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Costco San Diego holding RUG at $2.25 with diesel now down to $2.45 less than PUG by 4 cents. It is good living in San Diego in the winter. 76 degrees today.
We ARE getting a new fueling station at our local Sam's Club. I've filled up once at a Sam's. Gas seems to be gas anymore... except I kind of shy away from USA gas locations. It never quite looks like I should be stopping there
We ARE getting a new fueling station at our local Sam's Club. I've filled up once at a Sam's. Gas seems to be gas anymore... except I kind of shy away from USA gas locations. It never quite looks like I should be stopping there
We have a lot of USA stations here. They took over the Thrifty stations. None of them are too appealing. While in the Midwest I filled at a Corner Store station that had the best price on diesel. Clean brightly lit, with food I might even eat in a pinch. The fried chicken looked pretty good. We now have one close by that sells Valero gas. They have diesel for $2.49 credit. Only cheaper CC diesel is Costco, which is about 15 miles further from home.
We ARE getting a new fueling station at our local Sam's Club. I've filled up once at a Sam's. Gas seems to be gas anymore... except I kind of shy away from USA gas locations. It never quite looks like I should be stopping there
We have a lot of USA stations here. They took over the Thrifty stations. None of them are too appealing. While in the Midwest I filled at a Corner Store station that had the best price on diesel. Clean brightly lit, with food I might even eat in a pinch. The fried chicken looked pretty good. We now have one close by that sells Valero gas. They have diesel for $2.49 credit. Only cheaper CC diesel is Costco, which is about 15 miles further from home.
That may be a great business model. Since I started using a CC for most of my fuel needs, I don't go inside. I wonder why gas is so much less in Roseburg, than up your way? Half a dozen stations down there are at $1.69 for RUG.
I can't recall what I paid exactly last time, but PUG seemed a couple cents higher last night. Around $2.50 here. I am sure the greenie weenies will rejoice when prices rise - but still, they could jump 50% right now and still be much lower than much of if not not most of the past 7 years.
And going straight onto the tankers for export, LOL.
What are the Gulf refineries exporting now? - it's like a third of their gasoline production last I heard.
In 2012 US refiners took 1.6 million barrels a day from the Tar Sands. That business of shipping out tar sands oil is purely political BS. A big share of it is Coke (coal) which is being sold to the power generators. 66 refineries processing tar sands. At least 30,000 Union people working in just 9 of those refineries.
The station stuck in the Main Street reconstuction is still holding at $1.59. I still don't need any so will take my chances on filling up in a week or ten days. No use hammering my average mpg hauling around an extra ten gallons of gas.
Did not take long at the volume sellers. Costco jumped today from $2.25 to $2.33 for RUG. Diesel did not change. Still at $2.45. Costco sets their price by the tank each time it is filled. I still have about 400 miles left in my tank. Maybe a quick trip out to see the desert flowers in bloom.
Local Costco has started ticking up. Soent a week or two going back and forth between $2.77 and $2.75. Now at $2.79. The climb has started but I don't see $3+ soon.
There's still an oil glut. Futures are driving things up. May they get screwed.
2015 Mazda 6 Grand Touring, 2014 Mazda 3 Sport Hatchback, 1999 Mazda Miata 2004 Toyota Camry LE, 1999.
I think the lowest RUG got in San Diego county was $2.17. Lowest no name gas is $2.24 today. Costco diesel holding at $2.45 with RUG just a dime less. Went up again today.
Our Costco gas is up to $2.50 and diesel $2.65. Nice while it lasted. I was just reading this tidbit about CA oil production. We do not tax the oil. But we sure tax the finished product to da max.
To date, about 210,000 oil, gas, and geothermal wells have been drilled in California and around 88,500 are still in use. About 4,680 new wells were drilled in the state in 2012. The Division oversees around 570 companies that operate the wells. Daily oil production in 2012 was 541,000 barrels, placing California fourth among oil producing states.
So the oil is pumped royalty free? They just collect property tax on the equipment, like they do on all the other businesses? If Cali doesn't own the oil that's pumped, I assume the feds get the royalties?
In all states it's the entity that owns the 'lease' that gets the royalty. On state lands it's the state, but on private lands it starts out as the landowner, but they often sell the rights to other parties. For production from private lands many states get a direct tax benefit (Texas gets a 'severance tax'), I guess CA doesn't.
