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Chrysler 300/300C



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    carcom2carcom2 Member Posts: 212
    Re: 300 C -You are right about checking the tire pressure. The pressure was in the mid to upper 30's on 3 tires and 40 on the 4th tire when cold. It looks like max pressure on tire show 51& says to set it to car manufactures specs- the door pillar shows 30. I dropped all tires down to apprx 31 and the car rides quieter over the bumps and the steering feedback is more refined. Thanks for the reminder.
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    carcom2carcom2 Member Posts: 212
    Re: 300 C -You are right about checking the tire pressure. The pressure was in the mid to upper 30's on 3 tires and 40 on the 4th tire when cold. It looks like max pressure on tire show 51& says to set it to car manufactures specs- the door pillar shows 30. I dropped all tires down to apprx 31 and the car rides quieter over the bumps and the steering feedback is more refined. Thanks for the reminder.
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    carcom2carcom2 Member Posts: 212
    Re: 300 C -You are right about checking the tire pressure. The pressure was in the mid to upper 30's on 3 tires and 40 on the 4th tire when cold. It looks like max pressure on tire show 51& says to set it to car manufactures specs- the door pillar shows 30. I dropped all tires down to apprx 31 and the car rides quieter over the bumps and the steering feedback is more refined. Thanks for the reminder.
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    carcom2carcom2 Member Posts: 212
    Re: 300 C -You are right about checking the tire pressure. The pressure was in the mid to upper 30's on 3 tires and 40 on the 4th tire when cold. It looks like max pressure on tire show 51& says to set it to car manufactures specs- the door pillar shows 30. I dropped all tires down to apprx 31 and the car rides quieter over the bumps and the steering feedback is more refined. Thanks for the reminder. This car is excellent in every way.
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    fd1000fd1000 Member Posts: 47
    Hello all of you lucky 300C owners, I'm so jealous.

    Can't wait for my Jaguar S-Type lease to be up in 10 months, next stop, the Chrysler dealership!

    Anyway, my question pertains to the nav system.

    I'm pretty sure that on the last gen Cadillac STS's that had DVD navigation, you could pop out the nav dvd disk, put in a MOVIE dvd, and it would play it on the screen (of course, you needed to be in park)

    Has anyone tried popping out their DVD nav disk, and put in a MOVIE dvd disk?

    If it works, and plays the movie, I will just flip out.

    Thanks for checking!
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    bjsohiobjsohio Member Posts: 69
    Type in "movie dvd" in the search box below. There was some discussion on that subject earlier.
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    mnmatchesmnmatches Member Posts: 111
    "no 300C SRT-8 make mnmatches go something something", go crazy? "don't mind if I DO!"

    Anyone out there able to gather more info on this vehic? It gives me goose bumps just thinking about strapping a SC to that 6.1 and replacing it with the standard 300 badge. that way you could still blow the doors off a 300c AND and 300c srt-8 and...
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    scpascpa Member Posts: 12
    I would never be without a NAV system. Purchased a Garmin Street Pilot 3 times, have one in my '04 Dakota, and now have one in my 300C.
    User friendly after just a little practice.
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    bigkev7000bigkev7000 Member Posts: 23
    Those are some great pictures on that site. Gives me some great Ideals. Changing the grill will be the first thing I do.
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    307web307web Member Posts: 1,033
    Looks crude. Should be a Dodge instead.
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    fd1000fd1000 Member Posts: 47
    I checked out the discussions earlier, but no one has actually walked out to their car and inserted a DVD into it, to see what would happen.

    WOULD SOME ONE PLEASE :), actually get up from their computer, walk out to their garage, and put a movie DVD into their 300c nav system? Then come back and leave a post as to the result?

    Just want a for sure answer from someone who has actually tried it. Not an answer from all of us without 300s guessing.

