Ouch..... .00225 vs .00072 in other locals? Are the rates tied to where the dealer is located or where the buyer lives? Is it possible the rate is different across the state line in Missouri?
Ouch..... .00225 vs .00072 in other locals? Are the rates tied to where the dealer is located or where the buyer lives? Is it possible the rate is different across the state line in Missouri?
Thanks for all you do, Michaell.
I get regional information - I quoted you the Kansas City numbers. Doubt they'd be different in MO.
I do know that Chicago has .00072, however. If you're willing to travel, reach out to a dealer there and ask them if your state of registration will allow them to lease you a car.
Could you provide the MF/RV for a 2017 Highlander SE AWD in South Jersey area (08021) for 36/10. Planning on trying to get a deal done this weekend. Thanks
Could you provide the MF/RV for a 2017 Highlander SE AWD in South Jersey area (08021) for 36/10. Planning on trying to get a deal done this weekend. Thanks
63% for 36/12 If 10K is available in your area, add 1% MF is either .00037 or .00225, but don't have your region.
59% residual Don't see any lease cash We don't have your area.. money factor is either .00037 or .00225 You can just ask the dealer. If it's the lower money factor, TFS doesn't allow them to mark it up.
59% residual Don't see any lease cash We don't have your area.. money factor is either .00037 or .00225 You can just ask the dealer. If it's the lower money factor, TFS doesn't allow them to mark it up.
59% residual Don't see any lease cash We don't have your area.. money factor is either .00037 or .00225 You can just ask the dealer. If it's the lower money factor, TFS doesn't allow them to mark it up.
No, it's based on location - Toyota numbers are highly regional.
Hi, I live in southern NJ and you recently replied to me about the MF and RES on a 2017 Highlander AWD SE for 36/10 (they have a 10k mi/yr program). So thank you first for that. I just received a quote for $0 down at $433.18/m and here are some of the numbers: MSRP: $43,187 Sale Price: $39,500 Residual: $27,751 sales tax: 6.875% Registration: $410 Acquistion: $650 Doc Fee: $399
Using the 0.00037 MF I get payments closer to $418 a month. Am I missing something?
Hi, I live in southern NJ and you recently replied to me about the MF and RES on a 2017 Highlander AWD SE for 36/10 (they have a 10k mi/yr program). So thank you first for that. I just received a quote for $0 down at $433.18/m and here are some of the numbers: MSRP: $43,187 Sale Price: $39,500 Residual: $27,751 sales tax: 6.875% Registration: $410 Acquistion: $650 Doc Fee: $399
Using the 0.00037 MF I get payments closer to $418 a month. Am I missing something?
What amount are you using for tax? What adjusted CAP cost?
Looking for MF and residual on 2017 Highlander SE and XLE both AWD for 12k/36mo. Zip is 07825 northern NJ. I know you don't track sale prices and I've browsed the last few pages of this thread, but any idea on lease incentive right now? Trying to get cap cost closer to $36k on a $42k +/- MSRP. Thanks!
Looking for MF and residual on 2017 Highlander SE and XLE both AWD for 12k/36mo. Zip is 07825 northern NJ. I know you don't track sale prices and I've browsed the last few pages of this thread, but any idea on lease incentive right now? Trying to get cap cost closer to $36k on a $42k +/- MSRP. Thanks!
63% (SE) or 62% (XLE) and either .00037 or .00225
No information on lease incentives - but, given the popularity of the Highlander, not likely to be any.
So here are the updated numbers that I received this weekend for the AWD Highlander SE for 36/10 based on money factor of 0.00037 (I tried attaching some of the sections from the contract that I would sign today if things look right). If you could, please let me know if this seems like a fair deal and sorry for the length. Thanks! MSRP: $43,367 Sale Price: $39,985.25 Taxes: 976.32 Acquistion Fee: 650 electronic filing fee: 6.80 Gross Cap Cost: 41,618.37 Res: $27,751
Monthly payments would be $410.87, but must pay 1st payment at signing.
So here are the updated numbers that I received this weekend for the AWD Highlander SE for 36/10 based on money factor of 0.00037 (I tried attaching some of the sections from the contract that I would sign today if things look right). If you could, please let me know if this seems like a fair deal and sorry for the length. Thanks! MSRP: $43,367 Sale Price: $39,985.25 Taxes: 976.32 Acquistion Fee: 650 electronic filing fee: 6.80 Gross Cap Cost: 41,618.37 Res: $27,751
Monthly payments would be $410.87, but must pay 1st payment at signing.
I get the same numbers. Looks like a very good deal.
I am curious as to why there is such a significant difference in the MF (i.e. 00037 or .00225) for the Highlander XLE depending on the region? I am in the Pittsburgh area (zip 15220). Could you please confirm the MF is .00225 in my area. It would almost seam worthwhile to travel to an area of the much lower MF to lease the vehicle? Providing of course it was a reasonable distance away.
What are the MF for the XLE, SE, Limited Platinum? 12k/36 months and AWD zipcode 08854 I got a quote during the weekend for an XLE but I see that someone else got an SE quote for less. Here is mine, is it a fair deal? Thanks in advance!
Highlander XLE AWD msrp 41,700 Sale price 38,385 drive off fees 1830 (includes doc fee 399, tire tax, sales tax, motor vehicle and 1st pmt) 398 per month includes 2 years of toyota care
.00072 and 60% (XLE), 61% (SE) or 57% (Limited)
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Thanks for all you do, Michaell.
I do know that Chicago has .00072, however. If you're willing to travel, reach out to a dealer there and ask them if your state of registration will allow them to lease you a car.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Planning to lease limited platinum in texas, 15K miles/year 3 year lease term. can u pls provide RV,MF and any incentives/lease cash
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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If 10K is available in your area, add 1%
MF is either .00037 or .00225, but don't have your region.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Houston TX 77070
Limited Platinum
.00170 MF
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Thank you for your help
ZIP: 37212
Don't see any lease cash
We don't have your area.. money factor is either .00037 or .00225
You can just ask the dealer. If it's the lower money factor, TFS doesn't allow them to mark it up.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
56% (Ltd) or 55% (Ltd Plat) and either .00037 or .00225 MF
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Austin TX 78733
Limited Platinum
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.00170 MF
Add 1% for AWD
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
MSRP: $43,187
Sale Price: $39,500
Residual: $27,751
sales tax: 6.875%
Registration: $410
Acquistion: $650
Doc Fee: $399
Using the 0.00037 MF I get payments closer to $418 a month. Am I missing something?
What amount are you using for tax?
What adjusted CAP cost?
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No information on lease incentives - but, given the popularity of the Highlander, not likely to be any.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
61% (FWD) or 62% (AWD) and .00225
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
MSRP: $43,367
Sale Price: $39,985.25
Taxes: 976.32
Acquistion Fee: 650
electronic filing fee: 6.80
Gross Cap Cost: 41,618.37
Res: $27,751
Monthly payments would be $410.87, but must pay 1st payment at signing.
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Thank you
What are the MF for the XLE, SE, Limited Platinum? 12k/36 months and AWD zipcode 08854
I got a quote during the weekend for an XLE but I see that someone else got an SE quote for less. Here is mine, is it a fair deal? Thanks in advance!
Highlander XLE AWD
msrp 41,700
Sale price 38,385
drive off fees 1830 (includes doc fee 399, tire tax, sales tax, motor vehicle and 1st pmt)
398 per month
includes 2 years of toyota care
Thank you!