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2016 Honda CR-V Prices Paid and Buying Experiences
And another year rolls around. Please talk about your 2016 CR-V shopping experience here. Dealer names are fine and it helps others to know what area of the country you are in since the deals vary by region.
Since we all have different tax rates, please skip the OTD info and let us know:
(You can use this link for 2016 Honda CR-V Lease Questions).
Since we all have different tax rates, please skip the OTD info and let us know:
- the selling price
- doc fees
- and the trim you are shopping or purchased along with mats or other options.
(You can use this link for 2016 Honda CR-V Lease Questions).
Trim: EX FWD
Sales price with destination fee: $25,250
Doc fee: $150
Extras: Nothing
Did I get a fair price or was I taken for a fool?
So you beat the TMV average for Dallas by a good $700 bucks. I think that's good for being one of the first on the block to get a 2016. The prices should be dipping below invoice in some areas of the country "soon". Might even be some deals at the end of this month.
From what I can tell, prices in Texas for Hondas generally aren't as aggressive as some other parts of the country. That could explain the "Texas" surcharge we're showing.
Congrats on the 2016! What color did you get?
Received email quote in NJ for 2016 CRV-EX-AWD
$24,945 Price
880 Dest
1807.75 Tax
299 Doc
296 registration
7.85 Tire Tax
7.00 Online Reg
$28,242.60 Total OTD
Is that a fair price to pull the trigger?
Thank in advance for any advice
Invoice for a Bridgewater zip is $26,365. There's no ad fee showing like there in Dallas.
Looks like your quote is $540 below invoice (I lump destination in with my numbers).
For a 2015, you should be able to get another $1,000 off, at least in theory. It's too soon for the 2016 numbers to fall that far - really, it's pretty good that they already are below invoice.
Guess it's like the old joke, Honda is losing money on every sale but they are making up for it on volume.
Also goes to show how the invoice number doesn't mean much anymore. (USA Today)
Looks good to me, @kp_73 - if you're in no hurry you could stall until the end of the month and try for some more off. Or tell them their doc fee is too high and that they should knock another $250 off the selling price.
Good luck!
fwiw, I've shopped various models a bit in El Paso and they have "reasonable" dealers there but they don't appear exactly flexible either. Funny how that works.
I assume this FAQ from Curry Honda is up to date:
"The best time to buy Honda Care is when your vehicle is still new and has less than 6,000 miles. This is when the longest terms are available and the best pricing is available to you.
You can purchase Honda Care as long as your Honda is a 2012 or newer and has less than 36,000 miles, but as you vehicle ages and you drive more miles, the plans available to you change and there are changes to the Honda Care pricing."
So she can think on it for a while longer if she likes.
Ditto on the tire and wheel package, not worth it. Here's one link from "an internet guy" that pooh-pooh's both extended and tire warranties. (streetdirectory.com)
Some people do sleep better with an extended warranty. At least your MIL is leaning toward the Honda one.
MSRP $25,795
Dealer Price $21,914
Doc. fees, tax, registration $1586
OTD price $23,500
Is this a good price?
So yeah, $21,914 is well below invoice (even if you had to add the $880 destination to it, $22,8k would be a great selling price).
Killer price. In fact it sounds too good to be true. Let us know how it goes at the dealer.
MSRP + D&H $26,745
Dealer Price $23,969
Dealer Fee $699
Other Fees $188.45
Tax $1,540.87
Total $26,397.32
The car included extras such as mats, door edge guards, splash guards, trunk tray, wheel locks, llumar window tint, a full tank of gas, and free first oil change. I think I did pretty good.
Stuff like that is usually just a profit center for the dealer.
Update:I just had a "friend" quote me $25,898 OTD.
Some sites don't include destination as part of invoice, but that line item never goes away so I figure that it's a part of invoice.
So invoice on a CR-V EX AWD in an Albany zip is $26,365. If you strip out the $880 destination, invoice would be $25,485.
MSRP is $28,025.
See the problem? There's less than $2,000 separating invoice with destination from MSRP. The gap has narrowed so much how do the dealers make money?
The answer is that they are getting other "manufacturer to dealer" payments, mostly in the form of bonuses. And as you note, holdback is 2% of the Base MSRP on Hondas. That's why dealers can sell below invoice.
Surprising tips for car shopping in Internet age (USA Today)
And er, beware of friends bearing gifts, trust but verify, etc.
Congrats on the new ride!
But since your quote is less than invoice (including destination), yeah, it looks like a good deal.
Good move on the accessories too.
