I'm obviously looking further down the food chain, but I'll ask away anyway. Last Sunday as I was leaving church, I noticed three 2004 Expedition XLS units on the lot of the Ford dealer near by--each with a sticker price of $33,205. On Monday, I looked into them. At first, they told me the selling price would be $25,000. I knew that was bad as they had a total of $6000 in rebates on them. I thanked them for their time. They then went down to $23,278. That appears to be closer to invoice less the rebates; but, with 2005 right around the corner, I'm convinced they can do better. This morning as I was leaving I noticed the same three Expeditions sitting exactly where they were last Sunday. As another week has gone by and they still have three base units on the verge of being one year old, I'm convinced they can do better. I'm thinking of asking about them again tomorrow. I'd be interested to see if they can get closer to $22,000.
For the same vehicle in SoCal, I've been quoted a fleet price of $37,770, which includes a $5,500 rebate (4K std rebate and 1.5 finance rebate). With tax and license, I'm looking 41,500K.
I came VERY close to purchasing an '04 Expy over the Thanksgiving weekend. In addition to the usual expected dealer discount ($7500 off MSRP), Ford was offering the $4000 rebate, PLUS an an additional $1000 for FMCC financing, OR 0% for 72 months. On top of all that, Ford offered a free 3-year mainentance plan if you bought by 11/30/04.
The 0% for 72 months is GONE, as is the free 3-year maintenance plan.
Does anyone know if they are coming back as an "after-Christmas, end-of-year" incentive?
Figures are correct. The Expy is running nice and I'm very happy.
I think I was lucky in that this is a "fully loaded" Expy and in this particular area not many people were on the market for it.
So the dealer had this 04 "hanging" on the lot with not a lot of interest. I drove it 3 times before I decided and even told the dealer I wanted to do 30 miles in on the freeway. They agreed without a problem.
I took the advice of an earlier post in my first offer plus I had cash on hand. So I was in the best dealing position I've ever been in.
They didn't like my first offer but countered exactly where I figured they would. I wasn't expecting the service contract and all that. They surprised me with that one. But if the car works its probably a no cost item for them.
The dealer here is very progressive offering tires for life and other things. I think its just a tough market right now.
I'm looking to buy a dealers demo (5000 miles). Its a 2004 4X2 5.4L Eddie Bauer with saftey curtain and power fold third row ($40,770) and they are going to sell it to me for $27,890.
5100 miles? It wasn't "sitting on the lot" it was going home with someone and being test driven. It is a used car. For the money I'd look elsewhere, like new '05. Maybe try another dealer?
I just bought a new 2004 expy XLS 4x4 for 12.5k off of sticker. Sticker was 35,900. I traded a 2003 explorer XLS for what I owed (16k). Out the door 24,200
Dealers are dyin now...be sure to take your time and work them hard. It took 3 days to do the deal...dont let them know you are too interested.
I have expanded my search to other dealers. This is for my business and I need to get this purchased before the end of the year to take advantage of the accelerated depreciation allowance the govt is offering for vehicles over 6000lbs.
I'll start making some offers on Monday. Maybe with the EOY coming up, the dealers will be a little hungrier. I'll report back with what I come up with.
I am also looking for purchase an 04 Expedition 4x2 Eddie Bauer. The one I found has:
MSRP: $42965
Invoice: $37898
I was told that the only rebates are $5000 cash back and $1500 if i financed through Ford Financing. They also tell me that the rate would be 5.9% if I took the $1500 offer. I went to Ford's website and saw the following:
$5000 Cash Back
or 0.0% APR financing for 36 months
or 0.0% APR financing for 48 months
or 0.0% APR financing for 60 months
or 2.9% APR financing for 72 months
or $1500 Cash Back plus 1.9% APR financing for 36 months
or $1500 Cash Back plus 2.9% APR financing for 48 months
or $1500 Cash Back plus 3.9% APR financing for 60 months
The way I understand it is that I'm supposed to get 3.9% correct?
How much should I offer to purchase the vehicle? I am amazed that you were able to purchase one at $9300 below invoice.
If I were you....I'd offer them 29 and go from there. Also, look in your local paper to see if other dealers are offering specials. take the ad with you and stick it in their face.
again, I got 12.5k off of a sticker that was 7k less than yours.
