Hello, referring back to my initial post on January 1 for the money factor and residual value for a 2025 Defender X-Dynamic SE P400 in zip code 94070, for 36 months and 15K miles. I'm considering an up-front fully paid lease if that reduces the money factor and/or other fees/charges such as the security deposit or acquisition fee. I'm also wondering what happens if the car is stolen or totaled during the lease term: is there anything similar to "gap" protection in the lease (or that my insurance company can provide) so that I don't lose all of the up-front payment? Thanks!
If they have a single-pay lease program, then that will lower the money factor. But, we don't have any info on that for them.
New programs as of today
36/15: .00223 MF and 57% residual 39/15: .00225 MF and 55% residual (prob best term)
In the event of total loss, a single pay lease works like a regular lease. They calculate the payoff, as if you were making monthly payments, and refund you for the payments not yet accrued. Then, GAP insurance works just like a normal lease. You don't have the big risk that you do from large CAP cost reductions
Hello, referring back to my initial post on January 1 for the money factor and residual value for a 2025 Defender X-Dynamic SE P400 in zip code 94070, for 36 months and 15K miles. I'm considering an up-front fully paid lease if that reduces the money factor and/or other fees/charges such as the security deposit or acquisition fee. I'm also wondering what happens if the car is stolen or totaled during the lease term: is there anything similar to "gap" protection in the lease (or that my insurance company can provide) so that I don't lose all of the up-front payment? Thanks!
We don't have any one-pay information for LR, but you should ask your dealer to see if one is available.
The acquisition fee is never waived.
The monies you give the bank up front go into an escrow account, and the monthly payment is made from it each month. If the car is stolen or totaled during the lease term, the balance of the escrow account is simply refunded back to you.
Referring to your January 7 reply to my single-pay lease question: "In the event of total loss, a single pay lease works like a regular lease. They calculate the payoff, as if you were making monthly payments, and refund you for the payments not yet accrued. Then, GAP insurance works just like a normal lease. You don't have the big risk that you do from large CAP cost reductions." Based on this, how should I handle a trade-in? It sounds like I should not apply the trade value as a cap cost reduction (because I wouldn't recover those funds back if the car is a total loss?), but instead simply request a separate check from the dealer for the value of the trade. What do you recommend? Thanks!
Referring to your January 7 reply to my single-pay lease question: "In the event of total loss, a single pay lease works like a regular lease. They calculate the payoff, as if you were making monthly payments, and refund you for the payments not yet accrued. Then, GAP insurance works just like a normal lease. You don't have the big risk that you do from large CAP cost reductions." Based on this, how should I handle a trade-in? It sounds like I should not apply the trade value as a cap cost reduction (because I wouldn't recover those funds back if the car is a total loss?), but instead simply request a separate check from the dealer for the value of the trade. What do you recommend? Thanks!
That's what I would do. How much equity do you have in the trade?
Are we still talking about a single payment lease? Seems like they could just credit the $6800 to the upfront payment amount, rather than as a CAP cost reduction.
If they can't, I'd ask them to separate the two transactions. Unless of course, there is some sort of sales tax credit benefit.
Yes, it would be a single payment lease. Once I see the actual paperwork and how they're calculating the sales tax and interest, and crediting the trade-in, it should become clear which option is best.
Yes, it would be a single payment lease. Once I see the actual paperwork and how they're calculating the sales tax and interest, and crediting the trade-in, it should become clear which option is best.
Hi, Can I get the January MF, Residual value and Incentives for 2025 Defender 110 P400 X-Dynamic SE please? 36 months, 10K/12K miles, in NJ area (07632). Thank you
Hi, Can I get the January MF, Residual value and Incentives for 2025 Defender 110 P400 X-Dynamic SE please? 36 months, 10K/12K miles, in NJ area (07632). Thank you
36/12 .00223 MF and 59% residual No lease incentives
I completed the transaction with the one-payment lease for 36 months and 15,000 miles. Note that this was an order placed last September, not purchased off the lot. It was somewhat difficult to sort out all of the details, and the structure isn't for everyone, but there was a discount on the money factor that made it worthwhile for our circumstances. MSRP for the 110 X-Dynamic SE was $86,890, residual value was $49,527, the selling price was $84,000, and the money factor was .00143. The monthly payment before sales tax was approximately $1,153. Chase has a gap waiver in their lease agreement, and will refund the prorated unearned portion of the upfront payment in the event of a total loss. They treated the trade-in separately, not as a cap cost reduction. Acquisition fee, license, documentation fees, etc. were paid up front as part of the final payment.