Great price!! congrats..
I am in central florida too, daytona area.
Which dealer did you go to ..
I am also looking for 26000 (OTD ) price
So really, why pay the dealer to advertise selling a vehicle? Do you pay Best Buy an additional fee to cover their weekly ads?
I see one post above where a buyer lists he paid a dealer $699 for a dealer fee? Seriously, what did that dealer do to deserve $699? All the paperwork is completed using a computer by the time the deal is completed. Any additional effort to process that paperwork is not significant and is done by a $12 an hour clerk. And,once again, this is simply a cost to the dealer for doing business, it is covered by the price. Dealers are also compensated by the manufacturer to prepare the vehicle for sale.
So really, why pay the dealer $699?
My daughter recently bought a new Toyota Tacoma. This dealer had a $200 doc fee. On my advice, after reaching agreement on price, she balked at paying the $200 fee. This dealer, to compensate, increased the value of her trade by $250. If every buyer did this, our dealer friends would quickly abandon the silly "fee" games they play.
The only true fees which are legit are those paid to a third party. Things like registration or sales tax. Any "fee" added by a dealer is simply an attempt to deceive the buyer thus increasing dealer profit.
Regarding the dealer fee, I do not understand why people get hung up on that. Just because a dealer fee is $699, doesn't mean that's an extra $699 of profit. What's the price of the car? This is why I focus on OTD and that's with no trade. I don't care how they want to get to that total price as long as it is on the lower end of the scale. If you trade a car, rest assured you are giving them some extra profit. If they don't give you much hassle about removing that fee, you've probably left some meat on the bone somewhere else.
I am dealing with same person in hendrick honda.
he gave me 26,500 OTD price. with dealer added options.
thanks for sharing.
What color did you get?
White is typically the most popular car color, followed by black. (link)
thanks a lot for your help.
Since in Florida I was thinking to get White Diamond Pearl.
I did call Micah and asked him to give me same price.
Did you get any special life time warranties with this deal too?
Also did you get all dealer options added
1. Wheel locks
2. Nitrogen fill tires
3. Mud flaps
4. Custom fit trunk tray
5. Window tints
just buying a new car for first time so not sure what all to ask from the dealer.
Thanks a ton.
I got a quote of $27000 including destination in Chicago area. This price is valid if I finance trough Honda. Doc fee is 165 in Chicago area. Is it a good price or should I wait for last week of month?
So you are $1,600+ under invoice on a 2016. We don't see too many deals better than that..
A few more bucks may be possible since Year-End Sales Mean Deep Discounts for Car Shoppers. But I'd be happy.
One angle is to tell them their doc fee is high, and take $100 off the out the door price to $26,900. But if they are otherwise treating you well, that's almost a why bother. Let 'em enjoy Christmas too, lol.
Thanks Stever. TTL is extra and tax based on the state I register the car. I am thinking to ask other dealers to beat it by $200-300 or if same dealer reduces and gives me $2000 below invoice, I think that would be a good price. They are not giving any accessories.
MSRP $29175
Dealer Price $26720 include Alarm, Protection Package, tint, Appearence package + Taxes + Fees
Is this a good price?
051 + 599 Doc fees
Price Breakdown
$24,809 Sale Price including Destination $900
$370 total loss protection, (I financed through Dealer)
$1762 NJ Tax 7%
$ 450 Documentation fees(it's $100 more than avg in NJ)
$ 401 Title Registration
$ 8 Tire Tax
$27800 Total OTD
I negotiated on the base of OTD numbers, I offered with $26500 and agreed upon $26800.
Deal was done on blackfriday, since they did not have color in stock i had to wait for 2 week to dive it home.
Selling price: $23,118
6% PA Sales tax/PA TTL/Doc fees etc: $1625
Out the Door Price: $24,743
Any thoughts on this deal??
I am looking for Touring AWD, best OTD quote via email I have right now is
$31400 Selling Price
$2198 NJ 7% Tax
$301 Motor Vehicle (estimated)
$299 Documentation
$7.50 NJ Tire Tax ($1.50 Per Tire)
$8.20 Onine Registration
$34213.70 Out The Door Cost Everything Included
How much should I try and negotiate for?
Our numbers are $27,902 invoice, $29,025 MSRP and $27,146 TMV.
Those numbers include destination AND - a $600 ad fee (at least for Phoenix, didn't check other zip codes in AZ).
Let's go with $27,302 for invoice, meaning your quote is about $600 under. I think that's pretty good. The tint is a nice "freebie" too.