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Lexus LS 460/LS 460L News, Views and Opinions



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    nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    Especially the LS600hL, which will have the most technology to become obsolete... and because that process of obsolesence is ongoing, it could be very noticeable within just a few years from now! It makes the LS600hL a risky purchase compared to almost every other vehicle on the market.

    Oh man that's EXACTLY how I feel about all of the current hybrids. Today's hybrids could end up reselling like an Oldsmobile Diesel in 5 years the way technology is advancing. Hybrids are in their infancy - not interested in taking that chance for the $200 in gas I'm going to save each year.
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    tagmantagman Member Posts: 8,441
    Oh man that's EXACTLY how I feel about all of the current hybrids. Today's hybrids could end up reselling like an Oldsmobile Diesel in 5 years the way technology is advancing. Hybrids are in their infancy - not interested in taking that chance for the $200 in gas I'm going to save each year.

    You're not kidding. Every few weeks I read about another incredible advancement... and they are actually planning on bringing some of them to market within just a couple or few years from now.

    BlueTech diesel, I'd be OK with, but no way a hybrid right at this point in time... particularly a hybrid with a freakin price tag near $100,000 bucks, or even more!

    Truth is, nvbanker, when the LS600hL was first announced, I was in awe of the idea of it, but now logic has settled in and I know better.

    I know that you've been around the block many times for many years. You know a risk when you see one.

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    ljflxljflx Member Posts: 4,690
    I will completely disagree with you guys on a risk in the LS600HL. First of all it's a low volume car. Secondly it's a 450HP car with features limited to itself and will get 30 or more MPG on the highway. Every other car with that type of power gets much less gas mileage. So if it's a risk than what is the risk in ordinary gas cars with the same power that cost $20K+ more and have much worse fuel economy and in fact are gas guzzlers. When that car is 5 years old you won't be comparing it to a new model just like no one compares 5 year old cars today to their next gen siblings.
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    tagmantagman Member Posts: 8,441
    The gas mileage of 30 mpg, assuming it actually gets that, is not the big deal you seem to think it is. Even Jaguar XJ gets 27 mpg on the highway. True, it is only 300HP, but consider it is only pushing a weight of about 3700 lbs. Point is, gas mileage on a car in the six-digit price range is well... a consideration, but not a big one, and there are other cars out there that can get close enough to make it not matter that much.

    The risk is in utilizing a technology that is undergoing rapid evolution. Most cars, for years, would have small enhancements to style and features, and certainly engine refinements, but nothing in history has ever been like this situation with the powertrain innovations.

    Like the computers, the early ones were terrific and expensive, but it took hardly any time at all to make every one of us realize with wide eyes that we had paid so much for so little (little by comparison to the new and improved).

    Same is true, although to a lesser extent, with flat-screen TVs. First ones were big bucks. And now they are commonplace and, more importantly, they are much improved. I wouldn't want an older one. And I wouldn't want an older computer. I wouldn't want an early Prius, and I wouldn't want the first LS600hL. If you are willing to be objective here, you will see the truth in every word I have said here.

    Even Toyota ifself has just announced that they are going to bring even much newer powertrain technologies to market very soon. From the sounds of it, the current models will seem obsolete by comparison.

    Just thought you should know, lj. Good luck.

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    feverhartfeverhart Member Posts: 144
    Ah yes, it makes sense(?) to wait for the next edition, because the current one will soon be out of date. And when that new one arrives that will also be out of date with the advent of newer technology. That's chasing an unreachable goal. When the Grim Reaper arrives, look how much enjoyment we will have missed by waiting for something better.
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    tagmantagman Member Posts: 8,441
    Your point is the usual good point of view, but not entirely applicable here. I did indeed buy that first flat-panel plasma, and that first computer.

    In this case, the risk is more pronounced. The vehicle, on average, will likely be leased for a 5-year period. This means that the confrontation between old and upcoming new is guaranteed in 5, or so, years... and unlike most typical cases in history, this one is high risk and runs the probability that the difference between what is now and what will be in 5 years will be as different as night and day... not just the slightly better model we usually see... and the dollar amount is significant, well beyond average car. Is there always risk of change? Yes, just as you suggest. Is the risk higher in this case? Much higher.

    Different situation.

    And... in this situation, with the availability of the much less-risky LS460L (loaded), there is no need to miss those enjoyable experiences you refer to before the arrival of the Grim Reaper!

