Mazda6 Maintenance and Repair
Since Karen is going through all the trouble to set all these up, I'll chime in.
It seems that I have an exhaust leak coming from the manifold to pipe/converter on my 6. It sounds a little like a 75 corolla at times. Being that I've been driving it regardless, I bet I already toasted the gasket so that will need replacement.
It seems that I have an exhaust leak coming from the manifold to pipe/converter on my 6. It sounds a little like a 75 corolla at times. Being that I've been driving it regardless, I bet I already toasted the gasket so that will need replacement.
Solution: I'll keep my keys.
I've been following the "5w-20, good or bad" discussion for awhile. Are you guys planning to use the recommended 5w-20 in your 6's? I'm not sure I trust the lighter weight oil, but I also don't want any warranty disputes, either. I'll probably use the 5w-20 for at least the first couple of changes; after that I'm not sure.
It's a minor problem as long as it doesn't snow too much.
This rattle was extremely annoying when it happened, and I noticed it on a different '6 that I had test-driven earlier too.
I also recently hit the biggest pothole I think I've ever hit in any car. It sounded like the sheet metal on the right side of the car slammed the ground and fell off, but the car still feels correctly alligned and I noticed no scraping as if the car had bottomed out. Whew.
This car has some serious handling, but boy did that pothole scare the crap out of me for a while.
The only problem I'm having so far is a strange (almost burning like smell) that comes the inside of the car's compartment. Has anyone else had this problem? Our salesman said it some kind of coating that sprayed on the engine, or under the motor, and that it will go away after I break it in (it only has about 100 miles).
Only time will tell how reliable this vehicle is but I'm hoping for the best. Give me some feedback on how you feel about your purchase, problems, or concern with your vehicle. In the meantime, let's enjoy our zoom, zoom, feeling.
This stuff is guaranteed to last for 3-5 years.
Thanks for the link on toughguard. I've never used it, so of course I'm skeptical. I'm looking for 3rd party information on it as I write this. It looks like it could be a worthwhile product.
I noticed some vibration noise coming from cabin roof when I drive with the moon roof open. I am guessing the wind flows into that moon roof compartment and rattles something. Anyone else have the same problem?
Also, my friend pointed out to me that my back seat which is leather rubs against the door and will produce a rubbing sound. Strange.
I like my car. Hopefully, it is reliable. Any 6 owners in Houston? I haven't seen any on the street except for mine :0
Take a look at this site for discussions on Toughguard:
A couple people including the moderator have used it on their cars and simply love it.
My car is bound to get here any minute, but I'm really worried about the leather care... is there any place online with a manual and recommendations on good products for that?
Best Regards!
Carlos Ch.
They are researching. Has anyone else seen this?
They are also getting replacment parts for the eyeglass holder as it sticks, and the fusebox cover falls off.
Curious if others can confirm the leak problem reported earlier...
My husband, on the other hand, bought a '88 Nissan truck and had it rust-proofed, and it didn't make a whit of difference. By the time he sold it last year it was more rust than paint and the passenger-side door handle fell out because of all the rust around it.
He had his truck for 13 years, and I've had my Mazda for 10 years. I live in Michigan, and we use PLENTY of road salt.
Personally, I wouldn't do it. If you're worried about rust, just take your car to a carwash once a week (the do-it-yourselfers) and spray it off to get rid of all the crap.
Just my own 2-cents.
My suggestion? Electrostatic Corrosion Control. Two Guys Garage did a piece on this a few weeks back - - gID=282
It may look like bunk, but it isn't. I've worked with a public company (Corrpro in Medina, OH), who's sole purpose in life is to provide this kind of corrosion protection for pipelines, ocean-going ships and the like. Millions of dollars at stake and this is the 'rust-proofing' method companies choose.
Applying it to automotive is a piece of cake. I'm waiting for a quote to get a system, but if I go with any rust protection, this is it.
I think enough rustproofing is now done at the plants these days. Unlike in the early years (70s, early 80s), most cars are made with anti-corrosion coatings on BOTH sides of the sheet metal. Many cars also come from the factory with underbody coatings (to reduce noise and provide some protection against stone chipping etc.), which includes wheel wells. In addition, some vehicles also have the lower parts of sheet metal parts coated with a vinyl layer beneath the paint, to provide further protection against stone chips and rust.
There is a company called Kleen Wheels that makes a special dust-shield wheel insert to keep brake dust off the rims. It also safely covers the internals of the wheel so that as the car ages, the corrosion on the rotor, caliper and suspension components aren't visible to everyone, maintaining the appearance.
The problem: Kleen Wheels doesn't have a dust-shield to fit the 6 right now. When I called yesterday, he said I was the first person to ask for it and it'd be sometime in Spring before he'd have anything at all. He was stunned Mazda had a car with 17's.
I've never used them on one of my cars, but I'm going to get a set for my 6s. I knew about these because my Father used a set for his Enkei's and they worked just great.
If you're interested in getting a set for your car, please give Kleen Wheels a call or email them a request. If demand is present, I'm sure they'll tool up that much sooner, which helps those of us interested.
Depending on the source, pricing for existing models has ranged from $40 to $70 for a set of four.
Kleen Wheels phone - 800-327-6548
Email -
He's been asleep for a couple years I guess.
I've always wondered what those kleen wheels do for air flow around the rotors. It would seem that over heating brakes might be a concern. Have you ever had any trouble with that ruefus?
As for Mazda's with 17's - he said he barely ever gets calls for Mazda's anymore. Years ago they covered the entire line, but not recently.
I didn't know they were vented, thx.
I will be taking it in next Tuesday for them to fix.
Anyone experience this.
I ordered the car any way because it is so nice.
Open it. Close it. No more noise.
I'll probably get mine done in a month or so and then I'll know for sure.
I use the compartment on the top of the dash instead.
I was told the 626 was very reliable.
In answer to the leak problem; I had to leave the 6 out in the rain a couple of times but did not notice any wet spots in the car.
2. Fuse Cover falls off. Cover on backorder and Mazda says they had problem with person who was installing at factory was breaking them.
3. Automatic Shift lever. Making noise like plastic catching on something when moving from Park to Drive etc. In Manumatic the lever would stick. Dealer found out from Mazda they had 5 other reports of this and that factory had forgot to put the lubricant in. Seems to be resolved.
4. THE WORST! Transmision leaking!
Have Rental Car and waiting for them to tell
me what they are going to do!
Hey, but I do get to drive a nice 2003 Camry LE!!!