Thanks @texases - seems like all the PFD money came from Alaska's ownership of the oil on state lands. Or something like that. Seems like the oil companies in California are getting a nice subsidy - must explain why gas is so cheap there.
Sounds like some of the royalties go to the PFD too (so AK gets both severance and royalty payments? - No wonder there are so many boondoggles up there).
Yep, royalties too. Add on the pipeline tariff and oil quality differential, and the net wellhead revenue on the North Slope can be way less than West Texas Intermediate or Brent.
Thanks @texases - seems like all the PFD money came from Alaska's ownership of the oil on state lands. Or something like that. Seems like the oil companies in California are getting a nice subsidy - must explain why gas is so cheap there.
Typical of CA reward the fat cats and screw the middle classes. AK gets a large amount of revenue from oil. I think the last governor gave a bunch back that Palin had negotiated out of the oil companies. I was just surprised when I read in another article that CA was the only state without severance tax on resources. No wonder they shut down most of the mining in the state.
I'm in favor of a 'reasonable' severance tax, it gets states interested in reasonable resource development. Not that AK has been reasonable, they've monkeyed with it in wacky ways, at one point an incremental barrel could get a 40% severance tax on it, depending on how the many variables were set.
I'm waiting for the states to decide that sunshine and wind are exploitable resources like mineral wealth and then charge homeowners royalties and severance taxes on harvesting of that energy.
Colorado at least has flip-flopped a bit on claiming sole ownership of all rainwater that falls on your property but several other states say the rain that falls on your roof belongs to someone else. Mark Miller Toyota in Utah got into hot water over this. (naturalnews.com)
I see a station in Eugene selling RUG and Diesel for the same price, $1.99. Gives me more choices for my trip to Oregon.
We can "do" lunch at Buster's!
For sure, we are planning an April trip to see what Spring is like. And it is my grandson's birthday.
Most stations in town are running $1.69 to $1.79 for regular.
These used to be seen all over on front bumpers. Perhaps a comeback in the offing
We have a lot of USA stations here. They took over the Thrifty stations. None of them are too appealing. While in the Midwest I filled at a Corner Store station that had the best price on diesel. Clean brightly lit, with food I might even eat in a pinch. The fried chicken looked pretty good. We now have one close by that sells Valero gas. They have diesel for $2.49 credit. Only cheaper CC diesel is Costco, which is about 15 miles further from home.
That may be a great business model. Since I started using a CC for most of my fuel needs, I don't go inside. I wonder why gas is so much less in Roseburg, than up your way? Half a dozen stations down there are at $1.69 for RUG.
Unionized Oil Workers Go On Strike At 9 US Facilities (americanlivewire.com)
filled the wife's car with Shell 91 V-Power for $28 this morning.
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We have over a half tank so I guess I'll just sit back and watch it jump out until I actually need some.
You can bet the Refiners will hold out until Keystone is signed by Obama. That represents 2 million barrels a day coming into the refineries.
What are the Gulf refineries exporting now? - it's like a third of their gasoline production last I heard.
Refined oil products is one of the few decent exports we have left.
Just got back from dinner - regular in the "suburban" part of town is $1.99 tonight.
(Tried to go to the Asian fusion place and durned if they weren't closed for some game; had to settle for a Hatch green chili cheeseburger).
There's still an oil glut. Futures are driving things up. May they get screwed.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Isn't that supposed to be "The creeps are up to $2.39"?
To date, about 210,000 oil, gas, and geothermal wells have been drilled in California and around 88,500 are still in use. About 4,680 new wells were drilled in the state in 2012. The Division oversees around 570 companies that operate the wells. Daily oil production in 2012 was 541,000 barrels, placing California fourth among oil producing states.
Typical of CA reward the fat cats and screw the middle classes. AK gets a large amount of revenue from oil. I think the last governor gave a bunch back that Palin had negotiated out of the oil companies. I was just surprised when I read in another article that CA was the only state without severance tax on resources. No wonder they shut down most of the mining in the state.
Colorado at least has flip-flopped a bit on claiming sole ownership of all rainwater that falls on your property but several other states say the rain that falls on your roof belongs to someone else. Mark Miller Toyota in Utah got into hot water over this. (naturalnews.com)
Diesel at $3.19
Most RUG is running $2.09 to $2.19, and Premium is around $2.79, with a couple of stations offering it for $2.59. Diesel is $2.79 to $2.99.
Snow predicted here in Colorado but nothing like what's going on back east.
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1.99 at Costco.
2.07 at Exxon