    Only on rare occassions do we get an extra-focused good look into a situation like this... this is one of them.
    Just thought I'd let lj know.

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    houdini1houdini1 Member Posts: 8,328
    Tagman, one of your more rational posts and I agree with you 100%. For some reason I just do not like any hybrid. I guess they are just too new fangled for an old fuddy duddy like me.

    I am a simple man with a simple mind. :shades:

    2013 LX 570 2016 LS 460

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    ljflxljflx Member Posts: 4,690
    It's a car purchase not a technology purchase and that's how people will view it IMO. At the end of the day you still have a 450HP car that will work fine and deliver supreme luxury. Computer technology is very different because you need the increased power and technology for new software products to run properly. You are forced to buy in that case and your old product is worthless. But this is a car and after five years the car will be evaluated vs it's competition in the 5 year old market not in the new market. It will still have a lot of mileage left for any buyer and that will give it plenty of value. I just don't see the risk and trust me I'm being objective. If it was a technology purchase I'd agree but it's a car purchase. People will evaluate it as car and discount the cost of a new battery into the price of the resale and move on.
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    designmandesignman Member Posts: 2,129
    It’s only a risk if you buy it. I’m not an early adopter when it comes to computer technology but I could see wanting a 600h. The drivetrain on the GS 450h is splendid. The bummer is the extra weight and cargo space, the latter which is a big liability in a luxury car. You have to go into this with almost the same attitude as getting a sports car, really desiring the benefit that outweighs the disadvantage.
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    anthonypanthonyp Member Posts: 1,860
    Lexus may give an extended warranty on the H, which then could help the re-sale value....Why does it seem that a person would keep the 600 for five years. and not the more traditional three or four years??Personally I seem to regularly get a tech toy that is outdated almost immediately, but my loss is a few thousand at most...The loss on a 600 could be many tens of thousands of dollars if Tag is right...Certainly a point to ponder....Tony
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    tagmantagman Member Posts: 8,441
    The loss on a 600 could be many tens of thousands of dollars if Tag is right...Certainly a point to ponder....Tony

    Oh, I wouldn't be trying to warn lj if I didn't really believe this.

    He continues to look at this as though the technology doesn't matter, saying "it's just a car". Usually true, but NOT in this case, as we are talking about the powertrain itself, and its technology.

    Further, the usual idea of comparing a 5-year old car to other 5-year old cars is not as entirely true in this case either. This car breaks many of the usual rules right out of the gate, and will continue to do so even later. Unfortunately, in 5 years when this car is viewed in comparison to other cars, this car will have to also compare itself to NEW cars that will offer newer, better, more efficient, powertrains at a better price point.

    Tony, this will be due to the inherent nature of technology... it continually improves and gets much cheaper to build. This will force down the value of the older powertrain technology even further, because a NEW model will be a better bargain.

    Anyway, enough on this. Lj is big enough to make his own decisions and take his own chances. It is just not a chance I would take at this point in time. Two or three years is risky enough. Five years? No freakin' way!

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    tagmantagman Member Posts: 8,441
    Designman brings to my attention that by leasing the LS600hL, the risk associated with the obsolesence and potential deteriorated value would be covered by the lease itself and I must agree that a lease would be the only way to acquire this vehicle. I must assume that Lexus will place a helpful residual value on the vehicle, even though I have little expectation of the validity of that number.

    I thank Designman for bringing this to my attention.

    The points I have made about the car are not in any way different... but the risk associated with aquiring it are likely minimized with a lease that carries a helpful residual.

    Thanks again, d-man. Lj... I assume you would lease?

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    ljflxljflx Member Posts: 4,690
    Yes I lease but I may pick up an FJ cruiser as a third vehicle for my son and have it double as a second AWD vehicle for my wife and I before too long and that I'd buy.

    I was talking to the Lexus dealer the other day and the LS600HL may not arrive until June. My lease is up at the end of March so if that's the case I'd go with an LS460L instead. I may have to deposit this car within 30 days or lose my reserved March spot. The car is that hot over here.
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    tagmantagman Member Posts: 8,441
    Which color on the FJ?

    Nice vehicle, but do drive it so that you will realize there are major blind spots... mostly right-rear and lower-rear. OK for the son and wife?

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    ljflxljflx Member Posts: 4,690

    Blue, of course. But I will drive it a few times more and thanks for that heads-up. I missed them the first time partially because it felt so different driving something like that. My son of course likes it but wants a 3-series or IS as first choice.

