2007 Nissan Altima

navigator89navigator89 Member Posts: 1,080
The next generation of the Altima sedan will be shown at the upcoming New York Auto Show. Nothing certain is really known about the car at this moment. However there have been rumors of the Altima getting a hybrid version, an upgraded interior and a stronger engine that will probably make more than 260 hp.

I personally expect the new Altima to be really capable, because its competitors are pretty strong due to recent redesigns.

We'll also see if the Altima will move into Maxima territory or not, or if Nissan can distinguish them enough.


  • lawreelawree Member Posts: 3
    Not only Nissan is redesigning the Altima, but Nissan is also giving Maxima some changes like Altima did in 2005. It is SUPPOSED to be minor changes, but my guess is it is going to have SIGNIFICENT interior changes on Maxima because right now, it looks cheaper than Altima that it doesn't feel like 30K car. The new Altima is already the longest car between the competition (192 inch, same as the Hyundai Azera, which is really big), so I'm pretty sure it will not grow in size.

    My hope for the Altima is just don't go too radical.
  • lawreelawree Member Posts: 3
    Compare the two photes of 2005~2006 Altima and 2002~2004 Altima

    Well, that's really "minor", I must say.
  • inertia1inertia1 Member Posts: 8
    "minor" i would say so... these cars are not equally equiped... which would really make it difficult to compare, lets try to get a base 2006 interior pic and then we will see the pictures.
  • navigator89navigator89 Member Posts: 1,080
  • cirrusscirruss Member Posts: 87
    I was really surprised to see it on TV this morning. The Altima is completely redesigned inside and out. They really kept this one under wraps because I have a friend working at a Nissan dealer and he wasn't even aware there is a redesign for 07.

    You can see more pics at

    First impression is good, but will have to wait to see it in person.
  • mf15mf15 Member Posts: 158
    Yes I see that everyone is excited about the new 07,no posts. There is plenty of info and pictures out now. New color dash lights,std side air bags and std abs on V6. Upgraded interior,new underpinnings,little/no torque steer, cvt auto transmission.
    Old Mike
  • alpha01alpha01 Member Posts: 4,747
    Quite frankly, this is a very mild evolution of the Altima in my opinion. The styling is crisper, but almost looks like a mid-model freshening. I like the styling very much, but again, its not very radically different, for example as in the recent Sonata or Camry redesigns.

    The platform has been upgraded, the interior, judging from the pictures looks improved but not signficantly different. I suppose these are all expected improvements.

    Little/no torque steer is a claim, yet to be proven.

    For me, we dont have the important info yet, the info that will garner more attention- pricing and feature content, final power,torque, and EPA figures, etc. For its sake, I hope Nissan worked some magic on the 2.5L fuel efficiency; 23/29 of the previous version bordered on pathetic. (Please dont offer the 4A as an excuse- Subaru's similarly powerful Legacy with a 4A AND AWD manages 23/30.....)

    The CVT is the only really interesting departure from the family car norm...

    It looks like it will be a strong entry. I personally need more info, though, and want to see it in person, of course...

  • 14871487 Member Posts: 2,407
    This car looks better but it's not a revolutionary change IMHO. Many people wont be able to tell the difference between the '07 and the '06. The power looks good, but the interior is only slightly better than the old one. I dont think the Altima's interior is a match for the new camry or even the Saturn Aura. It's still full of plastic. The bluetooth and pushbutton start are nice gimmicks to have but few people will get those options.
  • camry1090camry1090 Member Posts: 7
    I love the exterior of the new Altima! I always liked the current generation when it came out in Fall '01, but this one blows the current one away IMO. It looks so sexy, and blows the current '07 Camry and '06 Accord out the water! Hopefully they won't raise the price that much! :)
  • carguy58carguy58 Member Posts: 2,303
    to me Nissan had to be revolutionary again stylewise with the 07 Altima like they did with the 02 Altima but instead the 07 Altima looks like an evolutionary change. Its not a change like the new Camry is. It looks like Nissan took a page from Honda 1990's styling playbook with the new Altima: just evolutionary styling changes. It worked for Honda than but its it going to work for a company like Nissan that prides theselves on styling? I don't know. I'm sure the 08 Accord will be as much as an improvement styling wise from its current model like the way the 07 Camry styling is from the 06 Camry's styling. I will say one good thing totally in the Altima they did improve the Altima's interior for the 07 model. From the very small spyshot of the new Altima interior it looked a flasback to the good old days of the 93 Altima interior which is definately a good thing. Also, the new 07 Maxima interior looks alot better than the 04-06 Maxima interior. It looks Nissan is adrressing their shortcomings in their products of late.

