Welcome Toyota Tundra - V

meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
edited March 2014 in Toyota
This topic is a continuation of Topic 1468....

Welcome Toyota Tundra - IV. Please continue these
discussions here.

Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host


  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    I never claimed to be a writer or the worlds best speller. I "DO" know the correct spelling of these words, but I am often in a hurry and don't care to take the time on a non-business and very much informal bbs setting, to spell check or take the time to double check these things. I have never had any one but the a--holes of this board point these slights out to me. Must be that your one of them a--holes and there is no need for me to elaborate anything further with you anyway.
    You must live in California. I lived there for several years while in the service. They were all stuffy little twirps and had the same attitude that you present by correcting my spelling and grammar.

    Thing is, what is really funny, I probably have way more education than you do!

    I don't really care about your stupid and pointless article, "regardless" or "irregardless" of anything! Have fun driving your Tundra. After all, you did pay a pretty penny for less truck, to fill the pockets of all those superior Management types at Toyota that you speak of.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Come on Bud,
    You love the guys on this board. After all, normal people avoid those they can't stand.
  • redfox1redfox1 Member Posts: 42
    In your Tundra V, Msg # 1 post, you finally spoke the the truth when you said you were neither a speller or a writer. Too bad you couldn't be as truthful about your truck experiences. You never did answer the question why you spend all your time on TUNDRA message boards when you don't own a Tundra and only drive GMC vehicles. Your jealousy sure comes thru loud and clear.
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Whats wrong Sanford? Bad day driving the ole Tundra? Don't worry, your Tundra will always have a place at the Salvage Palace.
  • jray38jray38 Member Posts: 9
    In the Tundra owner's manual, it points out that you can burn 87 Octane gasoline, and then also points out that it should be 91 Research Octane Number or something like that. I don't have the manual in front of me. Can anyone please explain what the meaning of 91 Research Octane Number vs 87 Octane is. Your help greatly appreciated as I sure wouldn't want to ruin this beautiful Tundra engine.
  • bob259bob259 Member Posts: 280
    Simple look at the pump when you fill up next time. 87 Octane - Regular, 91 Octane Premium and 20 cents a gallon more then regular.
  • arkie6arkie6 Member Posts: 198
    87 Pump octane is equivalent to 91 Research Octane. Pump Octane = R+M/2, where R=Research Octane and M=Motor Octane. The Tundra requires regular unleaded 87 octane.
  • tuck4tuck4 Member Posts: 25
    I know I am coming in with this topic a little late in the season and it might have been covered already ( I did not read all the previous posts )
    Snoway out of Hartford WI make a plow setup for the Tundra, I had one installed two months ago.
    It is a 7'6" unit with a poly blade. I also bought a metal moldboard for the early part of winter before things get frozen. It is also has an option that puts 300 psi of down pressure on the blade that makes up for the lighter blade. I have used this plow for snows up to 12" so far and have had no problems moving snow with this truck.Snoway does have a web site if anybody is interested
  • cliffy1cliffy1 Member Posts: 3,581
    Wow, did I strike a nerve? I didn't mean to start a name calling session nor did I intend to start a discussion of educational levels nor the impact of where a person lives in relation to attitude. In case you are interested, I too have lived in CA and now reside in VA. I can say from personal experience that Californians are far less uppity than people living near our nation's capital.

    I'm sorry you're so touchy about being corrected on anything. I guess its a good thing you didn't get that article or you would really blow a gasket.

    Now that all the name calling has been started, can I point out that it was you who demanded good reasons for liking the Tundra? You wanted real information and not just anecdotal information. Now, you are refusing to be sent objective information on Toyota versus GM. That aversion to information doesn't seem to match that Masters degree you imply you have.
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Never claimed to have a Masters degree. Never claimed that I remember to have any degree. Maybe I will just leave you guessing.

    The thing is, your article talks about Management and political issues that are irrelevant to the arguement that Toyotas are no more reliable or better made than any of the big three truck makes.

    I don't need to read it. It will not persuade my mind about the trucks themselves in the least bit.
    GM has teamed with Toyota on several vehicle "DESIGNS", not just revenues, etc. GM also owns part in Subaru (very well known for reliability). They will soon own part in Honda ( I guess you will then say that Honda's are not reliable). They have teamed with Isuzu for the diesels. In the past, GM sold engines to Chrysler Jeep for some of the Jeep lines. Lets see, how much stock or partnership does Toyota have in anything but Toyota? I can't say for sure, but I have not heard or read of anything.

