gasket went on our '97 Aerostar and anti-freeze had been going into the engine for some time. Hub felt it wasn't worth the expense to fix it and since we were on our third trans in the thing, so we decided to look at the SUVs. We bought a 2001 Excursion from a dealer in TX off EBay. We had it shipped to Pa. It's a 7/3 ltr. Diesel with 2nd and 3 row seats and unbelievable room inside. At first it felt like I was driving a whole room around! Took some getting used to! LOL! My husband feels that this thing can take the abuse I put out. I do a lot of errands, with frequent traffic stops etc. so I go through brakes a lot. I admit I beat the Aerostar and though I always loved it, I like the way the Excursion feels. I hope we have it a long time!

  • mike528mike528 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 Excursion with the V10. Most times when I start out, I hear a thud and the dealer has showed me a Ford bulletin that says it is normal. It is the A/C unit "slugging". Something about the fluid changing states when you first start the engine. I've read the bulletin and it still sounds like garbage to me. I read earlier complaints of similar situations, but have not heard that anyone was able to get resolution. I've voiced my complaint to Ford, and that went nowhere. Any one have a suggestion?
  • 23fords23fords Member Posts: 2
    THe clunk is the yoke on your drive shaft needs to be lubricated (also a ford bulletin). I just had this done on mine and it work. One cluck down - one to go. After readign through all the comments, I am going to check the cab mounts... this is a great site!!!

    Joe - 23ford guy
  • quickfordsquickfords Member Posts: 18
    While gas prices soared in September, everyone seemed to ignore the fact that the last Excursions rolled off the assembly line. :cry:
    I just received a post-cardseries from Ford explaining the importance of their service department.
    I think THIS FORUM is going to be crutial in maintaining our Excursions.
    Make sure you keep in contact and post any fix suggestions you come accross!!
    Meanwhile, drive and enjoy!! :shades:
  • nodlewnodlew Member Posts: 3
    I just purchased a 2001 Excursion, mainly for towing purposes. While I didn't expect good gas mileage, I would like some input on devices such as the "Vortex", "Throttle Body Adapter", Performance Chip, etc. Do they really improve the mileage significant enough to justify the costs of these items?
  • alcanalcan Member Posts: 2,550
    If any of that junk worked, it'd be standard equipment on vehicles from the factory.
  • mikelskimikelski Member Posts: 1
  • joeexcursionjoeexcursion Member Posts: 1
    i have a 2001 x limited edition and the lock in hubs will not turn to manual or auto i cannot get it to move in either direction i was wandering if anyone else has had this problem or knows of a way i can fix it thanks... :confuse: :confuse:
  • 1bigtruck1bigtruck Member Posts: 6
    I too gave up my keys of my 2000 Ex to the wife when my baby girl was born. Wife doesn't like to fill up at the pump and frequently ran it low. I also live on a hill and recently started having problems with start up. She would crank over but not idle without a little help from the pedal. I understand the fuel pump is inside the gas tank towards the front of the vehicle (not an easy fix if you fry it). Now I dont let it get lower than a 1/4 tank and I try to park it as level as possible. Problem seems to have gone away. Im going to change the fuel filter anyway - any tips or ideas for upgrades? Is the stock filter located under the rear passenger driver's side running board? Any special tools required? Do I need to do any thing special to maintain pressure? --- Just trying to keep a few $$$ out of the hands of those crooks at the dealership
  • 1bigtruck1bigtruck Member Posts: 6
    Im so glad I found this site. My 2000 V10 4X4 just turned 50k. I've got peeling paint on the roof (I had some paint repair done under warranty in the door jams as well). Rear hatch has scratched up the barn doors, the infamous "CLUNK" under the front end has been there the last 5 years, both passenger side door locks dont work (I hear the click but the actuator doesn't lift), I just did my 1st complete brake overhaul at 30k (pretty darn good for hauling around a Weekend Warrior FS26), and I just lifted it 6" and threw on some 36 x 12.5 BFG Mud Terrains. The first few weeks of the lift I actually got better gas mileage from 10mpg around town to 12 (now I get 7). I've already got plenty of tips on most of the problems but I would really like to fix the POWER DOOR LOCKS and gas mileage??? Anyone out there upgrade Chip, Banks, K&N, if so what was the outcome?
  • laura_02laura_02 Member Posts: 1
    We've had many problems with our rotors warping. They can't even be turned, but need replaced prematurely. . . AGAIN! The Ford dealership denies any knowledge of a problem, but the recent improvements Ford has made a with their 2005 Ford Super Duty Trucks, including larger rotors and disc brakes, would seem to prove Ford finally received enough pressure to make a change. We are going to try Power Slot rotors w/Hawk pads this time. Hoping to get 25K-30K but haven't found anyone who warranties! THANKS to everyone who posts on this site for your input, It's nice to have company when you're feeling warped (ha-ha)!!! We'll keep you posted. Has anybody successfully dealt w/sensor problems, ie:false readings, alarms, etc??? Our interior lights stay on and it looks like a door is always open. Thanks ahead of time.
  • quickfordsquickfords Member Posts: 18
    Your hubs are shot. :sick: Sorry to break this news to you. Mine were just done under warranty (I thought they damaged them doing a seal, but they say no).I have a 2000 Ex Ltd V10 with 65K miles.
    Either way, you need hubs.
  • gm1934gm1934 Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2001 Ford excursion diesel that rattles in the front when I run over wash board bumps it also rattles from apparently the front when I set at a light in gear.It has been doing this from day one and I cannot find it or any indication that anything is rubbing against something else.
  • msmelmsmel Member Posts: 1
    I don't know if the rattle you hear is related to the squeak I used to hear when going over bumps, but if you think it might be, you should consider whether it could be the windshield. I thought it must have been the dashboard but turns out to have been windshield.
  • gm1934gm1934 Member Posts: 2
    This is a diesel not a gasoline unit. I'm sure it is in the front it is a rattle not a squeak.
    Thanks anyway.
  • nodlewnodlew Member Posts: 3
    The fuel filter is under the drivers side running board. You will have to release pressure from the fue line. Remove the gas cap to relieve any pressure from the tank. Then open the fuel filter/water separator drain valve by turning it clockwise.
    You should place something underneath to catch the little bit of fuel that drains out.
    Disconnect the lines and install the new filter.
    Hope this helps.
  • 1bigtruck1bigtruck Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for the info. This is a really great site! I just wish that there was a cure for the paint cancer. Even the areas that the dealership repainted under warranty are pealing.
  • 1bigtruck1bigtruck Member Posts: 6
    Has anyone had this problem and fixed it? Its only the passenger side front and rear. Is there lubrication maintenance that I dont know about or is there a common problem with motor failure. Any tips????
  • excursexcurs Member Posts: 1
    This is a common problem for '00-'03 Excursions and Super Duty trucks. I replaced them on my previous '00 Excursion and am about to do it for another. Email me back and I will send you the instructions when I get them. (Also, you might as well replace all of the doors as it is just a matter of time.) Good luck.
  • javaman2javaman2 Member Posts: 3
    I just bought a 00' Excursion and have the exact problem with the locks. If you could send me the instruction as well I would greatlly appreciate it.
  • mlyons3mlyons3 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2001 Excursion Limited and received a recall notice directly from Firestone. There were different levels of tires installed on the Excursion (D-level, used also on the F-250 SuperDuty and E-level, used also on the F-350 SuperDuty). The Firestone Dealership in Lima, Ohio explained to me that it had been determined that the additional weight of the Excursion, combined with towing was more that what the D-level tires were capable of handling. I took my Excursion to the Firestone Dealership and they replaced all five tires (the spare hadn't even been out of the cover!) with no questions at all. I didn't pay a penny, even with 55,000 miles on the tires already.

