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Engine Oil--A slippery subject
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About Amsoil from the other topic: I think that one does not have an SAE certification. I would not use it for that reason, but use any other major synthetic.
5w 30?
Is there a lower weight commonly used?
I highly doubt that they will use a 0w30, a weight that most manufacturers will recommend against.
Does anyone know if they have synthetic to offer you in most places now?
5w30 synthetic flows freely to around -40F I think. There aren't too many places where 0w30 is necessary.
This excellent site will give you the skinny on synthetic oils. Amsoil's specs finish near the top. But, all synthetics work very well under extreme cold or hot conditions. (In Edmonton this year, we've had no shortage of -35 nights this winter)
Mercedes Benz has begun factory filling some of its vehicles with Mobil 1.
(I also think Jiffy Lube is owned by Penzoil now, so it wouldn't make much sense for them to buy oil from somewhere else.)
" But of course, you need more information to REALLY judge the quality of an oil"!
Gee, my eyes are already crossed.
But it was interesting, thanks for posting it.
One left the screw in filler plug out where you add oil. Blew oil on engine on interstate.
One brought me the air filter and said "we recommend these be changed every 10,000 miles". My new car at that time was having its first oil change at 3750 miles. Nice try.
I have never failed to hear that from any friend that has ever used a oil change place.
I hate to think that it is written in procedural manuals to leave the oil change plug either loose or off.
After I picked it up and drove it home about 100 mi, I went to see what the oil level was. No dipstick.
A friend of mine found a cork in place of his drain plug. I kid you not. The mechanic actually said "How the heck did that get there?"
About the JiffyLubes, I can't bear to go in there anymore. I used to have teams of lowlifes under my direction (in a different industry), and going in there and seeing them hanging out and fooling around just made me think of the kinds of things my guys would do on the job, and that was too scary.
Oil changes are so easy and so crucial, I've just gone back to doing my own. Gives me a chance to tune my resonating heat shields to a nice major 7th chord too.
Just out of curiosity, what king of vehicle uses a 27mm wrench. I worked in a fast lube (Pit Stop) for four years (part-time when in college) and the biggest metric wrench I recall using is a 19 mm on Mazdas.
I could tell you guys some pretty good stories about my days as a 'lube technician'. The worst I did was blow the engine of a 86 Renault Encore. Actually, that's a good thing. One less of them on our roads today...
Oh, 27mm wrench?...most Alfa Romeos...oh, yes, please use a vice grip on my two piece cast aluminum 7 quart finned oilpan....please! It won't mind, I'm sure.
1.A friend of mine used to work at a BMW/Porsche dealer in VA. Cars would come in with drain plugs replaced with oversized bolts or rubber plugs. And the customers wondered how the tech knew they went to "Speedy Lube"...
2. A friend of mine was told by a quicky shop neanderthal that his coolant level was "really low". Piltdown Man had mistaken the window washer bottle for the coolant recovery tank. On a Chrysler.
3. My favorite. Cheapskate acquaintance takes SAAB 900 to quicky joint. Pit monkey pulls drain plug, drains oil, and replaces plug. After adding @3 quarts of oil, oil overflows out the valve cover. The reason? Pit monkey had drained the transaxle.
PS Sorry for the language
1. Changing transmission fluid via dipstick - about as effective as changing engine oil through the dipstick
2. Pulling one spark wire to "get the oil to circulate" as the engine coughed - no lie, that was the manager's explanation
3. Hearing an impact wrench - outside of loosening lug nuts, there is no need for an impact wrench on any part of a vehicle
4. Hearing "whoops" from the guy in the pit
5. Places that offer freebies - your oil change price refelcts it somewhere. One place would hand EVERY customer the day's paper and a phone to make local calls free (it was a wired phone that came down from the ceiling). Needless to say, that same place changes your oil and gets you out now.
6. A small place with high turnover (never seeing the same tech twice)
7. Constantly being "upsold" to other services
8. Constantly out of what you request (ex: specific brands of oil or fluid)
For one thing, we were tired of having to explain to our customers that they needed to replace their expensive oil pan because some Rambo kid had overtightened the plug. There is also a 15 cent crush washer under that plug that should be changed every time. Instead, they over tighten the plug to compensate.
They will then write on the work order " NOTE: YOUR OIL PAN PLUG IS STRIPPED!"
Yep, it sure is!
Some of these places also use oil filters of questionable quality.
Upselling is the real name of the game, I think!
Be careful...
My Dodge dealer has met the challenge as well. They will do oil changes with no appointment all morning M-F, and Thursdays til 7pm. Gasoline engines are around $20, diesels around $45. Plus, you know you always get the right filter. They feel it establishes a rapport with the customer, plus they can spot a problem and offer the CORRECT solution unlike a Q-lube, which usually can only guess.
The 1st time I did it it took more than an hour. Afterward, I could complete everything in 30 to 40 minutes. The least fun part of the job is filling the old oil to the emptied new oil container. The most fun part is when you remove the drain plug and the old oil pours out.
There are 2 reasons why I choose do-it-yourself oil change over taking it to a shop.