    Toyota buy GM? What a joke. If they pooled every cent they have, they wouldn't have the funds available.
  • bluebeastbluebeast Member Posts: 258
    Wasn't it the Americans that went over to Japan after the war to show the Japanese how to build things? Also, it is my personal observation that over the last 50 years or so the Japanese take an American design and make it better. Thus making American companies having to think of the idea, develop the idea, put it into the market and then have the Japanese "steal" the product and regergitate a "new" version of basically the same product at a cheaper cost. Why the cheaper cost? BECAUSE THEY HAD THE AMERICANS SWALLOW ALL THE R&D COST!! Think how much bigger the BIG3 & other American companies would be if there was truly a fair trade agreement with Japan. GM ought to buy Honda & Toyota, probably still have 50-60Million left over.
  • bigboy3bigboy3 Member Posts: 22
    The more posts you make in these topics the less sense you make. Your credibility is diminishing every time you posts in the tundra topics. For some unknown reason you think people have to know how & why there vehicles operate. FYI majority of people could care less about the details of how their vehicles function. The key, is that they get them where they are going in a comfortable fashion and they meet their needs without having to take them to the shop for constant repairs. If you think you are going to convince any educated person with any sense whatsoever that GM
    makes quality vehicles, you are only fooling yourself. I have owned 27 vehicles in the last 20 years, with 13 of them being domestic & 14 imports. NO COMPARISON IN RELIABILITY OR QUALITY. Every GM or Ford product I have owned begins to fall apart at 40k miles.ie(water pumps, alternators, door handles falling off, etc.) This is not a narrowed minded opinion, this is fact. Just because Consumer Reports publishes unbiased facts that are totally opposite of your opinion is no reason to trash them. Your opinion is based on the ownership of 2 Toyotas, get real. You are clueless if you think you can base an overall opinion on your bad experiences.
  • cliffy1cliffy1 Member Posts: 3,581
    You hypothesized that you have more education than I which means you would need more than two BA degrees. My apologies on assuming a Masters.

    Keep up the pertinent postings. You really add to the discussion.

    Really... I'm not joking... Well maybe a little.
  • smcpherrsmcpherr Member Posts: 114
    Theres a guy in topic 1664 who says that A dealer he has talked to on the phone states that the Tundra is available with a Limited Slip, and that the dealer says this is not a mistake with the locker and I believe the dealer said the LSD is available with the locker. Is this true?
  • bob259bob259 Member Posts: 280
    Cliffy1.... please don't stoop to their level. There are a few Rebel Rousers in all the Forums, and while this one has more then it's fair share, I hope we don't start stooping to their level. Ignore them....

    It's hard to do but we have to keep in mind if we all had the same tastes and needs there would only be manufacture, not dozens. Which by the way gives us as the consumer a choice.... how we exercise that choice is up to us. (Now that said.... Screw those who don't agree with that free choice, whether it be a GM, Toyota or other)
  • ferris47ferris47 Member Posts: 131
    I recently went home to Maryland and while driving on 695, the Baltimore beltway, I was shocked to see two white, Baltimore county Tundra work trucks. They were access cab, I assume SR5 2wds. I can't believe a local government is using Forgein vehicles. I assume they are testing they are probably testing out to see how they do. I just thought it was kind of cool. I wonder if Toyota is pursuing the fleet market at all?
  • bluebeastbluebeast Member Posts: 258
    I think the only "Screw" in this forum is the one loose in your head. Rebel rousers are the ones that make you think, is that why your afraid?
  • cliffy1cliffy1 Member Posts: 3,581
    It is absolute false to claim the the Tundra has or is available with a limited slip differential. The person in question probably found a brainless salesman who doesn't even know what one is. Unfortunately, there are plenty of those out there. The Tundra has neither a LSD nor a locker.

    I'll go check out this topic. These are great trucks but we certainly don't need to be making stuff up about them.
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Big boy in little truck. Here's some news. I could care less what you think about my credibility. Do you really think that I try to gain any credibility with the likes of you???

    If you have had to own twenty seven vehicles in your lifetime, sounds like you are too stupid to know what you buy.