I was not able to do as good as the rest of you you seem to have done, but after going around with 5 separate dealerships all were perfectly happy to let me walk out the door with offers at no more than $11.5k under sticker. some of these were even demos with 6000 miles and 7 months on the warranty clock.
At the 6th dealer, The deal I finally got was a new '04 Eddie Bauer for $12,100 under an MSRP of $44,600, for a total selling price of $32,500. This includes the $5500 in rebates.
I did get an offer of $13k under sticker for an EB with a list of $49,000. but it had more options than I needed.
Congratulations for those who were able to get theirs at $15k under list.
I was browsing the inventory of 2005 Expeditions at my favorite dealer (whom I buy from since 1998) and since they list their inventory online I saw an Expedition 2005 (EB)and the sticker of the unit had a line reading Job 2. Does this mean that it is second production run?....all the others did not read anything....maybe someone, like ANT14 can shed some light on this...thanks in advance
I am considering an EXPY 05 EB...any suggestions on price"
Just go to the new car section and build an Expedition like the one you are looking at. Edmunds will give you a TMV to use as a guide. Remember that this board is for folks who recently bought or were quoted on a new Expedition. It's not a thread of Ford sales managers telling you what to buy the vehicle for. Every deal is different. Is your trade a desirable one? In other words, are you trading a Honda or a Kia? Is your trade paid off? Do you even have a trade? Is your credit outstanding or in a rebuilding period? Is it the 5th of the month or the 25th of the month? Is your dealer having a record sales month or is there dust settling on the inventory? Everyone's deal will be different. Don't rely on anyone here to tell you what you will be able to buy your new Expedition for. No matter what you pay for yours, someone here will have paid more and someone will have paid less. It's the nature of the beast that is car buying. Get the TMV and start from there. Good luck to you!
Thanks for your reply, but I DO understand evrything that pointed out. I was looking for some feed back from people's expiriences...I did the EDMONDS TMV and yes it is very helpfull. You are also correct and I understand that NO ONE pays the same the price for the same vehicle. Thanks again
You need to provide more details in order for folks to help you. What part of the country are you going to be purchasing in? What options & color are you after?
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I am in NJ...looking for amd Expy 05 Eddie Bauer..Estate Green,no DVD or Navigation system..butt warmer a must as well as reverse sensing system...anyone with ideas about are rebates running on leases...thanks all
I have not seen any posts in the last few weeks for prices paid on 2005 EB Exps, but here goes. I am looking at an EB with a list of $46360 and was offered $40716 - $3000 (rebates) = $37716. I was hoping to get this SUV for $34000 plus T & T leaving us $4000 apart. Has anybody out there received a deal on a similar truck close to the price I am willing to pay?
I checked the paper today and found Expedition EB's for $28,995 and $31k with NAV. They must really be hurtin to move these off the lot. $37k is waaay to much to pay.
Looking at a 2005 expedition limited 4x2. looks pretty loaded (nav.dvd moonroof etc..), the price on the window says 47,890. I live in so. california. this was the same dealership i bought my first one from. iasked the salesperson what he could do on the price, he says he would "work it out for me" VAGUE....... there arent any rebates on them right now, how much can I expect them to come down from the sticker price?
Hello, thought i would seek some advice on what kind of price i should expect to pay for this 2004 NBX expy still sitting on the dealer floor this first week of March 2005. A short negotiation last week resulted in the dealer dropping 11,600 off of the 44,000 sticker price, but i was cool to the offer feeling i could get much better of a deal since the salesman had been hinting for an hour how badly the dealer needed to move this vehicle. Went back today and the vehicle still is sitting there. Another salesman indicated to me they needed to move this thing before the end of the month, so, i was planning on trying to negotiate for about 15,000 off of sticker and some free maintenance and extended warranty throw-ins as well as some tires for life. Just read an article in the local paper about how ford is in the midst of a ninth consecutive month of loss over last year's sales and that the dealers are overloaded with '05 inventory. Got me thinking i should be able to steal this thing from them. Any thoughts on a reasonable price to expect to pay as well as the freebies i might get? i live on the east coast in pennsylvania. Thanks in advance for the advice
I would think you could do a lot better than the 11500; don't know about the 15000 though. Look for a data sticker on the drivers door and see when the vehicle was built. At the top of the sticker it should show a build date using month and year. i.e. 03 04. If it was built in 03, it's really been sitting around a long time and that should work in your favor. Also, ask the dealer (you may have to get a technicians input) if the vehicle has had the brake upgrade. Unless the vehicle has the upgraded brake pads you'll have to put up with a tremendous amount of brake dust and constantly dirty wheels. Not sure at what point in time the brakes were changed, but it was during the 04 build year.
