Can you please provide the RV and MF for 2017 X3 in Connecticut, 36/12.
Would these numbers also apply to a lease on a demo with under 5K mileage?
In shopping around, a dealer threw in a $1000 rebate...are there any incentives available on outgoing 2017’s?
Thank you.
.00152 MF and 63% residual The mileage will reduce the residual by $0.25 per mile, as long as the total mileage is under 5000.
There may be some loyalty incentives, if you are a current BMWFS customer, but nothing else that we are aware of. Of course, that's a great residual on an outgoing model.
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV, acquisition fee and 1st month payment) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Can someone please tell if this is a good deal on a Service Loaner 2017 x3 sDrive in SoCal? I am interested in leasing. See all the details below.
Mileage: 3208
Vehicle Price: $47,395.00
AutoNation Savings: - $5,618.00
AutoNation Price: $41,777.00
Sales Tax (estimate): + $3,246.17
Smog Abatement Fee: + $20.00
Flat Add/County Fee: + $7.00
Tag/Registration Fees (estimate): + $352.00
Electronic Filing: + $29.00
Tire/Battery/MVWEA: + $7.00
Weight Fee: + $80.00
Documentation Fee: + $80.00
Balance Due (estimate): $45,598.17
Cash Due: 3500 including everything out of door
36 months/10k miles
376/month including taxes etc.
That is a purchase quote - CA taxes the monthly payment on a lease.
Ask the dealer for the adjusted cap cost; that will help us understand if the lease quote makes sense or not.
In addition, we don't recommend a large down payment on a lease - just the first payment and DMV costs.
Hi Michaell,
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV and acquisition fee) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV, acquisition fee and 1st month payment) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Okay.. $1750 should be enough to cover the listed fees, plus the $925 acquisition fee and first payment (or, pretty close)
Not sure why the adjusted CAP cost would be $3000 less than the selling price, though. With $1750 upfront, you aren't putting anything toward CAP cost reduction.
Using $41,777 as the adjusted CAP cost, and reducing the residual by $802 to account for the current mileage, I get $449/mo.+tax.
Your quoted payment is substantially less than that. Ask for the adjusted CAP cost, and a reconciliation of that number to the selling price.
Looks like a pretty good deal from here, but you should have all the numbers on a $40K+ transaction.
Hi Michaell,
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV, acquisition fee and 1st month payment) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Okay.. $1750 should be enough to cover the listed fees, plus the $925 acquisition fee and first payment (or, pretty close)
Not sure why the adjusted CAP cost would be $3000 less than the selling price, though. With $1750 upfront, you aren't putting anything toward CAP cost reduction.
Using $41,777 as the adjusted CAP cost, and reducing the residual by $802 to account for the current mileage, I get $449/mo.+tax.
Your quoted payment is substantially less than that.
Ask for the adjusted CAP cost, and a reconciliation of that number to the selling price.
Looks like a pretty good deal from here, but you should have all the numbers on a $40K+ transaction.
$3000 is the rebate on lease that dealer is offering. So I think adjusted cap cost would be 38777, right? I'll double check with dealer for sure.
When I challenge the marked up money factor by the dealers, I get answers like 'the MF is different for different models and trims', 'we dont have control on MF, the bank does', 'this is the absolute lowest that we can go else we will be at loss' . How do you tackle those responses ? Is the MF an official standard for particular models for a particular state , or is it an average predicted score ?
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV, acquisition fee and 1st month payment) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Okay.. $1750 should be enough to cover the listed fees, plus the $925 acquisition fee and first payment (or, pretty close)
Not sure why the adjusted CAP cost would be $3000 less than the selling price, though. With $1750 upfront, you aren't putting anything toward CAP cost reduction.
Using $41,777 as the adjusted CAP cost, and reducing the residual by $802 to account for the current mileage, I get $449/mo.+tax.
Your quoted payment is substantially less than that. Ask for the adjusted CAP cost, and a reconciliation of that number to the selling price.
Looks like a pretty good deal from here, but you should have all the numbers on a $40K+ transaction.
$3000 is the rebate on lease that dealer is offering. So I think adjusted cap cost would be 38777, right? I'll double check with dealer for sure.
I finally heard back from the dealer and the adjust cap cost he said was 39231.29, does it make sense? I am not sure how he arrived at that number. But, does the lease number make sense with that?