    Tell me, if you have had to buy 14 imports, why the hell do you care about longevity or reliability. You don't keep anything long enough to break. It is you that loses credibility. 27 vehicles sounds like a big story to me.
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    You are absolutley correct about the US building up Japan and teaching them all the technology. Mention that to the Toyota lovers and you open a whole can of spew.
  • redfox1redfox1 Member Posts: 42
    I received this recall notice in the mail yesterday. According to the notice, the plastic bulb socket in certain rear combination lamps (includes stop lamp) may not have been molded properly in certain 2000 Model year Tundras. This could cause a reduction in the bulb retention force in use. In the worst case, the bulb could fall out of the socket resulting in an inoperative stop lamp. Has anyone else received this notice and has anyone had this problem? I called the local Toyota dealer that I purchased the truck from and though they hadn't heard of this issue, they will do the replacement on March 8. I will see if I can keep the old bulbs to examine them , since years ago I worked with plastic molding processes. Might be interesting.
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Isn't the whole Tundra truck made of plastic???
  • krobertson1krobertson1 Member Posts: 18
    Hey guy who names himself after a cheap beer, if you are not going to add something constructive, GGOOO AWWAYY!!!
  • rphronrphron Member Posts: 21
    Where is this forum?
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Now that is an original!! LOL! Actually cheap beer is more like Old Milwaukee or Hamms.
  • bob259bob259 Member Posts: 280
    Bluebeast, it's not me that's scared it appears to be those, like yourself and some others, that think that what they are driving is the only choice for everyone and if you don't drive what I drive you are uninformed.

    Like I said before I like all types and makes of vehicles, although I would not include, Hundi, Dawoo, Yugo's in that group, I for the most part would get bored with cars and trucks if we didn't have a choice and difference to choose from.

    I'm not going to get into the reverse engineering discussion because it's true..... however it's true for ALL manufactures. Some are better at succeeding then others though, Nuff said. Oh one more thought, if you think the Big 3 didn't pick apart the Japanese manufacturing process when they were being outsold about 10 years back. you've been in the sun to long. All US companies, including yours and mine, studied the Japanese business model and tried to copy it.

    I know this will tick off BLD, but we should be thankful the trade deficit made it possible for them and others to start manufacturing here and give us the jobs Vs importing everything. What would unemployeement be in the US if Toyota, MB, BMW and others pulled out tomorrow, what would it do the economy.... and the story can go on an on for both sides. Let's just be tankful of what we got and that we have a choice and are not all driving Checkers in your basic Yellow (But all the back seat room in a Checker would be fun)
  • bigboy3bigboy3 Member Posts: 22
    Hey guys,
    I think a name change would be appropriate for Bud Light Dude. "BIG MOUTH STERLING" would fit the bill. What you think? Do I hear a second. A big quantity comes out of the mouth but the quality is terrible. (Just having a little fun, no offense intended)
  • cliffy1cliffy1 Member Posts: 3,581
    did you catch the comment from BLD about the whole truck being made of plastic? he obviously hasn't heard the news that GM will have plastic beds next year.
  • bigboy3bigboy3 Member Posts: 22
    By the way, I travel over 100,000 miles a year in my job, so owning 27 vehicles over a 20 year period is not stupid nor impossible as you implied. I am much more qualified to make an objective evaluation of vehicles than you ever dreamed. Never [non-permissible content removed]-U-ME anything!
  • bigboy3bigboy3 Member Posts: 22
    Yea, I caught that last comment by BMS aka BLD. It only solidifies what we already know. HE IS CLUELESS!
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    better. In fact most people would not understand it including the moderator and would probably left it alone till they had time to look it up in the dictionary. Personally, I think it was the maggots.
  • bigboy3bigboy3 Member Posts: 22
    No wonder you are such and expert on the mechanics of the vehicles. As long as you drive GM you have to know how to fix them. I am not concerned with the details on how the vehicle runs as long as it is not breaking down. I drive Toyotas, have no need to know all the ins and outs of the engine. Just drive them @ 250k or 300k miles with no major problems. Never said I was an expert on mechanics,(you need to pay attention to what you are reading) just said I had owned a lot of vehicles and had put a lot of miles on them and had a lot less trouble with imports than with domestics. Again you need to quit ASSUMING. When did I say all I do is drive a truck. Wake Up!
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Sell your chevy (taking a huge depreciation loss, of course) and buy the Tundra. It's better than living in your world of misery, saddled with a truck your kicking yourself for buying.
  • jtedjted Member Posts: 17
    The bud light Dud had 3 Toyota,s that broke down on him that is why he doesn't like Toyotas. But the Guy that bought my 97 T-100 told me he had a 93 Toyota pickup that blow a head gasket, didn't have time to get it to the dealer right a way, so he scord a cylinder wall, Toyota replaced the engine, no Questions asked. And I know from personal experience that when 2nd gear went out on my 83 OLDS,they would look at it and let me know if GM would fix it, but once they take it apart they got you.Toyota are known for head gasket problems.But I also know 1 guy with an 87 Toyota pickup with over 350k in mileage and my stepson with a 92 Camery with over 200k. After all the problems that I have had with GM and Chrysler, I won't drive anything but Toyotas.... I now have a Tundra I like my truck and it fits me for what I need.
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    Bud light Dude it looks like you and Bluebeast are taking a beating from these toymota owners.I agree with a lot of bluebeast comments especially about toyota stealing ideas.Weren't they gonna call it the T150 it will never be the equivalent of a real full size F150,Chevy or Dodge.Its a truck for people who want to feel like they are in a truck but it can't do real truck stuff and its really expensive, and they pay there workers below industry standard wages and charge more to the consumer.And every month our trade defecit goes up because they won't import any american products.I even see commercials on TV asking americans not to purchase asian products til they reach a fair trade agreement.BUY AMERICAN AND KEEP AMERICA WORKING.
  • tundrasaursrextundrasaursrex Member Posts: 49
    Is American the Chevy thats built in Mexico? or Dodge owned by a German Daimler-Chrysler Corp built in Mexico? Or, is it the Ford built in Canada with parts from Japan and Mexico? Or is it the Toyota built in Indiana with 35% domestic content? If we're splitting hairs over percentages you should become an lawyer (that may be a shot below the belt, sorry)!