    On a sidenote Nissan has played it safe(being evolutionary or maybe de-evolutionary) with the Altima's styling before with the 98 model. If you remember previously the 93 Altima was a drastic change over its stanza replacement stylewise.
  • alpha01alpha01 Member Posts: 4,747
    Good point about the 93, though I thought that Stanza was dang sharp! I'm a fan of edgier, criper styling.

  • dwinkdwink Member Posts: 14
    Does anyone know if the new Nav system is voice activated?
  • virtkingvirtking Member Posts: 25
    I think Nissan made changes where it needed. For me the biggest turn off with '01-'06 Altima was the interior quality and materials (to less degree with '05-'06 MY). If the new car interior is as good as pictures available here, it may be at the top on even more people's lists. Then again if it's not too late, I'd like to see Nissan change two things: 1) gas tank level gauge should have 1/8 marks between 1/4 marks; 2) change the high mounted brake light height to something lower, so it is not reflected in the rearview mirror as rear seat middle head rest.

    We see Camry's redesigned style as such big improvement to some degree because the previous was so much boring. Honda also needs to do something drastic if it wants to remain a top contender.
  • carguy58carguy58 Member Posts: 2,303
    "I think Nissan made changes where it needed. For me the biggest turn off with '01-'06 Altima was the interior quality and materials (to less degree with '05-'06 MY).

    Your right the 02-04 Altima's interior was not that good to say the least but the car was still a major hit instantly. The 05-06 interior was much more tasteful.

    "We see Camry's redesigned style as such big improvement to some degree because the previous was so much boring."

    I'll agree the 02-06 Camry was very whitebread looking.

    "Honda also needs to do something drastic if it wants to remain a top contender."

    I'll agree since I am a hardcore Honda fan and have been since the mid 90's since I was in High school but the current Accord it just does nothing for me looks wise.
  • driverdmdriverdm Member Posts: 505
    I am new to this forum. I saw the pics of the new Altima and did not like it at all. My first thoughts were, "this is a soft massage not a redesign". I had basically given up on the midsize market and were looking into trying for a small SUV with serious performance. I saw the Altima at the NY Autoshow. In person, the car is absolutely gorgeous. The description, "4 door" Z really fits. It jumped to the head of my list along with the Mazda CX-7 (remember what I said about the small performance SUV). The downfall of the Mazda is that it requires premium gas and may be slight more than the Nissan as far as price. If I take the cheap route and get the 4-cylinder, the price disparity grows even more. I had two altimas before buying my Mazda6. The Altimas gave a lot of trouble. One I am convinced had a bad front-end. The Mazda has been a blast to drive and been two years now of carefree ownership. I am kind of a Mazda fan now because I know what to expect from Mazda. A lot of performance and very nice interiors. So my dilemma is growing. I will wait till both hit the streets before making a decision though, so I have a while.
  • driverdmdriverdm Member Posts: 505
    I actually have real life photos of the Altima from the show on my myspace account under the same username.
  • th6252th6252 Member Posts: 1
    i'm also new to this forum, and like someone else stated above me, i wasn't too fond of the new styling when i first saw the pictures. however, it really started to grow on me once i saw it in person at the show.
    was wondering if anyone has an idea as to what the estimated pricing will be...especially in the se 6mt package. thanks.
  • jaxs1jaxs1 Member Posts: 2,697
    No, but there is no reason to expect it to be shockingly different from the current pricing and all the cars it has to compete against (Mazda6, Galant etc.).
    They cannot jack up the price by thousands and expect to sell.
  • almin23almin23 Member Posts: 3
    Anyone knows more or less what month is this vehicle coming out and how much?

  • maxamillion1maxamillion1 Member Posts: 1,467
  • nostalgianostalgia Member Posts: 10
    I'm curious... :confuse:
  • ranger2001xltranger2001xlt Member Posts: 85
    Why is this vehicle only being sold in several states? The reason that Nissan gave was bogus. Do they think that these 6 - 7 seven states are the only ones who have drivers whom want to use this technology?

