Ford Excursion Maintenance and Repair



  • skierxx98skierxx98 Member Posts: 1
    Hello Bradnels

    I have a 2000 7.3 liter excursion as well and am considering chip...can you please provide more info on what chip you purchased. Thanks!
  • jonchrs1jonchrs1 Member Posts: 1
    my wifes 2002 would come out of 4x4 low......rather she cant figure it out.....whats the secret???? Im away and cant look at it myself.....its automatic tranny, is it in the onwers manual??? what can i tell her to do???
  • custom99custom99 Member Posts: 1
    I am looking into getting an Excursion. I have had a few Mercedes and never had any problems with the diesel engines or transmissions. When telling a friend that we were looking at these trucks he said the Powerstrokes are junk (he has a Cummins in a Dodge pickup)and stay away from them. Price wise we are looking at the 2000-01 range. Are there any common problems with the engines and tranny's I should look for? What is the average lifespan of the Powerstrokes? I have always gotten around 300k miles on the Benz's top ends before needing rebuilds. Can I expect this type of service from the Ford? Any kind of insight will be appreciated. Thanks.
  • 390gt390gt Member Posts: 17
    If your looking at 2000-01, 02 or 03 with the 7.3L you're ok. Some problems with 01 transmissions. The 7.3L PSD will easily go 300K with proper care. Dodge guy may be referring to 6.0L PSD found in mid 03-05. A few 03 and 04 had major problems. As far as Excursion itself, a fine vehicle, some front rotor problems if you drive it hard. Also front ball joints wear out fairly quickly.

    We had a 2000 with the V10 for 100K miles, traded for 03 with 7.3L last May. Just as happy with even better mileage.
  • rexfordrexford Member Posts: 2
    Hi, just reading the Forum so this is a slow reply and you may have your answer already. I have a 6.0 PSD with the same Turbo.
    Basically the Fins in the Turbo can pitch, this means at slower RPM's the fins pitch to push more air into the system, thereby reducing "turbo lag" when the RPM's are higher the fins reduce the pitch and act as a normal set turbo.
    This system is a good one, producing more power at lower RPM / speed.
  • javasmithjavasmith Member Posts: 1
    I've read the posts and like some of you I think this is more than what we've been told. My Excursion's locks started acting up right before I replaced the battery. They seemed sluggish and sometimes random ones wouldn't unlock, though they usually would lock. I had a rear wing that wouldn't go out either and the truck was 5 years old so I figured I'd replace the battery first and see what happened. Wa-laa! The rear wing has plenty of juice and starts working again. However, the locks continued to act up in a random fashion. For a while it was like a lottery, you never knew which lock or locks would work and which ones wouldn't. Now they've gotten to the point now where none will open.

    I noticed when I pressed the button, I could hear the actuators fire and the locks try to lift. If I pressed the button several times in a row the sound got weaker until there was no actuator noise at all. Now I don't know much, but to me it seems like these things are firing from a capacitor or something that isn't charged up. I find it very hard to believe that every actuator in my truck has decided to go out at the exact same time. Does anyone else have any ideas short of replacing these actuators? Is there a relay or solenoid or capacitor or module of some kind that controls all the locks and could be somehow shorting out or not getting enough juice? Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks. :lemon:
  • kevins3kevins3 Member Posts: 10
    On the Diesel the oil runs the fuel pump and other equipment too
  • mmartin3mmartin3 Member Posts: 1
    Hi - my 2000 ford diesel excursionhas recently done the same identical thing... did you receive any information that may be helpful.

