Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel Questions

KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
This is the place for questions and comments about the Cummins-powered Dodge Ram trucks!

kcram - Pickups Host


  • dodgeram94dodgeram94 Member Posts: 2
    i own a 1994 dodge ram 2500 2x4 with a 5.9 cummins diesel. When the truck is not used it is pluged in.If i let it sit for an hour or even a day or two it is very hard to start.When we do get it started it runs fine for the rest of the day but then at 4 oclock when it is time to go home here we go again it is very hard to start.i have checked the fuel with the right gages and i am getting fuel pressure around 21 psi. It will start if i spray alittle starting fluid in it and i mean alittle just a flick it starts right up and runs fine.Yes it does smoke alitle white no to much but that goes away in about 1 min or so. is it or could it be the fuel heater relay or could it be the fuel shut off solenoid relay.
  • hondo_millerhondo_miller Member Posts: 3
    I have an '06 dodge 2500 with a 5.9-Liter HO Cummins Turbo Diesel Engine. When I turn the key on but before I crank the engine, I notice that the check engine light starts to blink after 10 seconds. The check engine lights turns off once the truck is started however. In the manual, it states that there may be a problem with the emissions testing and may affect my gas mileage. My dealership cannot find a solution to this problem. Any help or suggestions is welcomed.
  • france1france1 Member Posts: 1
    I had the same occurence in my Ram 2500 cummins once and it never did it again. Ever since I have had the truck since day 1, it has an intermittent problem with cranking and cranking to get it to start not only in cold temps but in the hot as well, once it starts its fine but if it sits for about 5 hours its hard as heck to start. I have taken it in to Dodge 3 times and I am constantly told, "we cant find anything wrong" and that cummins is working on a fix" If anyone has had the same problem and know of a solution could you please email me at Thank you
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    As stated right in the post box, please do NOT include your email address in your messages. If you wish your email address to be seen by other members, make it "public" in your profile.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • hondo_millerhondo_miller Member Posts: 3
  • hondo_millerhondo_miller Member Posts: 3
    I'm scheduled to take it in to get looked at this Friday. Hopefully I'll find something out. I'll send you an update if anything worthwhile comes of it.
  • dodgeram94dodgeram94 Member Posts: 2
  • dalejdalej Member Posts: 3
    Minor (very slight) fuel leaks in fittings can cause air to enter the fuel lines causing the fuel injection pump to loose prime. Then when you go to start it, it is sucking air into the line at the leak causing difficulty getting the prime back. Put clean cardboard under the vehickle when you park it for the night and look for fuel spots on it the following morning. You may be able to spot where the fuel is leaking and tighten up a loose fitting or replace an "o" ring. Might just solve your problem.
  • gaboisegaboise Member Posts: 8
    The twelve valve trucks have a problem with aging flexible supply and return fuel lines. They deteriorate and, even though they may seem to be sound, they often bleed air and are subject to losing prime. It is rather simple to replace them but it is not easy to do. The lines are difficult to access. If you are handy you can do it yourself if you don't mind a bunch of skinned patches on your hands caused by reaching into these hard to reach places. One line is 3/8", the other is 5/16". As long as you're doing it use marine grade line. It doesn't cost a terrible bunch but is less subject to the above mentioned loss of prime.
  • mjsheekmjsheek Member Posts: 3
    Has anyone else had a problem with their 05 diesels not starting and stalling, The no start doesn't matter if it has been running all day or been sitting for a week when it chooses not to start it just does'nt want to start. The stalling is you'll shift gears in the manuals and its just like you turn the key off, It will not start back till you cycle the ignition off and back on again. If you have please email me and let me know. Its not fun when it stalls in the middle of a sharp curve.
  • garysm99garysm99 Member Posts: 1
    I have a manual shifter and I was wondering with computerized fuel injection how much fuel is being used when truck is coasting down a long hill with foot off the throttle? Would less fuel be used if truck was in neutral?
  • thawkesthawkes Member Posts: 1
    I also have an 05 diesel that is hard to start at times. This has happened since the day I drove it off of the lot (brand new), and recently took it to my local dealer service dept. (different state) to find out what the problem was. They informed me that five out of the six injectors are bad (apparently due to metal from contaminated fuel). They said that Dodge had changed the injectors for the 05's, which explains why none of my previous Dodges had this problem. They also informed me that this is not covered under warranty, and it will cost me $4,500 to have it fixed. I'm not buying their statements, in large due to the fact that it was hard to start the very first time I got in it. Even if their statements are correct, wouldn't this problem be considered a manufacturer defect with consideration to the change in injectors? I'm not exactly sure how their "new and improved" parts getting clogged by the same old type of diesel fuel is the fault of the consumer.
    As far as the stalling, I've experienced no problems due to the fault of the truck, only driver error!
  • p100p100 Member Posts: 1,116
    This makes no sense. First of all, if there is powdered metal or other particulates in the fuel, aren't fuel filter(s) supposed to catch these contaminants? Have they increased the capacity/number of fuel filters, as well as filtration efficiency of these filters? If these new injectors have smaller orifices and are so sensitive to contamination, then the truck should have at lest three in line fuel filters/water separators. A lot cheaper to replace these than $ 4,500 worth of injectors. And why can't these new injectors be disassembled and cleaned for a lot less money? All traditional diesel injectors that I am familiar with (have two older diesel vehicles myself) can be rebuilt. A set of 5 rebuilt diesel injectors for my Mercedes 300SD costs about $ 300.