I did see the past posts regarding the brake dust and will surely point it out when i return to the dealer on monday. Thanks for the tip on the build date as well. My 15000 is a reach i know, but with 3 model 04's still sitting within his fences on the property, and the same 05's sitting there that were present a month ago, i thought why not shoot for the stars and take advantage of an obvious slow time and hopefully get him to edge closer to the 12,500 or 13,000 discount. With the news today that gas prices in our region are to be expected to rise to $2.50 a gallon for the summer, and with record losses for Ford it is certainly a buyer's market. Oh, one other thing, when i test drove this vehicle, the engine was loud, and i recently read an article that expanded on the new engine for 05 and that ford has "cast adrift" the 04 engine, i wandered if i might just want to stay away from the 04's obvious shortcomings that would lead them to change the engine? Thoughts? Thanks again.
Hey shopokane, I'm also shopping for '05 Expy's in SoCal, and I'm finding an average of about $5700 dealer discount, $3000 factory rebate (as of 3/1, it increased $1K), and $1500 FMCC bonus.
For example, there's ten "ad cars" in today's LA Times for '05 Expy EB's with powerfold, MSRP $41,185, minus the $10,195 in discounts/rebates = $30,990.
For reference, those Expy EB's would be $41,185 MSRP, $36,352 X-Plan ($4833 off), $35,490 Ad Price ($5695 off), and $34,810 A/Z Plan ($6375 off).
At $5695 discount, that should be a few hundred back of invoice, so not a bad deal...
Your right, you might as well "shoot for the stars", you never know. As for the 3V engines on the 05, I have never driven one, so don't know if the engine is any better or not. I know the HP went up to about 300 from 260 in the 03/04. Other web sites have indicated there is no appreciable difference in the driveability and fuel mileage is about the same. My expedition engine isn't loud unless accelerating aggresively. You indicated they have several other 04's on the lot. Drive one or two others and compare. Good luck!!
Well, I just decided to go with the 05 Expi since the 06 Explorer (by looking at the Mountanier for 06) did not do much for me....I am NJ...and the deal that I got on EB 2005 Expi is $5k down and $325/monthly...the sticker price is $46280 and it has plenty of extra goodies....I will report how much off I got from sticker (my dealer always gives me invoice plus $100)...beside the $3500 in rebates...sounded pretty good to me....I am seeing them tomorrow and pick up the EXPI....
Sir, I only offer this for what it's worth -- a well established dealer here (who I bought by truck from) is offering Expeditions at $6000 BELOW INVOICE. I have no idea how they're doing that, but, as I say, there it is, FWIW. At that price, it must include every incentive ever created for mankind, some of which may not apply to you or I. I did notice that it includes FMCC financing, is for in stock units only, and excludes the limited edition. So there you go. With gas what it is, you should be able to bargain the heck out of these vehicles. Good luck, can't wait to see your deal.
Thanks for the info....I got an EXPI 2005 EB fully loaded sticker was $46280 (no dvd,no navigation)...my dealer gave me $41,200 (what I consider just invoice) and then $3500 from Ford rebates..with all due respect I can not imagine any dealer givin $6k below invoice....I actually got $3500 below the selling price,which in my case was below invoice....this dealer (a very large one) and I have done business with for the last 10 years...and I believe thay treat me fairly no gimmicks...i must clarify my previous post.....the $5k was in addition to the $8k for my trade in..if I had not put down an additional $5k then the payments would have been about $478,which is what I had calculated before I went there instead of $307 which is what I got now....it was a better deal to put down the additional $5k since the bank is only paying about 1.5% interest...and after calculating the additional $171 in monthly payments it would have cost me $6156..that is 20% more...am I making sense?.......i hope this helps others...