1. I end up spending the same amount of money (about $20) as taking the car to a shop, but I end up using premium filter and higher grade oil.
2. It's a fun experience. The more you open up the hood and get underneath your car, the more familiar you get with working with your car. I want to know about car engine as much as possible.
PS: I don't dump used oil to the gutter. I take them to Autozone for recycling.
my 2 sense
There are lots of places you can take it for recycling: garages, etc.
Changing transmission fluid via dipstick-about as effective as changing engine oil through the dipstick
On many automatic transmissions, the dipstick is the only way to refill the transmission. Sucking fluid out of the transmission via the dipstick is not recommended.
Hearing an impact wrench - outside of loosening lug nuts, there is no need for an impact
wrench on any part of a vehicle
At a quick-lube place, yes, this is true. They shouldn't use an impact for anything but the lugnuts, and that's only if they take off the tires (which they shouldn't, for a lube). Oil drain plugs on smaller cars are not meant to be tightened by anything else but a hand wrench/ratchet. In the course of doing major repair work on cars--transmission work, front end work, suspension work--a mechanic will use an impact wrench. I just say this so that people aren't scared off by a mechanic who uses an impact wrench/gun in the course of his/her normal work.
There are lots of places you can take it for recycling: garages, etc.
Call a garage before you take your oil in. Some places have pretty stringent green laws, which require that waste oil be free of certain chemicals. The waste oil companies will test oil for contaminants when their trucks pick oil up at a shop, and if the oil is not clean enough, the shop may end up paying a hefty fine. "My oil is not contaminated, though," you say. This may be true, and in most cases seems likely, but the fines that shops may face are enough to deter them from taking oil in from off the street.
My city picks up oil on garbage day, and that is really nice.
My other problem with changing my oil is that there's not other clearance under my new minivan to slide under the car to get to the drain plug and filter. (Filter can't be reached from above in the engine compartment.) The street curbs on my street aren't high enough to drive one side of the van up on to get clearance. So i dragged out my old driveup ramps so I could change the oil. Problem with them is that the underside of the van's bumper scraped the edge of the ramp on the way up and the way down. Now have two nice parallel scratches on the underside of the bumper. So now I either have to get different drive up ramps, or figure out how to adapt the ones I have. I'm not sure this is worth the hassle. Problem is, I don't trust the local "quick change" oil places. There is a Honda dealer close to where I work, but they use only Pennzoil dino oil. I want to use either Valvoline or Castrol. If you want them to use anything other than Pennzoil, you have to bring it in, and they charge you for their oil as well. (Can't blame them for that. I'm not trying to be "cheap" on them; I just don't want to use Pennzoil.) And who knows if the mechanic will put your oil in, anyway, instead of just taking the 5 quarts home to put in his/her own car. When the van gets 10K miles on it, I'll probably switch to Mobil 1 or Castrol synthetic.
Mine's too low for the ramps too.
I'm glad you can't use the curb. It's easy for a vehicle to slide off, either onto the gutter side, or the dirt side. A heavy vehicle could squish down into soft earth and possibly hurt somebody working underneath.
Probably the best way to lift it, if you really have to, is to invest in a hydraulic floor jack and find the proper jacking point for the whole front end. When you get it in the air, put chocks on the rears and jackstands under the front end jacking points and lower it down onto the jackstands.
Personally, I wouldn't worry about the brand of oil (assuming a premium brand), as long as it's the highest spec. SH, SE, whatever it is. I forget.
One last note of caution; because of its design, a floor jack tends to move a little when lifting (it rolls forward). This is normal and necessary to keep the center of gravity in the middle of the jack. If the floor jack is used on a rought surface, it might not be able to roll properly, and this could cause it to flip or move suddenly (not good when you're under the vehicle). So be carefull, especialy when lifting a vehicle high on those jacks. Use stiff piece of plywood can help get around this problem.
My cars never fit on the ramps without scraping. So I back the car into the garage, put the ramps in front of the garage, and drive right up. This might work if the garage floor is slightly higher than the driveway.
Some newer ramps have a lower clearance.
I've heard horror stories about people getting crushed when ramps fail. The user is supposed to use jack stands even when using ramps.
Can you really get a floor jack for $30? I thought they were way more expensive than that. Will check out Costco to see if they have one.
Also, one last question. My Honda minivan is under warranty. To maintain the warranty, I'm supposed to have the maintenance book "stamped" whenever any of the routine maintenance is done. How do you document you did the work yourself? Do documentation requirements vary by manufacturer/ i can try call American Honda, but they never let the "great unwashed public" talk to tech reps. You usually have to talk to a general "customer service" rep who knows zip.
I think the idea to save your oil and other receipts IS a good one, but only to show the next owner of the vehicle. Anything you do that doesn't get you a receipt, like oiling the door hinges, just write it in the owners manual and date it. Why would you lie? Oh, who was the Washington politician that lied to his own diary?
Document the service you perform during the warranty period. If you have a problem, your proof is one less loophole the manufacturer can employ to deny coverage.
Synthetic oil does a superior job of washing off internal engine parts, also.