    As a Ford Motor Company employee, I'm disappointed that you received information that there had not been a recall on the tires and would like to help. Have your gotten your problem solved?
  • daveatjohnxdaveatjohnx Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2001 two wheel drive gas Excursion that when going over bumps, especially washboard types, the front end vibrates violently. I had a dealership tighten the tie rods, etc. and within three months had to have it done again. The problem has come back within three months. My driving is on normal city streets and the interstate. Does anyone know what to do?

  • 1jman1jman Member Posts: 3
    I have had this problem since we purchased ours. The dealer replaced them all once and some twice. They still don't work and they won't replace them again. Please also send me the repalcement details so I can do it myself.

  • harken1harken1 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2WD Excursion diesel. I notice the front end shimmy from time to time at freeway speeds as a result of bumps on the road. The front end doesnt have that SOLID steering feeling as it does at lower speeds. Maybe its because of the stiff 3/4 ton suspension? I have noticed when I have a load in the rear it handles better and seems to accelerate better as if it needs a load to run and ride properly.
    Coments? :confuse:
  • gbucykgbucyk Member Posts: 1
    I just found your rreply to the concern of failure with Excusion power door locks, I'm now experiencing the same with my 2001 passenger side, front and rear. Are you able to also forward me the instructions and tips you spoke of?


  • dmurrelldmurrell Member Posts: 1
    My electric locks are failing as well. However, it seems that they are failing at the same time which doesn't make me think that the motors are all failing at once.

    Any ideas?