I bought my 2002 Explorer with the X-Plan. Good price, happy with the deal. But that was then. Now I'm buying a 2005 Expedition. Would like the EB but can't quite afford the prices they're quoting. So will probably get an XLT Sport. I live in the Inland Empire just east of Los Angeles. I had one dealer quote me a good price in the parking lot but not be able to do it when it's dealtime inside with the jerky finance guy. It was a 2005 EB Expedition priced at $43,500 on the window. The salesguy said they could do it for $34,500 but then his closer dealmaker guy couldn't come through with it. He actually laughed at us! So we walked away.
I didn't use X-plan for that deal - I mentioned it but he scoffed and said it would be a better deal without. However, I get skeptical when dealers scoff.
X-plan is 11.5% off the window sticker for 2005 Expy's and then any incentives can be added to that. However, the only good one I'm seeing is the $1,000 cash back with 1.9% FMCC financing for 60 months. The other one, the $2,500 incentive, means that I'd get a higher interest rate and it would cost more than the $2,500 incentive.
Thanks! I'm trying to buy this week. Also - are some dealers better with X-Plan than others? I loved my first X-Plan salesguy. He's far from my current home - an hour's drive - but I'm thinking about going back to him anyway. He ordered my Explorer as a dealer trade all the way from San Diego - 100 miles away!
I am also buying a 05 eddie expedition...msrp of 42,345....its got the dvd, power third seat and second row captain chairs......I am in texas and have gotten the deal down to 33,000 drive out...so I guess that is about 30,500+TTL...I think this is a good deal...this unit has 241 miles on it....
They also have one just like it, a demo..with navigation and sunroof...It has 4K miles on it..I plan on offering them the same deal, 33K...with those extra options I would think that deal is about equal, I dont see many people paying more for a car with 4K more miles.....what do you think?
Also anyone know if you can take out the 6 disc radio and put in the navigation radio? Or are there other hookups needed? I did this on my 04 chevy and it works....
All I can say that,from I have learned, is that when one gets a 10-12% off sticker, one is in invoice territory. In my case my 05EB had a sticker of $46280 and the invoice shown to me (I trust the gm at this dealer since I been going to him for the past 10 years) read $41245 then $3500 in rebates. This is a brand new unit no mileage, but then I am in NJ and can't speak about other parts of the country. My advise is to get the best deal you can and maybe try to get a good rate for a loan ouside of FORD...sometimes we can't beat FORD rates...some other the dealer refuses to give a lower unit price unless you finance through them, which could be ok...who cares if they get a commision if your rate is good (even if 1/4% higher than FORD).....be open to all offers and nost important be as informed as possible...as they say "knowledge is power".....good luck gys...
I am also looking for a 05Expi EB. I am in DFW area. Can you tell me the dealer you went to and also tips on how you got the price down to 33K out of store. Thanks
Last week bought a 2005 XLT, stickered at 39,265. Included 3rd row powerfold seat, front Captain's chairs leather, heavy duty tow package. Paid 32,069 + 2,848 T+L for 34,918 out the door. This deal doesn't sound as good as some of the others posted here. Does the Southern California market have anything to do with it, or am I a terrible researcher (sucker) ? Hit me where it hurts and let me know what you think I could have paid. I went to two dealers and walked out of both of them. Got a call back from the second one that said they would meet my price. Love the Expy though, Dark Stone Metallic with leather parchment interior. :shades:
Well.............I think you could have done a little better, however, if you like it, that's what counts. I'm not sure what your liscense costs in california, but I figured taxes for where I live at 6.5% which would come to $2084. Liscense fees around here are about $35 dollars plus $50 for paperwork which comes to about $2169 for T+T+L. Not too bad a deal really; doubt you could do too much better on a XLT. I just hope you plan on keeping it for a long time. Depreciation really is a big hit on these types of vehicles especially now with higher gasoline prices. I know liscense fees are a lot higher in California. Dealers are knocking of $10 to 12 thousand dollars around here, but that's for fairly well loaded Eddie Bauer models, which would sticker for about $10,000 more than the XLT. Enjoy!
There is a dealer in Tustin, Calif. that was offering 5 ('05) Eddie Bauer Expeditions at $27,991.00.This price INCLUDED all APPLICABLE REBATES. I discussed the price with them at length. These vehicles listed for around 40K. I called them to find out what colors there were on Mother's Day. When I asked-"Why so cheap?". They said they have been in inventory too long. So - there is your deal in perspective......