    Thank you!!!
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    carcom2carcom2 Member Posts: 212
    Here's what I found out. The system does not even recognize a movie DVD = you get an error message. It's also stated in the manual the NAV system will only play/read the NAV DVD,no others unfortunately. There could be some kind of chip or something to replace allowing it to play movies and if someone gets to figure out how movies can be played on the factory installed NAV system,please let us know how it's done. Just be careful not to watch the movie while driving - you would be bound to cause an accident. PS - I actually own a 300C and love it.
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    roma3roma3 Member Posts: 6
    Is it true that only one incentive or rebate can be used at a time? When car was ordered I qualified for the $ 1,000.00 chrysler loyality program and the $1,000.00 chrysler finance rebate. Car has now been delivered and the dealer said only one rebate per car . Anyone else have this problem ? called chrysler customer service and got conflicting answers.
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    sls002sls002 Member Posts: 2,788
    The navigation system is really a computer that will displace maps. The DVD will hold much more information than a CD. CD based nav's generally needed several CD's to cover the entire USA. Probably because the disk must have both software as well as map data.

    Your home computer will only display a DVD movie if it also has software to do it. There are rules about TV's in the front seat area I think.
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    sandbaggersandbagger Member Posts: 16
    don't have to. The manual says it DOESN't play dvd's period!
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    jwaters943jwaters943 Member Posts: 3
    I'm planning on ordering a 300C in Magnesium w/ either Dark Slate Gray/Light Graystone interior or the Deep Jade/Light Graystone interior. I've only seen the Dark Slate Gray upper dash in person. Can anyone here describe how the Jade upper dash looks in person. In the brochure it looks like a very deep emerald green (which is appropriate given its name, but brochures are ALWAYS inaccurate). Is it a noticable green or more of a dark grey w/ green undertones? I'm really undecided because I like the dark gray upper dash, but find it a little boring. Thanks in advance to those who reply.
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    karlakarla Member Posts: 11
    I have a 300C in Magnesium w/Deep Jade/light greystone interior and like it alot. The light greystone is not real easy to keep clean but rich looking. The deep jade is a very noticable dark green. Very nice combination that I am not sorry I got. I had the dark gray in my 300M and wanted something different. Hope this helps.
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    carcom2carcom2 Member Posts: 212
    I have the 300C Magnesium w/ Dark Jade and I like it better than the Dark Slate Gray which I originally ordered and cancelled after seeing the Deep Jade, which looks better with the outside color,IMO,and when I asked the salesman which of the 2 he liked better he also said Deep Jade.
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    microrepairmicrorepair Member Posts: 508
    It is against the law in the US to have a movie playing capanbility in the front seat. It is possible to jury-rig the NAV systems to play movies, but there is a good reason for the law. Just 2 weeks ago there was a fatal crash here in Mass. because the driver was watching a movie on his NAV system. The driver was the fatality, thankfully not some innocent motorist..
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    markcincinnatimarkcincinnati Member Posts: 5,343
    The Cadillac SRX nav system will play a DVD in the front seat if the gear shift is in the Park position. FWIW.
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    microrepairmicrorepair Member Posts: 508
    It is against the law to allow the DVD to "PLAY" while the transmission is NOT in PARK... If you want to watch a movie at a Stop light you may do so if you shift into Park.. Some people defeat the switch/logic to allow playing anytime and that is what caused the fatality here in Mass.
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    mnmatchesmnmatches Member Posts: 111
    There is not a single one of us that is a 100% law abiding citizen. I personally, would like to enable DVD movies in the front seat of my car so that my wife can watch a movie and I can listen to a movie on long trips. This doesn't mean that I won't peak at the screen from time to time, but most likely it won't be any more of a distraction than changing a radio station.

    I'd be more afraid of drivers that think reading is harmless. Its been proven that reading takes far (like 10x) more mental concentration than driving. Therefore, if you see someone at the wheel of a car with a newspaper, there are times where they are nearly 100% mentally disconnected with the road....
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    markcincinnatimarkcincinnati Member Posts: 5,343
    Wow, how to even come back at this. . .hmmm.

    OK, I, generally speaking, am not in favor of laws telling me what I can and cannot do with my own property and at my own risk. But, the thing is, having a DVD movie playing in the front seat on a screen that can be seen by the driver is a distraction. And, just because someone is dumb enough to read a newspaper or a map or something other than "reading the road" does not justify adding another distraction.

    The old joke goes something like this: two wrongs don't make a right, but three do! What?!? If a 7" TV screen were to be made capable of showing a movie while the car was moving, the ultimate result to "us" would be #1. higher risk of serious bodily or property damage; #2. higher insurance premiums. Since such consequences effect MORE than the person performing the act [of movie watching], i.e., society at large, I am in complete favor of the law protecting me from both risk to my life, limb and property and from higher insurance premiums.