  • nodlewnodlew Member Posts: 3
    I decided to clean up the engine a little. I used a very wet rag with some soap and rinsed with the same rag. I did not use a hose on the engine. It now is missing and runs rough. I disconnected the coils from the plugs, removed each plug to inspect for water. I found 4 that still had moisture. After cleaning and drying all the coils plugs and boots, I still have the miss. Anybody have an idea what other sensors may have been affected by the little bit of water I used to clean the engine?
    I have done this on other vehicles to keep the engine clean and never had a problem.
  • kvanspronsenkvanspronsen Member Posts: 1
    To answer your question about your interior lights and door open signal, one of your door sensors is shot. This is a common problem with all of the new ford superduties and excursions. If you have access to a code reader it will tell you which one is bad but more then likely it is the one that you use the most. I've changed them on 4 different vehicles on our ranch. They usually are the drivers side but the excursion was in the back hatch.
  • rickzieb1rickzieb1 Member Posts: 1
    My 2000 v10 with 75K miles has suddenly developed a miss in the engine that is slightly noticeable shortly after you start the engine. However, as you drive it the miss gets worse especially when the engine is not accelerating at cruising speed. It levels out somewhat when you accelerate, but worsens again at crusing speed. Could this be the catalytic converter, or something else? :sick:
  • 1bigtruck1bigtruck Member Posts: 6
    This seems to be a popular problem. Would it be possibe to just post the instructions to this site? I think many would benefit from this, thanks for your help. Ron
  • brownw1brownw1 Member Posts: 1
    I also have a 2000 Excursion and only one door lock works occasionally. If possible could you send me the instructions also? No one mentioned prices for the doorlocks......what's a ballpark figure for them. My rear door seems to work all the time. Thanks in advance
  • ned412ned412 Member Posts: 16
    I had an 01 2WD with the V8 and had the brake problem at 30,000. My new 05 4X4 diesel needs them at 5,000. I also get the rear clunk. The 4X4 seems to wander on the highway as opposed to the 2WD which was perfect.

    It going in for the 1st oil change soon so I'll have them fix this stuff. BTW, why is there so much more oil in a diesel compared to the gas motor?
  • sixgunnsixgunn Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 Excursion 4x4 V-10 that will not go into 4x4 low. Works just fine in High. Any thoughts
  • 2002dslex2002dslex Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2002 Diesel Excursion that I bought used at 58K miles. When I purchased it, it had brand new rotors and pads on all four wheels. Within about 6 months of purchase, it started pulling to the right while braking. Turns out my left caliper was bad (frozen) and the slide pins were so corroded the caliper couldn't operate properly. I replaced both front calipers (cost: $51/caliper & a couple of hours of time) and that solved the problem.

    Lots of things can cause road wander, but the 2 things that I've found that helped me with solving the road wander was new shocks (monroe's, about $40/each, but many swear by bilstein's, which are more expensive) and keeping tire pressure at the correct range. Lots of posts talk about installing a larger sway bar and new steering stabilizer for improved performance.

    As for the 15 quart capacity oil sump, I'm told (though I don't know for sure) that the oil pump circulates the entire 15 quart capacity about every 10-15 seconds. Of course, they designed the pump for such high capacity because of the massive heat generated by a diesel engine--got to keep all those moving parts cool and lubricated.

    Sorry for such a lengthy is Saturday and I've got some peace and quiet before the NFL starts today :)
  • mikegiarrmikegiarr Member Posts: 3
    I have the same problem on my 2001, any chance you can forward the instructions or lead me to the site on how to fix this problem.

  • mikegiarrmikegiarr Member Posts: 3
    Can you please tell me the location of the door sensors? There appears to be no exposed switches on the doors or back hatch?
  • alcanalcan Member Posts: 2,550
    On most Fords they're integral with the door latches.
  • quickfordsquickfords Member Posts: 18
    Not sure if that is hub related, it sounds like a transfer case problem. :P
  • quickfordsquickfords Member Posts: 18
    A few years ago Firestone & Ford recalled the tires on the Excursions. They replaced the D's with load range E, but did not issue new door decals with an updated pressure decal.
    Can someone with a newer Ex that is factory equipped with E's tell me the *suggested* pressures listed???? :confuse:
  • mikegiarrmikegiarr Member Posts: 3
    Thanks that took care of the problem.
  • work130work130 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2001 Excursion and my passenger door and the two back door locks won't work what can I do ?
  • alcanalcan Member Posts: 2,550
    You're welcome.
  • cvollcvoll Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 (10/99)Ford Excursion that the door locks (all of the either don't work at all or work occasionally. I am trying to find out what I need to replace, is their a master switch going out or do I have to replace each actuator?
  • 1bigtruck1bigtruck Member Posts: 6
    Your 4x4 low will not engage unless you are in nuetral. Put it in nuetral, make sure OD is off and drive slow until it engages.
  • javaman2javaman2 Member Posts: 3
    I did some research and found these autuators through another Excursion web site. The guy who posted these said they work great. I have not tried them as of yet. Here is the web site Good luck
  • bignortbignort Member Posts: 1
    I also have 2000 Ford Excursion, Diesel. None of my door locks works from either key remote or the interior switches. Have you fixed your problem, if so please share.

  • excursion0002excursion0002 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 with this problem, if you could drop me a email i would appreciate it. Can you buy replacement moisture barriers for the doors (white paper) or what do you do? Thanks in advance for all your help.
  • javaman2javaman2 Member Posts: 3
    If your having problems with the locks check out this web site, type in the search box "door locks". It give an over view of the parts/functions of the doors locking system. It gives examples of problems and what to do to fix it. Good luck
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