    The more I read about issues like this, the more convinced I get that I need to stay away from new diesels. I love to have one, and prices are actually pretty good now, but I do not need this kind of a headache. You can buy a lot of gas for $ 4,500, so the same truck with a Hemi 5.7 might be a lot more economical for occassional towing. And you save $ 5,555 up front too.
  • chadpengarchadpengar Member Posts: 2
    I had a new 2006 2500 MegaCab with 5.9L Cummins home from a dealership on a borrow for a day and a half a week ago and it did this. And then I went and bought one from another dealership a day or two later and it does the same thing. (Had some issues with the desk manager telling me things I knew not to be true on financing rates/payments -- I had tables calculated I had brought with me.)

    You put the key in and turn it to power up the electrical system and after a few sec the orange engine icon starts blinking but it goes away when you start up the engine... 2 out of 2 brand new off the lot doing this...
  • danny52danny52 Member Posts: 4
    My 04 Cummins has a slight ticking noise. The dealer listened to it and said it is a sticky injector. This is an ongoing problem according to them - and they've had to completely replace 6 motors after the sticking became so bad it jammed open and melted a hole in the piston. They are going to fix it under warranty (truck has 16K on it), but my question is this: Does this affect the long term longevity of my motor? If the injector is leaking more fuel into the cylinder than needed it would seem like there could be a number of serious problems. The dealer says one way to diagnose the problem is that fuel ends up in the crankcase - which has not happened yet in this case. Any experience out there with this type of situation?
  • tractorhometractorhome Member Posts: 3
    Check the Amps that your batteries are putting out, That could couse the heating blower not to heat the engine.
  • tethairtethair Member Posts: 4
    I am having more extreme problems, twice in 8 months I have had a complete injector failure. The only immediate symptom is a howling noise followed by a flood of oil coming out the breather and compltely covering my trailer. After the last tow and 11 days in the shop the dealer still has no definate answer for me. A buddy is telling me that this has happened to him 7 times on his truck of the same year (04).
  • danny52danny52 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks chris65w, I appreciate the info. Sorry to hear of your problems. It cant be any fun. The ironic part of all this is that my Dodge replaces my 2000 Ford PS. I was going to get another Ford (with the 6.0 diesel). My buddy at the local Ford parts department told me not to because of chronic injector failure. Who makes injectors anyway? Is it 3rd party? It would seem like a no brainer to get them right since failure is so expensive. I'm told a new Cummins is $15K installed. I wish you luck. I should get my truck back today. I'll post the results.
  • danny52danny52 Member Posts: 4
    I got my truck back from the shop today. After doing flow tests and other diagnostics, the dealer came to the conclusion that all I needed was a valve adjustment. So that was done (under warranty), and I'm on my way. The injectors were not bad - as was originally thought. I'm a happy camper.
  • dlbjonesdlbjones Member Posts: 6
    This 5.9L diesel dies when I stop unless I hold the brake with one foot and the accelerator with the other. It dies in reverse also and especially if the A/C is on.