    BTW - In the middle of a major business deal for myself and partners. I wish this risk was as minor as anything you find in an LS600HL or any car for that matter. But if we pull it off - and I think we will - then I'm going to have a lot of fun in business next year. Hope your enjoying the bull run we both foresaw. I think next year is another 15-20% bull run in the market.
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    tagmantagman Member Posts: 8,441

    Blue is the right color indeed.

    Yes, it's been a good year and am hoping next year is as you say. I believe two years preceeding a Presidential election should be good.

    Good luck with your business deal... sounds exciting... somehow I just know it will be successful.

    BTW, if you should somehow end up in a fully-loaded LS460L, I'll secretly be glad for you. ;)

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    nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    For some reason I just do not like any hybrid. I guess they are just too new fangled for an old fuddy duddy like me.

    I agree, I don't care for any hybrid either, but it's not about new vs. old or fuddy or duddy. It's about return on investment - they cost too much for what you get, and they are still too new to rate.

    For sure, if you're enamored with a hybrid, fine, but lease it.
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    hendjazhendjaz Member Posts: 155
    Lexus uses the hybrids for performance enhancement so I suspect that the 600Lh purchasers will be much more interested in the increased performance of the LS versus the 460 rather than gas mileage. We have had/have three Lexus hybrids and absolutely will purchase future ones as the performance is great compared to the non-hybrid version and the mileage is also better. Those looking for pure mileage enhancement need only look at the Toyota siblings which are more oriented in that direction.

    I have the 460L w/Touring and the only question for me will be whether the 600Lh enhancements over the 460L will be enough to justify the price difference. I am absolutely sure that the performance will be even greater but will the overall package exceed the wonderful 460L sufficiently to warrant the extra $$?
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    cyclone4cyclone4 Member Posts: 2,302
    There is no question that the 600HL will be the most technologically advanced vehicle (yes more advanced than the 460L, including AWD, advanced collision system, etc.) in the industry. However, the problem that I have, and I am sure others are having, is the trunk capacity. Most of what I have heard suggests that it will be very small due to the battery and rear seat AC, cool box, taking up a lot of the trunk space. I think that will turn a lot of people off.
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    hendjazhendjaz Member Posts: 155
    The 460L curently has two different sizes, 18 and 12 cu ft, with the smaller one resulting from the intrusion of the rear seat upgrade package cooling devices. If they can get the trunk of the 600Lh to that size then it shouldn't be much of a problem as I haven't read or heard of anyone rejecting this current package due to the trunk size. If it is below that level and near the 8 cu ft of the GS 450h, then that would really seem out of scale for a car of this size.
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    ocean1234ocean1234 Member Posts: 5
    The normal car is huge! The bigger version is really huge! The drive is very nice! It feels like a smaller sports sedan... the luxury and feel of the car is great! I was impressed!!!!
    Lots of buttons... a little confusing at first!
    LS Test Drive Video/Photos and more
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    rgswrgsw Member Posts: 333
    Don't know if this has been posted lately, the vidio is interesting.
    http://reviews.cnet.com:80/2007_Lexus_LS_460L/4505-10865_7-32172595.html?tag=nl.- e501
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    mcdbirdmanmcdbirdman Member Posts: 2
    Just bought new 460L and have a blue 2007 FJ Cruiser 4x4 with ALL options for sale. 5,000 miles. Interested? Bought for $33,000.
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    tricky73tricky73 Member Posts: 132
    Does the LS 460 series require a 24 volt system to accomodate the new steering?
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    nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    I don't know, but I had heard they were going to a 42 volt system, rather than 24, to accomodate another 50 years of electronic upgrades and demands for power....
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    tricky73tricky73 Member Posts: 132
    I have never seen a 42 volt system; could the numbers from your source have been transposed? Assuming there has been a change to higher voltage, what does the new battery look like, where is it, etc? Has anybody tried the Lexus chat room for these kinds of inquiries? I tried it a few days ago to better understand how one loads the Levinson hard drive, with mixed success
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    tricky73tricky73 Member Posts: 132
    I just answered my own questions. I tried the LS 460 Chat Room and got through immediately and posed the question re LS 460 voltage. She had to research the question and called me back within the hour to report the automobile still uses a 12 volt battery and converts to a higher voltage (46v?) for the electrical steering. I also inquired about rear leg room, which is not reported anywhere, and she indicated for the SWB model it is a fraction of an inch shorter than the LS430, but could not find anything re that dimension for the 460. My qualitative opinion, after asking a sales rep to retract the front seat, that it is not obviously much better than the 430. Is that the reason they do not publish any figures on this parameter?

    I live in the Los Angeles area, and calling around to 6-8 dealerships could only find 1 vehicle with the touring package. When I went to see it discovered they had tacked on a $10K premium to the MSRP and wanted to nick me $5k more than other dealers for an '06 LS w/<3k miles. Looking at AUTONATION dealers website (they offer an opportunity to examine dealer inventory)...handy to blunt salesman BS. Surprised to see that a Florida dealership has 2 or 3 LS 460L with air suspension w/o touring package, MSRP in the low 80s'
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    sysweisyswei Member Posts: 1,804
    Where is the "LS 460 Chat Room" you are referring to?
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    tricky73tricky73 Member Posts: 132
    Go to Lexus.com, and identify the LS 460 as the vehicle of interest. The next window will offer a link to "LS Live Chat" of some-such-thing. Not sure it works for all models but I have used it successfully twice for the 460
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    sysweisyswei Member Posts: 1,804
    Thanks. I tried to dig a few things out of them, don't know how much it helped though:

    You: a few questions re the LS:

    Vaughn Wendelstadt: What are your questions?
    You: 1. When will the 460/460L be available with AWD?
    You: 2. What will the trunk space be on the 600hL, without rear seat upgrades?
    Vaughn Wendelstadt: There has been some interest in LS 460 vehicles being offered with AWD. At this time we do not have any information about AWD being offered for the LS 460.
    Vaughn Wendelstadt: For question 2, the latest information we currently have about the LS 600h can be found on the Lexus.com web site. I apologize that the trunk space for the LS 600h is not currently available.
    You: 3. Automotive News said that a JX would be introduced in mid-2007....a GS-based crossover, like a "big brother" to the RX. Is that accurate?
    You: 4. When might we see hybrid versions of SUVs other than the RX?
    Vaughn Wendelstadt: We have been making the product planning department aware of the interest for LS 460 with AWD. There is one of the concept vehicles that will be introduced. Again, the latest information is on the web site.
    You: 5. Does the Touring Package on the LS include any changes other than wheel size and brakes? For instance, are there any changes to the suspension?
    Vaughn Wendelstadt: Lexus is committed to hybrid technology. It is likely there will be other SUV's offered in the hybrid. We do not have any timeframe when this may happen.
    Vaughn Wendelstadt: The touring package does come with a different suspension system.
    You: How does that suspension differ? Are you aware of any reviews of the Touring version, that you can direct me to?
    Vaughn Wendelstadt: Good question! Please hold while I locate that information.
    Vaughn Wendelstadt: The suspension provides tighter steering and more of a feel of the road. You may wish to check Edmonds at the link I have included for some better information about product reviews.
    ***** URL Received: http://www.edmunds.com
    You: I want to throw in my 2 cents for the benefit of your product planning people: if I can't buy an LS460/460L by the fall of 2007 in AWD form, I may buy an MB S550 AWD or an Audi A8L. Please get moving, Lexus!
    Vaughn Wendelstadt: It is through communications such as yours that we become aware of the reactions and expectations of our customers. We really appreciate your feedback!
    You: Thank you for your help.
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    nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    I thought 42 was wierd too, but my friend the Ford Engineer, said that's what was being talked about industry wide. It may have changed by now, and it seems nobody is moving yet. I'm old enough to remember 1956 when most of the American Cars all went from 6 volt to 12 volt systems. It was fun jumping a 6 volt car with a 12 volt one....Man that starter moved fast, but you couldn't crank it for long, it would burn out quickly.
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    cyclone4cyclone4 Member Posts: 2,302
    Nice job syswei! You definitely asked the most pertinent questions that a lot of us would like to have answers. I am glad you put some pressure on Lexus that the AWD option is a must on the new LS by the fall of 2007. I also find it incredulous that they are not releasing any info on the LS600HL trunk capacity at this point.
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    jd14jd14 Member Posts: 128
    I know there's got to be a place for future Lexus vehicles that I just can't find but can someone here help me out? I'm trying to find a place to talk about and find information on the new Lexus SUVs and the LS superior (L650? I can't remember the name) that are coming out soon. Thanks.
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    tricky73tricky73 Member Posts: 132
    I would like to see comments from 460 buyers who have owned 4XX series Lexi as to whether the new design is really such an improvement as Lexus (and some posters on this site) would have us believe. My situation involves having owned an '04 430, an '05 330, and currently driving an '06 430. My '06 has sport suspension and has been a flawless automobile from day 1. It has the average goodies (Levinson, Nav, Satellite radio etc.)

    I made the mistake of driving an $85K 460L having air suspension and variable ratio steering and was impressed it is (perhaps) an even better car than I currently drive. But is it??? For example, how much quieter can the 460 be?

    For years the 430 was at the top of everybodys' quality list, it was comfortable, etc. etc. But is the 460 (w/air suspension) $45-$50K better than what I am driving? This is where I would like feedback from drivers who have owned both models to help with my dilemma. I do not hotdog a car, so whether it achieves 0-60 in 5.? sec is not that important to me. Living in Southern California, AWD would probably be a total waste. As stated in an earlier post, I am not impressed the leg room in the back seat of the new model (even for the 460L) is that much of an improvement over the 430, and having to accept park-o-matic, Lexus link (I hated OnStar), and other unused features to get delivery may be a stretch, especially if I am disappointed with other attributes of the new design such as reliability, comfort, etc. One complaint I have with the 430 is cramped driver knee space near the door, and this apparently still exists with the 460.

    However, there was something about the 460 which was very impressive for a short drive, and hope there is somebody out there, having owned/driven both models, can comment.
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    nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    is better on the 460, it's quieter, believe it or not, and the interior design is subtly altered for the better I believe. Little more attractive. I found the driving position to be identical to the 430, if my eyes were closed, I couldn't tell you which one I was sitting in.
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    patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Is this what you are looking for? 2008 Lexus JX350/460 (Lexus HPX Concept)
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    sysweisyswei Member Posts: 1,804
    Try to get your dealer to let you take the 460 overnight.
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    sysweisyswei Member Posts: 1,804

    That forum doesn't show up to the left under Browse By Vehicle/Lexus/Select Model....even though the IS-F and LF-A do.
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    patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    If you look just for Lexus without specifying a model it shows up.

    Edmunds, not the Forums/CarSpace, controls what shows up in those drop downs. A future vehicle usually is closer to release when they add a category for it, at least that's what I have observed.

    You could always use the keyword search, but that wouldn't have helped jd14 since he didn't remember the name.
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    tricky73tricky73 Member Posts: 132
    Which 460 did you get? What about the brakes? That was one factor that drove me from the 330 back to the 430; finest brakes I have ever used. At my age that is far more important than the accelerator!
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    jd14jd14 Member Posts: 128
    Thanks. It seems that nobody has much information on the new SUVs yet and nobody (except for a few people on the LS forums) has ever posted anything about the L600. Hmmm... maybe Lexus will unveil some of these at the coming Detroit Auto Show...
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    woppenhewoppenhe Member Posts: 61
    Do you live in the mountains or otherwise use curvey roads an apreciable amount of time. Here in LA, seems that luxury is more important than the few days a year we go off the freeway circut. I cannnot see any advantage to the touring package for freeway travel, only for curves at higher speeds than is usual.
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    hendjazhendjaz Member Posts: 155
    Seattle, so daily urban/suburban driving but the mountains are close by. We are also blessed with many nearby more rural roads that can be fun to drive.

    The Touring package, with the adjustable air suspension, 19" wheels/tires, larger brakes, etc. provides the flexiblity of going with the cushy, luxury ride but then opt for the more sport mode when the driving conditions and one's spirit warrant. My default setting is however sport/power for the custom settings and then go with the softer settings for speed bumps or for straight freeway driving. Touring is of benefit though in quick lane changes and the like and minimizes any body roll in such quick moves, which is why I leave it in sport mode by default.
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    rennyboschrennybosch Member Posts: 329
    "I would like to see comments from 460 buyers who have owned 4XX series Lexi as to whether the new design is really such an improvement as Lexus (and some posters on this site) would have us believe. . ."

    That is exactly also what I would like to know. For example, on my last service they gave me an 07 ES350 loaner, and it had the push button start/stop, which I liked. I think I would also like the push button parking brake. But aren't there some other goodies that only a new owner would really appreciate? So far no answers. Maybe you should repost your question in the LS460 group.
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    tricky73tricky73 Member Posts: 132
    In a previous post I requested input from owners of the LS 460 series to compare it to a previous 4XX automobile they have owned/leased; I have seen no replies.

    As stated earlier, I own an '06 LS 430 (~$65K MSRP) with the sport suspension. Asking around the Los Angeles area in a "what-if" manner, I would need to add an additional $45-$50K to trade up to a 460 with air suspension, hopefully one having the touring package. One dealer made a firm offer on a car with the touring package for a difference of $61K, and seemed disappointed I did not accept. However, to be fair, $8-$9K of the purchase price represent sales tax and license fees for which the dealer has no control.

    My conclusion is that even with all of the gee-whiz features in the new design there is no rational which would indicate the 460 is that superior to its' predecessor for that price difference. Also, to respectively argue with Lexus marketing types, I feel the SWB model will NOT prove to be their big seller; I also wonder how long the executive package will be offered. An interesting dichodemy.

    Those who are in a "must-have-one" frame-of-mind must be leasors rather than buyers, and only considering their lease payments increase a few hundred over what they are paying now. Loading the vehicle with Lexus Link (ugh!), radar cruise control, etc. makes the thought even less appealing.

    Just some random thoughts from the geezer community...I would love to hear other thoughts about the economics of replacing a recent 430 model with a 460.

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    houdini1houdini1 Member Posts: 8,328
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you also Tricky73. Sorry, I do not own a new LS but your post made me very curious for more details.

    You did not specify if you were looking at a long wheel base so I assume the "deal" you were offered was a SWB. Could you please share a few more of the details as this seems to be a very poor deal to me. For instance:

    1. List price (no taxes plese) of the new LS.
    2. Actual trade-in value of the 06 being offered to you.

    I would think that your car would still be worth around $50K. That would mean the new one is around $110K? This seems crazy high to me. Thanks for the details in advance.

    2013 LX 570 2016 LS 460

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    tricky73tricky73 Member Posts: 132
    The 'deal' was for a LWB w/touring package, MSRP $82,407. By the time they showed the car the price had increased to $92K and change w/o tax, having added chromed wheels and LoJack. I can't imagine anybody trying to peddle LoJack if the car has Lexus Link, which this one had. I asked our police chief one time whether they could really track a stolen vehicle equipped w/LoJack, and his advice was "if your car is ever stolen, you really don't want it back"!

    I was so annoyed after the bait-and-switch I did not bother driving the car. It did not have the upgrade (analine?) leather, and the interior appearance was no better than my '06. A personal choice, but I prefer the maple wood from '06 to the walnut being offered in 2007. My 430 has less than 2.8K miles with sport suspension, satellite radio, NAV, Levinson, and chromed wheels. There is not a blemish anyplace on the automobile. They generously offered $39K as a trade-in.

    Had they said upfront they are putting a $10K premium on the MSRP because is is a scarce vehicle I could respect that explanation rather than the BS about chromed wheels costing $4k. I know this sounds nit-picky for a car in this price range but I do not like being played for a fool, which is the wrong strategy for Lexus dealers when trying to convince buyers interested in new 460 series.
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    houdini1houdini1 Member Posts: 8,328
    OK, now I understand. Certainly you should have walked away from that deal. Not only that but I would find a new dealer if possible. Those guys need to be selling to someone not as savvy as Lexus buyers. Maybe they should open a Mercedes dealership! ;)

    2013 LX 570 2016 LS 460

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    rennyboschrennybosch Member Posts: 329
    Tricky73, could you name the dealer that you mentioned? They (Edmunds) let you name dealers, just not salesmen.
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    dan67dan67 Member Posts: 51
    I've drive the 2001 LS 430 which I bought new. Always thought I'd trade it in for this new model. But I have several problems:
    1. Dealers in SoCal have NO cars to test drive - the few they get are pre sold. I won't buy any car without a decent test drive. Big demand for these cars or intentional effort by Lexus keep prices up or both?
    2. My 2001 has 65K miles and I'll be darned but it drives and looks like a new car and never has had a problem. I love driving it. No one has ever complained about it's comfort or leg room.
    3. The new LS 460 size has grown in width, lower in height, much heavier, and it's tad longer in length. All in small increments but still negatives to me. I can't ever remember ever needing more speed than my 430 has.
    4. All the extra electronics really won't make driving more comfortable to me. Example: I need a self parking option like a hole in my head.
    Yet, price isn't an issue for me and I like new pretty fancy things ... but does it make any sense to jump to a 460 when I'm very happy with my "old" 430? My friends think I will jump but only based on satisfying my ego. Oh gee, life is full of these type issues and I wish I knew the right decision. HELP!! (BTW happy Xmas and New Year to all) :)
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