When I challenge the marked up money factor by the dealers, I get answers like 'the MF is different for different models and trims', 'we dont have control on MF, the bank does', 'this is the absolute lowest that we can go else we will be at loss' . How do you tackle those responses ? Is the MF an official standard for particular models for a particular state , or is it an average predicted score ?
Simple - tell them if you don't get the base MF, you'll leave and find a dealer more accommodating. Smile and be polite when you say it, but follow through if they keep obfuscating the story.
MF is the same for every BMW - sedan, coupe, SUV, etc.
The bank sets the base rate, but the dealer is free to mark it up as much as .00040 for more profit.
Hi Michaell,
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV, acquisition fee and 1st month payment) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Okay.. $1750 should be enough to cover the listed fees, plus the $925 acquisition fee and first payment (or, pretty close)
Not sure why the adjusted CAP cost would be $3000 less than the selling price, though. With $1750 upfront, you aren't putting anything toward CAP cost reduction.
Using $41,777 as the adjusted CAP cost, and reducing the residual by $802 to account for the current mileage, I get $449/mo.+tax.
Your quoted payment is substantially less than that.
Ask for the adjusted CAP cost, and a reconciliation of that number to the selling price.
Looks like a pretty good deal from here, but you should have all the numbers on a $40K+ transaction.
Here's the breakdown now. Admins please help out and let me know what you think of this.
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV, acquisition fee and 1st month payment) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Okay.. $1750 should be enough to cover the listed fees, plus the $925 acquisition fee and first payment (or, pretty close)
Not sure why the adjusted CAP cost would be $3000 less than the selling price, though. With $1750 upfront, you aren't putting anything toward CAP cost reduction.
Using $41,777 as the adjusted CAP cost, and reducing the residual by $802 to account for the current mileage, I get $449/mo.+tax.
Your quoted payment is substantially less than that. Ask for the adjusted CAP cost, and a reconciliation of that number to the selling price.
Looks like a pretty good deal from here, but you should have all the numbers on a $40K+ transaction.
Here's the breakdown now. Admins please help out and let me know what you think of this.
Agreed Value: 41,777.00
a) Gross Capital Cost 42,702.00
b) Capital Cost Reduction -3,470.71
c) Adjusted Capital Cost 39,231.29
d) Residual 29,655.80
At the base money factor, I get $371/mo.+tax I'd guess they are marking up the money factor to .00192, which would result in $398/mo.+tax
But, big discount + $3000 rebate really helps.
Overall, it's a good deal. I'd shoot for the base money factor, or as close as you can get, to see if they'll drop the payment some more.
Hi - trying to gage how good this X3 Loaner deal is: MF is .00172, car has 4825 miles on it. considering 36/10k. Thanks!
If that balance is the adjusted CAP cost, I get $519/mo, with the marked up money factor for 36/10
$503/mo. with the base .00152 MF
What state and tax rate? Your tax amount looks pretty low.
Hi - just checking in if there are any changes to the December lease terms for the 2017 x3 since there are still a decent number on the lots as the 2018s arrive. Still .00152 / 64% for 36/10k?
Hi - just checking in if there are any changes to the December lease terms for the 2017 x3 since there are still a decent number on the lots as the 2018s arrive. Still .00152 / 64% for 36/10k?
Hi Michaell,
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV, acquisition fee and 1st month payment) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Okay.. $1750 should be enough to cover the listed fees, plus the $925 acquisition fee and first payment (or, pretty close)
Not sure why the adjusted CAP cost would be $3000 less than the selling price, though. With $1750 upfront, you aren't putting anything toward CAP cost reduction.
Using $41,777 as the adjusted CAP cost, and reducing the residual by $802 to account for the current mileage, I get $449/mo.+tax.
Your quoted payment is substantially less than that.
Ask for the adjusted CAP cost, and a reconciliation of that number to the selling price.
Looks like a pretty good deal from here, but you should have all the numbers on a $40K+ transaction.
3000 is the rebate dealer is offering. So I believe adjusted cap would be $38777
I'll double check with dealer for adjusted cap cost again.
Can someone please tell if this is a good deal on a Service Loaner 2017 x3 sDrive in SoCal? I am interested in leasing. See all the details below.