    I have looked for leaks but none are visible.

  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    Check your throttle cable. There was a recall for this years ago. The original cable would begin to fray and would cause the exact problem you describe. The new cable is coated/wrapped and solves this problem. I had this issue on my 96 Cummins - replaced the cable in 1999 and all was well again. The recall came in 2001, and DaimlerChrysler paid me back in full for the repair when I submitted a copy of the receipt.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • wendler4wendler4 Member Posts: 2
    I am new diesel owner and was told by atleast five different diesel drivers that our truck had a "knocking noise" We took it in after a random stranger told us they heard knocking. Dealership said it was normal. Took it back again and had them do a side by side with another truck. Master mechanic came out and said that there was definately something wrong. Called us a week later and said nothing was wrong. Took it back in after the noise became excessive. They said it needed a new cp3 pump? and some adjustments. Replaced those things and it is still making noise. Now they are saying it needs a new cam? I am not mechanically inclined, and I feel like these people are giving me the run around...they have had the truck this time around for ten days and have yet to fix the problem. Anyone a mechanic? Can you tell me if this dealership is full of it?
  • aok2aok2 Member Posts: 1
    2000 cummins 3500 replaced fuel pump truck turns 0ver fine will pull start will not start with starter engaged even though turns over normal could ignition be culprit
  • tgentrytgentry Member Posts: 2
    i have two 04 dodge 3500 both run the same fuel out of my bulk tank one truck runs fine the other blows a blue/white smoke after it idles. dodge says bad fuel but they found no water in the filter or tank no codes i had fuel tested at a lab (fuel fine)dodge is lost can someone help?
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    Blue smoke is caused by motor oil entering the combustion chamber. You likely have one of three issues with the smoking truck:
    - low compression at one cylinder
    - worn piston rings
    - leaking valve stem seals