    With all due respect, "Law Schmaw" seems dangerous, expensive, illogical, and ridiculous.

    Somebody stop me!
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    shiposhipo Member Posts: 9,148
    Rant on brother, I couldn't have said it better myself. I have spent a fair amount of time in Taiwan over the last few years, over there folks actually have TV sets that pop out of the dash! I swear, everytime I'm riding in a car when that damn thing is on, things outside the car and on the road get downright scary. :-/

    Best Regards,
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    xmf314xmf314 Member Posts: 154
    I'm glad you live in Minneapolis and I live in Los Angeles, because I don't want to be anywhere around you when you are taking those glances at the TV set while you are you are driving.
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    kjnormankjnorman Member Posts: 243
    Our Fox6 news this morning was doing a story on a driver of a truck who is being charged with murder after being involved in a crash which killed two other people while he was alledgedly driving while watching a DVD in the front of his cab - even though in Alaska this is not illegal.

    Having a DVD player capable of playing movies visible to the driver is illegal in 38 states however, and I can only imaging that after this crash - an others that have been reported - that it will not be long before it is illegal in all states.

    So, keep your eyes on the road and not on watching DVD's, reading the newspaper, playing with your cellphone etc etc.

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    mnmatchesmnmatches Member Posts: 111
    Lets all throttle back a smidge while I restate what I said above. :) I didn't quite mean that all states should open up the doors to allow people to watch movies/tv/etc. while driving (although it certainly read that way). Since I listen to books on tape pretty regularly while driving I'm very used to just listening to a story line. My wife on the other hand just falls asleep. So the monitor would be for her.

    xmf314 - Maybe you should take the bus? Stats for the year 2000 shows 3753 fatalities for California and only 625 for Minnesota.....

    Again I'm not asking that the doors be opened up for all to retrofit big screens in their front seats. I just sayin' that people shouldn't get flamed for asking how to do it. There is LOTS of talk on this board about speeding... but its rare that anyone gets this much heat about it. I'm willing to bet the stats state that more people are killed by excessive speed than by someone watching Jurassic Park....
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    fuzzywuzzyfuzzywuzzy Member Posts: 958
    If we take this logic of not watching a DVD etc while driving why is it nav systems are allowed? That's just a distraction. Looking at it on where to turn putting in address etc. If you ban one thing the law should apply to all other things.

    I feel all of it should be banned. Front & rear. Movies, vidio games etc should not be in a moving car period. Not only a distraction for the drivers but the drivers for all other cars around that car. I have pulled up to mini vans with the fold down screens alot & it's been a distraction for me, & then you have the fools that slow down behind them to get a glimps of what they are watching.
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    mikeyjohnmikeyjohn Member Posts: 365
    Fuzzy, I agree with you, I have wondered why the industry evere allowed Nav's or DVD's in vehicle without some sort of lockout which would not allow them to operate when the vehicle is in motion. I could see them making the screens go blank when the car is in motion and only allow the voice prompts to be heard. I have heard that this is not far fetched and the courts are starting to ask questions.

    I did not order the Nav with my car but only because of the price here in Canada. I did order the after market u-connect and like it especially with my hearing impairement which used to force me to pull out a hearing aid and then fumble with the phone which I know was dangerous and yes not very smart on my part. I just wonder how many people will have to die until they force this issue.
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    intrepidspiritintrepidspirit Member Posts: 662
    I agree! While they are at it, the courts need to also ban (at least hand-held) cell phone use in moving vehicles...
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    kjnormankjnorman Member Posts: 243
    I would be in full support of this! I commute 70 miles a day and I hate how many people I see jabbering away into a cell phone not paying attention to the road. My wife used to be a prime example of this and I consistently got on her back (especially once we had a baby) about it until she gave up using the phone.

    Now I also heard a report that claimed the accident rate with hands free phones was higher, as drivers tended to drive faster with a hands free devices.

    Whatever. They should all be band. I hate cell phones. I have a pay as you go that I use for about 10 minutes a month. That's it.

    Can't people survive without being on the phone for 1/2 hour?