    ....let's see is that Cadillac Catera American or is German? Is that Geo a GM? or is it a Suzuki? or a Toyota? What about that Honda with a GM motor due out soon?......Is Nissan going to still be Japanese now that GM is going to buy them, or will they be American too?

    ...Boy in order to be really biased you need a freeking corporate back ground check on these companies...

    ...They're really pissing me off, I don't know who to hate these days!
  • tundradudetundradude Member Posts: 588
    There were 16000 affected.
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Just so you know. I have had things repair free of charge or split costs by GM that were not even under a warranty. GM has always stood by their product with me. I have never been left stranded and never had to repair the same part more than once on the same vehicle like I had to "three times" with a 93 Camry. Did Toyota help with ANY of those repairs? The first one, but only because it was under warranty. Subsequent repairs, even though they were obviously caused by the same problem that caused the parts to wear out prematurely in the first place, Toyota refused to help with at all. They even kinda mocked the fact that I was left hi and dry.

    Even with the bad experiences I had with Toyota, I did not start out at these topics to emphasize these problems or to slam Toyotas. The punk [non-permissible content removed] Tundra owners, clueless of anything mechanic, talking trash about other makes while claiming a false sense of reliability advantage of the Toyota, started these heated topics, not me. I have only rebutted the ignorant statements that are made. I don't think the Tundra is an inferior truck. However, it is far from being a better built or better value for the money than any of the big three trucks. I have owned many GM trucks. Some I bought and used for work. Some, like my Z71, I have bought for recreational use and daily driving. None of them have had any major problems and none of them have ever left me walking, not even the greatly abused, used trucks I have purchased for work. They too have taken much abuse and kept on going.

    Two Tacomas that never even really seen any "work" or "towing" at all, used mainly as daily commuters for gas mileage, both left me walking. Widespread problem or not, they still broke down hard before 40k miles. How can anyone say that this type of "reliability" or "quality" is higher than the big three?