Our California tax varies by County, our is 7.75%. I looked at the EB's but I couldn't see paying that much extra for stuff I didn't want. I was real happy when I found mine equipped with just what I wanted. Could have done without the powerfold seat, manual fold would have been fine. I'm keeping this one, our third XLT, for a long time. The wife drives this one around town so gas mileage wasn't too much of a concern. I'm sure it will kill us on the long trips. Also got 3.9 financing. I checked the "advertised specials" for the "really good deals", but when it came down to negotiations, no one would knock that much off the unit that I wanted, it was always the wrong color, or cloth seats. Thanks a mil for your input. :shades:
Did you get one? They sure are nice. When we test drove the EB's my wife fell in love with it. I was sweating because I didn't want to pay that much. One of the dealers I went to tried to push them, probably for the reason you stated, in the inventory too long. But just couldn't pay their price. The 27k price seems pretty good. I probably would have had to trade off one of the rebates for the long financing deal. Thanks for the info. :shades:
The dealership is PowerFord in Tustin, CA. Now please note that the price "expired" Saturday, but as of Sunday (Mother's Day) they had not sold any of the "specials". They were either black or white in color. Also, the salesmen stated if you wanted another color, they were discounting all others $7,000.00 plus rebates. He said he could "probably" get them to honor the ad price on Sunday if I wanted one of the "specials". I did not buy one yet, I am thinking if gas doesn't get near $2.00/gal (here in Calif.) there might be more rebates to come.......
I forgot to mention the best part of my negotiations. It sounds like every deal is different depending on the model, gas prices, and location. When negotiating don't be afraid to walk away. In fact do it a couple of times after throwing out lowball prices to the sharks. It might take some time, and even some days, but you'll get a good idea of what the dealers are willing to let their units go for. Listen to the poor souls in the cubicle next to you getting the same sob story from the sharks that you just got. They are in business to make money, don't let them make a bundle off of you. They'll make up for your deal on the next guy. And for the best part of my deal. Make the deal closer a visit to the parts department for some free goodies on the house. I always get a couple of logo hats, the real nice ones. Yeah I spent about 30k, but at least I got some cool hats. They always seem to hate the walk to the parts department. :shades:
You're not going to do better than A plan no matter how many you buy. A plan skims it to the bone for the dealer - you know they still need to have abuilding, and employees, and a service center for you to bring your vehciles to. there is a lot of overhead to account for. They aren't going to cut below what they paid for the vehicles. Can you buy more than one A plan unit a year? X plan is one per year.
Hello..I'm new to this board. My question is: I visited a local Ford dealership (Warner Robins, GA--south of Macon) and I am interested in buying an '05 Ford Expedition. I'm not familiar w/ the Z plan but my grandfather (who retired w/ 30 years w/ Ford) told me I'm eligible to use this. My question is what amount of a discount is this and can it also be used in conjunction w/ rebates? Also, when using this plan is their any kind of bargaining/negotiating for a lower price that can be done or is the price set? Thanks in advance for your help.
Getting close to making an offer, visited dealership today, they have 8 Exp's on the lot. I have watched them, none have moved for 1 month. The Expy EB I'm looking at was built in 12/04 according to door tag. I did not make offer, just asked what price would look like with x-plan & then the rebate. The total MSRP is 50580, has everything except a kitchen sink. They said 44396 with x-plan, then 5000 rebate, bringing the vehicle to 39396 + tax & fees. I just noticed as writing this, the fees, will have to ask about that. They were looking for me to counter, but I'm waiting to see what you all have to say here. They were eager to hear a counter offer, I do not plan on trading anything in. I asked what kind of financing Ford could do for me as well, they said local banks could provide the financing thru the dealership. Curious to hear from you all.
The negotiating was too easy, so I can't help but wonder....
MSRP/Sticker (incl freight): $44,215 Less Special Allowance: $ 7,270 +Proc. charge: $ 100 ------------ Cash Sale Price: $37,045
Less Rebate: $ 5,000 Less Trade*: $ 5,168
Plus Tax/tags: $2123.25
*Trade started at $4K. Gave them my bottom line: $29K and I drove away in a very nicely equipped Expedition.