Mileage: 3208
Vehicle Price: $47,395.00
AutoNation Savings: - $5,618.00
AutoNation Price: $41,777.00
Sales Tax (estimate): + $3,246.17
Smog Abatement Fee: + $20.00
Flat Add/County Fee: + $7.00
Tag/Registration Fees (estimate): + $352.00
Electronic Filing: + $29.00
Tire/Battery/MVWEA: + $7.00
Weight Fee: + $80.00
Documentation Fee: + $80.00
Balance Due (estimate): $45,598.17
Cash Due: 3500 including everything out of door
36 months/10k miles
376/month including taxes etc.
That is a purchase quote - CA taxes the monthly payment on a lease.
Ask the dealer for the adjusted cap cost; that will help us understand if the lease quote makes sense or not.
In addition, we don't recommend a large down payment on a lease - just the first payment and DMV costs.
Does this include the AWD 35i? I'm looking for the MF/RV for 36/10k & 36/12k. Also, how is the RV adjusted/calculated for demo/loaners?
All 2017 X3's have the same numbers.
Add 3% for 10K or 2% for 12K
As for demos/loaners, the residual adjustment depends on how many miles the car has on it. How many on the one you're interested in?
Thank you, Michaell.
The one I'm interested in has 3,239 on it. Another question, what is a fair % to ask off on the MSRP for these vehicles, considering they are a demo/loaner, the 2018s are redesigned, year end, etc.? Based on my limited research, I've seen someone suggest 20% is not out of the realm of possibility, but at the same time I do not want to insult the dealer.
Does this include the AWD 35i? I'm looking for the MF/RV for 36/10k & 36/12k. Also, how is the RV adjusted/calculated for demo/loaners?
All 2017 X3's have the same numbers.
Add 3% for 10K or 2% for 12K
As for demos/loaners, the residual adjustment depends on how many miles the car has on it. How many on the one you're interested in?
Thank you, Michaell.
The one I'm interested in has 3,239 on it. Another question, what is a fair % to ask off on the MSRP for these vehicles, considering they are a demo/loaner, the 2018s are redesigned, year end, etc.? Based on my limited research, I've seen someone suggest 20% is not out of the realm of possibility, but at the same time I do not want to insult the dealer.
Would appreciate any insight.
Residual is reduced by $0.25/mi. for the existing mileage.
I bought a 2017 service loaner with 4400 miles in September. Sale price before rebates was 15% less than MSRP. For some reason, out of a dozen available at my dealership, this one was discounted a higher percentage than the others.
Is this a good deal? It's hard to tell... residual value seems high. I am also terminating my old lease early in which there should be some sort of value. It seems like an okay deal but once we decide to sharpen the pencil, what should I aim/fight for?
Any help would be appreciated team! First time leasing...
Is this a good deal? It's hard to tell... residual value seems high. I am also terminating my old lease early in which there should be some sort of value. It seems like an okay deal but once we decide to sharpen the pencil, what should I aim/fight for?
Any help would be appreciated team! First time leasing...
What's interesting is if I plug in that information into my spreadsheet, I get $471.36/mo - they've transposed the payment to $417.36.
But, you're right, nothing seems to align - 64% of MSRP is $25,436.80.
And, terminating your lease early doesn't earn you a credit - you're contractually obligated to make those remaining lease payments, and it's possible they've been rolled into the new lease. But, hard to tell with that worksheet.
You want to target 7% off MSRP, before applying any incentives.
Lots to challenge the dealer on with this .... not sure if it's incompetence or deceit.
Is this a good deal? It's hard to tell... residual value seems high. I am also terminating my old lease early in which there should be some sort of value. It seems like an okay deal but once we decide to sharpen the pencil, what should I aim/fight for?
Any help would be appreciated team! First time leasing...
I don't see the MSRP anywhere on this document? What is the MSRP? It's a demo with 2384 miles? Is it $ZERO due at signing, with the rebate taking care of the due at signing amount?
It might be a really good deal, but need those answers first.
Is this a good deal? It's hard to tell... residual value seems high. I am also terminating my old lease early in which there should be some sort of value. It seems like an okay deal but once we decide to sharpen the pencil, what should I aim/fight for?
Any help would be appreciated team! First time leasing...