I completed the transaction with the one-payment lease for 36 months and 15,000 miles. Note that this was an order placed last September, not purchased off the lot. It was somewhat difficult to sort out all of the details, and the structure isn't for everyone, but there was a discount on the money factor that made it worthwhile for our circumstances. MSRP for the 110 X-Dynamic SE was $86,890, residual value was $49,527, the selling price was $84,000, and the money factor was .00143. The monthly payment before sales tax was approximately $1,153. Chase has a gap waiver in their lease agreement, and will refund the prorated unearned portion of the upfront payment in the event of a total loss. They treated the trade-in separately, not as a cap cost reduction. Acquisition fee, license, documentation fees, etc. were paid up front as part of the final payment.
New programs as of today
36/15: .00223 MF and 57% residual
39/15: .00225 MF and 55% residual (prob best term)
In the event of total loss, a single pay lease works like a regular lease. They calculate the payoff, as if you were making monthly payments, and refund you for the payments not yet accrued. Then, GAP insurance works just like a normal lease. You don't have the big risk that you do from large CAP cost reductions
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The acquisition fee is never waived.
The monies you give the bank up front go into an escrow account, and the monthly payment is made from it each month. If the car is stolen or totaled during the lease term, the balance of the escrow account is simply refunded back to you.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
2025 Defender 130 S
P300 or P400
P400 - .00150 MF and 57% RV
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
.00125 MF and 54% residual
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Looking for MF and residuals for a few scenarios in 11766 for the Defender 110. 12k/15k miles. 36/42/48 months.
P525 V8 and P400 X Dynamic SE
Thanks so much.
36/15 - .00223 MF and 57% RV
42/15 - .00227 MF and 51% RV
48/15 - .00230 MF and 44% RV
.00094 MF and 49% RV
.00111 MF and 44% RV
.00122 MF and 38% RV
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Thank you! Can you provide for 12k miles too?
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Looking for MF / RV - zip 92694
110 - P400 X Dynamic SE
130 - P400 X Dynamic SE
.00223 and 60%
.00225 and 58%
.00125 and 57%
.00133 and 55%
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
36/10 & 36/12
39/12: .00289 MF and 62% residual
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36/10 & 36/12
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If they can't, I'd ask them to separate the two transactions. Unless of course, there is some sort of sales tax credit benefit.
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.00223 MF and 59% residual
No lease incentives
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Thanks for the report.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Turning in a 2023 Defender lease this month.
Seeking to understand current terms (MF and Residual rates) that I could get based out of 20016?
30, 33 or 36 months (depends on the sweet spot).
12K per annum miles
Typically no money down, expect for first month payment and fees.
Also, are there currently any discounts to ask for on these vehicle?
Any advice appreciated.
Post RR Sport questions in the appropriate discussion.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
36/12 - .00223 MF and 59% RV
39/12 - .00225 MF and 57% RV
We don't track pricing; use the Price Checker link, below, for Edmunds research.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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P400 S
P400 Sedona
P400 X
P400 X Dynamic SE
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.00220 MF and 63% residual
.00223 MF and 60%
.00225 MF and 58%
P500 X Dyn SE
.00135 MF and 58%
.00143 MF and 55%
.00150 MF and 53%
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MF and RV for 110 S p300? Thank you!
What is your location?
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36/10k 21085. Thank you!
36/10k 21085. Thank you!
.00289 MF and 64% RV
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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.00223 MF and 60% RV
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige