I went in to the local dealer and the guy said GM was repainting the early 90's trucks several years ago. What do you think my chances of getting a free paint job out of this are?
A friend of mine has a 1999 2500 6.0 4x4 Silverado and has the following problem. When plowing snow the truck will come out of four wheel drive and default to the 2wd. Just prior to this happening the lights next to the autotrac, 2wd, 4hi and 4lo all light up and then he is stuck in 2wd. Both times that this happened the truck reset after being shut off overnight and was fine. The dealer can't fix it because they can't duplicate the problem. Has anyone else had this problem? If so were you able to find and fix the problem? Thanks for any help you can give.
I have a 2000 silver ado extended cab 4x4 long bed. I have a shudder while towing a heavy load. It occurs from 0 to 30 mph. This has occurred since the truck was new. The dealer changed the drive shaft angle with no avail to the problem. The dealer said there is a etch letter out and the problem would be fixed in the first quarter of 2001. Possibly a one piece drive shaft. I have found other people with this same problem. This is different than the high speed vibration that has been talked about. Does anyone else have this problem? What has your dealer said, or is there a fix on the way. This launch shudder seems to be a problem in 99-01 silverado 4x4 extended cab with the long box. It appears not to happen with the short box or two wheel drive.
I am looking into purchasing a 2001 Chevy or GMC, 4x4, extended cab, c1500, does anyone know what is going on with GM and it's production of these trucks ? It seems like they have cut down the delivery of these trucks which will drive the prices up and not leave much for those of us who are bargain buyers. Any ideas ?
So one is supposed to wait for someday, somewhere, somehow...for GM to come up with a fix. That's great. Good luck on this one now. Personally, I wouldn't wait for GM. Hell might just freeze over before the "fix" comes out if ever. doh!
Does anyone know anything about a governor that has been installed on Sierras and Silverados? It cuts the fule to the engine at 98 mph. I know that is a pretty fast speed to be driving and the governor probably makes sense, but it ticks me off. I don't drive that fast (found out because I passed the break in point and just wanted to see what the new truck could do), but shouldn't I be the one who determines how fast I drive? Anyone know how to get the governor removed (my dealer won't touch it)?
Usually, the speed rating of the tires dictate the max speed the manufacturer will program the vehicle for. To remove the speed limiter, you would have to look for an aftermarket company which specializes in reprogramming the chip in your truck such as Hypertech.
After that stupid comment in post 260 by Rick i cant take people giving false advice.
Straight from hypertech
Will Hypertech tuning void my warranty?
No. Federal law prohibits a dealer from voiding your warranty just because you are using aftermarket speed equipment, with only two exceptions: the warranty can be voided if the aftermarket part causes damage, or adversely affects the emissions or the emissions system. In recent documents produced by the SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association ), a trade association representing specialty automotive parts manufacturers, the following quotes have been extracted: "The vehicle manufacturer is not allowed to void the vehicle warranty just because aftermarket equipment is installed on the vehicle. This protection for consumers is the result of a parts self certification program developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA).
"Under the program, if a parts maker completes the EPA process of self-certifying its parts, the vehicle manufacturer cannot void the warranty even if the certified part has failed and is directly responsible for the warranty claim. In cases where such a failed aftermarket part is responsible for a warranty claim, the manufacturer must arrange a settlement with the part manufacturer, but the new vehicle warrant is not void under the law.
"If the failure to honor a claim involves the new-vehicle warranty, and it appears that the manufacturer is improperly denying a claim, the incident should be reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is responsible for monitoring compliance with the warranty law; the agency's telephone number is 202/326-3128." Return to top of page
You are sure making a spectacle of yourself AND your intelligence. You should stop now before you embarass yourself any further. Did you read up on Moss Magnuson yet? Do a search....read up on it. I'll be happy to discuss the merits of Moss Magnuson with you....perhaps then you'll understand what will and what won't affect the vehicles warranty.
Thanks for the responses, especially the info from Hypertech. I'm probably making too much out of this speed restriction thing, it just aggrivates me though. I'm probably the only nut out there willing to go over 100 mph in a pickup anyway.
Anyway, this is one former Dodge Ram customer who is extremely happy with the move to GMC/Chevy. After reading all the posts on here about vibration problems and all, I consider myself lucky. My 2500HD 4x4 runs like a clock. Hopefully it stays that way.
Good to see you, unless it is your counterfit poster from your other site, but I don't think it is, since that is an intelligent post unlike the other guys. I guess the new host makes a little bit of difference to him.
Help! I have a 98 z71, that ran flawless for the first 25k, but then devoloped a oil leak from the lower intake manifold gasket. Leak repaired by dealer under warrenty, but since then has had an intermittent jerk/slip when going 60-65 up a hill. Also does the same on level road, never going downhill. Dealer has replaced cap,rotor,cleaned injectors, reprogramed computer,and is unable to find the problem. No computer codes show up. Warranty runs out in two months. This is a 5.7, ext cab. half ton. Any ideas??
I think if you had manuals you could figure a way to disconnect it without reprogramming the computer. There has to be some electrical connections somewhere that can be removed. When I get my manuals which are on order, I intend to disconnect it. cowboyjohn
jimbo99, I had the same problem on my 99 5.3. After two trips to the dealer they discovered a TB to replace transfer case fluid, flash computer and replace wire harness connector at the case. I have not had any issues with the 4x4 system since the last service. Hope this helps.
Good luck on disconnecting whatever you intend to disconnect. I'm sure your dealer will be happy you did. Of course, I have the manuals....since it's written for dealers, they don't have the tinkering kinda of stuff for shadetree mechanics...
I just bought a 2001,1500 ext.cab, Z71. I'm having an intermitent vibration problem that happens around 60-70mph. It vibrates real bad in the steering wheel and it literally feels like the wheels are "wobbling" side to side. The strange thing is this does not happen all the time.I took it to the dealer and they said they had a bulletin from Chevy about the "intermediate steering shaft" causing vibration problems but they said they could find no problem. The other odd thing is this intermitent problem does not happen in the early morning hours,it only happens in the afternoon hours! This came with Firestone Wilderness AT tires,could this possibly be a tire problem? Any help would be appreciated.
You say that "GM says they know" the Allisons have a problem. What is the problem(s) and from whom at "GM" did you hear this?
I'm not questioning what you've said, just want more details, as I might be interested in purchasing a new 2500HD soon, and I've not heard about any Allison problems except I read somewhere on this board that some people complained of a whining noise when cold.
You are ahead of me in that you have manuals - mine are still on order. It may be tougher than I thought, but a person should be able to figure it out with the manuals. As of yet, I haven't even looked at it.
My construction company owns one that my partner drives. It has less than 4000 miles on it. When you start slowing down it down shifts through the gears. Sometimes between second and first it's not in anything and then it will go into first. He took it to the dealership and they called tech support. Tech told them to change fluid and filter and not do anything else. When they did that it had not reverse. Tech Support then said it was out of adjustment which takes a special wrench that the dealerships didn't have (it took 2 days to get it).
After the adjustment was made he drove it for a couple of weeks and it did the same thing again. This time they told him they would put another transmission in but that it would be about 30 days. They said that they know they have a problem and in about 30 days they will have it fixed. We ordered the truck in June and took delivery in late October. After it was built it was held for a couple of weeks before it was shipped. We wonder if they knew they had a problem then. Billy
Hi all... I have had a strange problem with my 99 Silverado exhaust since new.. I love the truck runs great But seems like I develop a rattle in my exhaust system. I have had the dealer ship change the system out and the rattle goes away .. for about 5,000 miles and it returns. I have 40,000 miles on truck now and going for exhaust system #5. I can't believe am the only one having this problem! Its NOT a engine ping. Sounds like the baffles in the muffler start to rattle after a while. Any one else have this problem out there?? The rattle occurs under certain loads like pulling up a grade . But as time goes on it gets worse and worse and is there every time you step on the gas. Like I said change out the system and it goes away.. for about 5,000 miles and starts to creep back. Beside that truck runs great! But I would like to disable that 97 mile an hour cut off programmed into it.. Anyone do that yet??
I've got a 2000 model 2500 ext. cab with the 6.0 engine. It also has had an exhaust noise since new (now have almost 18,000 miles). Mine is caused by the heat shield on top of the muffler vibrating when the engine/exhaust is cold. It sounds more like a howling noise and happens only at 1200 and 1900 rpm. Once the muffler gets hot and warms up the shield it quits. I don't have any other exhaust noise like you describe, even when pulling my 26' travel trailer uphill. I had the dealer look at it and they just said "all the 6.0s do that and we don't have a fix from GM". I haven't bitched enough to have them replace the exhaust only because I figure it might be no better or maybe worse with a new muffler, or they might screw up something else in the process. I have also heard 2 other 6.0s making the same noise as mine. Maybe you should go to an aftermarket cat-back exhaust - would probably get rid of the noise and give you better performance as well.
Thanks for the input. If i get a 2500HD, I'll probably go with the 6 speed manual anyway. For the upfront premium cost of the Allison and what it would probably cost to overhaul that monster after several years, I figure you could replace several clutches with a manual transmission.
I have a 2000 Silverado 2500. The truck has a condition with the idle as follows.
1) Truck is started from a cold engine condition. 2) Run Truck untill it reaches operating temp. 3) Turn truck off. 4) Wait 1 hour +/-. 5) Start truck.
At this point the truck starts and the idle will bounce at around 200 rpm for a second or two and return to a normal operating idle of around 500rpm. The engine sputters and it sounds like it wants to stall but doesn't.
Other than the above condition the truck runs fine. The idle is no rougher than previous GM products i've owned.
Its been in the shop several times. The computer has been reflashed. The idle control moter has been replaced.
One other point. I had a 2000 Silverado 1500 with the 4.8L that had the same idle problem.
Has anyone experienced this problem with their Silverado.
Is anyone having problems with their 6.0 liter engines? Such as; knocking, tapping, and poor performance? I am on my second engine and I have 18,000 miles on my 2000 Silverado and the second engine has the same engine noises. GM knows about the noises but they tell me that they do not know where and what is causing the noises and they do not have a fix for it. They also told me that they will not do anything else for me because the engine is operating at GM specs. Can anyone help me out with this situation? Please contact me at scottivfrank@netscape.net.
agillis, I don't have the problem you describe on my 6.0, but I had the exact same problem on my old Dodge truck. The Dodge dealer did all the same things - reflashed computer, replaced computer, replaced idle speed motor. Turned out to be a bad throttle position sensor. For some reason, the computer wasn't picking up the problem and storing a fault code, so it took a while to find it.
silverado6, I've got the tapping or knocking sound on cold start-up, but it disappears in a few seconds. No other problems with the truck at all.
(3 Volumes, official GM)Service Manuals for 1999 CK (Silverado/Sierra) for sale, bought for my 1999, sold truck. They cost me about 135 as I recall, would like 100$ They are in great shape, will include shipping, I think I only opened the first volume. Please respond to debrown@bignet.net. Also have Yakima racks to fit a Leer Cap if interested.
Anyone experience while driving, the engine just quits running? I personally haven't experienced it, but I've talked to five people locally who have had it happen and the dealers can't find anything or duplicate it. The trucks have 5.3 engines and they start right up and run fine till who knows when it'll happen again, and it doesn't store any codes either.
I have read that several are having noise problems from your dash around the front windshield. I took my 2001 LT in and found that it was the window molding around the windshield on the outside. The faster you go, the more air gets under it and causes it to rattle. Sounds like "chirping" inside. Have them to get a glass company to epoxy your molding.
Also, has anyone had problems with the security system. Mine went off unannounced, and then, it wouldn't crank the next day. I think the fuel pump was shut down. Took it in and their telling me it is the ignition switch where the security module is located (?). If you have any advice, let me know.
regarding OnStar system. If unintentionally set off, will kill battery if not reset. GM knows of the problem. Can be solved in four minutes by contacting OnStar via your system. They will be able to reprogram your system in four minutes. If you don't want to activate OnStar, you will have to take it in to the dealer for reprogramming. Mine has killed my battery twice. Good thing for the warranty cause the dealer keeps replacing the battery. Maybe I should show him the advisory? What do you think?
It sounds like you have a leaky injector. When you shut it off it still has pressure in the injectors. A leaky injector could let some fuel puddle up behind a valve and the engine heat will evaporate it, and the engine will have problems for a few seconds until the fuel vapor is gone.
If you don't wait long enough, not enough fuel comes in to be a problem.
If you wait long enough the vapors will go past the throttle body and filter and dissapear and no problem.
Try a bottle or two of Techron additive through the gas tank and see if it helps.
Glad I read this board. My Sierra has a baffle loose in the muffler at 7K miles. Just as you put a load on the engine, it rattles like a son-of-a-gun. I thought it was the heat shield above the muffler and bent it a little to see if this helped, but further inspection showed the noise coming from the muffler. Kind of odd as I don't recall GM having baffle problems. Who makes their mufflers?
Perhaps I should have read some of these issues before I bought my new truck. 01 ex cab LS, 5.3 auto, auto 4x4.
I can start with the horrible drive train CLANK from forward to reverse, I or I, N to I, etc.
Also, I have a problem coming to a stop when the truck downshifts from 2nd to 1st. It is quite rough. 1st to 2nd upshifts are funny too.
After 1200 miles, the front end sagged by almost 2 inches and the drivers seat from my 200lb body feels as if it has 150k on it.
I already had it back for the trans problems and they simply greased the yoke. Yippee, I could have done that in 10 minutes and not had to rent a car for $50 for the day.
And I too agree with someones discussion of spongy brakes.
My last new truck was a 98 Silver ado 1SC ex cab 4x4 350/5 sad manual (ay rare). It had more power, better gas mileage, more torque, better ride, no squeaky suicide doors and I think better seats. But with the traffic and all I couldn't stand the stick shift. Sold it to buy a house.
Now for the best of the three. My 94 s10 2wd ex cab 4.3, auto, basic LS. Bought it used for $3250 with 114k miles. The transmission shifted the same as the new truck. Unbelievable since it too was equipped with a 4L60E. Firm seats, no stupid air bags, PADDED DASH not Fisher Price like the $31k truck. I replaced all the brakes including calipers, wheel cylinders, drums etc and they will beat the new trucks braking distance and feel by about 250%. Grant it there is a 1400lb difference. But the biggest gripe I have is that the damn s10 seats were so comfortable! the new truck is killing my back with it's "lower back support"
I've only got 2k on the new one and I'm already looking to get rid of it. Maybe I'll try the Ford as much as I don't want too. It makes NO trans sounds at all and is much more comfortable.
Nice try M. I thought they would have improved these trucks with the 99-on. There the worst batch ever. My friends 94 excab z71 with 170k (2 or 3 transmissions of course) blows my 01 away. Better ride, handling, COMFORT!!!
I feel your pain....let me know how the Ford drives....I too have been looking at the Ford F150 supercrew.......my wife likes the extra room in the back (she usually rides back there with the kid). However, I'm not too impressed with the smaller bed.......
By-the-way....why did you pay for a rental car? They have to provide you with a car if they're keeping your truck for repairs. ...... Also....you may want to consider call BBB...
It is a very quite kept fact by the dealer. GM has a $30 a day allowance for a loaner or rental should the dealer have to keep your vehicle overnight for repairs for up to 5 days. Ask them, if they deny it, they will be lying. At that point use their phone and call GM customer support and give the phone to the service advisor.
I sure hope am recognizes they have a muffler problem.. Like I said I am working on system number 5 in my 99 2500 silverado 6.0 seems like every 4 to 5,000 miles the baffles in the muffler get loose. Beside that the truck runs great! I just towed my daughters Beretta home from college to fix it ( bad coil pack) and went thou a blinding snowstorm while towing it here in the hills of Pa.. the truck worked flawlessly ( except of rattle from muffler) in tow /haul mode and auto 4wheel drive. Any other Of you guys/gals have this problem??
So one is supposed to wait for someday, somewhere, somehow...for GM to come up with a fix. That's great. Good luck on this one now. Personally, I wouldn't wait for GM. Hell might just freeze over before the "fix" comes out if ever. doh!
Straight from hypertech
Will Hypertech tuning void my warranty?
No. Federal law prohibits a dealer from voiding your warranty just because you are using aftermarket speed equipment, with only two exceptions: the warranty can be voided if the aftermarket part causes damage, or adversely affects the emissions or the emissions system. In recent documents produced by the SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association ), a trade association representing specialty automotive parts manufacturers, the following quotes have been extracted:
"The vehicle manufacturer is not allowed to void the vehicle warranty just because aftermarket equipment is installed on the vehicle. This protection for consumers is the result of a parts self certification program developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA).
"Under the program, if a parts maker completes the EPA process of self-certifying its parts, the vehicle manufacturer cannot void the warranty even if the certified part has failed and is directly responsible for the warranty claim. In cases where such a failed aftermarket part is responsible for a warranty claim, the manufacturer must arrange a settlement with the part manufacturer, but the new vehicle warrant is not void under the law.
"If the failure to honor a claim involves the new-vehicle warranty, and it appears that the manufacturer is improperly denying a claim, the incident should be reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is responsible for monitoring compliance with the warranty law; the agency's telephone number is 202/326-3128." Return to top of page
Anyway, this is one former Dodge Ram customer who is extremely happy with the move to GMC/Chevy. After reading all the posts on here about vibration problems and all, I consider myself lucky. My 2500HD 4x4 runs like a clock. Hopefully it stays that way.
Poca is no longer hosting here, so feel free to post again.
You'd be proud of me, I got some new pewter wheel flares for my 2001 Silverado LS Z-71 ext-cab two-tone (white/pewter). They look great!!
You should be approaching the 1-year anniversary of getting your 2000 truck, how have things been going with it?
I'm not questioning what you've said, just want more details, as I might be interested in purchasing a new 2500HD soon, and I've not heard about any Allison problems except I read somewhere on this board that some people complained of a whining noise when cold.
We ordered the truck in June and took delivery in late October. After it was built it was held for a couple of weeks before it was shipped. We wonder if they knew they had a problem then.