    Thank you
  • idgolfjunkieidgolfjunkie Member Posts: 15
    I own a 00 Excursion, 7.3, stock. I've had most of the problems that people have complained about i.e. interior lights stay on, door ajar sensor, power door locks only work on the driver's door, but the worst one is the brakes, I read a posting a few years ago about replacement rotors and calipers that were guaranteed to work, they weren't cheap, approx 500.00 each for front and back, but I can't take the shaking anymore.
    This is actually kind of tragic, because other than the above items, these SUV's RULE. I have 180,000 on mine, the only work done under the hood has been to replace the alternator. The "check engine" light has been on since for about 5 years. My mechanic says the code is for glow plug, but he checked each one and said they are okay, so the hell with the light. I'll be honest, I drive this thing, and I don't have it serviced every 3,000, its more like 7,000. I bought it new and just finished paying it off, I'm expecting to get another 6 years of service out of it maybe more. As I said Great SUV, with a few nagging flaws.
  • idgolfjunkieidgolfjunkie Member Posts: 15
    Hi all, just thought I would say that I found the company, it, and I'm glad to say the the price is less than 400.00 per end, 774.00 for the both ends. I'll post again after I get them installed and put a few miles on it.
  • rmejiarmejia Member Posts: 8
    i've noticed a lot of the same problems on my V-10 '01 excursion, like the door locks and brakes. my door locks went out this year, and the truck vibrates like crazy when i brake. i replaced the tranny last year at 80k, that burned up on a road trip. the heaviest thing i've towed with it was a couple of jet skis. I had a friend replace it which cost me $3,500, and just last week, i had a spark plug shoot out the head. bad news is the heads can't be re tapped, so i have to replace the head, thats another $3,800. i've maintained this thing since day one, and its serviced on time. i love this rig, and its convenient to have, but i have to say, i've never had so many problems with a single vehicle thats only 5 years old. for now i'm sticking with it, next on the list is the brakes, so any suggestions on after market brake products, and door lock locks would be helpful.
  • wwilliams2wwilliams2 Member Posts: 5
    Hello. I bought a used 2001 Excursion and my door locks worked for a very short time, shortly after owing it (I'm talking weeks), all but the passenger behind the driver and the rear hatch quit working. The approximate cost is $400.00 to have them fixed.

    I now have another problem. My paint on the roof is blistering and peeling. Have you heard of any problems with this?

  • wwilliams2wwilliams2 Member Posts: 5
    I have this same problem. I just noticed it approximately 1 month ago and within weeks of noticing, more and more spots are blistering and ready to peel.

    We called Ford directly and they were not much help and said to contact the dealer where we bought it. We did and they were not much help either.

    Has anyone had to deal with Ford on this issue? Can you offer some advice?

  • wwilliams2wwilliams2 Member Posts: 5
    Well said. I've been reading these forums and I too have the same problems mentioned from other owners. Door locks not working, warped rotors, rear hatch rubbing paint of bi-fold doors, blistering and peeling paint on roof top, door ajar lights come on intermittently finding myself running around opening and closing doors, ball joints, etc. My husband called Ford just yesterday and you guessed it, they were no help at all. They suggested to call the dealer, we did and yet again no assistance. He told Ford customer service he would never buy another Ford again because they do not stand behind their product. We even have a relative who worked for Ford as an engineer and quit because they didn't want to listen about how to build better vehicles and said he wouldn't own a Ford.

    There has to be something we can do. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • bradnelsbradnels Member Posts: 2
    I put in the Superchips Standard performance which does 60 HP and about 90 LBS of torque, and it is very noticeable. MY Mileage did go up, I get about 21-23 on the freeway/Highway and 17-18 in the city, in the summer with unblended. In the winter it drops about 3 mpg because it is blended. With the standard one I can still tow pretty much anything but I have heard if you go for the performance chip it greatly reduces your towing capacity.
    Most of what out there now is a programer which you plug in and select your performance level for you needs.
    Good luck.
  • kevins3kevins3 Member Posts: 10
    I have a 2003 4x4 excursion 7.3 diesel. Just wanted to let you know had to have the dealer replace the hubs as they went bad and ford has a good will program that is left up to the dealers to decide if it is used. the parts would of cost me 500 dollars and they split that.the only othe problem i have found with it is the backing sensors not working. VERY HAPPY WITH IT! Have 52,000 miles on it
  • bossbobbossbob Member Posts: 2

    Did you ever get a solution to your problem.