    If your Dodge dealer isn't helpful, a Cummins shop should be able to diagnose this pretty quickly.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • tgentrytgentry Member Posts: 2
    dodge tested all these items and all tested fine its more of a white smoke than a blue they also looked at turbo seals but what about air cooler?
  • rabblerrabbler Member Posts: 1
    If you haven't had the recall done arrange it with your dealer.
    I have performed this recall and well the cable can fray and break that isn't your problem. Likely your idle speed is too low. It's adjusted manually on the pre 24 valve cummins engine. It should be about 750rpm in drive with the A/C on if I remember correctly.
    It's proper procedure to check and adjust the idle speed while performing the recall so thats likely why it also fixed your condition kcram.
  • cruz98cruz98 Member Posts: 1
    green guy to the diesel world and lovin them, I own a 98 cummins, starter not cranking all of a sudden, solenoid is clicking, but that's all she wrote. Just wondering if my pinion is jammed in the flywheel or is my starter just toast, assuming that my starter is the problem. Checked fuses, all are good, relays not too sure, batteries also good to go. Would appreciate some advice from this cool forum. Thanks
  • jtrevinojtrevino Member Posts: 2
    My Dodge died while driving it today and it won't start again. All electrical still working. At first it would turn over and run but only for a few seconds and then it would die again. It won't run at all now but just cranks. The weather just turned cold today, it was about 33 degrees when this occurred. My truck hasn't been in cold weather for a while. I don't know if this would affect anything but the truck had just been taken over a big slushy puddle at about 45 MPH moments before it died. I have a quarter tank of gas, replaced the fuel filter less then 10,000 miles ago. Any ideas?
  • dduallyddually Member Posts: 2
    My '96 Dodge 3500 Diesel won't shift into overdrive. One day it shifted fine the next day it wouldn't shift into 4th gear. The fluid is full and only has about 5,000 miles since the fluid and the filter were last changed. What might be the problem?
  • 7wfsundown7wfsundown Member Posts: 2
    I've got a 2005 Dodge Ram 3500 Diesel and I've had several Dodge owners pose the same comments to me. I've also taken it to the dealer and they've told me they can't hear it and nothing is wrong. I've also experienced a 25-30 percent drop in fuel economy across the board (highway and city driving). Again, they tell me nothing is wrong because nothing shows on the diagnostics. The dealerships (both of them local) have indicated Chrylers policy is that if nothing shows on the diagnostics, "nothing is wrong with it". They also indicated this policy prevents them from looking any farther into the problems. I suspect it's a computer thing but can't seem to get anyone to cooperate. I've been a Dodge diesel truck owner for many years and have always been a satisfied Dodge owner "until now". If you get any additional information, please let me know.
  • 7wfsundown7wfsundown Member Posts: 2
    I've got a 2005 Dodge Ram 3500 Diesel and I've had several Dodge owners pose the same comments to me. I've also taken it to the dealer and they've told me they can't hear it and nothing is wrong. I've also experienced a 25-30 percent drop in fuel economy across the board (highway and city driving). Again, they tell me nothing is wrong because nothing shows on the diagnostics. The dealerships (both of them local) have indicated Chrylers policy is that if nothing shows on the diagnostics, "nothing is wrong with it". They also indicated this policy prevents them from looking any farther into the problems. I suspect it's a computer thing but can't seem to get anyone to cooperate. I've been a Dodge diesel truck owner for many years and have always been a satisfied Dodge owner "until now". If you get any additional information, please let me know.
  • 06trx406trx4 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2006 Dodge Ram 2500 TRX4 with the 5.9L CTD. About 3 weeks ago I started the truck in the morning like always and I noticed that the lights dimmed and then got bright again and then dimmed and so on and so forth for about 3 minutes, and as I watch my volts meter it is cycling in sequence with the lights. It has been getting progressively worse to the point that if it sits for more than 3 hours it will cycle. I have also noticed that it affects the RPM if higher than 1000RPM. If anyone has an idea of what is going on please let me know.
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    As this discussion is focused on the Cummins engine, you will probably get a faster response in our Dodge Ram: Transmission Problems discussion.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    As this discussion is focused on the Cummins engine, you will probably get a faster response in our Dodge Ram: Lighting/Electrical Issues discussion.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • sammy14sammy14 Member Posts: 1
    2005 Dodge Ram pickup 3500 - Has anyone else had problems with water in the diesel? Did you replace injectors and if so, was it under warranty or did you pay repairs?
  • smcguinnesssmcguinness Member Posts: 1
    I have an 06 2500 diesel with 3400 miles on it and it is doing the exact same thing. I have had it back to the dealer twice. The second time back they have told me the same thing its normal operating conditions. Have you found a solution? Im taking it back tomorrow and talking to the service manager. If they do not fix the problem Im going to contact the attorney generals off. Lemon!!!!!!!
  • 06trx406trx4 Member Posts: 3
    No I have not found a solution. I have not taken to a dealer yet. I have about 4800 miles on mine and it started around 3000 miles. I have talked to my brother who is in school to be a mechanic and he has not heard of this problem and is shocked that this happened to a Diesel. Let me know what you find out. Thanks for the input.
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    I replied to your post over in the Electrical discussion, but I'll repeat it here...

    Completely normal and described in your owner's manual. Now that it's cold, the grid heater (which warms the intake air before it reaches the cylinder) will cycle for three minutes after the engine is started to allow better combustion and less smoke. You'll experience this all winter, nothing to worry about.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • wendler4wendler4 Member Posts: 2
    We did end up having the cam replaced and the cp3 gear, and eventually the cp3 pump. The dealership was very hesitant to replace these things. We were told by the mechanic that the parts were expensive parts. You will really have to make a stink to get them to do the necessary repairs. We ended up having to switch service managers and talk to the dealership general manager. The noise seems to have subsided, but it's hard to tell. Our mileage has increased about a mile per gallon, nothing to drastic. On a side note, now our windshield is leaking and we have to return to the dealership to have that fixed. Anyone wanna buy a truck??!!!
  • akanglakangl Member Posts: 3,282
    Completely normal and described in your owner's manual. Now that it's cold, the grid heater (which warms the intake air before it reaches the cylinder) will cycle for three minutes after the engine is started to allow better combustion and less smoke. You'll experience this all winter, nothing to worry about.