Total negotiation time about 10 minutes and pain free. Excellent salesman and there was no pressure from the others in the dealership. That in itself made the buying experience well worth the price, but always like to make sure.
I have a couple of questions for you pros... I'm looking to buy EITHER an expedition or Tahoe (I think both are good trucks and whichever is cheaper is the one to get for me).
1) I live in Phoenix where there is no less than 15 dealers. Are larger dealers better or worse to buy from (regarding price). 2) Is there a specific model that is a better bargain (xlt, eb, etc.)? 3) If the sticker is $42K, what should a guy offer. I have no issues walking away, I'm in no hurry to buy it but would like to know what your thoughts are. Since TT&L is difffernt everywhere I do not want to include this in the example. 4) Do certain colors warrant a bigger discount? 5) does a dealer care if I finance it vs. pay cash? I know there is some incentives for financing but assuming there wasn't do they care?
The 0% for 72 months is GONE, as is the free 3-year maintenance plan.
Does anyone know if they are coming back as an "after-Christmas, end-of-year" incentive?
Figures are correct. The Expy is running nice and I'm very happy.
I think I was lucky in that this is a "fully loaded" Expy and in this particular area not many people were on the market for it.
So the dealer had this 04 "hanging" on the lot with not a lot of interest. I drove it 3 times before I decided and even told the dealer I wanted to do 30 miles in on the freeway. They agreed without a problem.
I took the advice of an earlier post in my first offer plus I had cash on hand. So I was in the best dealing position I've ever been in.
They didn't like my first offer but countered exactly where I figured they would. I wasn't expecting the service contract and all that. They surprised me with that one. But if the car works its probably a no cost item for them.
The dealer here is very progressive offering tires for life and other things. I think its just a tough market right now.
Thanks for your help.
You really got a steal. you should teach a negotiating class
I am looking at an '04 EB. Demo with 5100 miles.
List $44560
Invoice $39500
Selling price $33500(with all rebates)
They seem pretty firm,
I am still thinking there may be some more room to move since for most of you $11k off of list was the starting point for your negotiations.
Its the end of the year and this car has now been on the lot for close to a year.
I just bought a new 2004 expy XLS 4x4 for 12.5k off of sticker. Sticker was 35,900. I traded a 2003 explorer XLS for what I owed (16k). Out the door 24,200
Dealers are dyin now...be sure to take your time and work them hard. It took 3 days to do the deal...dont let them know you are too interested.
good luck
I have expanded my search to other dealers. This is for my business and I need to get this purchased before the end of the year to take advantage of the accelerated depreciation allowance the govt is offering for vehicles over 6000lbs.
I'll start making some offers on Monday. Maybe with the EOY coming up, the dealers will be a little hungrier. I'll report back with what I come up with.
Merry Christmas
MSRP: $42965
Invoice: $37898
I was told that the only rebates are $5000 cash back and $1500 if i financed through Ford Financing. They also tell me that the rate would be 5.9% if I took the $1500 offer. I went to Ford's website and saw the following:
$5000 Cash Back
or 0.0% APR financing for 36 months
or 0.0% APR financing for 48 months
or 0.0% APR financing for 60 months
or 2.9% APR financing for 72 months
or $1500 Cash Back plus 1.9% APR financing for 36 months
or $1500 Cash Back plus 2.9% APR financing for 48 months
or $1500 Cash Back plus 3.9% APR financing for 60 months
The way I understand it is that I'm supposed to get 3.9% correct?
How much should I offer to purchase the vehicle? I am amazed that you were able to purchase one at $9300 below invoice.
I need to make a decision soon. Thank you!
again, I got 12.5k off of a sticker that was 7k less than yours.
work 'em hard...they'd luv to sell by 12/31
I was not able to do as good as the rest of you you seem to have done, but after going around with 5 separate dealerships all were perfectly happy to let me walk out the door with offers at no more than $11.5k under sticker.
some of these were even demos with 6000 miles and 7 months on the warranty clock.
At the 6th dealer, The deal I finally got was a new '04 Eddie Bauer for $12,100 under an MSRP of $44,600, for a total selling price of $32,500. This includes the $5500 in rebates.
I did get an offer of $13k under sticker for an EB with a list of $49,000. but it had more options than I needed.
Congratulations for those who were able to get theirs at $15k under list.