    My excursion is doing the exact same thing. I removed the door panel, but didn't really see what was going on.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • ciiiddsciiidds Member Posts: 1
    did you ever get an answer to your power lock problem? I see alot of post stating the problems but no answers. thanks
  • jpjfjpjf Member Posts: 1
    Ive had my excursion for les than a year and about 8k miles. Noted a check engine light two weeks ago and took it in. When I got it back, the report from the dealer's service dept. said it had something to do with a shortened harness (?). Sounds suspiciously like a crank kit to me. Anyway, check engine light is back on. Truck running fine, no other problems. Anyone have any ideas?
  • idgolfjunkieidgolfjunkie Member Posts: 15
    Hi, thought I'd post an update to my excursion woes. A few weeks ago I had all the ball joints replaced (800.00), the local ford dealer quoted me 1500 for parts and labor, I bought the ball joints at my local napa dealer for half the price and paid a local mechanic to install them. I took off for Yuma, AZ (800 miles) right after it came out of the shop. Enjoyed a wonderful week in the sun and then started home, all was reasonably fine until I got about 100 miles north of Las Vegas, then the front end starting vibrating like it was going to come apart. I spent two days at a gas station until someone could come and get me. I trailered the thing home and found out that the right front "bearing hub assembly" had failed (quote on bearing - 540.00) I ordered two off the internet for 580.00 (included shipping), also decided to replace all four rotors with aftermarket units (can't stand the vibrating anymore).
    It's a good thing that I just got this monster paid off, all in all, the last month has been about 3000.00 in repairs. It's still a great rig, just suffers from some very nagging problems.
  • napabluenapablue Member Posts: 3
    Read your instructions and went out to try. Perfect and effortless. Much thanks! Recommend that anyone wanting to remove door panel, follow the instructions!

    I (and a friend before me) have the door lock problem. Passenger doors went out first, then driver's door. Just after the warranty expired (~40k miles). They're under-powered and when I get them fixed I'm going to dis-assemble one of the broken ones, check the coil winding, compute the uH, comvert to torque, blah blah, find that they're underpowered. I'm sure Ford knew the problem but shipped the product anyway.

    My wife's Lincoln Aviator's power door locks sound like a nail gun. The Excursion's always sounded weak.

    Oh, I also have the rotor warpage problem. My buddy who owns a Lincoln/Mercury dealership fixed them gratis, but now I'm out-of-state. Time to get rid of the Excursion.
  • napabluenapablue Member Posts: 3
    Yeah, I noticed the same thing, and my instincts question the failure of 3 at once (driver's side failed later). Could be that one fails and that sucks the juice out of the others. The others aren't bad, just don't get enough current to energize coils? Another member replaced the locks. Did this fix the problem? Were the "bad" solenoids tested individually to see if all were indeed bad?

    A friend had a similar failure of the locks before me, around 40k miles (mine happened at 44k), but with that problem, the spedometer also read zero (0) while the vehicle was moving, along with a couple of other intermittents. This would suggest a more sinister harness or computer problem.

    I think Ford knows what the problem is, but is keeping it quiet. This is a safety issue, though, and it won't serve Ford well to cover it up. Sometimes the rear passenger door locks get jammed and the doors can't be opened from inside or outside. We have to move the vehicle or bump the door until the mechanism finds the sweet spot and unlocks.

    SAFETY HAZARD :lemon:
  • cuinakcuinak Member Posts: 3


    Enjoy... :)

  • rlh0348rlh0348 Member Posts: 1
    Driver's side door will not latch. Can anyone help?
  • webjivewebjive Member Posts: 1
    I have been following this thread for a while and now that it's time to do something about my 03 X's pitiful brakes. I did a little digging and found PowerStop slotted brake rotors and pads for about $150. Any feedback on these?