    Anyway, this is way off topic. Sorry.
    /end rant
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    arnoldwarnoldw Member Posts: 28
    There are many distractions out there besides dvd's, cell phones and nav. systems. When my 300C is shiny and clean, I'm sure it distracts more than a few other drivers. What about billboards or cute chicks in miniskirts? It's like everyone's trying to grab eachothers attention. A good driver needs to be aware of his/her surroundings and not let these distractions get the better of them. Just my $.02
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    fuzzywuzzyfuzzywuzzy Member Posts: 958
    At least those disctractions are on the road :)

    I'm renting a base 300 Saturday for a small road trip. See how it goes. Not too bad of a price at $62/day from dollar rent a car. All they have are base 2.7L's :(
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    300chemi300chemi Member Posts: 1
    I have the 300C with every possible option on it. But no mention on the sticker about load leveling. The manual describes load leveling "if equipped." So do I have this option?


    BTW, are there any other forums where the 300 owners hang out?
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    intrepidspiritintrepidspirit Member Posts: 662
    "At least those disctractions are on the road :)"

    Exactly! There are enough distractions out there without intentionally adding more inside your vehicle...

    I'm not sure where you live, but I wouldn't pay $62/day to rent a 2.7L 300. I might pay that for a 300C to try it out, but as we all know the rentals only have the base...
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    cjs2002cjs2002 Member Posts: 341
    there are ways around the park switch cut off on the dvd player mode... theres a neihbor with an Acura TL that he's gotten around it cutting off.... he said it was difficult becuase he had to reroute fuzes cause it was tied into the starting mech... and I've also seen other kids in town with em... there are ways... but oh well... heck if I had it I would certainly do it just for my friends who are sittin in there with me...
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    hardhawkhardhawk Member Posts: 702
    This feature is coming later, just as the tire pressure monitors. Early models don't have them.
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    patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    About other forums - you could always use google to check around, but I need to remind you that the Membership Agreement specifically prevents people from promoting other message boards here in the Town Hall.

    Sorry ...
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    Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,150
    A reporter is looking for consumers who are trading from SUVs into smaller vehicles. Please respond to jfallon@edmunds.com by Friday, August 15, 2004.

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    tolenashtolenash Member Posts: 52
    Awesome article...and 14city/19hwy too.

    Chrysler revs up Hemi for 170-mph sedan
    http://money.cnn.com/2004/08/13/pf/autos/bc.autos.chrysler.hemi.r- eut/index.htm
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    intrepidationintrepidation Member Posts: 45
    The keyboard doesn't handle drool well....

    I mean, I really like the '95 3.5L Intrepid ES I've got, but, other than having to have an open credit line at the tire store, I see not a thing wrong with a 400+ HP & torque four-door sedan. Like it, actually, as I'm not a sports car guy. Never have been, never will be.

    I haven't read the second article, yet, but any mention on whether the 6.1 might come with AWD? I don't know if the driveline can handle it, but Mercedes does positively amazing things with the AMG-area. Y'know, they have an AMG diesel over in Europe... Hauls and gets decent MPG.

    Thanks for keeping us up-to-date!!!!!
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    iowabigguyiowabigguy Member Posts: 552
    Chrysler Adds Even More Horsepower to HEMI® with New 2005 Chrysler 300C SRT-8

    Additional 85 horses - 25 percent more power - builds more momentum for HEMI® and Chrysler 300

    Chrysler reveals 425-horsepower Chrysler 300C SRT-8, powered by new 6.1-liter HEMI V-8
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    pompiliuspompilius Member Posts: 54
    did anyone watch E.R. last night? They had a little highway chase between a doctor in 300C and some road raged dude in Buick Riviera.
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    autoguyautoguy Member Posts: 23
    Has anyone noticed that the hood for your 300c is very hot to touch after driving for a little while? Is this normal?
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    pompiliuspompilius Member Posts: 54
    have you tried to compare it to other cars' hoods?
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    marek7marek7 Member Posts: 3
    SRT8 will be priced in Europe at around 65,000 euro ($79,000)(latest AutoBild). Considering that Chrysler cars are around 60% more expensive in Europe than in US (loaded 300C tops $61,000), we can expect SRT8 to cost here less than 50 grand. That would be a sweet deal!
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