    Yup, I second that. Perfectly normal, both of our 06 Ram 3500 Cummins do it now that its cold out. They do it on initial start up and if its really cold out they will do it even if they have only been shut off for 5 minutes and restarted. Nothing to worry about, enjoy your truck!
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    Geez, Jolie... you have 2 of them? :surprise: My 05 3500 is quite enough for my cash flow!
  • jtrevinojtrevino Member Posts: 2
    No one in this forum offered a response but here was the issue if anyone else has a similiar problem.
    A module in Fuel Injector Pump went bad, the voltage was low when the diagnostic was run. About a $2500 dollar part at the Dealership. My cost? $100 deductible - It was still under warranty.
  • akanglakangl Member Posts: 3,282
    Geez, Jolie... you have 2 of them? My 05 3500 is quite enough for my cash flow!

    Yup, we have 2 of them, plus a 1997 F-250 Powerstroke. Three diesel trucks is hard on the wallet, lol. Actually the Rams have been great, the Powerstroke has a mind of its own and a hold on the wallet, it only sticks around because we own it for very cheap $$$.

    We didn't intend on buying the 2 Rams, just the one I ordered, but a deal that was too good to pass up and a lot of money offered for hubby's aging V10 changed our minds. The $$$ saved on fuel is enough to pay for his Cummins, that V10 was killing us and we were killing it with the trailers we pull. I think last year he spent almost $10k in gas on that V10. :sick:

    Below is a link to a picture of the 2 beasts, his is the red one, mine is black.

  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    My 05 is a cross between the two of yours :) It's an SLT dually like his, but I went with a few more options to make it more Laramie-comfortable without having to spend Laramie money. You can see mine at my CarSpace page

    Amd goodness knows I never would have gone without fog lights... the headlights are just too high up.
  • akanglakangl Member Posts: 3,282
    Amd goodness knows I never would have gone without fog lights... the headlights are just too high up.

    I agree, I love my fog lights. We ended up with his truck in a rather strange way, thus he had to take what they had. It was the only 6-spd dually cummins that they had after they sold the 03 that I had a deposit on out from under me.

    I was ticked to say the least, we drove 300 miles to get it and walk into the dealership to be told they *accidently* sold it. They put him in the 06 for just $3500 more so that made up for it, a new truck vs a 3 year old/30k miles truck. He's going to add fog lights eventually since he likes them on my truck.

    Mine turned 10,000 miles yesterday, not even 5 months old yet. :cry:

    Your truck is mighty nice, real pretty color. That's the color the 03 was, but hubby was thrilled to get the flame red 06.....flame red is his color. Mine is black because my 10 year old picked out the color when I ordered it, sometimes I ask her what she was thinking!
  • carnut17carnut17 Member Posts: 46
    My 95 12 valve Cummins will start right up only when i rest my foot on the accelerator pedal. Inaddition, the idle seems to be around only 500rpm which is a problem when cold or if im running the A/C at a stoplight. Is this a stretched or out of adjustment throttle cable or is there a idle adjustment somewhere? Thanks carnut17
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    Could be both, actually. If you still have the original uncoated cable, you need to get that replaced - it can fray and split. There is also an idle adjustment that can be checked. I had both require attention on my 96.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • carnut17carnut17 Member Posts: 46
    Thank you kcram, your always the first to help. Does anyone out there know where the idle adjustment screw is on a 95 Ram Cummins 12valve and if it possible to identify the obsolete throttle cable? Thanks Carnut
  • james59james59 Member Posts: 4
    shifts in and out of o.d. and 4th gear above 50 mph
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