    Ebay Auction Link
  • truktoytruktoy Member Posts: 4
    2004 Ford Diesel EXC, 30,000 miles. Recently at 45 to 48 mph the vehicle jerked back and forth for about eight seconds. Eng rpm stayed at about 1300. The next day it occured again but was very mild. The first time dealer reprogrammed transmission computer but after about two weeks the problem reoccured. Dealer can't duplicate. Problem only occurs about twice a week!! Any ideas??
  • culinrydculinryd Member Posts: 1
    i think i have the same problem and ofcourse when i take the car to dealer it wont do it. do you also get hard shifts, noise like a backfire and alot of black smoke from the exahst, also does the car hesitate when all this happens.
  • john142john142 Member Posts: 1
    I have an 01 v-10 X. My door ajar light comes on and interior lights stay on while driving although all doors are closed. When I turn car off running board lights and interior lights stay on as if a door where opened. Any suggestions?
  • kingdkingd Member Posts: 2
    The front driver side (Wheel) is very noisy when I accelerate. The faster I go, the louder it gets. It's like metal pans being hit together. There is a hose under there that is torn. I haven't taken the X out since the noise started. I only drive it on Sunday's so I thought that it may have been sitting to long but, the hose torn has me worry. Any Ideas on what is going on?
  • truktoytruktoy Member Posts: 4
    Vehicle does sometimes hesitate when stepping on the pedal.
    Occasionally takes extra time when shifting around 18 to 20 mph. Not really a hard shift but not smooth either. Have not experienced a backfire or black smoke from the exhaust. Suspect your exhaust gas recirculation valve for that problem. Ford has a recall for the EGR valve.
  • autoextrasautoextras Member Posts: 2
    door lock trouble on the excursion is very common ... the actuators have to be replaced , each door takes about 30 minutes ....... the first door you do will take longer .. make sur to use ford actuators , i learned this the hard way, after replacing 4 of them with aftermarkets. they worked well for about a weeek then it got cold and they worked no more until the outside temp was above 20 degrees
  • autoextrasautoextras Member Posts: 2
    spray the rod that goes inside each door with wd-40 , the switches are locted in the door and are most likely just sticking
  • palbertpalbert Member Posts: 2
    I am looking into buying a 2000-2001 Ex with anywhere from 78k-100k miles. I am hesitant in buying such a large engine vehicle, 10Cy. but am looking forward to the extreme size of the SUV. I am looking for advice and opinions of past owners.

    Is there a big difference between the 6.8 vs 7.3?
    Any problems with electrical or engine/trans?
    8cy vs 10cy? Perference?
    Any know reoccuring issues with used Exs?

  • mawademawade Member Posts: 1
    Hey I am new to the forum so please for give what might be a repeat question. I did a search but didn't find any answer to my question which is

    What can be done to fix the strap that holds the floor mat up on the middle bench seat?

    I thank you for your help.
  • mdarlingtonmdarlington Member Posts: 1
    As I was driving down the road, with no other vehicles on he road, my
    back rear window just exploded. I stopped and looked at the glass there
    were no holes all intact hanging to the tint when I got back in and
    shut the door then the glass went everywhere. I took it to Bell Ford in
    Phoenix AZ where I had purchased it. They stated that this is not a
    defect so I would have to submit it to my insurance. EXPLODING GLASS IS NOT
    A DEFECT, SO IT'S SUPPOSED TO DO THIS? I asked them about a recall and
    on the ford explorer for the same reason and they claimed not to know
    about this yet I found it on the internet. They tried to say maybe I had
    hit something causing the window to shatter. I told them that just
    because I am a female does not mean I don't know anything about vehicles,
    if I hit something hard enough to cause the window to explode there
    would be damage to the vehicle. At this point they began to give me another
    excuse. I found situations of other ford vehicles, and mercury having
    this problem and yet it didn't matter, they stated only if there is a
    recall will they do something about it. Though I also found situations of
    acura and honda owners having this occur and even though there are no
    recall on these vehicles, the companies took care of the situation. I
    guess Ford does not stand behind their product maybe this is why they are
    in a financial bind. I have a 2004 ford excursion and a 2004 mustang.
    My family owns fords also. I would like to support the BUY AMERICAN but
    I can't afford to! They are saying replacement is $1300! When Honda and
    Acura are standing behind their products. The dealership contacted ford
    and I had a message on my phone from a ford rep asking me to call the dealership back. Their solution was if i
    submit it to my insurance company while they made the repairs they would
    give me a vehicle to drive!! BIG WHOOP! I turned down the offer. If you
    have had a similar occurance or maybe know what else I can do please let me know. Thank you
  • jaygeejaygee Member Posts: 1
    Thanks for your post. I too just had a similar problem with an exploding rear window...but in my brand new Nissan Sentra. Yesterday, while driving on westbound 8 near Dateland Ariz., on the freeway doing about 75 MPH, the rear window suddenly exploded. My first thought was a tire blowout (very loud concussion). Then I saw the glass inside (blew inward) and thought it could be a nut case wacko shooting at passing cars. I drove to the first exit about two miles west and called the highway patrol to report it in case it was a shooter. They thanked me but said no other reports had been placed.