What's interesting is if I plug in that information into my spreadsheet, I get $471.36/mo - they've transposed the payment to $417.36.
But, you're right, nothing seems to align - 64% of MSRP is $25,436.80.
And, terminating your lease early doesn't earn you a credit - you're contractually obligated to make those remaining lease payments, and it's possible they've been rolled into the new lease. But, hard to tell with that worksheet.
You want to target 7% off MSRP, before applying any incentives.
Lots to challenge the dealer on with this .... not sure if it's incompetence or deceit.
so other than 7% off msrp (it's a demo car so MORE?), what else should i check with this sketchy dealer? Money factor , residual, and what else?
Is this a good deal? It's hard to tell... residual value seems high. I am also terminating my old lease early in which there should be some sort of value. It seems like an okay deal but once we decide to sharpen the pencil, what should I aim/fight for?
Any help would be appreciated team! First time leasing...
I don't see the MSRP anywhere on this document? What is the MSRP? It's a demo with 2384 miles? Is it $ZERO due at signing, with the rebate taking care of the due at signing amount?
It might be a really good deal, but need those answers first.
it is zero due (i think some fees involved). so other than 7% off msrp (it's a demo car so MORE?), what else should i check with this sketchy dealer? Money factor , residual, and what else? Thank you so much for the help here!
Is this a good deal? It's hard to tell... residual value seems high. I am also terminating my old lease early in which there should be some sort of value. It seems like an okay deal but once we decide to sharpen the pencil, what should I aim/fight for?
Any help would be appreciated team! First time leasing...
I don't see the MSRP anywhere on this document? What is the MSRP? It's a demo with 2384 miles? Is it $ZERO due at signing, with the rebate taking care of the due at signing amount?
It might be a really good deal, but need those answers first.
it is zero due (i think some fees involved). so other than 7% off msrp (it's a demo car so MORE?), what else should i check with this sketchy dealer? Money factor , residual, and what else? Thank you so much for the help here!
What is the MSRP?
Yes, you should get more off sticker because of the miles.
Is this a good deal? It's hard to tell... residual value seems high. I am also terminating my old lease early in which there should be some sort of value. It seems like an okay deal but once we decide to sharpen the pencil, what should I aim/fight for?
Any help would be appreciated team! First time leasing...
I don't see the MSRP anywhere on this document? What is the MSRP? It's a demo with 2384 miles? Is it $ZERO due at signing, with the rebate taking care of the due at signing amount?
It might be a really good deal, but need those answers first.
it is zero due (i think some fees involved). so other than 7% off msrp (it's a demo car so MORE?), what else should i check with this sketchy dealer? Money factor , residual, and what else? Thank you so much for the help here!
May I have your thoughts on a new 2017 X3 in California? MSRP 53645 Selling price: did not disclose 36/12k Monthly 524 tax included 1500 due at signing
Would these numbers also apply to a lease on a demo with under 5K mileage?
In shopping around, a dealer threw in a $1000 rebate...are there any incentives available on outgoing 2017’s?
Thank you.
The mileage will reduce the residual by $0.25 per mile, as long as the total mileage is under 5000.
There may be some loyalty incentives, if you are a current BMWFS customer, but nothing else that we are aware of. Of course, that's a great residual on an outgoing model.
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Mileage: 3208
Vehicle Price: $47,395.00
AutoNation Savings: - $5,618.00
AutoNation Price: $41,777.00
Sales Tax (estimate): + $3,246.17
Smog Abatement Fee: + $20.00
Flat Add/County Fee: + $7.00
Tag/Registration Fees (estimate): + $352.00
Electronic Filing: + $29.00
Tire/Battery/MVWEA: + $7.00
Weight Fee: + $80.00
Documentation Fee: + $80.00
Balance Due (estimate): $45,598.17
Cash Due: 3500 including everything out of door
36 months/10k miles
376/month including taxes etc.
Ask the dealer for the adjusted cap cost; that will help us understand if the lease quote makes sense or not.
In addition, we don't recommend a large down payment on a lease - just the first payment and DMV costs.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV, acquisition fee and 1st month payment) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Thank you for your response. I believe the adjusted cap cost is 41777 - 3000 = 38777. And, the quote from dealer with 1750 down (which i was told is just DMV and acquisition fee) is 36 mnths/10k miles for 430/mnth including monthly taxes. I hope this helps and also just to mention again, this is a service loaner a.k.a used vehicle with 3k miles on it, I am not sure how much that should affect the quote.