    Perhasp thye are going to price the hybrid version so high, they are counting on the tree-huggers in these states to cough up th extra dough to buy one.
  • maxamillion1maxamillion1 Member Posts: 1,467
    I can't seem to find your pics Driverdm...any links?
  • isthondaisthonda Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone have any details on the 6 speed manual transmission 2007 Altima? I know on the 2006 Altimas and Maximas, when you try to build them online, the option packages and color choices are very limited when you choose the manual transmission and they make you change the transmission back to automatic when you try to add most option packages. Does anyone know if this will be the case with the 2007 Altima? Thanks.
  • metabolifemetabolife Member Posts: 1
    The dealer I spoke to blurted out November for a release date.
  • jaxs1jaxs1 Member Posts: 2,697
    Which may be true or he could be spewing guesses or lies designed to get you to just buy something else now because November is far off.
  • ray_h1ray_h1 Member Posts: 1,134
    [Gasp!] Do you mean to imply that a car salesman would actually resort to questionable negotiating tactics in order to unload present stock in anticipation of the new model introduction in five months? (Next you'll be telling us there's no Easter Bunny, either, I bet.)
  • pernaperna Member Posts: 521
    I recall Nissan stating the Altima would be out this summer, and the '07 Maxima would be later in the fall.
  • deerlake7deerlake7 Member Posts: 176
    I've read that Maxima deliveries start in July and the Altima will be December 1st. We'll see.
  • ehb5ehb5 Member Posts: 1
    An increasing amount of research has shown the importance of stability control. Will the '07 Altima make this safety feature available?
  • dat2dat2 Member Posts: 251
    I think I read on nissannews that the 07 Maxima would lose the 6 spd, shifting the availability to the Altima, which will have the upgraded 6 spd as standard equipment on both the 4 cyl and 6 cyl. That is my take on it at least. Seems like a good time to buy a leftover 06 6 spd Maxima since they seem to be available at dealers right now.
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    especially since the 07 maximas are out...

    ISTHONDA, have you looked at altima SE-R?
  • willsimwillsim Member Posts: 33
    I purchased an 05 Frontier last year with the 4.0 V6 and love the truck. I'm was planning on replacing my Neon with an 07 4 cylinder Altima but now am reconsidering due to the serious ongoing problems Nissan is having with this engine. Nissan is currently stopped the sales of the 4 cylinder Altimas. Reading the problems and solution Altima forum it appears that this engines has had problems since it was introduced in 02. A Honda or Toyota purchase may be in my future.
  • corvettecorvette Member Posts: 10,983
    I think it will be optional on the V6 models. Nissan is slow to market with standard safety features and their current lineup often requires the purchase of extensive option packages in order to get stability control.
  • stradovinskistradovinski Member Posts: 1
    I'm also curious about a release date/pricing. I don't need a new car but it would be nice to have. I looked at an 06 Altima SE R and liked it. I'm thinking of waiting closer to the release of the 07s for a better deal (that's how I got a great deal on my 99 Maxima), but I also may want an 07 myself.
  • laney674laney674 Member Posts: 1
    You may want to reconsider the Honda, and just go for the Toyota. I have a 2002 Honda Civic and spent over $2K replacing transmission parts. The car has a little over 70,000 miles and I bought it new. I was told by the Honda technician that Honda would not meet me 1/2 way to help me out with the cost because I had never brought it in for services such as oil changes, tire rotation, etc... I have done all those things but not with Honda. I read about other folks having problems with Honda transmissions which was quite surprising.
  • ray_h1ray_h1 Member Posts: 1,134
    laney674 get your owner's and warranty supplement manuals out and look up Honda's consumer hotline number. That tech is NOT the last word on what Honda will or will not cover. I guarantee you, there is NO requirement for dealer performed routine service for normal or extended warranty consideration, though you may be asked to present your receipts as evidence of timely service. (A little-known federal law, the Moss-Magnuson Act, guarantees that!) Honda has goodwilled transmission fixes well beyond the nominal warranty. And, yes, Honda automatic transmission problems are legendary.
  • bwiabwia Member Posts: 2,913
    At least from the side profile the 07 Altima has a strong resemblance to the Infinti M35/45. That should be expected but that theme seems stale and ordinary...I will wait to pass judgement until I see the car in person.

    I owned a 1998 Altima that I liked very much. At that time that designed looked fresh and way ahead of its time. Although the 2002 redesign was nice I still believe Nissan should kept that size and style of the 98 and create a new name for the 02.

    Just my two cents but at my workplace I see a lot of the second generation Altima in the parking lots...And may I add that car was quick off the line and extremely reliable.
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Ok I just bought a new 07 Versa and while at the dealer, they had several 07 Maxmia's on the lot. I was able to go and sit in them, MAN have they updated the interiors on them, they look very BMW like... The Maxima comes stantard with 255hp (down 10hp) and with the CVT transmission. ALso have have restyled the front end which IMHO looks so much better.. Lots of technology in the max for 07..

    The 07 Altima will look like a cross between a G35 and M35 and will have as optional equipment what you get on those 2 cars.

    I think nissan has gotten it right by offering options on cars that were only gotten on luxury cars but now can be had on cars that the average joe can buy...

    Tony :shades:
  • maxamillion1maxamillion1 Member Posts: 1,467
    I have to disagree with you on the 98 model. Though the car was very reliable, Nissan had to ditch that design because of it's bland styling and lackluster appeal. The Second generation Altima was the shortest generation ever (4 years, compared to the 5 year gens for the 93 and 2002 Altima models) and Nissan's biggest facelift for the Altima didn't occur in 2005, but back in 2000 when they added length to the Altima and changed its front and rear designs.