    Having just completed a 3 week 5,000 mile road trip in my new car with daytime temps over 105, I didn't think the 100 degree temp yesterday could cause this. No bullet holes, no rock fragments, nothing to indicate how it happened. No cars passing either way, no flying debris, nothing. It just happened without warning. A really big surprise.

    My rear window was partially tinted and had glass heaters but the autoglass company said that should not cause problems. Nissan said no recalls were in effect yet on this but had no explanation. It does occur though but maybe unknown factors (heat, small rock ding, high air conditioning?) Other ideas: USAF experimental laser beam weapons? Homeland Security secret weapon? Aliens from another planet?

    Oh well, I'll pay my deductible and just get 'er done!

    I hope others report this's really scary when it happens.
  • pw3pw3 Member Posts: 2
    FYI, regarding the stap that holds the floor mat up on the middle bench seat, I took mine to the dealer and they had an uphosterer screw it in place, works great.
  • jesrfjesrf Member Posts: 9

    do you have a particular model in mind? (maybe know someone who is selling?)

    you should get a very good price on this vehicle, no matter the year or mileage, unless you want diesel.

    I've owned a 2000 Ex, v-10 2wd (base model and now an '04 V-10 Limited 4WD. Both were great vehicles and fun to drive, although mileage is a bit depressing (11 MPG average)

    The first one I drove to 36k miles, never a problem, oil changes only, the 2nd one had the Ball joints replace under warranty, otherwise only oil changes, has about 45k miles on it now. bought the 04 used in 04 (20k miles on it) paid 28 for a car that stickered at 50 and was only 10 months old.

    Enjoy your EX if you get a good deal, they are a lot of fun!
  • jesrfjesrf Member Posts: 9
    uhmmm, how do you fold it back if its screwed in place instead of velcroed?

    what did they charge for this 'fix'?
  • tendeructenderuc Member Posts: 1
    Bought a 2001 XLT 5.4 V8. I bought it to tow my camper which it does fairly well wish I had the V10. The problem is when we drive it without a load it is a very rough ride. I have read about others getting different shocks and things for a better ride. What is it exactly that I need for the smoother ride? Yes I know it is still a truck but the wife would prefer a smoother ride. Any help would be great.
  • pw3pw3 Member Posts: 2
    They screwed the velcro strap onto the back of the seat. The board with velcro still works the same. It was covered by the warranty.
  • kingdkingd Member Posts: 2
    Sorry, I don't have advice for you. My wife complained about the ride as well. I changed the Shocks (RMX Monotube)and that helped with the turns (no longer feel like I'm going to fall out of the truck and the jack hammer effect when hitting bumps. When carrying a full load in the Excursion V-10 it is a very good ride.
  • jamesganginaljamesganginal Member Posts: 2
    I still have my 2001 V-10 2X4 with 46,000 miles on it. I have gotten as much as 18.7 mpg and as little as 11.5 mpg in town. I pull a 18ft bass boat with it and the kids. So far the only problem I have had was a failed windshield wiper motor. I have had work trucks with the Power Stroke engine and am glad I purchased the V-10 engine. I feel it does just as well with only about 2 mpg less than the diesel. Consider that diesel now cost more than gas and the maintenance cost is higher on the diesel and the added purchase price of the diesel the V-10 was a good choice. Due to the vehicles weight I would mot recommend the 5.4 engine.
  • jridleyjridley Member Posts: 1
    Have a problem where these things no longer work:
    - remote keyless entry
    - driver door entry keypad
    - door locks
    - radio stays on for 10 minutes after turning off ignition _AND_ opening the doors (should turn off if you open the doors)
    - night-time headlight 'on' mechanism doesn't work (headlights do work manually, however)

    This started gradually with the door locks working intermittently, then started noticing the radio+door problem, then it all stopped working suddenly a few days later

    Heard it might be the 'front electronic module' but need confirmation before I sell my Left arm to finance the replacement costs.