Mileage for both is in the 15 to 19 range.
Either engine is quite adequate. Think more about which rear-end gear ratio you want.
I would not get the 4.3L V-6.
The 2wd silverado's from your years may have front suspension problems. I'd get a 2001....
I have had a strange problem with my 99 Silverado exhaust since new.. I love the truck runs great But seems like I develop a rattle in my exhaust system. I have had the dealer ship change the system out and the rattle goes away .. for about 5,000 miles and it returns. I have 40,000 miles on truck now and going for exhaust system #5. I can't believe am the only one having this problem! Its NOT a engine ping. Sounds like the baffles in the muffler start to rattle after a while. Any one else have this problem out there?? The rattle occurs under certain loads like pulling up a grade . But as time goes on it gets worse and worse and is there every time you step on the gas. Like I said change out the system and it goes away.. for about 5,000 miles and starts to creep back. Beside that truck runs great! But I would like to disable that 97 mile an hour cut off programmed into it.. Anyone do that yet??
1) Truck is started from a cold engine condition.
2) Run Truck untill it reaches operating temp.
3) Turn truck off.
4) Wait 1 hour +/-.
5) Start truck.
At this point the truck starts and the idle will bounce at around 200 rpm for a second or two and return to a normal operating idle of around 500rpm. The engine sputters and it sounds like it wants to stall but doesn't.
Other than the above condition the truck runs fine. The idle is no rougher than previous GM products i've owned.
Its been in the shop several times. The computer has been reflashed. The idle control moter has been replaced.
One other point. I had a 2000 Silverado 1500 with the 4.8L that had the same idle problem.
Has anyone experienced this problem with their Silverado.
Any ideas on what it may be.
GM has been of no help what so ever.
I don't have the problem you describe on my 6.0, but I had the exact same problem on my old Dodge truck. The Dodge dealer did all the same things - reflashed computer, replaced computer, replaced idle speed motor. Turned out to be a bad throttle position sensor. For some reason, the computer wasn't picking up the problem and storing a fault code, so it took a while to find it.
I've got the tapping or knocking sound on cold start-up, but it disappears in a few seconds. No other problems with the truck at all.
Also, has anyone had problems with the security system. Mine went off unannounced, and then, it wouldn't crank the next day. I think the fuel pump was shut down. Took it in and their telling me it is the ignition switch where the security module is located (?). If you have any advice, let me know.
If you don't wait long enough, not enough fuel comes in to be a problem.
If you wait long enough the vapors will go past the throttle body and filter and dissapear and no problem.
Try a bottle or two of Techron additive through the gas tank and see if it helps.
Mike L
Remember, I'm not going to spend alot for this muffler. LOL
I can start with the horrible drive train CLANK from forward to reverse, I or I, N to I, etc.
Also, I have a problem coming to a stop when the truck downshifts from 2nd to 1st. It is quite rough. 1st to 2nd upshifts are funny too.
After 1200 miles, the front end sagged by almost 2 inches and the drivers seat from my 200lb body feels as if it has 150k on it.
I already had it back for the trans problems and they simply greased the yoke. Yippee, I could have done that in 10 minutes and not had to rent a car for $50 for the day.
And I too agree with someones discussion of spongy brakes.
My last new truck was a 98 Silver ado 1SC ex cab 4x4 350/5 sad manual (ay rare). It had more power, better gas mileage, more torque, better ride, no squeaky suicide doors and I think better seats. But with the traffic and all I couldn't stand the stick shift. Sold it to buy a house.
Now for the best of the three. My 94 s10 2wd ex cab 4.3, auto, basic LS. Bought it used for $3250 with 114k miles. The transmission shifted the same as the new truck. Unbelievable since it too was equipped with a 4L60E. Firm seats, no stupid air bags, PADDED DASH not Fisher Price like the $31k truck. I replaced all the brakes including calipers, wheel cylinders, drums etc and they will beat the new trucks braking distance and feel by about 250%. Grant it there is a 1400lb difference. But the biggest gripe I have is that the damn s10 seats were so comfortable! the new truck is killing my back with it's "lower back support"
I've only got 2k on the new one and I'm already looking to get rid of it. Maybe I'll try the Ford as much as I don't want too. It makes NO trans sounds at all and is much more comfortable.
Nice try M. I thought they would have improved these trucks with the 99-on. There the worst batch ever. My friends 94 excab z71 with 170k (2 or 3 transmissions of course) blows my 01 away. Better ride, handling, COMFORT!!!
By-the-way....why did you pay for a rental car? They have to provide you with a car if they're keeping your truck for repairs. ...... Also....you may want to consider call BBB...
good luck