    Though that genearation of Altima has been good to you, Nissan did the rigth thing by dumping it because the car was too small and didn't offer a V6 engine and it's styling really didn't appeal to most consumers. The 2nd generation Altima was by far the biggest discounted Altima of any generation and proved that Nissan really needed to up the size of the 3rd generation Altima and offer styling to compete.
  • corvettecorvette Member Posts: 10,983
    The 2nd-gen Altima was about the same size as the Jetta was then. I knew the 2000 model got a facelift, but didn't know they added length. I assume the length was for visual reasons (adding on via the bumper and grille) rather than actually increasing the interior dimensions of the car?
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Maxamillion1 I think you got a few thigns backwards.

    The biggest facelift for the Altima wasn't for 2005 but for 2002 when they added the V6 to the line up. The 2005 Altima had a minor facelift as well as a slight change to the interior..

    Tony :shades:
  • maxamillion1maxamillion1 Member Posts: 1,467
    No you actually have it wrong. The biggest REDESIGN was the 2002 Altima. A facelift is just that, changing a few things here and there. A redesign is when the car is competely all new.

    The 93 Altima was the original, by 95 the car was giving a subtle "facelift"with slightly diffrent taillights. 96 models got new wheel covers on GXE models. The 98 was the redesign, while the 2000 was the Altima's "facelift" then the 2002 was a redesign, while the 05 was a "facelift"

    And actually the Altima's increased exterior dimensions did add a bit more rear leg room to the 2000 Altima as compared to the 1998-99 models.

    I drive an 05 Altima (well I did, it was just totaled) and the Altima's 05 facelift was MAJOR in many aspects. For one, the car's front end is completely different and the interiors are very much different with better materials, and higher levels of fit and finish and a different design.

    I sell Nissans for a living. :)
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    what year did the V6 become an option for the Altima ?

  • maxamillion1maxamillion1 Member Posts: 1,467
    That you were right about my friend.
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    OK so the 2002 was a MAJOR face lift for the Altima ??

    BTW, I have a 2005 Altima 3.5 SE love it.

    Just took delivery of a 2007 Versa 1.8SL w/CVT very impressed with the Versa, I think Nissan has another home run of a car.

    Tony :shades:
  • amarkutamarkut Member Posts: 5
    Anyone shopping for an Altima and wondering if it's worth it, I have had mine now for almost 2 years. Bought the 2005 3.5 SL (may have waited for 2007 if I'd known about it)and I'm very pleased with this car.

    Love the HP, interior, exterior, gas mileage and I travel A LOT so comfort is key-which it does provide. I'm looking forward to seeing the 07 model!

    Only complaints (never fails, huh?): radio reception is not the best, but 6 CD in dash helps during the "worst" reception areas. Tires are a cheaper quality. Wanted compass on mirror-but wasn't available in the model. Lastly, being only 5'3"-I HATE cars that middle console isn't useable to rest my arm on when I have to push my seat so far forward. Auto makers-PLEASE remember not everyone is gifted w/height!

    PS. Mom loved mine so much she just got the 2.5-she extremely happy w/it too!

  • maxamillion1maxamillion1 Member Posts: 1,467
    That's a redesign.

    If a car is put onto a COMPLETELY new platform (as the 2002 is verses the 2000), given all new engines with completely different interior and exterior dimesnions, that's a REDESIGN.

    If a car is simply given a few changes to its exterior and interior, but the core body of the car remains the same, its a FACELIFT.

    The 2002 Altima was a redesign, just like the 1998 model was a redesign compared to the 1993.

    I'll explain this again...

    1993-Was the first generation Altima..

    1995-was the year it got a MINOR facelift (new taillights and slightly different grille)
    1996-The Altima got new wheel covers on XE and GXE models

    Second Generation Altima is released. The first REDESIGN of the Altima (even though the cars shared the same profile.

    2000-The year the Second generation Altima was FACELIFTED

    2002-The year release of the 3rd generation Altima, and the first time EVER the Altima got a V6 (you were right about that.)

    2005-The year the 3rd gen was facelifted.


    2007-4th Gen Altima look similar to the current model, but the car is on a different platform, with all new mechianicals and heavily revised engines.

    It's quite simple I think...
  • maximafanmaximafan Member Posts: 592
    Angie, I may be incorrect on this, but my
    2002 Maxima has the type of console that
    you can raise it up higher by the push of
    the button at the front. I assumed pretty
    much all the current Maximas and Altimas had
    this. Then, again, I may be wrong! :P
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