I am considering an EXPY 05 EB...any suggestions on prices or anyones expirience?....I will appreciate all suggestions...thanks
I am considering an EXPY 05 EB...any suggestions on price"
Just go to the new car section and build an Expedition like the one you are looking at. Edmunds will give you a TMV to use as a guide. Remember that this board is for folks who recently bought or were quoted on a new Expedition. It's not a thread of Ford sales managers telling you what to buy the vehicle for. Every deal is different. Is your trade a desirable one? In other words, are you trading a Honda or a Kia? Is your trade paid off? Do you even have a trade? Is your credit outstanding or in a rebuilding period? Is it the 5th of the month or the 25th of the month? Is your dealer having a record sales month or is there dust settling on the inventory? Everyone's deal will be different. Don't rely on anyone here to tell you what you will be able to buy your new Expedition for. No matter what you pay for yours, someone here will have paid more and someone will have paid less. It's the nature of the beast that is car buying. Get the TMV and start from there. Good luck to you!
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there arent any rebates on them right now, how much can I expect them to come down from the sticker price?
For example, there's ten "ad cars" in today's LA Times for '05 Expy EB's with powerfold, MSRP $41,185, minus the $10,195 in discounts/rebates = $30,990.
For reference, those Expy EB's would be $41,185 MSRP, $36,352 X-Plan ($4833 off), $35,490 Ad Price ($5695 off), and $34,810 A/Z Plan ($6375 off).
At $5695 discount, that should be a few hundred back of invoice, so not a bad deal...
I didn't use X-plan for that deal - I mentioned it but he scoffed and said it would be a better deal without. However, I get skeptical when dealers scoff.
X-plan is 11.5% off the window sticker for 2005 Expy's and then any incentives can be added to that. However, the only good one I'm seeing is the $1,000 cash back with 1.9% FMCC financing for 60 months. The other one, the $2,500 incentive, means that I'd get a higher interest rate and it would cost more than the $2,500 incentive.
Thanks! I'm trying to buy this week. Also - are some dealers better with X-Plan than others? I loved my first X-Plan salesguy. He's far from my current home - an hour's drive - but I'm thinking about going back to him anyway. He ordered my Explorer as a dealer trade all the way from San Diego - 100 miles away!
They also have one just like it, a demo..with navigation and sunroof...It has 4K miles on it..I plan on offering them the same deal, 33K...with those extra options I would think that deal is about equal, I dont see many people paying more for a car with 4K more miles.....what do you think?
Also anyone know if you can take out the 6 disc radio and put in the navigation radio? Or are there other hookups needed? I did this on my 04 chevy and it works....
My advise is to get the best deal you can and maybe try to get a good rate for a loan ouside of FORD...sometimes we can't beat FORD rates...some other the dealer refuses to give a lower unit price unless you finance through them, which could be ok...who cares if they get a commision if your rate is good (even if 1/4% higher than FORD).....be open to all offers and nost important be as informed as possible...as they say "knowledge is power".....good luck gys...
2,848 T+L for 34,918 out the door. This deal doesn't sound as good as some of the others posted here. Does the Southern California market have anything to do with it, or am I a terrible researcher (sucker)
MSRP/Sticker (incl freight): $44,215
Less Special Allowance: $ 7,270
+Proc. charge: $ 100
Cash Sale Price: $37,045
Less Rebate: $ 5,000
Less Trade*: $ 5,168
Plus Tax/tags: $2123.25
*Trade started at $4K. Gave them my bottom line: $29K
and I drove away in a very nicely equipped Expedition.
Total negotiation time about 10 minutes and pain free.
Excellent salesman and there was no pressure from the
others in the dealership. That in itself made the buying
experience well worth the price, but always like to make
1) I live in Phoenix where there is no less than 15 dealers. Are larger dealers better or worse to buy from (regarding price).
2) Is there a specific model that is a better bargain (xlt, eb, etc.)?
3) If the sticker is $42K, what should a guy offer. I have no issues walking away, I'm in no hurry to buy it but would like to know what your thoughts are. Since TT&L is difffernt everywhere I do not want to include this in the example.
4) Do certain colors warrant a bigger discount?
5) does a dealer care if I finance it vs. pay cash? I know there is some incentives for financing but assuming there wasn't do they care?
Any/All help is appreciated.