    Tx, JFR
  • aok1978aok1978 Member Posts: 1
    Same thing that happened on my wife's 2002 Explorer Limited with the back up or more sensor is bad. When you first start it up the "off" light is off and when you put it into reverse it bleeps a time or two then turns itself off due to one or more of the sensors malfunctioning. Hope that helped!
  • newinvestmentsnewinvestments Member Posts: 1
    My 02 did the same thing but my door ajar light was not on, after hours of traking down wires I found that my rearest dome light had been turned off. That caused the rest of the lights to come on and not turn off for 1/2 hour after the car was turned off.
  • michelle7664michelle7664 Member Posts: 1
    I know this problem doesn't really compare but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Ever since I got my truck I have had trouble with the TV/VCR. Ford is giving me the run around about correcting the problem. The audio works fine but the video will go in and out. I have had my truck in the Ford Shop over 5 times and each time they SAY they fix it and they never do. We have had it...the TV/VCR was in the truck when I bought it from the Ford Dealer. Any help would be appreciated.
  • shadetree_mechshadetree_mech Member Posts: 10
    I have an 04 EB Excursion, v10 runs great 12.5 in town 14.8 on the interstate, yes I used the paper method to calculate. The DVD player plays the audio over the IR heads sets or Radio Audio. The IR headset work great, but when we try to listen over the radio we don't get any sound over any of the useable choices, this used to work until recently. We did search in the upper frequencies and can find limited audio that is pretty garbled. Which leads me to the FM modulator. I'd love to dig into to it and fix. My only question is where is the FM modulator? Is it part of the DVD unit? I dropped the unit out yesterday and there only appears to be two plugins for power & control. Would anyone know where I could pick up a schematic of this unit, or is there a simple fix that I am missing.
  • frankxfrankx Member Posts: 2
    One possible problem could be the ribbon cable that goes between the screen and the console. A common problem with flip down screens is that the ribbon cable overtime will crack from repeated opening and closing. The fix is replace the cable (cost about $35) , this is not difficult but does require some experience. I replace mine and it is working great.
  • daddy818daddy818 Member Posts: 18
    My wife owns a 2000,V 10 Triton, 4wd Ex., bought from Carmax 3 yrs.ago.I'm really hoping someone out there can help or guide me in the right direction.Truck has 100k miles and a gas engine, #1 problem - changed oil about 2 months ago,was unsure if original oil was synthetic or regular, auto. tech.(?) at auto parts store told me it was OK to switch from Syn. to reg. but I couldn't go back to syn. afterwards so I drained all remaining oil and put new filter on and put 6 qts. 5w 30 in,think I remember checking dipstick and reading was fine, recently oil gauge needle started "jumping" back and forth, checked dipstick and no reading at all(very strange - no leaks under vehicle,no oil residue in tailpipe, no visual signs of oil burning from exhaust,coolant is still green so I hope no crack in block) so I added 1 qt. and needle stopped jumping but still no reading on dipstick,I have since added 2 more qts. and still no reading (I am not about to add anymore until I find out whats going on).We live on a block that slopes so I checked the Ex. parked facing south and then north,still no reading on dipstick,oil gauge is reading OK,PLEASE HELP ME!
    #2 problem - rear defrost in rear windshield no longer works,checked fuse box under hood and fuse box by drivers seat and all fuses appear to be OK.(Is on same switch as heated mirrors and they work fine)
    #3 problem - driver side heated seat no longer works,seat got very hot before it stopped working,again all fuses seem to be OK in both fuse boxes.
    #4 problem - ghost radio. Radio/CD player used to work fine,now whenever the Ex. is started radio goes on by itself(even if you turn it off before you turn ignition off and then restart vehicle)and at random times when radio is on and there is no CD in player,radio will switch to CD(on digital read out) and then state "no disc" and then go back to radio(I think its haunted).
    Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated and I want to say "thank you" in advance.
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