Not sure why the adjusted CAP cost would be $3000 less than the selling price, though. With $1750 upfront, you aren't putting anything toward CAP cost reduction.
Using $41,777 as the adjusted CAP cost, and reducing the residual by $802 to account for the current mileage, I get $449/mo.+tax.
Your quoted payment is substantially less than that.
Ask for the adjusted CAP cost, and a reconciliation of that number to the selling price.
Looks like a pretty good deal from here, but you should have all the numbers on a $40K+ transaction.
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This is WA, the MF is 0.00180.
thanks in advance.
However, that is marked up; if I use the same numbers but with the base MF of .00152, the payment drops to $577/mo plus tax.
Politely tell them you won't sign a deal with the inflated MF.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
12K/36 months
15K/36 months
12K/39 months
15K/39 months
12K/42 Months
15K/42 Months
.00152 and 63% / 61% for 36 12/15
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
I finally heard back from the dealer and the adjust cap cost he said was 39231.29, does it make sense? I am not sure how he arrived at that number. But, does the lease number make sense with that?
MF is the same for every BMW - sedan, coupe, SUV, etc.
The bank sets the base rate, but the dealer is free to mark it up as much as .00040 for more profit.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Agreed Value: 41,777.00
a) Gross Capital Cost 42,702.00
b) Capital Cost Reduction -3,470.71
c) Adjusted Capital Cost 39,231.29
d) Residual 29,655.80
Agreed Value: 41,777.00
a) Gross Capital Cost 42,702.00
b) Capital Cost Reduction -3,470.71
c) Adjusted Capital Cost 39,231.29
d) Residual 29,655.80
At the base money factor, I get $371/mo.+taxI'd guess they are marking up the money factor to .00192, which would result in $398/mo.+tax
But, big discount + $3000 rebate really helps.
Overall, it's a good deal. I'd shoot for the base money factor, or as close as you can get, to see if they'll drop the payment some more.
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Thank you!!
How many miles are on the vehicle in question? There will be an adjustment to the residual based on the miles.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
$503/mo. with the base .00152 MF
What state and tax rate? Your tax amount looks pretty low.
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The tax seems wrong..
Doesn't Minnesota tax the monthly payment?
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2018 thread is here:
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
$1000 lease credit
$1500 loyalty
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Also, how is the RV adjusted/calculated for demo/loaners?
Add 3% for 10K or 2% for 12K
As for demos/loaners, the residual adjustment depends on how many miles the car has on it. How many on the one you're interested in?
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
The one I'm interested in has 3,239 on it.
Another question, what is a fair % to ask off on the MSRP for these vehicles, considering they are a demo/loaner, the 2018s are redesigned, year end, etc.? Based on my limited research, I've seen someone suggest 20% is not out of the realm of possibility, but at the same time I do not want to insult the dealer.
Would appreciate any insight.
I bought a 2017 service loaner with 4400 miles in September. Sale price before rebates was 15% less than MSRP. For some reason, out of a dozen available at my dealership, this one was discounted a higher percentage than the others.
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Is this a good deal? It's hard to tell... residual value seems high. I am also terminating my old lease early in which there should be some sort of value. It seems like an okay deal but once we decide to sharpen the pencil, what should I aim/fight for?
Any help would be appreciated team! First time leasing...
But, you're right, nothing seems to align - 64% of MSRP is $25,436.80.
And, terminating your lease early doesn't earn you a credit - you're contractually obligated to make those remaining lease payments, and it's possible they've been rolled into the new lease. But, hard to tell with that worksheet.
You want to target 7% off MSRP, before applying any incentives.
Lots to challenge the dealer on with this .... not sure if it's incompetence or deceit.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
What is the MSRP?
It's a demo with 2384 miles?
Is it $ZERO due at signing, with the rebate taking care of the due at signing amount?
It might be a really good deal, but need those answers first.
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Yes, you should get more off sticker because of the miles.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Edmunds Price Checker
Edmunds Lease Calculator
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MSRP 53645
Selling price: did not disclose
Monthly 524 tax included
1500 due at signing
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