    Only those clueless ones that buy based on fads and know nothing of real mechanics would ever try and make such a rediculous claim.
    Overload and really work those Tundras day in and day out like the big three owners do. Then lets talk shop about reliability. I bet most Tundra owners that are honest in the slightest bit, would keep their mouths shut, because the Tundra wouldn't keep up with the real big three trucks.
  • redfox1redfox1 Member Posts: 42
    BLD, you keep claiming you have never had any problems with any of the GMC trucks you have owned but did have failures on two Tacomas and a Camry. In my opinion you are full of B.S. One needs only read the various Silverado boards and hear all the different problems owners have had with their Silverados and other GMC trucks. If you would spend a little less time bashing Tundra and Tundra owners and read the Silverado and GMC boards you might finally get some education, which you sorely need.
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    What is american? Well I will only support any vehicle which is UAW made.The Tundra is not yes it is assmebled in Indiana but its factory workers make about 1/3 less than a UAW worker but yet the Tundra costs more than my truck.An F250 XLT 4x4 4door supercab w 5.4 and 3.73 LS.Wouldn't you think a truck that costs less to build would be sold for less,of course not and who sees all those profits.Do they stay in the US to help and feed and keep Americans working.I doubt it.Will Japan open its doors to a fair trading agreement to maybe create other jobs in other areas for Americans.I doubt it.
  • jtedjted Member Posts: 17
    Your not worth a response. I'm Not as low as you.I have more Class. And it shows in what I Drive.
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    It is you who is ignorant of the Tundra's problems. If "YOU" read all the problems with the Tundra, you will see just as many reported, if not even more, problems with the Tundra. The only serious problems I have seen with the Silverados is a driveline vibration that is isolated to the 2wd trucks. Not only has GM stepped up to the plate to fix these problems, they have replaced or bought back ALL trucks they could not fix, and with little hassles like KRobertson had with his Tundra puking engine parts.

    None of the Silverados widespread problems have left anyone walking like the Tundra has. Not only has the Tundra had more different problems, they have been more severe, like the safety related problem with the Tundra's access doors coming open while driving down the road, by CHILDREN just leaning against them.

    You can keep all that Toyota quality you speak so highly of. My inferior Silverado is much more real truck for MY money......:)!
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Then shut your sewer hole and don't post anymore....chump!
  • jtedjted Member Posts: 17
    Just goes to show that your just a southern Hillbilly. Buy the way GM has a 30% stake in Toyota, why do you think they have a Chevy Prism.
    I Guess you were never taught to respect your elders.So that all I'll say to you go back on the GM chat were you belong.
  • z71billz71bill Member Posts: 1,986
    GM has no such stake in Toyota. They do have a joint agreement on a limited number of vehicles. The Prism/Corolla is one example.

    Got a new Automobile magazine today. They have both the Silverado 4x4 and Tundra 4x4 in their 4 seasons test fleet. They say good things about both trucks but also slam the Tundra. "In terms of on-road comfort, the Silverado has our Four Seasons Toyota Tundra beat. Although it still rides like a truck , the Silverado quells frost heaves and potholes better than the Tundra. It also has a more spacious cabin." They go on to say "the rear seat is storage only. The backrest is just too vertical for human habitation -- the rear seats unsuitable for adults but perfect for kids, dogs and guns"
  • tundrasaursrextundrasaursrex Member Posts: 49
    Hang on while I opine a bit.....

    I totally agree with you on the fair trade issue! We (our gov't) need to pressure other countries to open up their markets! And being an often traveler to Japan I'd say they are a bad offender. But, as the worlds strongest economy and retail marketplace, and a land where manufacturers across the globe salivate to gain market share our government should get involved and play a little hardball--we hold all the cards.(apologies for blended metaphors)

    It is also true that Toyota has brought thousands of relatively high paying jobs to the US (just ask around in Princeton ,Ind). So too GM, Ford and Dodge have exported them. And unless you're a stockholder you wont see many benefits from buying a "domestic tagged" car or truck.
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    Well thanks for reading into my side,I really don't have anything against Toyota.
  • jtedjted Member Posts: 17
    I was told this about 20 years ago that GM had a 30 to 35% in Toyota. Seems funny that my 97 T-100 had a Delco Radiator and a Delco battery. Every one makes good a bad products, remember the Chevy Veg.As for my Tundra,I don't like the gas mileage.Maybe after it gets some mile on it,it will be better.I did have a 74 GMC 3/4 ton, only had it a year then I sold it to buy a house. Not a bad truck at all.
  • bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    For someone who calls everyone that isn't an avid Toyota owner an idiot or a dumb Southern Hillbilly, you should take more time in reading your own posts.

    Your comments sure are like calling the kettle black.

    You are correct about being able to get a lemon in any make. With so many choices of different vehicles in the domestics, those chances could probably increase. Maybe that is why you Toyota owners claim so high of reliability. All the Toyota cars look the same and the Toyota trucks are just smaller or bigger versions of the same truck. No originality whatsoever. Pretty blah to buy cars and trucks with zero personality of their own.
This discussion has been closed.